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Asep Sapei (2008) 1

 Flood :
o Is as overflow or inundation from a river or other
body of water
o Most flood occur on the flood plains adjacent to
rivers and streams and result from such excessive
rainfall or melting snow
o Flood occasionally caused by tidal wave or hurricane

Asep Sapei (2008) 2

o Type of flood:
 Large area flood. It occur from storms of low
intensity having a duration of a few days to
several weeks
 Small area flood. It occur from storms of high
intensity having a duration of 1 day or less

Asep Sapei (2008) 3

o Flood damage:
1. Direct losses to property, crops and land
2. Indirect losses, such as depreciated property,
traffic delay, and loss of income
3. Intangible losses, such as community insecurity,
health hazards and loss of life

Asep Sapei (2008) 4

 Flood control:
o To prevent or at least reduce flood damage
o Consists of:
 Prevention of overflow on lands, and
 Reduction of flow in streams

Asep Sapei (2008) 5

o Control methods:
1. Those that retard flow or reduce runoff by:
• land/watershed treatment (include all practice
applied to the land that are effective in reducing
runoff and controlling erosion)
• reservoirs
• underground storage

Asep Sapei (2008) 6

2. Those that accelerate the flow by:
• Channel improvement : increasing cross section
and velocity
• Channel straightening
• Levee. It is built along the streams or on flood
plains and is designed to confine the river flow to
a definite width

Asep Sapei (2008) 7

 Flood routing
o It is the process of determining the stage height,
storage volume and outflow rate from a reservoir
or a stream reach (Channel) for a particular inflow
o In other words: It is a process that shows how a
flood wave can be reduce in magnitude and
lengthened in time (attenuated) by the use of
storage in the reach between the two points

Asep Sapei (2008) 8


Asep Sapei 9

Menentukan hidrograf sungai berdasarkan data aliran masuk (inflow), aliran

keluar (outflow) dan karakteristik dari sungai

Input :
-Aliran dari bagian hulu sungai
- Aliran lateral
- Aliran air tanah (diasumsikan konstan dan relatif kecil)

Persamaan routing:
Persamaan kontinuitas : I Q
I : aliran masuk ke ruas sungai
Q : aliran keluar dari ruas sungai
dS/dt: laju perubahan simpanan per interval waktu
Untuk setiap interval waktu t (periode routing)
I1  I 2 Q  Q2
t 1 t  S 2  S1
2 2

Asep Sapei (2008) 10

Routing (Storage) :
- Pendekatan hidrolika
- bila berupa reservoir reservoir routing
- Contoh : metode Muskingum
menerapkan storage routing utk channel routing

pers. Simpanan: S  K  xI  1  x Q 
x: konstanta utk suatu ruas sungai
K : konstanta simpanan, ditentukan dari hidrograf I dan Q (atau D)

Penentuan x dan K
- Dapatkan hidrograf I dan Q

Asep Sapei (2008) 11

- Gambar diagram I-Q dan mass curve storage

- Ambil suatu nilai x, misalkan x = 0.1,

dan hitung (0.1 I + 0.9 Q), serta
gambarkan storage loop
- Dengan nilai x yang lain, misal 0.2,
0.3 dst, sampai terbentuk hubungan
yang linier

Asep Sapei (2008) 12

Penentuan Q
I1  I 2 Q  Q2
t 1 t  S 2  S1
2 2
S2  S1  K[ x(I2  I1 )  (1  x)(Q2  Q1 )]
Q2  C0 I 2  C1 I1  C2Q1

Dimana Kx  0.5t Kx  0.5t K  Kx  0.5t

C0   C1  C2 
K  Kx  0.5t K  Kx  0.5t K  Kx  0.5t

 Baik utk berbagai tipe saluran termasuk sungai alam

 Perlu data utk fitting

Asep Sapei (2008) 13

Routing in a stream channel with inflow outflow hydrograph as follow

Note: routing period interval = 6 hrs, so storage unit is ¼ m3/s day since the routing
period is ¼ day

Asep Sapei (2008) 14

Determination of x and K

The first chosen value of x is 0.2, the second is 0.25 and the third is 0.3

Asep Sapei (2008) 15

From the graph, x = 0.25 give approximates
a straight line most nearly, So this value of
x is chosen
x = 0.25 and K = 1.5 days

Discharge derivation
First, compute Co, C1 and C2 . Use a routing
period t = 6
(1.5 x 0.25)  (0.5 x 0.25)
C0     0 .2
1.5  (1.5 x 0.25)  (0.5 x 0.25)
C1 = 0.4 and C2 = 0.8
So D2 = -0.2I2 + 0.4I1 + 0.8D1

From inflow and outflow hydrograph, I 1, I2 etc. are known, but D1 is unknown
assume D1 = I1 = 31 m3/s

Asep Sapei (2008) 16

Asep Sapei (2008) 17

Asep Sapei 18
Continuity equation : I  D
I : inflow to the reach
D : discharge from the reach
dS/dt : rate of change in reach storage with respect to time

For a time interval t :

I1  I 2 D  D2
t 1 t  S 2  S1
2 2
t is called : the routing period.

The last equation above can be wrote :

1 1 1
( I 1  I 2 )t  ( S 1  D1 t )  ( S 2  Dt ) Puls method
2 2 2

Asep Sapei 19
- Reservoir receiving inflow at one end and discharging through a spillway at the
- No wedge storage
- Discharge is a function of the surface elevation

Required data :
− The elevation – storage curve of the reservoir
− the inflow hydrograph

Asep Sapei 20
Example :

An impounding reservoir enclosed by a dam has a surface area that

varies with elevation as shown by the following figure. The dam is
equipped with two circular gated discharge ports, each of 2.7 m
diameter, whose center are at elevation 54.0 m and a free overflow
spillway 72.5 m long with crest level; at 66.0 m. The discharge gates
are open and the surface water level is at elevation 63.5 m at time
t=0. The flood hydrograph is as on table. What will the maximum
reservoir level be and when will occur?

Asep Sapei 21
Example :

An impounding reservoir enclosed by a

dam has a surface area that varies
with elevation as shown by the
following figure. The dam is equipped
with two circular gated discharge
ports, each of 2.7 m diameter, whose
center are at elevation 54.0 m and a
free overflow spillway 72.5 m long
with crest level; at 66.0 m. The
discharge gates are open and the
surface water level is at elevation
63.5 m at time t=0. The flood
hydrograph is as on table. What will
the maximum reservoir level be and
when will occur?

Asep Sapei 22
1. Assume Cd=0.8, then Q=2(CdA(2gH)) and at time 0,

Q =2(0.8x5.7x186.5)=125 m3/s

2. Compute the elevation-storage curve.

Remember that live storage starts at 52.65 m.
At elevation 54.0 m, the storage is 5.5 x 10 6 m3.
The storage between two surface level= mean area x level distance

Asep Sapei 23
3. Compute the elevation – Discharge tabulation as follow. Discharge are from
circular gate and spillway

Asep Sapei 24
4. Make the discharge – storage curve. The abscissa is in storage units = routing
period x 1 m3/s.
For this case each storage unit = 6 x 3600 x 1 = 21.6 x 10 3 m3 = ¼ m3/s day
Example :
at discharge 200 m3/s, surface level = 66.5 m, and from surface level – storage
curve, the correspond storage is 60.3 x 10 6 m3.
So the storage unit = (60.3 x 106)/( 21.6 x 103) = 2792 ¼ m3/s day

For plotting S1/2Dt, since abscissa is in storage unit, then t = 1. At D=200, so

½ Dt = 100, and so two points can be set off 100 storage units on either side of
the S curve

Asep Sapei 25
5. Now, routing calculation can be started as the following table.
Column (4) is calculated by averaging successive pairs of inflow value.
At t=0, surface level = 63.5 m, So D = 125 m3/s (from elevation-discharge table)
and S-1/2Dt = 2095 (from routing storage curve)

Asep Sapei 26
6. Column (7)=column(4)+column(6)=2095+62=2157. Use this value (S+1/2Dt) to
find correspond D by using routing storage curve. The corresponding D is 122,
and put this value at routing period 2 (column 5)

7. Use this value of D to follow step 5. S-1/2Dt also can be calculated directly as
2157-122=2035. Step 6 also conducted to find S+1/2DT (127+2035)=2162

8. From the table can be derive that the maximum water level is 67.5 m occurring
about hour 40

Asep Sapei 27
The time different between the peak of inflow and discharge hydrograph
reservoir lag

The reduction in peak flows together with the spreading out of the recession
curve attenuation

Asep Sapei 28

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