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17:2, 126–136, 2008

Remotely sensed spawning habitat of Pacific sardine

(Sardinops sagax) and Northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax)
within the California Current

CHRISTIAN S. REISS,1,* DAVID M. CUFES and satellite estimates, respectively. Interan-

CHECKLEY JR2 AND STEVEN J. BOGRAD3 nual variability in the area (km2) and duration
Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division, NOAA Fisheries, (months) of estimates of suitable habitat varied
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, 8604 La Jolla Shores Dr., between species and between the northern (39 to
La Jolla, CA 92037, USA 50.5N) and southern portions of the California Cur-
Integrative Oceanography Division, Scripps Institution of rent. Long-term monitoring of habitat variability using
Oceanography, University of California San Diego, 9500 remote sensing data is possible in the southern portion
Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0218, USA of the California Current, and could be improved upon
Environmental Research Division, NOAA Fisheries, Southwest in the northern area with the addition of surveys
Fisheries Science Center, 1352 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove, better timed to describe relationships between
CA 93950-2097, USA
observed and estimated spawning habitats.
Key words: California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries
ABSTRACT Investigations, California Current, northern anchovy,
We use trivariate kernel density estimation to define Pacific sardine, remotely sensed, Sea-viewing Wide
spawning habitat of northern anchovy (Engraulis Field-of-view Sensor, spawning habitat, sea surface
mordax) and Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the temperature
California Current using satellite data and in situ egg
samples from the Continuous Underway Fish Egg
Sampler (CUFES) deployed during surveys in April by INTRODUCTION
the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Inves- Annual egg and larval surveys for the estimation of
tigations (CalCOFI). Observed egg distributions were spawning biomass and recruitment, or for the assess-
compared with monthly composite satellite sea surface ment and delineation of essential fish habitat, are
temperature (SST) and surface chlorophyll a (chl a) conducted for many Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS; Lo
data. Based on the preferred spawning habitat, as et al., 2001) of fish. Recent advances in continuous
defined in SST and chl a space, the satellite data were in situ monitoring of eggs using the Continuous
used to predict potential spawning habitat along two Underway Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES; Checkley et al.,
areas of the west coast of North America. Data from 1997, 2000a) provide fine-scale delineations of egg
the southern area (21.5 to 39N) were compared to occurrence that may be used to define spawning hab-
observations from the CUFES data for the period itats within the survey areas. The rather fixed nature
1998–2005. Northern anchovy and Pacific sardine and expense of ship-based point estimate sampling
exhibited distinctly different spawning habitat distri- limits inference about changes in seasonal spawning
butions. A significant relationship was found between peaks and spatial changes in habitat use by CPS and
satellite-based spawning area and that measured dur- other co-sampled fish species (Smith, 1990, 1995).
ing surveys for sardine. CUFES area estimated for This has important implications for management be-
sardine was similar in magnitude to that estimated cause indices of abundance may become biased, and
from satellite data (60 000 km2). In contrast, may simply reflect the availability of fish eggs to the
spawning habitat of anchovy averaged between 1000 survey, when spawning shifts geographically with
and 200 000 km2 for the period 1998–2005, for change in the environment rather than population
productivity. Such shifts are predicted to occur with
global climate change (Perry et al., 2005; Rose, 2005).
*Correspondence: e-mail:
Within the California Current (CC), Pacific sar-
Received 12 December 2006
dine (Sardinops sagax) and Northern anchovy
Revised version accepted 21 August 2007

Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

126 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2008.00469.x No claim to original US government works
Satellite-derived spawning habitat estimates 127

(Engraulis mordax) exhibit long-term, quasi-decadal in waters of similar temperature to the SCB, a char-
variability in abundance even in the absence of fishing acteristic also noted by Emmett et al. (2005). The
(Soutar and Isaacs, 1974; Baumgartner et al., 1992). presence of Pacific sardine larvae off Vancouver Island
Considerable effort has been expended developing from May through September was documented
ecological hypotheses to explain this variability in between 1992 and 2004, although the contribution of
abundance, and the changing effect of ocean condi- this spawning to population productivity remains
tions on biological processes (Parrish et al.,1981; uncertain (McFarlane et al., 2005). A recent survey of
MacCall, 1990; Jacobson and McCall, 1995). Mac- Pacific sardine off the US West Coast found its eggs
Call’s (1990) basin hypothesis predicts that as popu- farther offshore and farther north than previously
lations of CPS stocks increase, they expand the area suggested (Lo et al., 2007). The results of these studies
occupied to fill other available habitats within the support the hypothesis that preferred spawning tem-
basin and contract around a more or less fixed center peratures are similar throughout the California Cur-
during periods of low population size. Others have rent (CC) ecosystem, although the month of spawning
suggested that CPS populations will not only expand may vary along the west coast of North America.
and contract around a given fixed center but that These consistent coast-wide thermal preferences allow
changes in suitable habitat may cause population us to use satellite and shipborne measurements, either
centers to shift latitudinally (Rodriguez-Sanchez et al., together or separately, to make inferences about the
2002). spawning habitats of northern anchovy and Pacific
Testing such hypotheses requires observing or sardine off the US West Coast. As satellite-based time
sampling important components of the environment series become longer, remote sensing of habitats could
that may affect productivity of populations across the provide a mechanism to test hypotheses regarding
totality of potential habitat. Pacific sardine and environmental changes that may control the quasi-
northern anchovy generally occupy different areas of decadal variability in population size, and could pro-
the CC for spawning. Egg distributions of each species, vide information to develop models in order to explain
based on CUFES data (Checkley et al., 2000b; Lynn, long-term variability of populations of CPS in the CC
2003) as well as quantitative net tows (Fiedler, 1983), ecosystem for use in formulating management
show distinct spatial segregation. Lluch-Belda et al. decisions.
(1991) showed that the thermal preferences of each In this study, we examine relationships between the
species differed, and that the thermal preference of egg distributions of Pacific sardine and northern
anchovy was broader than that of sardine. anchovy to SST and chl a, inferred from remote sens-
Several studies within the CC have attempted to ing in the southern California Current. Kernel density
describe the relationship between the distribution of estimates are used to define habitat polygons based on
eggs of anchovy or sardine and the environment in the distributions of SST, chl a, and the concentration
order to define spawning areas over limited spatial and of eggs within the CalCOFI survey area. We then
temporal periods (Fiedler, 1983; Lynn, 2003). Fiedler investigate the relationship between satellite-based
(1983) used satellite-derived sea surface temperature spawning habitat and empirically derived estimates of
(SST) and chlorophyll a (chl a) data from the Coastal spawning habitat area based on the distribution of eggs
Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) to describe the rela- obtained using CUFES. The seasonal patterns and
tionship between anchovy egg distributions, derived extent of suitable habitat for each species are then
from 4-km spaced vertical net tows, and the ocean estimated to provide a baseline for the development of
environment of the Southern California Bight (SCB). remote indices of spawning habitat.
Lynn (2003) used a combination of SST, measured
continuously from ship, and zooplankton biomass
inferred from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
(ADCP) backscatter, to describe the spawning habitat Biological data
of Pacific sardine based on egg distributions from three Egg distributions of Pacific sardine and northern
CUFES sampling periods. In these cases, strong rela- anchovy were assessed during the April CalCOFI
tionships between egg abundance and distribution and cruises from 1998 through 2005. The April cruise is
the environment were observed. conducted with the principal goal of assessing the
More recently, the NOAA Fisheries Service biomass of spring spawning CPS, principally Pacific
(Macewicz and Griffith, 2006) conducted CUFES sardine in the Southern California Bight (SCB;
surveys off the Oregon coast (2003–2005) during July Fig. 1). The general sampling scheme for CalCOFI has
and found Pacific sardine and northern anchovy eggs
Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 17:2, 126–136.
No claim to original US government works
128 C.S. Reiss et al.

Figure 1. Map of the west coast of North America from In addition to egg abundance, the filtered water is
Canada to Baja California showing the locations of the fixed passed through a SBE-21e thermosalinograph (SBE
stations occupied during April CalCOFI cruises conducted Inc.) providing geo-referenced near-surface (3 m)
between 1997 and 2005. temperature and salinity, concurrent with the egg
abundance data. Standard processing using SBE Inc.
50 supplied software was used to calculate salinity from
Vancouver conductivity.

Northern area Spawning area

Spawning area from CUFES sampling was determined
by integrating the area (km2) encompassing all sam-
ples with more than one Pacific sardine or northern
40 anchovy egg per minute. We did not calculate a
San Francisco standard error of the spawning area because the error
Monterey for the CUFES samples is unknown. We also did not
Latitude (N)

35 Southern Pt. Conception adjust egg abundance for extrusion that may underes-
California San Diego timate the abundance of northern anchovy eggs when
Bight a larger mesh netting is used to sample plankton
(Checkley et al., 2000b).
Satellite data
Southern Sea surface chlorophyll. Monthly standard mapped
25 images of chl a were extracted for the region from
21.5 to 50.5N, and 105 to 130W from the Sea-
viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) archive
130 125 120 115 110 (⁄SeaWiFS⁄L3SMI⁄). Monthly data
Longitude (W) from September 1997 through December 2005
(100 months) were used to develop time series of chl
a along the west coast. These data have a nominal
spatial resolution of about 4 km at the equator, and
been described elsewhere (Hayward et al., 1999). In
about 8 km at 36N, and are extracted as a nominal
2002 and 2003, two ships were used to sample the
9-km equidistant cylindrical grid.
ocean environment concurrently, and in those years
sampling density between San Diego and Pt. Con- Sea surface temperature. Global standard mapped
ception was twice that of other years (<40 km images of monthly SST data (ver. 5) were extracted
between west to east lines). from the PO.DAAC Pathfinder archive (http://www.
Egg abundance (numbers min)1) was determined km/) for each month
using CUFES (Checkley et al., 1997, 2000a) by from September 1997 through December 2005. These
pumping water from a fixed depth (3 m), passing it images were extracted as a nominal 4-km equal angle
through a concentrator and into a sample collector grid and then mapped onto an equi-rectangular
(505 lm), then counting the number of eggs in each projection. The reported accuracy of these SST
sample collected over a fixed interval (30 min). data is 0.3–0.5C. The final array size for these data
Sampling period is increased (15 min) once a high was about three times that of the SeaWiFS data. The
abundance (>1 egg min)1) of Pacific sardine eggs is SST data were therefore gridded to the array size of
found. At a nominal ship speed of 10 knots the chl a data using the nearest neighbor algorithm
(5 m s)1), these sampling intervals result in a broad in MATLAB (The Mathworks, Inc. Natick, MA,
spatial sample of about 5 nmi (9 km) and 19 m3 of USA).
water filtered, assuming a pumping rate of Spawning habitat distribution. To develop a habitat
640 L min)1 (Checkley et al., 1997). Because Pacific model that included chl a and SST, we pooled the
sardine is the target species, sampling and along- data from the first half of the available time series of
transect spatial resolution of the egg distributions are egg surveys (1998–2001) and extracted chl a and SST
finer than those of northern anchovy, a species that is data from the satellite images for each corresponding
currently not assessed by NOAA Fisheries. CUFES sample for each survey. We searched for data

Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 17:2, 126–136.
No claim to original US government works
Satellite-derived spawning habitat estimates 129

that were ±4 km from each CUFES position, and tions of eggs, and potentially maximizing differences in
averaged the satellite data within this area. These 4 yr habitat use between the two species. These boundaries
included both an El Niño (1998) and a La Niña in SST and chl a space form the boundaries of the
(1999) event. Preliminary analysis of the relationship spawning habitat as described from remote sensing.
between satellite-based SST and near surface SST Because recent data show Pacific sardine and
from the thermosalinograph showed a strong northern anchovy spawn over a variety of months and
correlation (range of r2 = 0.64–0.83). No large locations along the west coast of North America, but
deviations in the relationships were observed across at similar temperatures (McFarlane et al., 2005; Em-
both El Niño (1998) and La Niña (1999) periods, mett et al., 2005; Richard Charter, SWFSC La Jolla,
indicating that satellite data adequately reflected the CA pers. comm.), we used the boundaries of the 50%
temperature patterns in the CalCOFI area during the polygon to define spawning habitat for each species
surveys. No continuous underway chl a data were each month by mapping the monthly SST and chl a
available for direct comparison with the satellite- data, and summing the calculated spawning area.
derived chl a. However, much of the data used to Because of latitudinal and seasonal variability, areas
calibrate the SeaWiFS were collected in the SCB north of 39N (San Francisco) were pooled into a
(Mitchell and Kahru, 1998), so our satellite-based northern area, while areas between 21.5 and 39N
estimates of chl a should adequately reflect the surface were pooled into a southern area. Further sub-division
water chl a concentrations in this area. in space did not dramatically affect the results.
We then used a three-dimensional, kernel density Estimates of spawning habitat area for each of the
estimator to determine the trivariate (SST, chl a, and 8 yr (1998–2005) inferred from the kernel-density
eggs min)1) probability density function (PDF) from procedure in the southern area were compared with
the 4 yr of pooled data using MATLAB and the KDE the spawning area estimated by integrating the areas
toolbox ( encompassed by the observed CUFES egg distributions
html). Kernel density methods are non-parametric using all 8 yr of CUFES survey data. Because both
probability density estimators (Scott, 1992) and are estimates have the same units, we expect the rela-
generalizations of standard univariate procedures, like tionships to be linear, although slopes and intercepts
histograms. The PDF is calculated by fitting a weigh- may vary for a number of reasons including the dif-
ted kernel function for each data point and then fering cruise tracks in different years.
averaging over the data. In this case, a weight, h, is
determined by the desired amount of smoothing that
trades off between bias and variance in the data series
in each of the three dimensions. We used a normal Distribution of sardine and anchovy
density kernel and applied the normal reference rule The distribution and abundance of Pacific sardine and
for determining the optimal window size to smooth northern anchovy eggs off the coast of California
each function. The result is a multivariate PDF during April varied considerably among years (Fig. 2).
describing the habitat space. We investigated the In general, northern anchovy eggs were found much
sensitivity of the resulting multivariate PDFs to three closer to shore and were concentrated in the SCB,
different types of kernel functions (normal, triangular while the highest abundances of Pacific sardine eggs
and tri-weight). No major differences were found with were found offshore and north of Point Conception.
the exception of the smoothness of the multivariate Occasionally (1999, 2002), Pacific sardine eggs were
PDF. distributed widely across the California Current, while
The useful result of the kernel-density estimate in in other years (1998, 2001, and 2003) they were
this analysis is a polygon of the probability of finding concentrated more closely along the coast. Northern
eggs of each species described by generic temperature anchovy eggs were generally more variable in spatial
and chl a properties where eggs were actually observed. distribution, usually occurring within the SCB
Lynn (2003) showed that the spawning habitat of although sometimes (2005) found off Monterey.
sardine was well defined when contours of the ratio of Pacific sardine and northern anchovy exhibited
CUFES samples positive for eggs versus total CUFES distinctly different interannual patterns in the amount
samples in a bin (temperature, potential food) of spawning area in spring (April) between 1998 and
exceeded 50%. Thus, we chose to define spawning 2005 in the CalCOFI region. Mean spawning area of
habitat (SST and chl a) area as the polygon encom- Pacific sardine during April was 63 940 km2. The
passing the upper 50% of the egg abundance of each smallest spawning area (<12 000 km2) occurred in
species, thereby retaining the most dense contribu-
Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 17:2, 126–136.
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130 C.S. Reiss et al.

1998 1999
35 35

30 30
Latitude (N)

25 25
–130 –125 –120 –115 –130 –125 –120 –115

2000 2001
35 35

30 30

25 25
–130 –125 –120 –115 –130 –125 –120 –115

2002 2003
35 35

30 30
Latitude (N)

25 25
–130 –125 –120 –115 –130 –125 –120 –115

2004 2005 Figure 2. Distribution and abundance

(egg min)1) of eggs of northern anchovy
35 35
(red bars) and Pacific sardine (black
bars) collected in CUFES samples during
30 30 April CalCOFI larval fish surveys
between 1998 and 2005. Open circles
represent the location of the fixed
25 25 CalCOFI stations. Bars in lower left are
–130 –125 –120 –115 –130 –125 –120 –115 scales (1, 15 and 25 eggs min)1, note
Longitude (W) different scales between species).

1998 and the largest in 1999 (125 398 km2), indicat- sardine and northern anchovy (Fig. 3). The upper 50%
ing that spawning area varied by an order of magnitude of Pacific sardine eggs collected between 1998 and 2001
during the transition from an El Niño to a La Niña. were found in a relatively small SST–chl a space
The spawning area of northern anchovy was even (Fig. 3a–b). Pacific sardine eggs were associated with
more variable, ranging over two orders of magnitude lower chl a concentration (<1.2 mg m3) and a tem-
during the time period. In 1999, just 535 km2 of the perature range of 12–15C, as measured by satellite. In
SCB was used for northern anchovy spawning during contrast, northern anchovy were more widely dispersed
April, while in 2005 the spawning area was greater in temperature (12.5–16.5C) and chl a (<0.5 mg m)3–
than 40 000 km2 (Fig. 2). 4.5 mg m)3) space (Fig. 3c–d).

Satellite-based estimates of spawning habitat Annual cycle of spawning area

Trivariate kernel density estimates of the PDF resolved Annual patterns in satellite-based estimates of
different patterns of habitat association between Pacific spawning habitat area varied in the northern and
Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 17:2, 126–136.
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Satellite-derived spawning habitat estimates 131

(a) (b)
10 20

Chlorophyll-a (mg m–3)


Eggs min

Figure 3. Trivariate kernel density esti- 0 0

12 14 16 18 10 8 6 4 2 0
mates of Pacific sardine (a,b) and Temperature (C) Chlorophyll-a (mg m–3)
northern anchovy (c,d) encompassing (c) (d)
the 50% occurrence of eggs. Environ- 10 20

Chlorophyll-a (mg m–3)

mental space is defined by chl a
(mg m)3) and temperature (C) derived 8

from monthly composites of SST and

Eggs min
SeaWiFS chl a during April 1998 10
through 2001. Left panels present planar 4
view of the habitat containing 50% of 5
the eggs, while the right panel presents
the elevation view of the abundance of 0 0
12 14 16 18 10 8 6 4 2 0
50% of the eggs as a function of chl a
concentration. Temperature (C) Chlorophyll-a (mg m )

southern areas for both Pacific sardine and northern southern area began to decline and was minimal
anchovy (Fig. 4). Pacific sardine spawning habitat was between August and October.
temporally uni-modal in the southern area and tem- Northern anchovy spawning habitat showed uni-
porally bi-modal in the northern area. In the southern modal seasonal cycles in each area (Fig. 4). In the
area, the most potential Pacific sardine spawning southern area, potential northern anchovy spawning
habitat occurred from December through April, habitat was maximal from February through April,
exceeding 100 000 km2. In the north, satellite-based when it exceeded 300 000 km2. Spawning habitat was
estimates predicted year-round availability of Pacific available in the southern area year round. Even when
sardine spawning habitat, with the least amount of spawning habitat was minimal, more than 45 000 km2
habitat available from July through October. The of potential habitat was available for northern
average amount of spawning habitat in May exceeded anchovy. In the northern area, the spawning area was
80 000 km2 and in November the amount of potential maximal during summer, between May and Novem-
spawning habitat exceeded 100 000 km2. In April, ber. There was a hint of bi-modality, with one mode in
spawning habitat area for Pacific sardine in the June and July and a second mode in October. Of

Figure 4. Estimated monthly spawning

areas of Pacific sardine and northern
anchovy, predicted based on a trivariate
kernel density estimate of the satellite-
derived SST and chl a. The northern
area (black) represents areas north of
San Francisco and the southern area
(gray) represents the currently extended
CalCOFI sampling areas. Error bars (±1
SD) represent averaging over the 8 yr of
the study from 1998 to 2005.

Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 17:2, 126–136.
No claim to original US government works
132 C.S. Reiss et al.

particular interest was the complete lack of spawning 1998 and the larger area during the La Niña of 1999.
habitat for northern anchovy between January and In contrast, the time series of satellite- and CUFES-
April in the northern area. based estimates of spawning area were widely disparate
for northern anchovy. The seasonal trends of satellite-
Time series of spawning habitat based spawning habitat were an order of magnitude
When satellite-based spawning habitat was compared greater than that estimated by CUFES (Fig. 4). The
to that derived from the April CUFES measurements temporal patterns over the 8-yr period also varied
in the CalCOFI area, several interesting patterns greatly (Fig. 5b).
emerged (Figs. 5 and 6). Time series of spawning area Spawning habitat area of Pacific sardine inferred
estimated from satellite and CUFES data from April using satellite-based data was similar in magnitude to
were similar for Pacific sardine. Satellite-based mea- the area measured using CUFES (Fig. 6a), while this
sures of spawning habitat also resolved the smaller area was not so for northern anchovy (Fig. 6b). The
that was estimated using CUFES during the El Niño in CUFES and satellite-derived spawning areas for

1.5 1.5
Sardine (00 000s km )

Sardine (00 000s km )


1.0 1.0

Satellite spawning area

CUFES spawning area

0.5 0.5

0 0
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Anchovy (00 000s km )

6 4
Anchovy (0 000s km )

Figure 5. Estimates of spawning area of

4 3.5 Pacific sardine (upper panel) and north-
ern anchovy (lower panel) in the
2 3
southern area based on data from CUFES
(solid line) and satellite (dashed line) for
April 1998 to 2005. Data from 1998 to
0 2.5

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 were used to generate the trivariate
Year kernel estimates.

2 5

1.8 4.5

1.6 4
Anchovy (00 000s km )
Sardine (00 000s km2)


1.4 3.5 2005

1.2 3 2000


1 2002 2.5
Figure 6. Correlation between esti-
0.8 2
2000 2003 mated spawning area of sardine (left pa-
1998 nel) and anchovy (right panel) derived
0.6 2005 1.5
from CUFES sampling and the area
0.4 1 estimated from satellite data for the
period 1998 to 2005 in the California
0.2 0.5 Current between the US border and San
Francisco. Open circles represent the
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 data used to generate the trivariate ker-
CUFES CUFES nel density estimates. Closed circles
2 2
Sardine (00 000s km ) Anchovy (00 000s km ) represent independent data.

Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 17:2, 126–136.
No claim to original US government works
Satellite-derived spawning habitat estimates 133

Pacific sardine were not significantly correlated time (Fig. 7). Spawning habitat was virtually constant
(r2 = 0.68; p < 0.08), although the high explained on an annual basis in both the southern and northern
variance indicates the lack of significance may be due areas for northern anchovy. However, potential
to low sample size. Predictions of spawning area using spawning habitat was available throughout the year
both CUFES and the satellite were lowest during El between 1999 and 2002 in the south but not the
Niño and highest during La Niña. In contrast, there north.
was little overlap in the spawning habitat of northern
anchovy when CUFES satellite estimates were com-
pared. For northern anchovy, the spawning area
based on remote sensing exceeded the CUFES-based Using satellite-based measures of two components of
estimate of spawning habitat by an order of the pelagic habitat (SST and chl a) and non-para-
magnitude. metric kernel density estimation techniques, we were
Monthly time series of satellite-based measures of able to quantify and locate the potential spawning
spawning area of both Pacific sardine and northern habitat of Pacific sardine and northern anchovy off the
anchovy from September 1997 through December west coast of the US over an 8-yr period. This result
2005 showed interesting multi-year patterns that dif- expands on several studies that have documented
fered between species and areas (Fig. 7). For example, relationships between spawning distributions of Pacific
between 1999 and 2002 Pacific sardine spawning sardine and northern anchovy in relation to temper-
habitat in the southern area was greater than in other ature and measures of primary or secondary production
years, and averaged more than 60 000 km2. At the in the CC system (Fiedler, 1983; Lluch-Belda et al.,
same time, there was less predicted spawning habitat 1991; Lynn, 2003) and elsewhere (Richardson et al.,
in the northern area. Pacific sardine spawning habitat 1998; Planque et al., 2007).
was virtually non-existent during the summers of 1999 Given that the time series of co-occurring satellite
to 2002 in the northern area. data and CUFES data are still very short, we used half
The lack of an obvious relationship between the time series to construct the three dimensional
CUFES- and satellite-based estimates of spawning area PDFs to determine the spawning preferences. This was
for northern anchovy is apparent and is discussed later. done by pooling the first 4 yr of data that included
Monthly patterns for this species show the range of both an El Niño and a La Niña. We then predicted the
variability that might be expected between areas over habitat area of each of the four remaining years and
also the first 4 yr. This adds bias to the predictions, but
was necessary given the short time series of the data.
Figure 7. Time series of monthly spawning areas As the time series lengthens and other data are
(·105 km2) of Pacific sardine (a) and northern anchovy (b) included (from other surveys during these years, and
predicted using a trivariate kernel density estimate of the future surveys) it will be easy to determine the bias of
satellite-derived SST and chl a. The northern area (black the current analysis. It is interesting to note that the
line) represents areas north of San Francisco and the 4 yr of independent Pacific sardine data are squarely
southern area (gray line) represents current CalCOFI located within the bounds of the 4 yr of data used to
sampling areas.
construct the PDFs.
(a) The lack of a relationship between satellite- and
2 2
CUFES-based estimates of spawning habitat for
northern anchovy may be due to a number of factors.
Southern area (00 000s km2)

Northern area (00 000s km2)

1 1 Firstly, the peak period of spawning for northern an-

chovy is between late January and April (Hunter and
Macewicz, 1980), and there are substantial differences
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 in SST and chl a within the SCB and along the west
(b) coast between these months (Lynn et al., 2003). The
2 4
springtime surveys with CUFES may sample northern
anchovy eggs from late in its spawning season and thus
1 2 provide an estimate of the spawning habitat that is
biased in terms of both quantity and location. Sec-
ondly, other features of the local environment may be
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 important in constraining the distribution of northern
Year anchovy that are not captured by the two measures
Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 17:2, 126–136.
No claim to original US government works
134 C.S. Reiss et al.

that we have examined. For example, northern SeaWiFS project were collected during CalCOFI
anchovy are more closely associated with upwelling cruises (Mitchell and Kahru, 1998) and thus the
areas than Pacific sardine, and so may not use all satellite-based estimates of chl a we used are probably
potential offshore habitat. As a result, satellite-based representative of in situ chl a in the CC during the
estimates may show habitat offshore that in fact would sampling periods. The advent of the MODIS AQUA
not be used by northern anchovy. Thirdly, it has been satellite and its simultaneous measurement of both
hypothesized that northern anchovy are more strongly SST and chl a should minimize the mis-match
associated with regions of high primary production between these space-based measurements in the
than Pacific sardine because northern anchovy depend future. As the spatial resolution of both satellite and
on local primary production for energy for their serial CUFES data ranges from 4 to 9 km, spatial biases are
egg production during the spawning season (Smith and probably not severe. Biases owing to the differential
Eppley, 1982). Such dependence may further restrict advection of heat, productivity, or eggs are largely
them to localized areas of predictably high produc- unknown and are an unquantified error in our analy-
tivity. Finally, it is believed that the northern anchovy ses. Loss or gain of heat by both conduction and
population is at a lower level relative to historical evaporation are also potential sources of variability
periods of the mid-1980s (California Department of that could impact SST over monthly time scales
Fish and Game, 2001) and is therefore simply not (Pickard and Emery, 1990). Fish eggs of CPS hatch
occupying as much available habitat as when it is more after 3 to 4 days in the water column at the temper-
abundant. This is consistent with both the overesti- atures we commonly observe in the California Current
mation of observed (CUFES-based) spawning habitat (12–14C; Zweifel and Lasker, 1976). With a
using satellite data and the lack of correlation between 10 cm s)1 net alongshore flow (Marchesiello et al.,
CUFES- and satellite-based estimates for the 8-yr 2003), eggs would be displaced <40 km before
period. Unfortunately, there has been no population hatching, a distance less than between nominal lines
assessment since 1989, and the CPS fishery has almost of the CalCOFI survey. Although significant vari-
completely focused on the more valuable Pacific sar- ability in the along- and cross-shelf flow does occur, it
dine population that has increased to more than a is unlikely that advection of eggs into or out of areas of
million tons since the early 1990s (Lo et al., 2007), differing temperature or chl a is a greater source of
confounding resolution of these competing error than the compositing of monthly satellite-based
explanations. SST and chl a measures across the survey area.
An important assumption of this approach is that Finally, this analysis used objective measures based
mis-matches in the temporal and spatial scales and the on empirical probability distributions to define opti-
influence of advection do not confound the patterns mal habitat from the abundance of eggs, SST and chl
we are trying to detect (sensu Taggart and Frank, a distributions, using a normal kernel density esti-
1990). Temporally, we have used monthly composites mator. While more precise estimates of the kernel
of both SST and chl a as shorter time periods con- density may be possible using some other type of
tained large numbers of missing values owing to clouds underlying distribution, such improvements would
and other quality control issues. As our ultimate goal not necessarily result in a positive relationship
was also to derive coast-wide indices, monthly com- between measured and calculated spawning area for
posites minimized the loss of data along the entire northern anchovy.
coast. The high correlations between the ship-based The positive correlation between the satellite-
and remotely sensed SST and the consistency among based measure of spawning area and the area esti-
years indicate that the general environmental condi- mated using CUFES for Pacific sardine is promising
tions in each year (e.g., during El Niño and La Niña) and suggests that satellite-based measurement of
were those experienced by fish during spawning and spawning habitat and its temporal variability is pos-
manifest in the temporal composites. sible. Other studies using CUFES data have shown
Unlike the near-surface SST from the thermosali- how egg distributions were related to temperature and
nograph used for comparison with the satellite-based salinity (Checkley et al., 2000a) and show promise to
SST, there were no high-resolution ship-based mea- explain the distribution of eggs with respect to water
surements to compare with the satellite-derived chl a. masses. Yet, at present, there is neither a method to
However, comparisons of remotely sensed chl a data measure salinity remotely nor is there a simple rela-
with shipborne sampling have shown high correlations tionship between temperature and salinity in the CC
within the CC (Mitchell and Kahru, 1998). Indeed, from which to infer salinity from temperature. Thus,
many of the data used to determine algorithms for the at present, remote measures of habitat are limited to
Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Fish. Oceanogr., 17:2, 126–136.
No claim to original US government works
Satellite-derived spawning habitat estimates 135

those described by SST and chl a, although other

remotely measured variables such as sea surface
height (Espinosa-Carreon et al., 2004), and derived We thank all the researchers, technicians and stu-
variables such as particulate organic carbon (Stramski dents that make a program as large as the CalCOFI
et al., 1999) and eddy energy (Ducet and Le Traon, seagoing program a success. The authors also thank
2001), offer potential. the SeaWiFS Project (Code 970.2) and the Distrib-
A number of studies have documented the spatial uted Active Archive Center (Code 902) at the
separation in the distribution of Pacific sardine and Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771,
northern anchovy within the CC (Fiedler et al., for the production and distribution of these data,
1986; Checkley et al., 2000a). Our results show respectively. These activities are sponsored by
similar patterns, but the use of satellite data assesses NASA’s Mission to Planet Earth Program. This
potential habitat independent of the area surveyed research was funded by the Fisheries and the Envi-
using ships. This is critical, as recent data from the ronment (FATE) Program of the National Marine
CPS fishery indicates an offshore movement of sar- Fisheries Service.
dine beginning in the mid-1990s (Hill et al., 2006),
an area not well sampled by current egg surveys.
More recently (2006 and 2007) sardine spawning has
occurred well offshore and at the most seaward Cal- Baumgartner, T., Soutar, A. and Ferriera-Bartrina, V. (1992)
COFI stations (Richard Charter; SWFSC La Jolla, Reconstruction of the history of pacific sardine and northern
anchovy populations over the past two millenia from sedi-
CA, USA, pers. comm.). Recent surveys off central ments of the Santa Barbara Basin, California. CalCOFI
California suggest continued expansion into less fre- Repts. 33:24–40.
quently sampled areas with similar temperature and California Department of Fish and Game. (2001). California’s
productivity (Richard Charter; SWFSC La Jolla, CA, Living Marine Resources: A Status Report. pp. 585.
USA., pers. comm.). The use of remote sensing to Checkley, D.M., Ortner, P.B., Settle, L.R. and Cummings, S.R.
(1997) A continuous, underway fish egg sampler. Fish.
assess spawning habitat provides information on the Oceanogr. 6:58–73.
general patterns of spawning associated with tem- Checkley, D.M., Dotson, R.C. and Griffith, D.A. (2000a)
perature and chl a, which may be due to shifts to less Continuous, underway sampling of eggs of Pacific sardine
utilized habitat. Several studies have documented the (Sardinops sagax) and northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) in
results of changing environmental conditions in the spring 1996 and 1997 off southern and central California.
Deep-Sea Res. 47:1139–1155.
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and sardine (e.g., Fiedler et al., 1986). There are no C.D. (2000b). Report of a Workshop on the Use of the Con-
clearly quantified studies modeling the spawning tinuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES) for Mapping
habitat and the environment, despite the ability to Spawning Habitats of Pelagic Fish. GLOBEC Report 14, pp. 1–
empirically define spawning habitat with increasing 65.
Ducet, N. and Le Traon, P.Y. (2001) A Comparison of Surface
precision in any given season. This study provides the Eddy Kinetic Energy and Reynolds Stresses in the Gulf
framework to develop environmental indices of Stream and the Kuroshio Current Systems from Merged
habitat area. With respect to northern anchovy, TOPEX⁄Poseidon and ERS-1⁄2 Altimetric Data. J. Geophys.
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estimated habitat and found no relationship between logical relationships in the Pacific northwest. CalCOFI
the satellite- and CUFES-based estimates. Continued Repts. 46:122–143.
sampling in the northern sector of the California Espinosa-Carreon, T.L., Strub, P.T., Beier, E., Ocampo-Torres,
Current system may further contribute to the tem- F. and Gaxiola-Castro, G. (2004). Seasonal and interannual
perature and chl a relationship we present here for variability of satellite-derived chlorophyll pigment, surface
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occurred there (Emmett et al., 2005; McFarlane et al., Fiedler, P.C. (1983) Satellite remote sensing of the habitat of
2005). Continued assessment of spawning habitat spawning anchovy in the southern California Bight.
from both ships (e.g., CUFES) and space (e.g., ocean CalCOFI Repts. 26:202–209.
color from satellites) will enable characterization of Fiedler, P.C., Methot, R.D. and Hewitt, R.P. (1986) Effects of
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spawning habitat occurrence and use by Pacific sar- J. Mar. Res. 44:317–338.
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thus, how this habitat variability is linked to popu- The State of the California Current in 1998–1999: Transi-
lation dynamics and demography. tion to Cool-Water Conditions. CalCOFI Repts. 40:29–62.

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No claim to original US government works
136 C.S. Reiss et al.

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No claim to original US government works

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