WP-6 LCI Observation - 0913 Rev.01

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EHS Observation Report



LINE Project EHS Team

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1 Location : Admin Building Category Detail

Safety Facility Temporary facility
Action in-charge : WP-6 Risk Control N/A
Risk Level Medium

Observation : Hazard to workers because the light is insufficient

Corrective action: Install sufficient light to ensure that the light is enough in
the area

2 Location : Security Building Category Detail

Safety Facility N/A
Action in-charge : WP-6 Risk Control Control Method
Risk Level Low

Observation : Manhole covered with thin plywood, causing a fall hazard

for people who pass by

Corrective Action: Take action to prevent people access it

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3 Location : Admin Building Category Detail

Safety Facility Temporary facility
Action in-charge : WP-6 Risk Control N/A
Risk Level High

Observation : Fall protection netting removed for work is not installed

after work is completed.

Corrective Action: Reinstall the safety net

4 Location : Multiple Location Category Detail

Safety Facility Temporary facility
Action in-charge : WP-6 Risk Control N/A
Risk Level Medium

Observation : SECTION 1 Several mobile scaffolding in the inner harbor

are not in compliance, posing a fall hazard (no platform,
short lengths, low handrails).

Corrective Action: Make the mobile scaffolding compliant and install higher
ladder and install outriggers to prevent falls.

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5 Location : Multiple Location Category Detail

Safety Facility N/A
Action in-charge : WP-6 Risk Control Control Method
Risk Level Low

Observation : SECTION 1 Electrical cables are lying on the floor in several

locations in the buildings, causing a trip, shock, and fire

Corrective action: Remove unused electrical cables and install hangers for
cables that are still on use.

6 Location : Multiple Location Category Detail

Safety Facility Temporary facility
Action in-charge : WP-6 Risk Control N/A
Risk Level Medium

Observation : SECTION 1 Trash piled up in various parts of the building.

Corrective Action: Dispose of trash and clean up.

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7 Location : Mosque Building Category Detail

Safety Facility N/A
Action in-charge : WP-6 Risk Control Control Method
Risk Level Low

Observation : Building materials are blocking the path of travel to the


Corrective Action: Clear the pathway to allow the workers to move safely.

8 Location : Mosque Building Category Detail

Safety Facility N/A
Action in-charge : WP-6 Risk Control Control Method
Risk Level Low

Observation : Motorcycles parked around the workplace instead of in

dedicated parking areas.

Corrective Action: Move the motorcycle to a dedicated parking area and give
training to the driver.

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