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25 Class Hours – 8 weeks : 11TH February 2023 – 29th April 2023

Student Learning Objectives

• Fundamental knowledge of Research Methods and Design

• Process of selecting an appropriate research topic
• Produce a literature review of existing research
• Understand how to consume and produce scientific research
• Collect, Analyze and Interpret data using a variety of methods
• The challenges associated with measuring phenomena
• To critically evaluate your own research and that of others

• Formal class sessions
• Weekly assignments
• Case Studies
• Class seminar

Module 1 : The Process of Research (3 hours)

• Why Research &What is Research?

• Steps in the Research Process
• Developing a Research Culture
• Research Across Disciplines

Module 2 : The Research Design (3 hours)

• What is a Research Design?

• Developing a Research Design
• Criteria/ characteristics of a Good Research Design
• Choosing / Identifying a Research Problem

Module 3 : Review of Literature : (4 hours)

• Undertaking Review of Literature
• Need for Review of Literature
• Principles and Procedures for the Review of Literature
• Sources of Review of Literature: Searching e-resources: Using search engines,
searching databases Authenticity of e-resources,
• Writing Literature Review
Module 4 : Methods of Research (4 hours)
• Qualitative Research : Meaning, types, application
• Quantitative Research : Meaning, types, application
• Research Methods across Disciplines

Module 5 :Tools and Techniques of Data collection and Analysis(4 hours)

• Qualitative Methods
• Quantitative Methods
Module 6 : Academic and Software Tools (3 hours)

Internal Assessment: 25 marks

Assignment / Presentation / Case Study / Book Review / Class Seminar
Guidelines for Class seminar :(3 hours)
1. Should be based on specific or thrust areas of research domain being chosen by the
research scholar.
2. Cover all aspects of the paper : Design, Review of literature, tools and techniques
3. The hard copy has to be submitted which will be run on the software for similarity.
Any paper with a similarity above 10% will not be accepted.
4. Two Internal examiners will be nominated by the Director, CRTA for the assessment.

- Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th Edition,
by John W. Creswell (Author)
2- Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation 4th Edition, by Sharan B.
Merriam (Author), Elizabeth J. Tisdell (Author)
3- The Craft of Research, Third Edition, by Wayne C. Booth (Author), Gregory G. Colomb
(Author), Joseph M. Williams (Author)
4- The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 3rd Edition, by William M. K. Trochim (Author),
James P. Donnelly (Author)
5- Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches 3rd Edition,
by John W. Creswell (Author)
6- Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (Paperback)C R Kothari
7- Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner's Guide to Doing a Research Project 2nd
ed. Edition, by Uwe Flick (Author)
8- The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project 2nd Edition, by Zina O'Leary (Author)
9- The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (Sage Handbooks) 4th Edition, by Norman
K. Denzin (Editor), Yvonna S. Lincoln (Editor)
10- Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners by Ranjit Kumar
11- The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process ,
by Michael J Crotty (Author)
12- Writing a Successful Thesis or Dissertation: Tips and Strategies for Students in the Social
andBehavioral Sciences, by Fred C. Lunenburg and Beverly J Irby
13- The Dissertation Journey: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Writing,
and Defending Your Dissertation, by Carol Roberts and Laura Hyatt
14. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation by Sharan B.
15. Quantitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences by Alan Bryman
16. Academic Research Writing Artistry by Srujan MJ


25 Class Hours – 8 weeks : 11TH February 2023 – 29th April 2023

Student Learning Objectives

Through this course the student will have greater understanding of :

• Philosophy of ethics & ethical practices
• Importance of Ethical practices in Research & Publication
• Universal practices of Ethics in Research & Publication
• Understanding the various forms of misconduct in Research & Publication
• Understanding the different metrics of publications

RPE 01: Philosophy and Ethics :

Introduction to Philosophy
· Origin of Philosophy
· Characteristics of Philosophy
· Common sense and Philosophy
· Relationship between Philosophy& Science
RPE 02: Scientific Conduct
Integrity and Ethics
· Ethics with Respect to Science & Research
· Intellectual Honesty & Research Integrity: Scientific Misconducts & Redundant
· Selective Reporting and Misrepresentation of data

RPE 03: Publication Ethics

· Best Practices/Standards Setting
· Initiatives & Guidelines: COPE, WAME etc.
· Conflict of Interest; Publication Misconduct
· Violation of Publication Ethics, Authorship and Contributorship; Identification of
Publication Misconduct, Complacent & Appeals
· Predatory Publishers & Journals

RPE 04: Open Access Publishing

Concept of OER
· Concept of open license
· Open access publishing
· Open access content management
RPE 05: Publication Misconduct
Publication Misconduct
· Ethical issues in various Disciplines
· Fabrication, Falsification and Plagiarism (FFP)
· Authorship : Definition and types
· Conflict of Interest
· Complaints and Appeals
· Software Tools

RPE 06: Database and Research Metrics

Indexing Databases
· Citation Databases : Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar
· Metrics : h-index, g-ind, i10 index, Almetrics
· Understanding Citation Metrics for Quality Research: Impact & Visualization
· Exploring the Citation Network
· Rules & Tools

UGC Regulations 2018 on Academic Integrity

UGC Regulations-Meaning & concept
· Legal Provisions


Internal Assessment: 25 marks

Assignment / Presentation / Case Study / Book Review / Class Seminar
Guidelines for Class seminar :
17. Should be based on specific or thrust areas of research domain being chosen by the
research scholar.
18. Cover all aspects of the paper : Design, Review of literature, tools and techniques
19. The hard copy has to be submitted which will be run on the software for similarity.
Any paper with a similarity above 10% will not be accepted.
20. Two Internal examiners will be nominated by the Director, CRTA for the assessment.


• Bird,A. (2006). Philosophy of Sciences. Routledge

• MacIntyre, Alasdair (1967). A Short History of Ethics. London
• P.Chandah. (2018). Ethics in Competitive Research: Do not get Scooped; do not
get plagiarized.

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