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1. Answer in ENGLISH or MALAY. /


2. Show your detailed workings CLEARLY and SYSTEMATICALLY. /

Tunjukkan jalan kerja yang terperinci anda dengan JELAS dan SISTEMATIK.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file. /

Hantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE /

Tugasan ini dihantar secara ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 14 November 2023.

Tarikh penghantaran : 14 November 2023.
6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course. / Tugasan ini
menyumbang sebanyak 60% dari jumlah markah kursus.

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use Referral Code: MartinL for an extra 10% off. | 🔗 | ☎

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The Faculty of Technology and Applied Sciences (FTAS) provides a comprehensive range
of 17 academic programs, spanning from diplomas to doctoral degrees. All these
programs hold full accreditation from both MQA and recognized professional bodies.
Admissions to these academic programs come in two categories: Normal admission and
APEL admission. Table 1 below displays the six bachelor degree programs within the
faculty, along with their respective admission types, as per data gathered in January

Academic Programme Normal Admission APEL Admission
Bachelor of Manufacturing Management (BMMG) 42 23
Bachelor of Project and Facility Management (BPFM) 61 16
Bachelor of Occupational Safety Health Management
46 59
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (BMHS) 72 16
Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) 58 42
Bachelor of Digital Media Design (BDMD) 29 33
a) Draw a bar chart based on TOP SIX bachelor degree programmes in the faculty. (4)
b) Draw a multiple bar chart (in percentage) to represent the type of admissions for
each of the academic programme. (3)
c) Using sentences, compare the type of admissions for each of the academic
programme based on b).

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[Total marks/Jumlah markah: 10]

Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Gunaan (FTAS) menawarkan sebanyak 17 program akademik dari
diploma hingga ke peringkat doktor. Semua program ini telah mendapat akreditasi penuh
daripada MQA dan badan profesional yang diiktiraf. Terdapat dua jenis kemasukan ke dalam
program akademik ini, iaitu kemasukan biasa dan kemasukan APEL. Jadual 1 menunjukkan
enam program ijazah sarjana muda dalam fakulti berserta jenis kemasukannya, berdasarkan
data yang dikumpulkan pada Januari 2023.

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Referral Code: MartinL for an extra 10% off. | 🔗 | ☎ WhatsApp:

0182579902 | 📧 Grab the deal now! 👍👍👍

Jadual 1
Program Akademik Kemasukan Normal Kemasukan APEL
Bachelor of Manufacturing Management (BMMG) 42 23
Bachelor of Project and Facility Management
61 16
Bachelor of Occupational Safety Health
46 59
Management (BOSHM)
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (BMHS) 72 16
Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) 58 42
Bachelor of Digital Media Design (BDMD) 29 33

a) Lukiskan carta palang berdasarkan enam program ijazah sarjana muda teratas dalam
b) Lukiskan carta bar berganda (dalam peratusan) untuk mewakilkan jenis kemasukan
mengikut setiap program akademik
c) Menggunakan ayat, buat perbandingan bagi jenis kemasukan mengikut setiap program
akademik berdasarkan b).

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use Referral Code: MartinL for an extra 10% off. | 🔗 | ☎

WhatsApp: 0182579902 | 📧 Grab the deal now! 👍👍👍

The following data shown in Table 2 represents the fasting blood glucose readings
(in mmol/L) for a sample of 40 residents in an elderly care centre. For healthy
individuals, the normal blood sugar level is in between 4.0-5.4 mmol/L when
fasting and up to 7.8 mmol/L 2 hours after eating.
Table 2
7.1 8.2 7.8 5.9 5.6 7.0 4.1 4.3 5.4
5.5 6.1 5.7 6.3 6.2 4.9 5.6 4.3 4.9
6.2 5.0 8.8 4.7 7.2 6.5 4.8 5.1 5.2
5.3 8.3 5.8 4.4 5.8 5.0 4.3 4.7 6.1

a) Construct an appropriate frequency distribution table to represent the data. (4)

b) Based on a) develop a histogram and frequency polygon. (6)
c) Calculate the following: (15)
i. mean
ii. mode
iii. median
iv. variance
v. standard deviation
[Total marks/Jumlah markah: 25]

Data dalam Jadual 2 mewakili bacaan gula darah ketika puasa (dalam mmol/L) untuk
sampel 40 penghuni di sebuah pusat penjagaan warga emas. Bagi individu yang
sihat, tahap gula darah normal adalah antara 4.0-5.4 mmol/L semasa berpuasa dan
sehingga 7.8 mmol/L 2 jam selepas makan.
Jadual 2
7.1 8.2 7.8 5.9 5.6 7.0 4.1 4.3 5.4
5.5 6.1 5.7 6.3 6.2 4.9 5.6 4.3 4.9
6.2 5.0 8.8 4.7 7.2 6.5 4.8 5.1 5.2
5.3 8.3 5.8 4.4 5.8 5.0 4.3 4.7 6.1
a) Bina sebuah jadual taburan kekerapan yang sesuai bagi mewakili data tersebut.
b) Berdasarkan a), bangunkan histogram dan poligon kekerapan.
c) Hitung yang berikut:
i. min
ii. mod
iii. median
iv. varians
v. sisihan piawai

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OneStopAssignment! Plus, use Referral Code: MartinL for an extra 10% off.
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You are conducting a study on the choice of university among Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) leavers in
Malaysia. Your data includes a sample of 500 students who have recently enrolled in universities across
the country. Specifically, you are interested in whether these students chose to study in private
universities or local public universities. The data you collected is as follows:

 175 students chose private universities.

 325 students chose local public universities

a) Calculate the probability that a randomly selected student from your sample chose (2)
to study in a private university.
b) Determine the probability that a randomly selected student from your sample chose (2)
to study in a local public university.
c) Are these two events mutually exclusive? Explain your reasoning. (2)
Now, let's consider additional factors that may influence the choice of university.
You have gathered the following information:

 Among the students who chose private universities, 60% majored in business-
related fields, while the rest majored in other disciplines.
 Among the students who chose local public universities, 40% majored in
business-related fields, while the rest majored in other disciplines.
 70% of the students who majored in business-related fields chose private

d) Calculate the probability that a student chosen at random for the following:
i. Majored in a business-related field and chose a private university. (3)
ii. Majored in a business-related field but chose a local public university. (3)
e) Are majoring in a business-related field and choosing a private university (3)
independent events? Explain your reasoning.

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use Referral Code: MartinL for an extra 10% off. | 🔗 | ☎

WhatsApp: 0182579902 | 📧 Grab the deal now! 👍👍👍
[Total marks/Jumlah markah: 15]

Anda sedang menjalankan satu kajian mengenai pemilihan universiti dalam kalangan pelajar Sijil Pelajaran
Malaysia (SPM) di Malaysia. Data anda merangkumi sampel 500 pelajar yang baru sahaja mendaftar di
universiti di seluruh negara. Secara khusus, anda berminat untuk mengetahui sama ada pelajar-pelajar ini
memilih untuk belajar di universiti swasta atau universiti awam tempatan. Data yang anda kumpulkan
adalah seperti berikut:

 175 pelajar memilih universiti swasta.

 325 pelajar memilih universiti awam tempatan.

a) Kirakan kebarangkalian seorang pelajar yang dipilih secara rawak daripada sampel anda memilih
untuk belajar di universiti swasta.
b) Kirakan kebarangkalian seorang pelajar yang dipilih secara rawak daripada sampel anda memilih
untuk belajar di universiti awam tempatan.
c) Adakah kedua-dua peristiwa ini saling eksklusif? Terangkan penjelasan anda.

👀 Students, get a RM 20 💰 discount on your first assignment at OneStopAssignment! Plus,

use Referral Code: MartinL for an extra 10% off. | 🔗 | ☎

WhatsApp: 0182579902 | 📧 Grab the deal now! 👍👍👍

Sekarang, mari pertimbangkan faktor tambahan yang mungkin mempengaruhi pemilihan universiti. Anda
telah mengumpulkan maklumat berikut:

 Dalam kalangan pelajar yang memilih universiti swasta, 60% mengambil bidang
berkaitan perniagaan, manakala yang lain mengambil disiplin lain.
 Dalam kalangan pelajar yang memilih universiti awam tempatan, 40% mengambil
bidang berkaitan perniagaan, manakala yang lain mengambil disiplin lain.
 70% daripada pelajar yang mengambil bidang berkaitan perniagaan memilih
universiti swasta.

d) Kirakan kebarangkalian bahawa seorang pelajar dipilih secara rawak bagi yang berikut:
i. Memilih bidang berkaitan perniagaan dan memilih universiti swasta
ii. Memilih bidang berkaitan perniagaan tetapi memilih universiti awam tempatan.
e) Adakah memilih bidang berkaitan perniagaan dan memilih universiti swasta adalah peristiwa yang
bebas? Terangkan penjelasan anda.

In the OCP forum on myINSPIRE, please discuss the practical applications of probability in
real-life situations by creating five postings, each explaining a different real-life

1. You have to join a discussion group in the OCP forum and discuss the given topic.
2. You may select any group to work with.
3. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the OCP forum.
4. Do screenshots of your postings and include them as images in your assignment.
5. The screenshots should be in image file (either in JPG or PNG format) and contain:
Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.

[Total marks/Jumlah markah: 10]

👀 Students, get a RM 20 💰 discount on your first assignment at OneStopAssignment! Plus,

use Referral Code: MartinL for an extra 10% off. | 🔗 | ☎

WhatsApp: 0182579902 | 📧 Grab the deal now! 👍👍👍

Dalam forum OCP di myINSPIRE, sila bincangkan aplikasi praktikal kebarangkalian dalam
situasi kehidupan sebenar dengan membuat lima posting, masing-masing menerangkan satu
aplikasi kehidupan sebenar yang berbeza.

1. Anda perlu sertai satu kumpulan perbincangan dalam forum dan bincangkan topik
yang diberikan.
2. Anda boleh memilih mana-mana kumpulan untuk bekerjasama.
3. Pilih LIMA (5) posting anda sendiri yang terbaik dari perbincangan dalam forum OCP.
4. Lakukan screen shot posting dan isikan dalam tugasan anda sebagai file imej.
5. Imej screen shot mesti dalam format imej (sama ada JPG atau PNG) dan mesti
mengandungi: Nama, Tajuk Perbincangan, Hari, Tarikh dan Masa.


Marks for the forum will be given based on the following rubric:
Markah bagi perbincangan dalam talian diberi berdasarkan rubrik:

Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory

Weight Max marks
CLO Criteria
age 4 3 2 1 0

Quality All five applications Four of the Two or three of the One application Postings done past
of are good, applications are good, applications are submitted. OR All assignment timeline.
Posting appropriate, appropriate, relevant, somewhat good, applications done in OR No postings given as
s relevant, meaningful, and appropriate, one day. proof of participation in
meaningful, and respectful. meaningful and discussion
Kualiti respectful. Postings reflect respectful. OR None of the
Posting Postings reflect participation within Postings show applications are good Postings melepasi
s active participation assignment timeline. relatively short and relevant. tempoh tugasan.
within assignment participation time. OR applications are ATAU Tiada Postings
timeline. Empat brief, not substantial diberi sebagai bukti
aplikasi baik, sesuai, Dua atau tiga nor meaningful. penyertaan dalam
Kelima-lima aplikasi relevan, bermakna dan aplikasi baik, sesuai, perbincangan
2 2.5 baik, sesuai, berhemah. relevan,bermakna 10
relevan, bermakna Postings dan berhemah Satu aplikasi
dan berhemah. mencerminkan Postings ATAU Semua aplikasi
Postings penyertaan sepanjang menunjukkan dibuat dalam satu hari
mencerminkan tempoh tugasan. penyertaan dalam . ATAU Tiada aplikasi
penyertaan aktif jangakamasa yang relevan. ATAU
sepanjang tempoh singkat. aplikasi hanya ringkas
dan tidak meluas dan
tidak bermakna.Usaha



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