Intro To Man Eco

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Introduction to Managerial Economics

The Meaning of Managerial Economics ➢ It guides the managers in taking

decisions relating to the firm’s
Managerial Economics
customers, competitors,
➢ A branch of economics involving suppliers as well as relating to
the application of economic the internal functioning of a
methods in the managerial firm
decision-making process ➢ Helps in enhancement of
➢ A stream of management studies analytical skills, assists in
that emphasizes primarily rational configuration as well
solving business problems and as solution of problems.
decision-making by applying the ➢ The key to Managerial
theories and principles of micro Economics is the micro-economic
and macroeconomics theory of the firm. It lessens the
➢ Can be defined as combining gap between economics in
economic theory with business theory and economics in
practices to ease decision practice.
making and future planning by ➢ It enables optimum utilization of
management scarce resources in such
➢ To optimize decision making organizations as well as helps
when the firm is faced with in achieving the goals in most
problems or obstacles, with the efficient manner.
consideration of macro and
The Scope of Managerial Economics
microeconomic theories and
principles. Managerial Economics has a
➢ To analyze the possible effects narrower scope - it is solving
and implications of both short managerial issues using micro-
and long-term planning economics. It ensures that
decisions on the revenue and managers make effective and
profitability of the business. efficient decisions concerning the
scarce resources.
The fact of scarcity of resources project appraisal
gives rise to three fundamental methods (for long-term
questions- investment decisions),
etc. for making these
• What to produce?
crucial decisions.
- what goods and services
• For whom to produce?
should be produced and
- The firm, for instance,
in what
must decide which is its
niche market-domestic or
- managers use demand
theory (consumer
- It must segment the
behavior, factors
influencing purchase
- It must conduct a
and consumption)
thorough analysis of
- demand forecasting
market structure and
(time series and causal
thus take price and
output decisions
• How to produce?
depending upon the type
- The firm has now to
of market.
choose among different
alternative techniques of The Nature of Managerial Economics
production. Managerial Economics is a Science
- It has to make decision
regarding purchase of • based on methodical
raw materials, capital observation making decisions
equipment, manpower, regarding scarce resources
etc. with alternative applications.
- The managers can use • Policies are made after
various managerial persistent testing and
economics tools such as trailing
production and cost • Its principles are
analysis (for hiring and universally applicable
acquiring of inputs),
Managerial Economics is an Art Managerial Economics has components
of macro economics
• Managerial economist is
required to have an art o • They’re affected by the
utilizing his capability, external environment of the
knowledge and understanding economy such as government
to achieve the organizational policies, price level, and etc.
objectives. Managerial Economics is dynamic in
Managerial Economics for nature
administration of organization
• Deals with human beings.
• Helps the management in
decision making.
Managerial Economics is a blend of
Managerial economics is helpful in Economics and Management, heavily
optimum resource allocation influenced by microeconomics and
• Managers need to use these macroeconomics. Microeconomics
limited resources optimally studies individual consumer and firm
because they are the one who behavior, while macroeconomics looks at
decides the use of the the economy as a whole.
resources. Managerial Economics applies
Managerial Economics has components microeconomic theories to address
of microeconomics organizational issues and make
decisions efficiently. Managers use
• Managers study and manage
their understanding of microeconomic
the internal environment of an
concepts to plan and execute
business strategies that aim to
• Deals with the problems faced
maximize profits or minimize costs,
by the organizations such as
regardless of technological
the main objective, demand,
constraints and market conditions.
output determination and etc.
Microeconomic analysis is crucial for
addressing daily business challenges
and concerns.
RELATION TO MICROECONOMICS 4. Market Structure Understanding.
AND MACROECONIMCS Knowledge of market structures and
the approaches used to determine
prices and outputs in a given market
The Reliance of Managerial Economics
is essential for managerial decisions.
on Microeconomics
5. Statistical Methods.
Managerial Economics relies heavily
on Microeconomics in various ways: Utilizes statistical methods such as
game theory and linear programming to
1. Price Adjustment.
apply economic theory in decision-
When a manager needs to raise making.
product prices due to increased
6. Cost-Benefit Analysis.
production costs, they use demand
analysis to ensure that the price Cost and benefit analysis is a
increase doesn't significantly reduce valuable tool for managers to aid in
product demand. their decision-making processes.
2. Pricing Strategies. 7. Social Responsibility.
Managers apply microeconomic pricing Understanding welfare economics
theories, cost analysis, and revenue helps managers consider the social
theories to set the prices of their responsibilities of their organization.
products. 8. Equilibrium Analysis.
3. Production Decisions.
Microeconomics provides the concept
Managers rely on microeconomic of partial equilibrium analysis, which
theory of production to make decisions helps managers determine the
about what and how much to produce, equilibrium for their organization.
considering factors like resource 9. Mathematical Tools.
availability, technology, and raw
materials. Use of mathematical tools and
econometrics, including regression
analysis and correlation analysis, to
support decision-making.
Macroeconomics Applied to Business 2. Assess how to turn a dynamic
Government economic environment into profitable
1. Economic Environment,
3. Assist in the firm's business
This includes a country's economic
planning process.
conditions, such as its GDP (economic
output), government policies, and more. 4. Conduct cost-benefit analyses.
These factors indirectly influence the 5. Support internal decisions,
company and its operations. including pricing, and more.
2. Social Environment. 6. Analyze changes in macroeconomic
The society in which the organization indicators like national income,
operates plays a crucial role. This population, and business cycles and
includes aspects like employment their impact on the firm.
conditions, the presence of trade 7. Advise on public relations, foreign
unions, and consumer cooperatives, all exchange, trade, and the effects of
of which can affect the organization. monetary and fiscal policy changes.
3. Political Environment. 8. Analyze competing firms and gather
The political landscape of a country, economic data about the firm's
whether it's an authoritarian or operating environment.
democratic system, political stability,
9. Conduct in-depth research on the
and the government's stance toward industrial market.
the private sector, all impact the
growth and development of the 10. Rely on elaborate statistical
organization. analysis to perform their duties.
Role of a Managerial Economist 11. Must remain vigilant and handle
pressure effectively.
1. Analyze macro-level economic
patterns and their relevance to the 12. Provide economic information to
specific firm they work for. management, government authorities,
and may prepare speeches for top

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