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Y13 Reflection Sheet

Subject Result

A2 Options:

1. Do you aim to go to University after Sixth Form?

2. If yes, is there a particular country you wish to study in?

3. Did you get the results that you were expecting?

4. Which subject results are you pleased about?

5. Are there any subject grades that you were disappointed with?
Y13 Reflection Sheet

6. What are the advantages of doing a re-sit in this subject (q5)?

7. What are the disadvantages of doing a re-sit in this subject (q5)?

8. Why do you think that you achieved the grades that you did?

9. Are there any subject options for A-Level that you are now reconsidering
and what are your reasons for this (are you wanting to move from 4 to 3)?

If you have completed your reflection have a look at some of the following online
courses which can be added to your enrichment passport: (please make sure that you submit evidence to your tutor and SF

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