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Discrimination is a massive issue or concern that is still unsolvable in our society.

Many people are still

experiencing and encountering discrimination in their lives. But how can we protect or avoid
discriminating against other people by their actions or gender? Each person has a different role in our
society. No matter what gender he or she is portraying, we still need to respect their identity because
they are still people like us who deserve everyone's respect. It’s not healthy to discriminate against
others based on their gender because it damages the mental health of the offender. I have friend in the
University that encountered and experienced gender discrimination and the awful part is that his father
himself is the one who discriminate him. My friend is masculine but his actions were feminine and at the
same time his friends including me were all girls. He also has some men friends. My friend does not play
basketball and not doing any masculine activities like going to gym. So his father asked if he is a gay. My
friend opens it from us and he said that he is not gay. He only just wants girls as his friend because for
him boys are bad influence. He will invite to not to go to school or to drink. It’s so awful because it will
come to the point that your family or parents are the one to judge or discriminate your gender because
of the actions that they see from you. Gender bias is when you treated differently based on your gender
identity, and also gender bias is simply the favoritism towards one gender to another. An example of
gender bias is the patriarchy, in which men hold more power than women. This often happens in the
workplace or even in households where the man has more power than the woman. Just like women
don't need to work, they only need to be at home doing household chores and taking care of a child,
while the man is the one who works for the family. I have a classmate last Senior High at the University
who feeled and experienced gender bias. It was giving of workbooks to the students, and each class
must have sent ten boys to carry the books. One of my boy classmate is a gay and my girls and teacher
taunting him that he must be with the boys carrying the books because he is a male. He opened up from
us and he said that it is not required that all boys are similar to each other. It must be a freedom of what
must he like and what must he do. There’s no person shall dictate to him for all of his actions. For me,
the solution that I would recommend to end this massive issue is that we must accept the people
around us. By accepting who they are, we will understand the importance of each and every individual,
no matter what gender they are. Second, respect is also a must. We must respect the decision of each
individual. At the same time, respecting others' opinions and what they want to express as a person so
that discrimination must finish and settle.

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