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Today we will present the results of our research about family day in Vietnam Vietnamese culture always

honors family traditions. That's why family day is celebrated on June 28 every year. Vietnamese Family
Day is a holiday honoring the Vietnamese family, a day when everyone in the family cares for each
other, and society cares for children. This holiday also honors the Vietnamese family with core family
traditions such as prosperity, progress and happiness. It is right to care about the family, so many families
add up to form a society. Good families make the society better. The family is the foundation of a good
society, which makes it even better. That is President Ho Chi Minh's affirmation of promoting the role of
the family in the development of society. So the family day was organized in 2001 by Prime Minister
Pham Gia Khiem

Vietnamese Family Day has a very noble and sacred meaning, a day for us to honor the good values of
family. At the same time, this day also reminds him of his old traditions, educating his children and
grandchildren to love their homeland, country and people. On this day, families organize reunions and
small parties for family members to strengthen the family members' feelings for each other. Some cities
in Vietnam organize festivals and many different cultural and sports activities for families. There are also
campaigns to give gifts to orphans and children in difficult circumstances In addition, we also learned
more about family days in Arizona, USA. This tradition began with Governor Raul Casto's August 7,
1977 suggestion for a family day. A year later, Governor Bruce Babbit signed the day into law as an
official holiday in Arizona

Unlike some other family holidays, people do not give gifts on this day. Instead, they are celebrating this
day by focusing on family relationships. People believe that the best gift a person can give to their family
is themselves. So, on this day, people like to be with their families. The most common activities that
family members do together include playing outdoor games or taking walks in the park, watching
movies, visiting grandparents, and bringing them a picnic lunch. Some families enjoy taking an art class
together, visiting a museum, or trying a new recipe and getting the whole family involved in cooking.
Whatever people do, the most important thing is that they do it with their family. Americans love Family
Day because it reminds them to show love to their families and helps strengthen family bonds.

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