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Rendy: hello, I'm Rendy a new student here

Cindy: Oh, glad to meet you......

Select one:
a. Cindy's my friend

b. I know Cindy very well

c. . My name's Cindy

d. Her name's Cindy

.Mr. Bobby: Excuse, me. Can I meet Mr. Wilson?
Mr. Charlie: There are two Mr. Wilson here, the younger or the older?
Mr. Bobby: .......
Mr. Charlie: I see, His office is the second room on the right
Mr. Bobby: thank you

Select one:
a. He like swimming and reading
b. He is about 40 years old and wears glasses

c. He looks happy and proud

d. He is nice person and work here

Sasi: Can the government eliminate corruption in the next five years
Min: ........ If the enforcement of the laws are strictly applied

Select one:
a. it is out of the question
b. It's possible
c. I don't think so

d. I think it's impossible

Operator: Sub subscription, tempo Magazine. Can I help you?
Caller: Yes, I'd like to subscribe to Tempo
Operator: Yes ma'am............
Caller: This is Susan Olivia

Select one:
a. Can you tell me her name please
b. Can I talk to Susan Olivia
c. May I know who's calling, please?
d. Shall I call you with your last name
.Receptionist: Can I help you?
Tomi: Yes...... is it possible to get two double room for next month?
Receptionist: Yes may I know your name and address, please?

Select one:
a. I want to reserve a table
b. I want you to check my rooms
c. I'd like to confirm my reservation

d. I'd like to make reservation

.Parmin: have you decided what to order ?
.Suti: No I haven't made up my mind. Can you suggest anything?
Parmin: .........
Suti: Good idea. I something to quench my thirst

Select one:
a. What about having some fried chicken?
b. Why don't we have some soup?
c. How about ordering some burgers

d. Can we have some orange juice?

Robin: I feel so tired but I still need to go out to buy some eggs....
Casey: No. I'll do it after finishing my home work

Select one:
a. .Do you mind buying some for me?

b. Do you want to have some eggs?

c. Would you go to the supermarket?

.Andi: You look so pale. What's going on?
Rina: I get a headache. I've taken a medicine but I am not getting better.
Andi: Oh, ............................................................

Select one:
a. You should drink this coffee
b. You should visit me tonight
c. You should see the doctor soon

d. You should take a bath

.Bella: What do you usually do on Sundays?
Selly: Well, I want to make my house go green. So I try to plant some flowers, herbal medicines any vegetables
around of my house.
Bella: You like ....... Don't you?

Select one:
a. cooking
b. eating
c. gardening

d. farming
.Receptionist : family restaurant, can I help you?
Batrice: yes, please ... for next Saturday evening.
Receptionist : I'm afraid we can not do that. We are fully booked this month.

Select one:
a. I need to reserve a room
b. I want to book a ticket.
c. I really need your help

d. I'd like to reserve two tables

Andi: I haven't studied yet. Tomorrow will have a math exam.
Anne: ......
Andi: Yes you're right.

Select one:
a. You must relax and let it flow.
b. .Don't worry about the exam.

c. If I were you, I'd study now.

d. .
Let's shop until we drop.
Mr. Stone: I feel sorry about Dony. He did not pass the exam.
Miss Wind: Yes, I do too. I wish ....

Select one:
a. He had been passed the exam.
b. He passes the exam.
c. He passed the exam.
d. He had passed the exam.
Rika: I am going home tomorrow in the afternoon.
Mega: Really! With whom and how are you leaving for home?
Rika: I'm leaving with my husband. We will take a plane.
Mega: Well, ... ... ...
Rika: Thanks so much.

Select one:
a. Thanks for the ride
b. I hope you can get there safely.
c. Don't worry. I will take care of myself

d. Have a nice party

Leony: You know what, Udin bought a new motorbike.
Devi: That's live bro !..........a motorbike last night

Select one:
a. He is used to
b. He is riding
c. He used to ride

d. He rode
Tomorrow is your birthday ...
Rani : No, thanks. Everything is already well-prepared.You don't need to take anything with you.

Select one:
a. Would you give me a present?
b. Do you want me to bring a black forest for you?

c. Would you like to celebrate with me?

d. What about going to the restaurant?

What do you suggest for our meal
Silvia : ...
Clara : Sorry, I don't like vegetable.

Select one:
a. I think we can enjoy seafood.
b. Let's have spinach corn soup now.
c. Why don't we try beef steak?

d. What about eating some grilled fish?

Brenda :What does your brother do in his spare time?
Julian : ... because he likes painting very much.
Select one:
a. He visited the art shop
b. he usually goes to the gym?
c. He painted the fence

d. He takes drawing course

. Cinta : Which do you like better to drink?
Charlie : ... It's very fresh and sweet. I love having fruit in all ways

Select one:
a. I'd rather take mineral water

b. I prefer juice
c. I love to drink tea

d. I like coffee
. Rina : I'll arrange the boxes on the shelf over there . . .?
Arif : Not at all. What do you want me to do?

Select one:
a. Would you like to set it up
b. Do you mind helping me
c. .Will you carry these boxes

d. May i put them here

. Mr.Rio : Is the game cancelled?
Mr.Anton : I don't know. But ...., they'll cancel it.

Select one:
a. I wish it didn't rain
b. If the time is over
c. I wish it ran well

d. .If it keeps raining

Questions no. 25 - 27 refer to the advertisement below !

Dear Sir,
We are sorry to have to inform you that your last delivery was not up to your usual standard. The material
seems too loosely woven and is inclined to pull out of shape. By separate mail, we have sent you a cutting from
this material, also one from cloth of an early consignment, so that you can compare two and see the difference
in texture.
We have always been able to rely on the high quality of the materials you sent us and we are all the more
disappointed in this case because we supplied the cloth to new customers. As we shall have to take them back,
we must ask you to let us know, without delay, what you can do to help us in getting over this difficulty.
We are looking forward to hearing from your soon.
Yours faithfully,
Ucok Sinaga
Purchasing Man
What does the sender of this letter complain about

Select one:
a. Usual standard
b. quality
c. Material quality

d. Early consignment
We are sorry to have to inform you that your last delivery was not up to your usual standard. The material
seems too loosely woven and is inclined to pull out of shape. By separate mail, we have sent you a cutting from
this material, also one from cloth of an early consignment, so that you can compare two and see the difference
in texture.
We have always been able to rely on the high quality of the materials you sent us and we are all the more
disappointed in this case because we supplied the cloth to new customers. As we shall have to take them back,
we must ask you to let us know, without delay, what you can do to help us in getting over this difficulty.
We are looking forward to hearing from your soon.
Yours faithfully,
Ucok Sinaga
Purchasing Man

What does the writer want the producer to do?

Select one:
a. To take beach the cloth
b. To compare the materials
c. To inform the last delivery

d. To resend the material

we have always been able to rely on the high quality...”(paragraph 2). The synonym of the word underlined

Select one:
a. accept
b. deny
c. depend

d. refuse
After receiving her Master and Doctorate in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana, Sri Mulyani
champaigned in 1992. In 2001, she left for Atlanta, Georgia, to serve as a consultant with US Agency. She
also lectured on the Indonesian economy.
She was selected as Indonesian Finance Minister in 2005 by president and in May, 2010 she was appointed as
one of three managing directors of the World Bank Group.

When did Sri Mulyani leave for Atlanta ?

Select one:
a. in 2001
b. in 1992
c. in 2010

d. in 2005
She was appointed as one of three Managing Directors of the World Bank Group.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....

Select one:
a. received
b. refused
c. devided

d. elected
Instruction :
1.Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well as their tended fax he number and your
phone number. Place the cover letter on top of your documents and insert iit into the fax machine
2.Enter the fax number
3.Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the numbers into the machine
4.Wait for your documents to pass throught the machine and collect them when finished.
5.Look for a confirmation page to print

What does the text tell us about?

Select one:
a. .How to use a fax machine.
b. How to us a photocopy machine.
c. How to use a printer machine

d. How create a cover letter

"Wait for your documents to pass throught the machine and collect them when finished” Which of the following
is the synonym of the underlined?

Select one:
a. industry
b. tool
c. design

d. engine
Swiss Air will get you there the quickest. We fly 8 times a week-more often than any other airlines. Our new
767 aircrafts will take you more comfortably and quietly to Paris, London, and Geneva gently and politely and
help you enjoy your flight better
The following cities are mentioned as the destination of Swiss Air, EXCEPT.....

Select one:
a. madrid
b. london
c. geneva

d. paris
Swiss Air will get you there the quickest. We fly 8 times a week-more often than any other airlines. Our new
767 aircrafts will take you more comfortably and quietly to Paris, London, and Geneva gently and politely and
help you enjoy your flight better
. ".......... and arrive feeling fresh.”
The synonym of the underlined word is ...

Select one:
a. depart
b. sense
c. leave

d. come
Date : September 1
To : Manager
From : Andre Simanjuntak
Subject : Vacation Planning

The end of year is almost upon us. Many hourly employees have received approval for vacation time during
November and December. This, couple with the holiday, and next-year budgeting, means a great deal 30) ...
meeting. In order to meet the business need of the company, we will not be 31) ... to allow any vacations for
manager during November. All vacations time must be taken after December 1. If you have any questions,
please 32) ... your branch manager

Select one:
a. for
b. 0ff
c. at

d. with
Date : September 1
To : Manager
From : Andre Simanjuntak
Subject : Vacation Planning

The end of year is almost upon us. Many hourly employees have received approval for vacation time during
November and December. This, couple with the holiday, and next-year budgeting, means a great deal 30) ...
meeting. In order to meet the business need of the company, we will not be 31) ... to allow any vacations for
manager during November. All vacations time must be taken after December 1. If you have any questions,
please 32) ... your branch manager.

Select one:
a. able
b. unable
c. confuse

d. study
Interoffice Memorandum
Date : September 1
To : Manager
From : Andre Simanjuntak
Subject : Vacation Planning

The end of year is almost upon us. Many hourly employees have received approval for vacation time during
November and December. This, couple with the holiday, and next-year budgeting, means a great deal 30) ...
meeting. In order to meet the business need of the company, we will not be 31) ... to allow any vacations for
manager during November. All vacations time must be taken after December 1. If you have any questions,
please 32) ... your branch manager

Select one:
a. geet
b. see
c. dispatch

d. follow
To All student's who want to participate in our 33).... to visit Botanical garden bogor must registerat the
committee soon . The visit will hold on Sunday , 2nd of December . we will 34).... for Bogor from School at 7. 30
, and those who want to go must be on time . The visit will last the whole day . In the botanical garden there will
be a brief 35)... by the biology teacher .this will take about two hours and the teacher will then take the group to
examine carefully the plant

Select one:
a. vocation
b. step
c. program

d. school
To All student's who want to participate in our 33).... to visit Botanical garden bogor must registerat the
committee soon . The visit will hold on Sunday , 2nd of December . we will 34).... toBogor from School at 7. 30 ,
and those who want to go must be on time . The visit will last the whole day . In the botanical garden there will
be a brief 35)... by the biology teacher .this will take about two hours and the teacher will then take the group to
examine carefully the plant .

Select one:
a. level
b. live
c. leave

d. like
To All student's who want to participate in our 33).... to visit Botanical garden bogor must registerat the
committee soon . The visit will hold on Sunday , 2nd of December . we will 34).... for Bogor from School at 7. 30
, and those who want to go must be on time . The visit will last the whole day . In the botanical garden there will
be a brief 35)... by the biology teacher .this will take about two hours and the teacher will then take the group to
examine carefully the plant .

Select one:
a. anouncement
b. retelling
c. declare

d. explanation
Question 36 to 38 refer to the following text.
Instruction :
1.Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well as their tended fax he number and your
phone number. Place the cover letter on top of your documents and insert iit into the fax machine
2.Enter the fax number
3.Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the numbers into the machine
4.Wait for your documents to pass throught the machine and collect them when finished.
5.Look for a confirmation page to print

What does the text tell us about?

Select one:
a. .How create a cover letter
b. How to use a fax machine.
c. .How to use a photocopy machine

d. .How to use a printer machine.

Instruction :
1.Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well as their tended fax he number and your
phone number. Place the cover letter on top of your documents and insert iit into the fax machine
2.Enter the fax number
3.Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the numbers into the machine
4.Wait for your documents to pass throught the machine and collect them when finished.
5.Look for a confirmation page to print

What is the next after inserting the document into the fax machine?

Select one:
a. Wait for the documents
b. Hit the send key
c. .Place the cover letter on the top

d. .Enter the fax number

Instruction :
1.Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well as their tended fax he number and your
phone number. Place the cover letter on top of your documents and insert iit into the fax machine
2.Enter the fax number
3.Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the numbers into the machine
4.Wait for your documents to pass throught the machine and collect them when finished.
5.Look for a confirmation page to print

"Wait for your documents to pass throught the machine and collect them when finished” Which of the following
is the synonym of the underlined?

Select one:
a. design
b. industry
c. tool

d. engine
Swiss Air will get you there the quickest. We fly 8 times a week-more often than any other airlines. Our new
767 aircrafts will take you more comfortably and quietly to Paris, London, and Geneva gently and politely and
help you enjoy your flight better

39.The following cities are mentioned as the destination

Select one:
a. paris
b. geneva
c. madrid

d. london
Swiss Air will get you there the quickest. We fly 8 times a week-more often than any other airlines. Our new
767 aircrafts will take you more comfortably and quietly to Paris, London, and Geneva gently and politely and
help you enjoy your flight better

. ".......... and arrive feeling fresh.”

The synonym of the underlined word is ...

Select one:
a. come
b. sense
c. leave

d. depart
Swiss Air will get you there the quickest. We fly 8 times a week-more often than any other airlines. Our new
767 aircrafts will take you more comfortably and quietly to Paris, London, and Geneva gently and politely and
help you enjoy your flight better

.We can conclude from the text that .....

Select one:
a. Swissair offers the cheapest fares to Europe

b. . No other airline has wider seats than Swissair

c. Swissair has the newest type of aircraft

d. No other airline flies to Europe as often as Swissair

Adult.................................................2 tablespoons
Children according to age:
11 - 14 years.......................................4 teaspoons
7 - 10 years........................................2 teaspoons
3 - 6 years.......................................... 1 teaspoons
Repeat the above dosage every 1/2 hour to 1 if needed until 8 doses are taken. If relief does not come within
two days, consult a physician

How is the children's dosage determined?

Select one:
a. by age
b. by consultation
c. by weight

d. by the amount of food consumed

Adult.................................................2 tablespoons
Children according to age:
11 - 14 years.......................................4 teaspoons
7 - 10 years........................................2 teaspoons
3 - 6 years.......................................... 1 teaspoons
Repeat the above dosage every 1/2 hour to 1 if needed until 8 doses are taken. If relief does not come within
two days, consult a physician

.In a four-hour period, what is the maximum amount of medication

Select one:
a. eight does
b. two does
c. six does

d. four does
Adult.................................................2 tablespoons
Children according to age:
11 - 14 years.......................................4 teaspoons
7 - 10 years........................................2 teaspoons
3 - 6 years.......................................... 1 teaspoons
Repeat the above dosage every 1/2 hour to 1 if needed until 8 doses are taken. If relief does not come within
two days, consult a physician

Repeat the above dosage ..... ?

The antonym of the underlined word is .....

Select one:
a. bottom
b. over
c. down

d. below
Jalan Buah Batu 9
Malang, East Java
Personnel manager
PT Mahkota Raya
Jalan Dewaruci
Jakarta 13210

Dear sir,
I, herewith, send you my application for the post of the technician in your company. I have completed a
technical course at Paramitha Course. After finishing my course, I worked for PT United Lima as a part-time for
2 mounths. I quit for environmental reason. For further consideration, I have enclosed my curriculum vitae and
copies of my certificates.
I would be very grateful if you could provide me with an opportunity for an interview.

Yours faithfully

45. Who send the letter?

Select one:
a. personal manager
c. marliana

d. dewa ruci
Jalan Buah Batu 9
Malang, East Java
Personnel manager
PT Mahkota Raya
Jalan Dewaruci
Jakarta 13210

Dear sir,
I, herewith, send you my application for the post of the technician in your company. I have completed a
technical course at Paramitha Course. After finishing my course, I worked for PT United Lima as a part-time for
2 mounths. I quit for environmental reason. For further consideration, I have enclosed my curriculum vitae and
copies of my certificates.
I would be very grateful if you could provide me with an opportunity for an interview.

Yours faithfully

.What position does the applicant apply for?

Select one:
a. Interviewer
b. Personnel manager

c. technition

d. mechanic
Jalan Buah Batu 9
Malang, East Java
Personnel manager
PT Mahkota Raya
Jalan Dewaruci
Jakarta 13210

Dear sir,
I, herewith, send you my application for the post of the technician in your company. I have completed a
technical course at Paramitha Course. After finishing my course, I worked for PT United Lima as a part-time for
2 mounths. I quit for environmental reason. For further consideration, I have enclosed my curriculum vitae and
copies of my certificates.
I would be very grateful if you could provide me with an opportunity for an interview.

Yours faithfully

What is the synonym of the word 'completed' in the letter?

Select one:
a. learned
b. started
c. finished

d. continued
Marie Curie was born as Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867. Though Maria excelled in school, no university
in Poland at that time allowed female students.
In 1891, Maria traveled to Paris, France. She called herself Marie, the French form of Maria. She attended the
Sorbonne, a famous college in Paris. Marie studied physics and mathematics and graduated at the top of her
class. She also met a French chemist named Pierre Curie. They married in 1895.
Marie and Pierre were pioneers in studying radioactivity. Radioactivity is a process in which certain elements,
such as uranium, break down into other elements. In the process, they give off energy in the form of radiation.
Marie and Pierre built on the work of Wilhelm Roentgen, who discovered X rays, and Antoine Henri Becquerel,
who discovered radioactivity in the element uranium. X rays are a type of radiation.
The Curies discovered that a mineral called pitchblende was radioactive. Pitchblende contains uranium. But
pitchblende gives off more radiation than uranium alone could. The Curies guessed that there must be other
radioactive elements in the pitchblende.
The Curies separated huge amounts of pitchblende into its chemical parts--the elements it is made of. In July
1898, they reported the discovery of a new element called polonium. In December, they announced the
discovery of another new element, radium.
In 1906, a horse-drawn carriage hit and killed Pierre. Marie stepped into his teaching post at the Sorbonne. She
was the first woman to teach at the university. She poured her energy into research and raising her daughters.
One daughter, Irene, followed her parents into scientific research. In 1914, the Sorbonne built a new laboratory
to research radioactive materials. Today the laboratory is named after Marie Curie.
Marie Curie earned little money from her famous research. Her Nobel Prize money paid for more research. She
did not patent--reserve for her own gain--her discoveries. She left them free for other scientists to use.

Microsoft (r) Encarta (r) 2009. (c) 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

56.What does the text tell us about?

Select one:
a. Marie Curie's invention.
b. marie curie
c. Marie Curie and her husband.

d. Marie Curie's Nobel Prize

Cell Phone Repair Tips

Sometimes, your cell phone doesn't work properly. Blank displays, failure to recharge and frozen screens are
sommon problems faced by owners. Most phone malfunction problems stem from the phone's operating
system that is stalling out or trying to carry out a bad request. The easisest way to fix problems due to these
software issues is to perfom a system reset. First, you have to try the soft reset. Turn the power off and turn it
on after a few minutes. The soft reset is the best way to fix a frozen s display or when the system bad request.
If the soft reset doesn't work, you have to try the hard one. A hard reset is used when you have a frozen
operating system or a locked keyboard. For this solution you have to open the battery door and remove the
battery. When you remove the battery, the operating system is forced to restart and clear the error.

Adapted from


when should we perform a hard reset on the phone?

Select one:
a. . Remove the battery.
b. Turn the power on.

c. . Open the battery door.

d. . Turn the power off.
How to Clean Your Digital Camera

First, clean the body of the camera. Wipe any dust on the camera,using compressed air, an air blower or
dry cloth. Don't use anything like window cleaning liquid, which might damage your digital camera. Remember
not to use anything that contains chemicals or oils when cleaning the camera.
After cleaning the body, you can clean the camera lens. Use a soft cloth to wipe the lens.only use lens
cleaning fluid to clean the lens on your digital camera. Don't forget to wipe the lens cap for any dust. Then
clean the image sensor. Use an air blower to remove the dust. Don't use compressed air or anything like
window cleaning liquid to clean the sensor.
Finally, clean the inside of the up your camera , use an air blower to clean the inside of the
camera for any dust.

Adapted from


what is used to clean the image sensor?

Select one:
a. dry cloth
b. air blower
c. soft cloth

d. compressed air

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