Sample Chapter 4

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A Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School Department

Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

Integrated School

Taal, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Practical Research


Catibog, Russel James B.

Duller, Nathaniel T.
Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data based on the

statistical procedure. The data used in the interpretation were gathered from junior

and senior high school in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy.

1. Number of Playing Hours Per Week of Student Gamers

The student gamers’ involvement to eSport games focused on the number

of playing hours per week. It is presented in Table 3 below.

Table 3
Student Gamers’ Number of Playing Hours per Week

Playing Hours per Week F %

13 and above 94 24.54
10 - 12 98 25.59
7-9 84 21.93
4-6 61 15.93
1-3 46 12.01
Total 383 100

As indicated in the table, out of 383 student gamers from junior and senior

high school in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy, 98 or 25.59 percent are playing

eSport games for 10 – 12 hours. It is higher compared to the 96 or 24.54 percent

who are playing for 13 and above hours in a week. Those gamers who are playing

7 – 9 hours per week are 84 or 21.93 percent of the total number of respondents.

Meanwhile, 61or 15.93 percent are playing for 4 – 6 hours in a week. Lastly, 46

or 12.01 percent are playing the said video game for only 1 – 3 hours. Based on

the above results, majority of the student gamers in junior and senior high school

in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy are playing for 10 – 12 hours per week. On

the other hand, 1 – 3 hours of playing time has the least frequency. It could be

implied that the student gamers tend to play eSport games for longer hours.

A recent report of The State of Online Gaming (2019), based on responses

from 4,500 gamers in different countries, highlights that people who play video

games spend an average of seven hours and seven minutes each week playing.

This number has increased 19.3 percent compared in the last year’s report. With

this, it is concluded that due to the advancement of technology in the society,

people tend to be influenced by it.

Likewise, in an investigation of Basler and Dostal (2015), they found out

that, weekly, boys spend about 20 hours playing video games; twice of that of

girls’. Their study also found out that 26.4% of their total respondents plays more

than three hours a day, garnering about twenty-one hours a week. With these,

truly, in this digital world where the use of video game is a common practice,

people tend to play much longer.

However, as mentioned by Hartney (2019), too long exposure to video

games could cause addiction which may take over a person’s main way of coping

with life, and affect them negatively. Often times, video game users tend to lose

focus on real-life scenarios because of it. She mentioned that even though this

digital games entertain a person, having no moderation would result to

disadvantageous feedbacks.

In contrast, Dr. Peter Gray (2012), a research professor at Boston College,

mentioned that many people spend a lot of time pursuing hobbies and passions,

but they’re not addicted to those passions. It’s the same for gaming, such that

somebody can love video games, get much joy from them, play them for many

hours every day, and not have a gaming disorder. He emphasizes that being long-

exposed to video games is not associated with addiction already.

Even so, a study authored by Twenge and conducted by San Diego State

University and Florida State University (2017) found that, in teens, more than five

hours of video games daily is too much. Thus, such student gamers should have

self-discipline towards video game usage for it helps them to balance actual and

digital life.

2. Level of Cognitive Skills of Student Gamers

a. Problem Solving Skills

The student gamers’ level of problem solving skills is presented in Table 4.

Table 4
Level of Problem Solving Skills of Student Gamers

Level f %
Advanced (90 and above) 97 25.33
Proficient (85 – 89) 143 37.34
Approaching Proficiency (80 – 84) 32 8.36
Developing (75 – 79) 37 9.66
Beginning (74 and below) 74 19.32
Total 383 100

It can be observed from the table above that the proficient level got the

highest frequency with the number of 143 or 37.34 percent. It was followed by the

advanced level with 97 or 25.33 percent. Also, 74 or 19.32 percent belongs to the

beginning level. The developing level has a frequency of 37 or 9.66 percent. Lastly,

the level that got the lowest frequency is the approaching proficiency level with 32

or 8.36 percent.

In the table above, it shows that the level of problem solving skills which got

the highest frequency is the proficient level. It is an implication that the student

gamers are good critical thinkers, yet still need more practices to further enhance

the ability. Moreover, it depicts that eSport games have the potential to improve

one’s problem solving skills.

The study of Noureen et al. (2015) defined problem solving as a process

that involves diagnosing the students’ cognitive processes that occur during

problem solving activities. After mathematically assessing the problem solving

proficiency of students, overall, they found out that it was good. She stated that

those students who has great problem solving skills are more liable to act positively

on situations of different environments.

However, based on the study of Organization for Economic Co-operation

and Development (2014), across OECD countries, about one in five students is

only able to solve very straightforward problems, and that just 11.4% of 15-year-

old students are top performers in problem solving. These findings could be

associated to the result of the current study whereby the present study shows a

more positive result toward students’ problem solving skills.

A study of Armagan et al. (2009) highlights that problem solving is part of

our thinking. They have mentioned that students who have learned problem

solving process can be successful in every stage of their lives by using these skills

in finding solutions to the encountered difficulties and problems. Likewise,

determining and evaluating the students’ efforts on how they locate a solution is

essential because problem solving is more on the process than the result.

As mentioned by CareerBuilder (2017), problem solving is a universal skill

that applies to any scenarios. Making this skill advance is very essential in

resolving complex situations with ease. Moments of unexpected changes, need of

fast decisioning, and working with pressure are some of the many queries that this

skill could solve.

Moreover, according to Butts and Shell (2019), this ability could be enhance

through variety of ways; and that playing eSports is one. They mentioned that

problem solving skills often develop for a gamer before they even realize it. While

gaming, there are instance where the gamer has to think rapidly because of time

limit so that they won’t lose. eSport games are anchored with buying of equipment

which is vital for enhancing the power of a character, which means that the gamer

have to think wisely of the rightful equipment to be used. These adequately

improves the mind-thinking of eSport gamers.

b. Eye-Hand Coordination

The student gamers’ level of eye-hand coordination is showed in Table 5.

Table 5
Level of Eye-Hand Coordination of Student Gamers

Level f %
Strongly Agree (3.5 – 4.0) 51 13.32
Agree (2.5 – 3.49) 269 70.23
Disagree (1.5 – 2.49) 60 15.67
Strongly Disagree (1.0 – 1.49) 3 0.78
Total 383 100

From the table above, it is showed that the agree level got the highest

frequency, having 269 or 70.23 percent. It is followed by the disagree level with a

frequency of 60 or 15.67 percent. Also, 51 or 13.32 percent belongs to the strongly

agree level. Lastly, the strongly disagree level got the lowest frequency, garnering

3 or 0.78 percent.

It is presented on the table that majority of the student gamers agree to the

statements showing the situations of eye-hand coordination. Thus, it could be

implied that they have good eye-hand coordination, such that their eyes and hands

work simultaneously and accurately. Nevertheless, more practices are needed to

further enhance the said ability.

According to Spivey (2013), eyes move to gather visual information for the

purpose of guiding behavior. On short timescales, this guidance takes the form of

perceptual-motor interactions for behaviors like locomotion and hand-eye

coordination. This is associated with the combinatory system of eyes and hands

to perform a specific action prior to what the brain tells.

Also, it is mentioned by Zhang et al. (2012) that one’s hand movements and

eye sight are interrelated. The actions that people do are greatly dependent to

what they see. People usually make motor actions using their hands after the eyes

perceived the message. The simultaneous work of these visionary and grasping

organs are very important to allow one’s locomotion or movement be accurate.

The results can be associated to one of the findings in the study of Faber et

al. (2014) whereby the proficiency of eye-hand coordination can be influenced by

age. Those people who are older tend to have more harmonious eye-hand actions.

Babies, for example, are still incapable to perform greatly when using their hands

and eyes together. They are in need of activities which may develop this skill over

the time. Baseball, rubik’s cube, and wire loops are few games that could improve

eye-hand coordination of different ages.

Moreover, as stated in the study of Gozli et al. (2014), people who play

video games may be better at learning new sensorimotor patterns. It is suggested

to those individuals with poor hand-eye coordination, like those with autism, that

video games could help them prosper their skills. Video games, in the genre of

eSports, require a gamer to manipulate their devices rapidly in order to make better

actions in the game. Proper and synchronous movement of their eyes and hand is

one of the keys to win.

Likewise, it is mentioned by Breznitz (2017) that having poor hand-eye

coordination can affect various activities, which may lead to developmental and

learning disorders, and problems in academics and professional areas. Being said

that, writing, drawing, typing, driving, biking, and playing sports or eSports are just

few of the many practices that could be performed to enhance the skill. He

emphasizes that majority of the activities that people do in a day-to-day life use

some degree of eye-hand coordination, which is why it's important to ensure that

it is as developed as possible.

3. Relationship between the Student Gamers’ eSport Involvement and Their

Cognitive Skills

The relationship between the eSport involvement and cognitive skills,

specifically problem solving skills and eye-hand coordination, of student gamers

can be gleaned on Tables 6 and 7.

Table 6
Relationship between eSport Involvement and Problem Solving Skills
Mean Level Mean Level of r- Description p- Decision Verbal
of eSport Problem value value (Ho) Interpretation
Involvement Solving Skills
3.35 83.55 0.78 High 81 Reject Significant

Table 7
Relationship between eSport Involvement and Eye-Hand Coordination
Mean Level Mean Level of r- Description p- Decision Verbal
of eSport Eye-Hand value value (Ho) Interpretation
Involvement Coordination
3.35 2.88 0.77 High Reject Significant

As shown in Table 6 and 7, the mean level of eSport Involvement is 3.35.

Meanwhile, the mean level of the student gamers’ problem solving skills and eye-

hand coordination are 83.55 and 2.88, respectively.

In the relationship between eSport involvement and problem solving skills,

the computed r-value is 0.78, verbally interpreted as having high correlation. Since

the computed p-value is less than 0.05 level of significance, it rejects the null

hypothesis. Thus, there is a significant relationship between the eSport

involvement and problem solving skills of student gamers. This means that number

of playing hours of student gamers greatly affect their problem solving ability.

More so, in the relationship between eSport involvement and eye-hand

coordination, the r-value is 0.77, verbally interpreted as having high correlation as

well. The computer p-value is less than 0.05 level of significance, rejecting the null

hypothesis. Thus, there is a significant relationship between the student gamers’

eSport involvement and eye-hand coordination. The gamers’ number of playing

hours greatly affects the harmonious action of their eyes and hands.

These results agree with the study of Griffiths (2007) which stated that video

gamers tend to have improved problem solving skills. He highlighted that eSport

games, such as Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and League of Legends, allow users

to analyze and scrutinize complex scenarios during the gameplay – enhancing

their ability to solve problems. Mastery of gameplays tend to make optimum results

to this cognitive skill.

Moreover, the study of Li Li et al. (2016) emphasizes that video games offer

advantage to an individual’s coordination of eye and hand. It concludes that

gamers reacted more rapidly and precisely during strenuous situations. Since it is

part of the gamers’ technicalities to mainly use their eye and hand to play, it is

apparent how they build its quality synchronization.

Likewise, the current study’s results paralleled that of Bediou et al. (2017)

revealing that there is a strong positive relationship between the amount of time

gaming and cognitive skills. It is interpreted that those who played video games

longer in their existence has better cognition than those who experience less to

zero video game interaction.

However, the resulted relationship between the number of playing hours

and problem solving skill disagrees with the result of the study of Baro and Paraon

(2017) which states that, using the chi-square test, the problem solving skills and

the estimated number of hours spent playing video games per week has no

significant relationship.

Therefore, in order for the student gamers to receive the optimum

advantage that eSport games could offer to them, they should be more educated

with regards to the proper use of it. More so, it is suggested that parents and

teachers must be open and familiar in their students and children’s digital-playing

practices. This is related with what Karm (2014) stated; that since online gaming

is one the fastest growing trend in today’s generation, gamers should be mindful

that it is both useful and harmful for them. Indeed, lack of discipline will result to

detrimental effects in different aspects.

4. Proposed Recommendation Plan

The proposed recommendation plan aims to help teachers, parents, and

students to understand the common concepts regarding eSports and video games

as a whole. The plan will be comprising of numerous strategic interventions like

proposed symposium program, seminar workshop, eSports as a new intramural

sport, and eSports as a weekly elective. The symposium program is piloted by

such invited guest speakers who are capable to apprise the target people

regarding eSports. Meanwhile, cognitive-enhancing activities are proposed to fulfill

the goals of the proposed seminar workshop. During schools’ sport festivals,

eSport tournaments are highly encouraged to attain far-reaching benefits. Also,

since eSports has blossomed into one of the fastest-growing industries in the

Philippines, with its high feasibility of becoming part of the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED) curriculums, eSports as a weekly subject matter is

recommended. This is to brief the students concerning its effects on human and

the economy, and to enlighten them about the option of considering a degree on

eSports, for the future.


Since the findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between

one’s eSport involvement and cognitive skills, the researchers developed a

recommendation plan that will benefit teachers, parents, and most especially,

students. A symposium program is planned to achieve a well-informed people of

concern. A seminar workshop, based on the assessment on problem solving skills

and eye-hand coordination, is a tool to further enhance their cognition.

Furthermore, the application of eSports to the campus would promote openness

and inclusivity.

I. Program Title

A Recommendation Plan for Campus’ eSport Interposition and Propagation

II. Program Description

The researchers, being concerned individuals with regards to one’s healthy

video game use, take the role of leading the student gamers toward a better

gaming habit which will help them to achieve supreme cognitive advantages.

Through a recommendation plan, teachers, parents, and students will be

enlightened of the effects and the totality of video games. Moreover, it serves as

an instrument for an effective implementation of eSports inside the school grounds.

It is the aim of this recommendation plan that all participants will benefit from

the researcher-made strategic interventions that comprises of discussions,

activities, and school arrangements. Obtaining maximal body of knowledge and

becoming more responsible digital gaming users are eagerly anticipated as well.

III. Nature and Purpose

To raise awareness regarding the entirety of video games, specifically in

the genre of eSports, and how to implement it effectively in the campus are the

primary purposes of the proposed plan of action. In addition, though the study

showed that these games could deal positive effects to users, such plans’ purpose

is about allowing the audiences to realize the importance of balancing digital and

real life. Moreover, relative to the assessment on student gamers’ problem solving

skills and eye-hand coordination, various cognitive-related activities are to be done

for the betterment of the expected results. The overall recommendation plan could

be of great help, in the present and then, to those people who are playing video

games. Likewise, the proposed recommendation plan focuses on its convenience

to interested people.

Objectives Strategic Specific Persons Involved Milestone

Intervention Actions
 Different  Emcee
guest  Guest Speakers:
speakers will o Student Gamer
share o Parent
To create a Symposium knowledges o Teacher
comprehensive on Video about eSports o Professional Well-
and purposeful Games: A relative to Doctor informed,
discussion Responsible their o Cognitive oriented and
among people Gaming experience Psychologist satisfied
of concerns. Awareness and acquired o Sibol (PH’s audience
studies. official eSport
Sharing and team 2019 SEA
discussion, Games, Gold
and question Medalist)
and answer  Audience
portion will
then be done.
Sharing and Discussion. This strategy is a great aid in assuring that the audience will
be well-informed and oriented about the totality of utilizing video games like eSport, and
its possibility to influence students’ cognition. Through experiences and studies shared
by different individuals and groups, requisite and extensive information will be provided.

Question and Answer Portion. This will further satisfy the audience’s need on clarifying
their uncertainties and queries. They may ask anything from the guest speakers
regarding the proper use of video games and its effectivity to one’s cognitive skills. By
this, the symposium, anchored with its purpose, could end up optimally.

 Various
activities and
games will be
such as:
o 4 Pics 1
o Drill Card
Rush, Improved
To enhance o Catch the student
one’s cognitive Seminar Egg,  Game Managers cognition –
abilities, Workshop: An o Fix the  Students problem
namely Approach Rubik’s, and solving skills
problem Towards o Aim and Dart. and eye-
solving skills Cognitive hand
and eye-hand Development  Rational coordination
coordination. game
managers will
be handling
the workshop
to ensure its
They would
also facilitate
all the
teachings and
4 Pics 1 Word. This activity will stimulate the audience’s cognitive ability on recognition
and logic. It provides an integrated and revolutionary buzzword game which will allow the
audience to think and participate well.

Drill Card Rush. This activity deals more on improving problem-solving skills using
mathematics. As part of the mechanics, the goal is to answer many drill cards correctly
using basic math knowledge and expertise.

Catch the Egg. This activity, which is common to play during events and parties, is a
great way to enhance eye-hand coordination. Using one’s sight, the participants shall
spot where the thrown egg will fall, and catch it using their hands.

Fix the Rubik’s. This activity will allow the participants to extensively enhance their eye-
hand coordination by manipulating a rubik’s cube. Participants shall solve a scrambled
cube by twisting the puzzle so that all six sides are entirely their own colors.

Aim and Dart. This activity will help the participants to improve their sight line as if their
target, dart, angles of elbow and shoulder, and dominant eye are all in the same aiming
line. By continuous and focused gameplays, it could improve the participants’ eye-hand
coordination as well.
 During
intramurals in
are widely
To introduce eSports: A interested A campus
and advocate a New student  Student Gamers that
new arena of Intramural gamers to  Teachers celebrates
sport activities Sport join. modern and
digital sport
 This friendly
event are
by teachers
who are also
intent on
 Every week,
senior high
To extensively school
prosper the students will
students’ be confronting
knowledge eSports as a eSports as  Students Enlightened
regarding Weekly their elective,  eSport Instructor students
eSports. Elective tackling its
effects on the
society in all

To help such  Instructors
students to who are
decide on literate on this
taking a degree field may
on eSports facilitate the
said class.

Proposed Budget Plan

Expenses Cost
Talent Fee for Guest Speakers P12,000

Tokens P2,500

Materials for Activities P1,000

Foods and Drinks P3,500

Total: P19,000


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