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Name: Jayme, Cherry Lou S.

Subject: PhysioBioPsychology - 3B
Instructor: Dr. Al Quillope

1. The central issue in the Jesse Gelsinger case was that he died after participating in a gene therapy trial
at the University of Pennsylvania in 1999. His death raised serious questions about the safety, oversight,
and informed consent of human gene therapy research. His case also sparked public outrage and media
scrutiny, leading to stricter regulations and more ethical awareness in biopsychological research.

2. The integration of ethics is crucial when conducting research at the intersection of biology and
psychology because such research involves manipulating or altering the biological or psychological
functions of living beings, which can have profound and unpredictable consequences for their health, well-
being, and identity. Some potential ethical dilemmas that can arise in biopsychological studies are:

 How to balance the potential benefits and risks of biopsychological interventions or experiments
for individuals and society?
 How to ensure that the participants or subjects of biopsychological research are fully informed
and voluntarily consent to the procedures and possible outcomes?
 How to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the participants or subjects of biopsychological
research, especially when their biological or psychological data can be sensitive or personal?
 How to respect the dignity and autonomy of the participants or subjects of biopsychological
research, especially when they belong to vulnerable or marginalized groups?
 How to avoid or minimize any harm, distress, or exploitation of the participants or subjects of
biopsychological research, especially when they experience adverse effects or complications?

3. If I were a gene therapy researcher from the University of Pennsylvania involved in the trial, some steps
and measures I could have taken to proactively address the tragic death of Jesse Gelsinger and to ensure
enhanced participant safety, ethical considerations, and transparent communication throughout the
research process are:

 I would have conducted more rigorous preclinical tests and animal studies before proceeding to
human trials, to ensure that the gene therapy vector was safe and effective.
 I would have recruited only participants who met the eligibility criteria and who had a clear
medical need for gene therapy, rather than healthy volunteers who were motivated by altruism
or compensation.
 Provided comprehensive and accurate information to the participants about the purpose,
procedures, risks, benefits, alternatives, and rights of gene therapy research, and obtained their
informed consent in writing.
 Monitored the participants closely during and after the gene therapy administration, and
provided them with adequate medical care and support in case of any complications or side
 I would have communicated respectfully and empathetically with the participants and their
families, and informed them of any relevant findings or developments in the gene therapy
 I would have acknowledged my responsibility and accountability for the death of Jesse Gelsinger,
and apologized sincerely to his family and the public. I would have also cooperated with any
investigations or lawsuits that followed his death.

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