English Conversation

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1. Your friend finds difficulties in sending photos to his/her parents. You know how to do it well.

him/her. Give him/her instruction to it. How would the conversation be?

 Rara : “Hey, Estri. You seem in trouble”

Estri : “Indeed! I forgot how to send a photo on email”
Rara : “I know how to, let me help you”
Estri : “Yes please. I really need to send this photo to my parents”
Rara : “Got it! Okay, so this is what you have to do, tap the paperclip icon in the lower right
corner of the compose screen. Then you can attach Google Drive files or photos from your
device. And done!”
Estri : “Goodness, thank you so much”
Rara : “It’s nothing”

2. You meet your friend who is reading a news about juvenile delinquency. You feel sad hearing that
news and you are both sharing opinion about it and what a student can do to prevent it.

 Rara : “Estri, what are you reading?”

Estri : “I was reading a news about a robbery by teenagers”
Rara : “Oh my god. Where did they robbed?”
Estri : “It was in a minimarket, the cashier died”
Rara : “Oh gosh, that’s so sad”
Estri : “I know. I hope those teenagers got the punishment they deserved”
Rara : “Yeah me too, I can’t believe they have the gut to killed a person”
Estri : “Same, they didn’t think ahead at all”
Rara : “Let’s hope these kind of things wont happen in Kediri”
Estri : “Yeah”

3. You see your classmate stay in the classroom during the second break, while most of your classmates
go to the canteen for lunch. You approach him/her and ask why he/she doesn’t go to the canteen.
He/she says that he/she is broke. Then you offer to treat him/her and he/she accepts it. How would the
conversation be?

 Estri : “Hey Ra! You’re not going to the canteen?”

Rara : “No I’m not”
Estri : “Oh, you brought lunch from home?”
Rara : “I didn’t, I forgot.”
Estri : “How so? Then why not go to the canteen?
Rara : “I overslept this morning, obviously I was in a hurry to go to school. I forgot my lunchbox
and my pocket money, that’s why I don’t go to the canteen”
Estri : “Oh I see. Let me treat you for lunch”
Rara : “Really? You wouldn’t mind?
Estri : “Yup, it’s alright. You must be starving right now”
Rara : “I am, I could literally starve to death! Oh my god thank you so much, Estri!!”
Estri : “hahaha, you’re welcome rara”

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