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What are the Primary Elements of Form?

01 : Point
A position in space.
Point: Neutral, Direction-less, 0D
Spheres, ovals, and cubes can be points because they have a centralized tendency.
Rectangles and linear elements have a direction, and so lose their neutrality.

(Ching, 2002)
02 Line
Line elements are used to accentuate the hight/
width or directional of travel in architecture. Line
elements have a start and end, and a direction.
Line elements are used to accen-
tuate the hight/width or direc-
tional of travel in architecture.
Line elements have a start and
end, and a direction.
(Ching, 2002)
Line elements are used to accentuate the hight/width or directional of travel in architecture. Line elements have a start and
end, and a direction.
03 Plane A line extending to have length and width properties, de-
velops an orientation, position and shape.

Normal of Plane

2D L
04 Volume
Formed by the combination of multiple Planes, eventually
define a form or limit to a space. 3D

(Ching, 2002)
Volume Extending a plane into a third dimension until it develops length, width, depth; form and space; Orientation and

A volume is a series of intersecting planes defining the boundaries and form of a space

In these two images, identify point, line, planes and 3D Elements if any.
Understanding Geometric

Point: Neutral, Direction-less, 0D

Line: Start Point and Direction. 1D

Plane: a formation between two or

more lines with whose points line
up to form a surface. 2D

Formed by the combination of

multiple Planes, eventually define
a form or limit to a space. 3D

(Ching, 2002)
Home Work

From Your University campus or a public space in Salalah, photograph

a point, a line, a plane and a volume element that you can identify.

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