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Jasmin P.

Santos I-A BSTM

Philippine Culture and Tourism Geography
ASSIGNMENT #2: 5 Traditions

1. Mano Po
~ “mano po” is typically use when children or young adult greet
or say goodbye to their elders, they usually do so by taking the
right hand of the elder and lightly place the elder’s hand to their
forehead. This is the way of giving respects of children and
young adult to their elders.
2. Courtship
~A male suitor is approaching a Filipino woman whom he wishes
to court in a discreet and friendly manner, so that it doesn't
seem to aggressive or arrogant.
3. Living with Parents
~ Spouses and children living with their parents are another traditional
Filipino which makes them remarkable. And we Filipinos highly value the
presence of our parents more than anything else.
4. Eating with Hands (Kamayan)
~ Another popular Filipino practice is eating with your hands, or kamayan.
For many Filipinos, kamayan offers the food full flavor, rather than utensils
5. Bayanihan

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