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Deadline: September 19, 2023 (Tuesday, during class hour)

Learning Assessment:
1. Create a collage showing the progression of human understanding and attitude of gender
and sexuality in modern societies. (Choose your preferred country; Greece, Egypt, China, India,
Japan, and Philippines)

Collage Project Rubric

Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Inadequate (1)
Creativity and The collage The collage shows The collage shows The collage is The collage lacks
Originality demonstrates creativity and some creative somewhat repetitive creativity and
exceptional creativity originality, with elements but lacks and lacks creative originality; it
and originality. It is some unique originality. elements. appears generic.
visually captivating elements.
and unique.
Composition The collage is well- The collage is mostly The collage shows The collage is The collage is
and Layout organized and visually well-organized and some organization disorganized, entirely
balanced. The visually appealing, but lacks visual making it disorganized and
arrangement of with some minor balance in places. challenging to lacks a coherent
elements enhances the issues in follow the visual layout.
overall impact. composition. flow.
Use of A wide variety of A good range of A limited range of The use of materials Very few materials
Materials and materials and elements materials and materials and and elements is and elements are
Elements are skillfully used to elements is used elements is used, minimal, and they used, and they do
convey the intended effectively to convey with some do not effectively not contribute to
message or theme. the intended message effectiveness. convey the intended the message or
or theme. message. theme.
Integration of The collage effectively The collage The collage The collage lacks a The collage has no
Theme/Message communicates a clear communicates a somewhat clear theme or discernible theme
theme or message, and theme or message, communicates a message, and the or message, and
the elements chosen and most elements theme or message, elements chosen do the elements seem
are highly relevant to are relevant to the but some elements not convey a random.
the theme. theme. seem unrelated. cohesive message.
Craftsmanship The collage is The collage is well- The collage is The collage lacks The collage is
and Attention to meticulously crafted crafted with good reasonably crafted, attention to detail, poorly crafted,
Detail with exceptional attention to detail, but there are and there are with numerous
attention to detail. All with only minor noticeable flaws or significant flaws in errors and a lack of
elements are cleanly imperfections. inconsistencies. execution. attention to detail.
and skillfully executed.
Overall Impact The collage has a The collage has a The collage has a The collage has a The collage has no
powerful and positive overall somewhat positive limited overall meaningful overall
memorable overall impact that engages overall impact but impact and struggles impact and fails to
impact that effectively the viewer. lacks strong to engage the engage the viewer.
engages the viewer. engagement. viewer.
Total Points (out of 50):
Excellent: 45-50points
Good: 38-44 points
Satisfactory: 33-37 points
Needs Improvement: 24-32 points
Inadequate: 1-23 points

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