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Confidence Intervals z-scores + rscore (standard score) ‘Arnumber that indicates how many standard deviation units 2 raw score is from the mean ofa distribution, Review + one tailed null hypothesis => ‘Two tale nail = + OnetailedAterative SS Oy << sTwatalied aternatve Area under that standard normal curve ‘Sampling distribution ‘+ Sampling Distribution: A distribution of sample means based on random samples ofa fixed size from a population. + Standard Error of the Mean: The standard deviation of the sampling distribution o, = VN Two-tailed z test “This should get us ard can Ztest + Remember that a zscore tells us how many standard deviations above of below the mean of the distribution an Individual sore fall In test we ae comparing a sample mean withthe population mean. One-tailed z test Two-tailed ztest S i a pvale: 05 ae ee SEN Calculating confidence interval ATA yy vespinnenmsncerratie vier 10 = We can now calculate the 95% confidence Interval ung the follwing ‘erm ESatnerey = thesampemean the 2score representing the deste confidence never cise 1gs7) Dene tesa en confidence interval based on z distribution + Sample ean weg of dden enon tht ae school rowan + ee, sa0n, + Sample size 100) + Probie w net row he oauaton means) + Weve scorscene mena! wae enough at we ee firy eran tarsi he SERIES Ss SR SAP BN SEN SR + How about 999% confidence interval + Again frst determine what -scores mark off 99% of the area under ‘the normal curve (p value .005) which is z-scores of #258 c1=% 2x0) =a Cr = 864.2580.7) = 862 4.386 = S1.614— 90.386 : Confidence Intervals are also used in hypothesis testing + You can say for example that there is less than a 5% chance that this, ‘sample mean could have come from the population. degrees of freedom + the number of scores ina sample that are fee tovary. + are related tothe sample size + For example, assume that you are gven sx numbers: 2,5, 9,11, and 1. ‘The mean ofthese mum's ff you ae told tat you ca change the subergasyourie ut hat the man oie dst ipueon muse, live ef he aufoers srotrariy the sh number's determined bythe wlfeaton tat he mean oth aston rua aa) 8 thereto this astngytion of numbers ve ee ree vary Tous, thee ae Nie ‘degrees of freedom. For any single distribution then, df=l= 1, “Recon g's wih ote ee onunbertpesot

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