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Gone! Margaret Johnson, People in the story ‘Tom: a boy witha birthday ‘Mum: Tomis mother Annie: Tom’ sister Dad: Toms father Nell: Tom’ friend BEFORE YOU READ © Look atthe pictures in chapter 1. What do you think? Answer the questions. 1 How oldis Tom? 2 HasTom got big ster? 3. Does Tom's mathe work? Chapter Birthday boy 1'm sorry I'm working on your birthday, Tom: Toms mother is leaving the house. She isnt looking at Tom. She’ thinking about work. “Have a nice day, love, See you tonigh she says “Goodbye, Mum; Tom says. He feels sad, He doesnt want her to go. ‘Toms sister, Annie, comes down from her room, Happy birthday, little brother!” she says. "Twelve today!” ‘Tom smiles. He likes being twelve. ‘Can I give you your birthday present* this afternoon?” Annie asks. ‘Tm going shopping this morning with my friends’ She goes to the door. 1 want to go shopping! Tom starts to say but Annie doesnt hear. ‘Enjoy your birthday’ she says. Then she leaves too. [Now Toms father is the only person at home?. Tom finds him at his desk. He's working on his computer. Tom’ father works at home, and he works all the time. Toa walks into his father's office and his father turns and looks at him, ‘Hello, Tom he says. ‘What are you going to do with your birthday money? LOOKING BACK © check your answers to Before you read on page 54 ACTIVITIES @ compete the sentences with the names in the box Tem (3) Mum Dad Amie (2) Ne fe2) 1 Mur leaves the house and goes to work 2 Anaie.Tons site. 3 W's. Tom ‘sly. 4 Toit tweve today. 5 Arnis ging shopping 6 Da.) works at home 7 IsToms fend 8 A1eiL teatthe pore 9 Tear tt happy. © LUndertine the correct words in each sentence. Murs thinking about her work ‘Ane has has’ gota presen fo Tom Toms father /moter has got a comptes. Tom has go some / asc got any births enone Tom's father can can't go shopping. Dads listening to Tm reading hi ema Ton speaks to Nell /Nei’s mother. Nell ows / does know it's Tm birthday. Ton bithdey. ‘Who do the undestined words refer to in these lines fom the tent? oni (12) Tor Od Mum TomandDad Nei See you tonight [page 55).Tan He does’ want her ogo. (page 86) deh hx ges to the door. (page 57) Annie Tom find him at is desk (page 57) ‘Can we go shopoin? (page 88) Tey os she's shopping wth he ends (page 58) 1's plying football in Wieston Prk (page 59) © Match the questions with the answers. 1 Why is today a special dy for Yom? (2) 2. Wihat has Tom got or is birthday?) 53 What does Toms do do at home? [2 “4 Who does Tom tk toon the phone? [2 5 Who's paying ootbal (2) He wots “ish birthday. © Na’ mother. if He's pot money, Nel LOOKING FORWARD © Tick (7) what you think happens in Chapter 2 1 Tom goes to the park. 2 Tom stays athome. Tom goes over. Nel sees him. He smiles, “Hell on eels. apy birthday" rank you” Tom eal, but Nel is enning to gt the tl ‘Tom leaves the house and walks to Winston Park. He ‘doesn like footbal, but he wants to be with people. Its @ hot day. In Winston Park there are lots of ‘mothers and fathers with their children, Boys and girls are running and laughing, Everyone looks happy, fom sees Neil and some more boys. Theyre playing football Tom watches the game* for ten minutes, but Neil He puts his bag down. ‘There is another bag under doesn't speak to him again. Neil’ good at football and. the seat hes enjoying the game. Tom starts walking across. ‘Winston Park. Hesits downon scat and takesa drink from hisbag. “Whats this” thinks Tom. The bag is black. Tom opens it. He’ looking for a name. There is only one thing in the bag: a camera, Tom takes it out. Then he looks inthe bag again, but there is nothing in it. No name. Tom looks at the camera. There are four buttons: PHOTO, DELETE, ON and OFF. ‘Tom puts his finger on the ON button and presses? it The camera makes a noise. The black bag i on the seat. Tom can see it in the camera. Tom puts his finger on the PHOTO button. He presses it.The camera makes another noise. Tom looks at the photo of the bag. I's OK, but he doesnt want a photo ofa bag, so he presses the DELETE button. The Photo goes avay “This camera is OK} Tom thinks, ‘But it ist my camera. I must take it to the police. I can buy a camera with my birthday money’ ‘Tom puts out his hand to take the camera bag from the seat. But the bag isnt there. He looks under the seat. No bag. He looks behind the seat. No bag. Tom doesn't understand. ‘Where isthe bag?’ he thinks. ‘A squirrel runs in front of the seat. Tom wants @ photo ofit. The squirrel stops. ‘Ws looking for food? Tom thinks. He smiles and presses the PHOTO button. But when he looks at the photo, it isnt good, ‘Squirrels are too fast for photos! Tom thinks. He presses the DELETE button. The photo of the squirrel goes away. When ‘Tom looks for the squirrel, he can't se it ‘Squirrels run fast? Tom thinks. ‘But not that fast. Where isi Tom looks at the camera, He doesn't understand. Something is wrong. He wants to try the camera again, Sets Ther are tame Saves test tw hse Toe noe Sabie Iss canesept i antes ae steps pe ea Paorobaessad clesapbacericteee i Then he presses the DELETE button to make the photo go away. Tom takes the camera away from his face. He looks forthe flowers. They aren there. “The flowers are gone! he thinks. Gone!” LOOKING BACK © check your answer to Looking forward on page 6. ACTIVITIES, © Underine the correct word in each sentence 1 Tom wants does want to be with ends. Tom las football with talks to Ne. Nes in’ good at football Tom has something to ext / ink n the park. Tom Nel ids camer Torn uses / doesn't we the camer “Tom warts to tak the camera tthe police / home, ‘Tom dletesal some of his photos. © Put the sentences in oder. Tor finds a camera. 6} ‘Tom speais to Nels (2) Tom ts dovm, ‘Tom goes tothe park.) Tom deletes te photo, Tom watches the game, Tor aks photo ofthe ba. The bagi gone. © Are the sentences tue (7) o false (A? 1 Tom runs to the park ‘The weathers good. [E] Tam does watch allthe game. EI “Tom finds a bie bag unde his eat. E) There’ nothing inthe bog, EI ‘The camera has got tres butors. Town takes a phot of his bag. [5 Tom does’ ke his photo of the squat] © Arawer the questions. 1 oes To te foot? Vo he dosent, Meit Does 2 Were does Tor find he bag? Unbel te. seat 2 Wat does look fori the bg? Poe «rec hor things than Camtorn, obsotmeyhe Ene pcre ofthe squiel good? why Wyn (a, 5.4 widel sore to0tast be fh LOOKING FORWARD © Tick (2) what you thik happens inthe next wo chapters 1 Tom plays football) 2 Tom takes more photos with the camera, EI 3. Tom goes shopping. (1 Chapter 3 ‘Across Winston Park he can see the boys playing football Where's the ball? must tell Neil about this!” he thinks. He puts the camera in his bag and starts running across the park. ‘Tom puts the camera down. He doesn't want it in his hands now. He feels afraid® He thinks about the camera bag, the squirrel and the flowers. "When Itake photos of things with this camera, they ‘0 away, he thinks. I dont know how, but they da! Butaftera minute he stops running, He thinks about the camera bag, the squirrel and the lowers. Hes near the boys now. ‘Its my birthday! he thinks, I want Nell to come to the shops with me. We can get a pica. I can buy something with my birthday money! Aboy in blue T-shirt has theball now. fast. Then everyone shouts. ‘Goal!’ Lots of the boys run to the boy in the blue T-shirt, They are all very happy. Tom quickly takes the camera from the bag and looks into it. He can see the ball HeS running He presses the PHOTO button and then the DELETE button, The boys want to start playing again. Hey! shouts the boy in the blue T-shirt. ‘Where's the bal?” No one can understand. They look on the grass” and, behind trees aay oat af ‘Can you see the ball, Tom?” Neil asks. ‘No, sorry Tom says ‘I dont know where the ball fs. I dont think you ean play nov, Do you want to get 2 pizza with me? I ean buy something to eat with my birthday money? ‘But Neil doesn't hear Tom. He listening to the boy inthe blue T-shirt “Yes OK? he says, Tve got another bal in my bag? “Good? says Neil. ‘But where is our other ball?” He gets the new ball from his bag. They stat to play again. ‘Tom thinks about taking a new photo: a photo of the new ball. But the boys run away across the grass and ‘Tom turns and starts to walk home. Chapter 4 ‘The computer Do you want a coffe? his father asks ‘No thank you? answers Tom. ‘Tim just getting something from my room? When Tom gets home, his father is making a coffee. ‘Tom quickly runs up to his father’ office. It the room with the compute. He takes the eamera from his bog, He can see the compater init. He quickly presses PHOTO. Then DELETE, He looks atthe table. No computer, ‘Good; he thinks. ‘Tom's father comes into the room with his coffee, He smiles at Tor, ‘OK?’ he asks, Then he stops smiling. ‘Where's computer?” he asks. ‘I don't know; says Tom. ‘I dorit understand} Tomis father says, “Where is it? ee looks behind Tom. He looks under the table. He looks all over the room, Then he looks at Tom. “Tom?” he says. ‘Where's my computer?” ‘Idon't know answers Tom, ‘Computers don't just go!" Tom’ father says. “Yes they dof thinks Tom. ‘Then he looks at his father ‘Can we go to the shops, Dad?’ he asks. ‘No, Tom!” his father says. must find my computer, {’m going to phone the police ‘After the police come? Tom says, ‘can we go to the shops then?” But ‘Toms father canft stop thinking about his computer, ‘Please, Tom; he says. He looks tired. I know its your birthday, but all my work is on that computer, It very important. I don't know sehat to do? Tom looks at his father. ‘Tm sorry, Dad? he says. His father smiles a litle. ‘Its OK, son! he says. ‘Go and enjoy your birthday! ‘Tom leaves the room. I cant enjoy my birthday; he thinks, ‘No one has any time for me? ‘Tom goes to his room and sits on his bed. Then he thinks about his mother and he knows what he wants todo. LOOKING BACK Q Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 Toman across the park because [] 2 Tom dows ak 2 photo of the new tll because 3 To's dad etn is oes becaie 4 Tom wants the compute to go aay because Sei J 5. Tom can enjoy is thay becouse @ cade rae oteganseyer ea 2 es mating cote. © netne the corect wordsin each sentence. © noone ay ne for hin. 1 Tom tel / dos tis and bout the camer he wants to tl Nel abot he camera Tomvant to etsoneting/lyotbal with Nel 4 he wnt to go shopng wth Tomtates a hot of th bal boy. the boys ey The boys continue playing wth anew /the ol bal Ton tales / does tae a phot f the new bal © Avewer the questions. Tom dds wring mating ai when Tom ges hoe 1 Wy does Tom ut the camera dow tthe tart of ‘Wen Tom gets ome be oes this coo da ofc chapter 37, Tears dad's computer krprtnt case ha aa of work /phoas on it. 2 What des Tam want to do wih is bithday money? 9: Tomi /t enjoying bethany 3 How mary pets does To taken Chapter 3nd «2 © Answer the questions. ee In chapters 3 and 4 who is afraid? ton seks Tom about the ball? finds ancther bal inhi bag? makes dik? loses his computer? can't do any wer? ants to go shopping? Isnt happy? Looxir © Tick (4) what you think happens inthe next chapter. 1 Tom goes to see his mum at work.) 2 Hetakes the camera tothe police] 3 Hebuys anew camera, CD Chapters | “Mum tired Tom thinks, ‘She works a lot! He goes into the café. | Trying to help “Hello, Tom: she says. ‘Why are you here on your birthday?” “Tm here to help you’ he says. Tom leaves the house and walks to his mother’s café ~ Kathys Coffee Shop. The café sells food all day. Lots of people go there ‘on Saturdays. Tom can see his mother in the café. She. looks hot. There are people at all the tables and they're all waiting for their food. “You're a good boy! she says. Then she leaves the kitchen, ‘Tom quickly takes the camera from his bag. “Lean have an afternoon with Mum he thinks. ‘We can go to a restaurant, Or watch a film: His mother smiles. ‘Oh, thank you, Tom; she says. ‘People want plates and cups for their food and drinks? she says. “They're all dirty ‘She takes Tom to the dirty plates and cups in the kitchen “Can you wash them for me?’ she asks. He can see the dirty cups and plates in the camera. He presses PHOTO. Then DELETE. Then he takes the camera away and looks. ‘Tom smiles. “Of course’ he says ‘Tomis mother smiles again

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