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Lunar Echos is a hack of Jay Dragon’s sublime game Wanderhome, and is based on the
world of Becky Chamber’s A Psalm for the Wild-Built.

David Blandy
Barney Dicker
DedicatIoN “In a world where people have what they want, does having more matter?”
Writing, Cover art Editing —Becky Chambers, A Psalm For the Wild-Built

Sydney Bollinger Marren J. T. MacAdam “Anyone can do a dystopia these days just by making a collage of
@sydboll @Marrensmusings newspaper headlines…But utopias are hard, and important, because we need to imagine what it might be like if we did things well enough to say to our Research, Game Design, kids, we did our best, this is about as good as it was when it was handed to us,
Writing, Editing, Proofreading Writing, Playlists take care of it and do better.”
—Kim Stanley Robinson
Peter Eijk Justine Norton-Kertson
@JimmyShelter @jankwrites “To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of Research, Game Design, compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this
Editing Writing, Editing complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys
our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and
Sam(wise) Figgins Eryk Sawicki there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us
@HermioneBanger @peregrine_coast the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite
Research, Game Design, Layout succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live,
Writing, Editing, Art in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
—Howard Zinn
Sustainable Gaming Forum
This was a SGF co-operative project. You can find out more below: “We are the echo of the future.” —W.S. Merwin

4 5
O The

The Journey...........................................7
Pre-Transition Panga....................................10
Post-Transition Panga..................................14
Our Journey...................................................17
Journeying Tools...........................................18
Your First Few Steps.....................................23
Our First Place And Our Community....37
Giving The World A Voice............................41
Continuing The Journey.............................48
Seasons And Festivals..................................50
Disciple of Bosh...........................................54
Disciple of Grylom......................................58
Disciple of Trikilli.......................................62
Disciple of Samafar......................................66
Disciple of Chal...........................................70
Disciple of Allalae.......................................74
Hopeful Traits...............................................78
Difficult and Troubled Traits......................84
Built Natures.................................................90
Wild Natures...............................................106

Suns rise and set as society’s progress
and falter, learn, and grow.
Climates change and moons shift.

And yet the basic question,

What do people need? persists like a call This book is the start of a journey into a newly developing and transitioning world
to the mysterious wilds. of empathy and care that players will help create. The world of Lunar Echos is
based on the novella A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers. This game
But in a world of plenty—of lack of want— is a hack of the TTRPG Wanderhome by Jay Dragon, and thus also belongs to
what could one possibly need? the lineage of games based on the “Powered by the Apocalypse” gameplay system
One thing always seems to come to mind: developed by Meguey Baker and Vincent Baker.
Together, we’ll venture throughout the moon world of Panga. We’ll visit towns
Empathy. where houses hang from trees and villages constructed from upcycled old world
Understanding through shared experience. waste. We’ll meet tea monks and tinkerers, visionaries and reactionaries, and other
Is this the perennial need? strange and amazing folks. Along the way, we’ll help others in any ways we can.
And, of course, we’ll accept the help of others when we’re in need too. Because
We all need compassion and care at times; after all, that’s what communities do.
there’s no shame in that— If we’re lucky, we might even meet a robot, though that’s unlikely.
a cup of hot tea, and someone to listen. Are you ready to explore empathy in a world on the mend? Good. Then we
humbly invite you to join us.
But what about giving as well as receiving
care and kindness?
As much a need as filling a hungry belly.

Together this need, receiving and giving

opens a world of possibility to explore.

—Justine Norton-Kertson

8 9
Pre-Transition Panga
We can’t very well be co-creators of this world if Panga has been fully charted and We also know that the Pre-Transition Pangans had a Factory Age which was driven
documented. After all, this isn’t just a game, it’s a world building adventure. by the use of robots to produce goods. At some point the population of robots
But we know enough about Pangan history to give us a solid foundation on became sentient and decided they no longer wanted to live in servitude to the
which to build a more utopian world. It may also be helpful to read A Psalm for people of Panga.
the Wild-Built on which this game is based, though having read the book is not To their credit, the people of Panga didn’t oppose the change, at least not on a
necessary to play and enjoy the game. large scale. On the whole, they accepted the robots’ decision and made no effort to
Many unrecorded centuries ago, people on the moon world of Panga developed prevent them from leaving. In fact, they went out of their way to create a space for
a society quite similar to our own. We know almost nothing about the political the robots where they would never have to see another human again if they didn’t
and economic systems this pre-Transition society lived by. What we do know is want to.
that at least some of the people followed a polytheistic belief system incorporating The Pangans divided the moon in half. One half would be the realm of the
six deities, each one supported by a monastic order. organic people and their built cities and villages and settlements. The other half
would be given back to nature, to the wild, a place for the robots to live without
The deities are divided into three parent gods: Pangan intrusion. The Pangans agreed never to venture into the wild, never to look
❧ Bosh, God of the Cycle for or attempt to make contact with the robots, unless the robots initiated contact.
❧ Grylom, God of the Inanimate This social shift and the division of the moon became known as the Transition.
❧ Trikilli, God of the Threads

and three child gods:

❧ Samafar, God of Mysteries
❧ Chal, God of Constructs
❧ Allalae, God of Small Comforts

We will return to the gods of Panga in the section on Character Paths, pg. 53.

10 11
When the robots of Panga laid down their tools and walked away into the
wilderness, the people of Panga turned away from fossil fuels and returned to
shaping and caring for the world with their own hands. While the polytheistic
belief system of the six deities and their attendant monastic orders endures, their
society has become one based on sustainable materials and regenerative practices,
of rewilding what had been trampled and paved over in the past. It is a place
where mental health, relationships and meaningful work are more important than
productivity and success. In A Psalm for the Wild-Built, this society comes to life
as we follow the novella’s protagonists Dex and Mosscap; a comforting vision of an
achievable better future, at a time when we need such visions more than ever.

12 13
Our Journey
We are here to create the multiple journeys that feed into the harmonious age of
Panga; the story of the so-called Transition.
As we follow these winding paths, we will create characters, imagine new ways
of living, shape the world with questions, experiments and solutions, and give and
receive thanks for this process of change and transition. As we journey, this book
will ask us an abundance of questions, which we can supplement with further
questions that come to mind. These questions serve as our foundation: they draw
connections between us, stirring the world of Panga into life to give voice to its
flavors, colors, moods and rhythms. As we ask questions, propose answers, raise
problems, make statements, offer idle speculation and observations, Panga will
develop into something that feels alive in our hands.
As we travel together, future choices may contradict earlier ones, narrative
threads weaving in, fraying and falling away. We’ll often be asked to help out
with matters far larger than any of us in whatever ways we can. But daunting
challenges shouldn’t stop us from venturing out on new paths, or from circling
back, revisiting and recommitting hard to earlier decisions. We can find comfort
in knowing we’ll never know precisely what happened, but that this is our dream
of what could have happened. On our journey, we must trust and be open to both
giving and receiving without expectations. We must trust that every turn along the
path will lead somewhere, that we shape our path by walking it.

Journeying Tools
We’re going to be talking a lot as we travel and explore Panga together, and our “Let’s do this instead.”
journey can only take place through conversation. This conversation may be about Sometimes on a journey you’ll reach an impasse where continuing down a
the paths we wish to take, or the ones we want to avoid. The things we want to do, or particular path will bring you or someone else undesirable discomfort. You can
the things we don’t feel capable of doing. Sometimes, we may describe our characters, always say “Let’s do this instead!” and propose an alternate path through the
their actions, or the world as we move through it. situation. If someone disagrees, work together to figure out where to go next in a
It’s good and healthy to treat this conversation as a journey itself. A journey in way that makes everyone comfortable.
which the future is unknown, and the getting there and how we do so that matters ❧ “Let’s take the safer path instead.”
most. As we often do not know where we are going, it is vital that we care for each ❧ “Let’s not talk about this topic now, and change the topic.”
other along this path. We’ve described a few basic tools that might help you do so ❧ “Let’s not have my character lose this thing I care about. Instead, I’m
below. If there are other tools you want to use instead, or in addition, propose them to going to let go of something I don’t mind losing.”
the group after reviewing the ones we’ve recommended.
There are plenty of other tools we can use, including the X-Card, Script Change, “Do we want to?”
Lines and Veils, and the Safety Checklist. Some of them overlap with the tools we’ve When you’re traveling, it’s important and considerate to check in with your
included here, while others give additional guidance. Use whatever tools feel right. companions before going into uncharted territory. If someone asks “Do we want
It’s important to remember that these tools are not fundamentally conversation- to?” it means they’re interested in going somewhere new and potentially difficult
enders, but rather ways to continue the conversation healthily, and in directions we all or hazardous, and they want everyone’s agreement on this first. If you don’t want
want to go. Whenever someone uses one, it’s vital to accept it with compassion and to go there with them, you can speak up and say so, perhaps offering your own
empathy, and move forward with grace. proposal of what to do instead and the conversation can avoid that area.
❧ “Do we want to talk about what happened?”
❧ “Do we want to grapple with these themes in our journey?”
❧ “Do we want to have difficulty or trouble in my character’s backstory?”

16 17
“Where to next?” “Hold on.”
When exploring together, we might get lost or stuck. The feeling that we have We all need to take breaks. Sometimes we need some water, or to eat something,
no options creeps up all the time. Whenever we find this happening, we can ask or we want to go back and look at something from earlier, or maybe something
“Where to next?” and go where seems best. happened that hurt us and we need to tackle it. “Hold on” is something we can
❧ “We’re at a fork in the road. Where to next?” always say to halt what’s happening, ask for what you need, and switch gears to
❧ “I think this is a good spot to cut away from this scene. Where to next?” another topic.
❧ “So it feels like we’re stuck in a rut, and we should talk about what kind of ❧ “Hold on. Before we travel to the monastery, I need to use the bathroom.”
journey we want this to be. Where to next?” ❧ “Hold on. I want to cut back to the scene with the tea monk, I still have
more I want to say.”
“What do you think?” ❧ “Hold on. What happened earlier made me feel minimized and spoken over,
When walking with friends, some tend to move slower and some faster. Some and we should talk about that.”
need or want more time than others. In these moments, just as with all journeys,
we often need people to look around and spot those who could use more time or “No.”
space to express themselves and breathe, to adjust the focus of the journey. Keep No one can ever make you do something you don’t want to do. If some aspect of
an eye out for people who seem to be talking less than you are, and check in with the journey doesn’t fit your needs, you can always change it. While it’s important to
them by asking them “What do you think?” respect where everyone is at, it’s just as important that you feel like you have agency
❧ “There’s a couple different paths we could take. What do you think we over your character, the world around you, and your experience on the journey. As a
should do?” group and as individuals, we can always reject anything that we don’t want.
❧ “I was considering this nature for our place, but I feel like I’ve been ❧ “No, I don’t want to go to the cave.”
talking a lot. What do you think it should be?” ❧ “No, I don’t want someone to treat my character like this.”
❧ “I’ve been the focus too much lately. What do you think about a moment ❧ “No, this passage from the book doesn’t seem right for the journey we’re on.
with your character and what they want right now?” Let’s change it.”

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Your First Few Steps
Walking away. There are a few things we’re going to need for our journey. We’ll need this book right
These tools all assume that the journey, the game, and the table are all healthy, here, paper or digital copies of all the materials we need, writing utensils, and some
supportive and productive for you. There is a base assumption that a conversation Pebs. Pebs are tokens. For Pebs you can use small stones, acorns, pebbles, flat glass
is the core way of navigating these issues, and that talking things through will marbles, gambling chips, sunflower seeds, or anything that is small and plentiful and
handle most problems. This isn’t always true, though. If you ever feel like you don’t won’t roll away. We also recommend snacks, water, a hot cup of tea, comfortable
want to keep going on right now, you can leave. chairs, and friendly camaraderie, though none of these things are required.
We also recommend you have a copy of Wanderhome to supplement this book.
Having Fun Together. Many of the Traits and Natures of Wanderhome can be adapted to the world of
We all have different ways that we like to travel. Some of us love to chatter away, Panga. We encourage all players to remix Wanderhome content and come up with
describing everything we see, starting up conversations with every stranger we original content for the solarpunk setting of Lunar Echos, and share it with the
meet, and planning all sorts of activities and adventures. Other people prefer to sit creators and other players to use with the tag or #LunarEchos.
back and watch the world unfold in front of their eyes. Some of us might not even After we familiarize ourselves with the inhabitants of Panga, we’ll want to take
want to ever go to a table, and would prefer to sit with the book and read or write a moment and talk about the kind of journey we hope to embark on, the places
by the fire. By checking in with each other and letting each other know how we we most want to spend time in, the questions we want to explore, and the kind of
feel, we can make sure we’re all having fun. If one of our friends isn’t really chatting projects we’d like to help with. Here’s a few questions to start the conversation and
much, they might be bored, or they might be tired, or they might be enjoying make sure everyone’s on the same page. And remember, you can always return to
listening to others, or maybe they’d rather draw pictures in their sketchbook. We these questions, or the conversation they sparked, at any time.
all bring different things to the table. Give thanks and give Pebs to what people

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❧ How long are we expecting this journey to last, if we have any expectations at all? ❧ Do we want a single person to act as a guide, multiple rotating guides, or no
❧ Do we want a more pastoral and upbeat journey, or one exploring the difficulties guide at all?
of The Transition and the Factory Age that linger within us, the inhabitants of ❧ How do we want to make decisions together? Have a guide or one of the
Panga, and the land? rotating guides make the decision when one comes up, give different players
❧ Do we want to avoid using the Troubled and Difficult Traits? responsibilities for decisions about certain aspects of play, or do we all make
❧ Do we want a more personal journey, focused on interpersonal relationships, all the decisions through proposing options, voicing concerns, and finding
everyday issues and quandaries, or do we want a more tangled journey filled with consensus?
local, regional and large-scale problems? ❧ Is there anything else that might come up that we want to watch out for?
❧ What regions and scale of community do we want to focus on? Would we rather
focus on the more wild country settlements near the Borderlands, or the inner Once you feel set for now, everyone should pick a playbook and create their
pastoral satellite villages, or the dense City that they surround? character.
❧ What questions or problems do we want to explore together? Helping with
remediation and rewilding, building community, developing interpersonal
relationships, exploring monastic drama or City life, or some other focus?
❧ What larger problems and projects do we see possibly arising in this world?
What kind of larger projects do we want to help with?

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Each of us will be playing an Inhabitant of Panga who has decided to travel, see
more of their moon, and help in The Transition how they can. Your characters may
be from wildly different places originally, but they each are starting from the same
starting place and community, and are united by the journey they’re taking together,
in this moment.
To make a character, the first thing we’ll need to do is choose a playbook. The
playbook you choose represents a specific disciple of the six gods of Panga, and how
that shapes the way they live and act in the world. Your playbook serves as your
representation in the world and the main tool you have to move through Panga.
Lunar Echos contains six playbooks, which can be found beginning on page ___.
Your playbook will tell you to make some choices about your character. As you
make these choices, tell your fellow companions about the decisions you’re making.
Don’t be afraid to make hard commitments to concepts early on, to ask your other
companions if they think a certain choice is a good idea, or to follow your most
self-indulgent heart.
Many of these choices will involve inversions (such as “Choose 2 you are and 2
you’re not.”) These choices are a space to contemplate and interpret words as you
see fit. There may occasionally be options that use gendered language, these are
chances to either embrace, reject, ignore, or transgress the presence of that gender.
We hope this is a space for queer self-reflection and exploration.

Once everyone feels settled with the choices they’ve made, go around the circle Pebs
and ask your choice of questions to the person on your left and on your right. Panga is a world in Transition, a world on the mend. There’s a lot going on. Society
You can always ask more questions to flesh out how everyone feels and how your is continuing to figure out the way forward without robot labor; people are
characters connect. You can also take notes on your playbook, or in a notebook or building new communities and experimenting with new forms of exchange. One
on index cards. If you want to flesh out your character more, you can draw them of those forms of exchange is a system based on digital Pebs, based on pebbles
on a sheet of paper. that were long ago a medium of exchange on Panga. Pebs aren’t money, you don’t
Finally, take a moment to look over the things your character can always have to spend or earn them, nor do they drive economic production. They aren’t
do. As you explore, you will be reaching into this toolbox often, to hit beats and a system of barter either because there isn’t usually a direct exchange of goods.
communicate how your character exists in relationship to the world around Rather, they’re an entirely new system of exchange, more akin to a gift economy
them. These are not necessarily ways to solve problems or take decisive action, nor meets time bank.
are they a complete list of what your character can do. Instead they are gestures One person helps another, who helps another, who provides a service or goods
toward the kind of person your character is. to another, who then has the ability to brighten someone’s day, which gives that
person the pick-me-up they need to prepare a community meal, and so on into the
Incidental Companionship future. Helping one person has a ripple effect throughout the entire community.
Sometimes we’ll find people who are coincidentally, or incidentally, going the In that way, each act of helping and empathy benefits not just the recipient, but
same way as us, and perhaps we’ll travel together for a while before parting. Focus the entire community.
on enjoying that time you have with them, rather than on reaching your separate Each step along the way Pebs are given and received in recognition that
destinations quickly. If you are worried about why we’re all traveling together, someone has done something to make another person’s day better. Pangans who
relax! It will likely reveal itself in time. are experimenting with this new system give Pebs readily and abundantly. While
in the game we suggest giving one Peb, you can give as many Pebs as you feel

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something or someone’s time and care is worth. You don’t even have to have Pebs Receive Pebs Whenever You:
in order to give them to others because Pebs are digital numbers on a computer ❧ Help someone else.
screen, and Pangans understand that. Since we are representing digital Pebs with ❧ Give something away.
physical objects, have a bag or container of Pebs that players can give Pebs from if ❧ Helping a community with climate or other environmental remediation efforts.
they currently have none. You aren’t required to spend Pebs you receive, because they ❧ Engage in self-care.
aren’t money and aren’t about driving productivity. But you should give Pebs because ❧ Leave an offering for one of the six gods.
they recognize help rendered, empathy given and received, or a day made more ❧ Do a ritual for one of the six gods.
pleasant. Pebs are a display of gratitude. They tell someone that others appreciate the ❧ Listen and give empathy.
effort they make to better individual lives, communities, and the world. ❧ Make someone smile, laugh or feel good in some way..
Player characters can and should give Pebs to each other. NPCs will give player ❧ Take a moment to watch a tiny moment of beauty, and describe it to the group.
characters Pebs, and player characters should also give NPCs Pebs whenever they ❧ Take a moment to marvel at something no one has ever seen before, and ask the
help solve a problem, listen, give empathy, or do something to brighten your day. group to describe it.
When players give Pebs to NPCs, those Pebs go into a community owned bank. In
order to encourage community development, the bank only holds ten Pebs. When
the bank is full, the player who gives the tenth Peb gets to create and introduce a
larger world prompt that the player characters should address and complete before

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Give Pebs In Order To: Failure
❧ Thank someone for a solution to an aspect of a problem or challenge. You might notice that nothing in Lunar Echos involves failure. This doesn’t mean
❧ Ease someone’s pain. you can’t fail. Indeed, you can choose to fail whenever you’d like. Often, in life,
❧ Keep someone safe. we don’t fail. Sometimes, we struggle, get passed over, or even give up. But even
❧ Offer someone the chance to connect with you on a personal level. those moments aren’t truly failures in a negative or demeaning sense. We may
❧ Thank someone for giving you information. make mistakes and suffer consequences. We might listen to our body and mind
❧ Thank someone for something they made or did that helped another. and accept our current limitations. But that doesn’t mean you’re a disaster, and it
❧ Find what someone needs to give them a change to change fundamentally. doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Your journey will just continue as you learn and grow,
❧ Reveal something hidden about the person in front of you, and ask them what it is. make more mistakes, and start again.
❧ Know something important about the place you’re in, and tell the group about it.
❧ Listen to the shared wisdom of the six gods, and ask the group what they tell you

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The Pangans Around You Traits
The world of Panga is populated with a wide range of people, who we call Inhabitants. Big or small, mighty or mundane, everyone you meet will have Traits. Traits are
These Inhabitants walk many ways of life and carry with them their own stories, beliefs, character descriptions, but they assist in the creation and playing of the various
and hopes. They could be helpful tea monks, discerning civil engineers, rugged Chal peoples of Panga that pop in and out of play, often referred to in other games as
monks, or even adventurous wild guards. Even as early as crafting your own character NPCs. We use traits to help inform whenever someone is playing that particular
through your playbook, you’ll likely begin to discover and create some of these person how they might act and give a sense of identity and personality for that
Inhabitants that mean something to your character and their relationship. player to inhabit. Choices made about our own characters will often lend us
As you travel around the moon, seeing new places and meeting fresh faces, it’s particular kinds of Pangas in our lives, suggesting particular traits for them. These
important to keep notes on these Inhabitants. As any Inhabitant might be played by are written in italics. For a full list of traits you can look to page 77.
various players over the course of your Journey, it’s important to keep a kind of “core”
identity about them, so that giving them a voice comes easy and naturally to all. For each Inhabitant that you meet or know, write down the following information:
❧ Name and some pronouns
❧ Their occupation
❧ Relationship to another character(s)
❧ A few striking features or quirks of this individual
❧ At least two traits, and what those traits let the Inhabitant do.

Of course, you can always add more information, and a regular Inhabitant may
experience their own personal growth throughout the journey. For now, though,
this gives us a baseline to build from in our interactions with them without getting
too cumbersome!

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Our First Place and
our Community
Troubled and Difficult Traits At the heart of our journey is our community, the place we call home, the land we
While many are finding new purpose and fulfillment in the lands of Panga, some carry work to make our brighter future together. To create this place, select three of the
the scars of the Pre-Transition world with them and others still feel lost or hurt by the Built Natures, which start on page 89, or choose them randomly. These Natures
new world being built. These can be hard subjects to deal with, and we have marked serve as the building blocks and inspiration for your community. The world of Panga
these traits in particular so that you may avoid them if you would prefer. Sometimes is in Transition, moving forward and progressing into a great unknown. Think of
we do not want to deal with the harder parts of solarpunk worlds—but that does not these Natures as both literal and metaphorical things that inform your Community.
lessen the experience and narrative you are building! Just the same, using these traits Once three Natures have been chosen, consult them at page 89 and make choices
allows you to explore other parts of the story that might excite or intrigue your group. for them. This conversation should be like a good soup, with everyone chiming in
Be attentive and delicate with these Traits regardless. and contributing where they feel inspired to. Inviting discussion and building off of
one another’s ideas is key! These Natures determine the type of Community, along
with the way that community might look and differ from others. Interpreting these
Natures allows you to create the space as your group sees fit: [fill this in once we have

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Now that your Community’s form has taken shape, it’s time to think of what Folklore
kind of community it is. Everyone at the table should contribute an occupation The folklore of a place might openly contradict the stories you’ve always heard
or walk of life that is common within this Community, maybe tying it into the in your homes, or they might clash against other folklore in neighboring places.
Natures themselves (fishers might be common The Riverlands or foragers in the Folklore isn’t consistent, they are passed down through stories and performances,
Woodlands, for example). Of course, not everyone you meet will fit into these they live and breathe and change. It’s the conversation people have with the local
roles! Some might be travelers, others newly settled friends, and maybe some even place they inhabit, and it should be both taken with a grain of salt and given just
rebel slightly and assert their own unique way of existing in the world! respect.
Finally, whoever has spoken the least or feels more inclined to should describe
the local All-Six. These Monasteries have monks representing each of the six gods, Let us begin!
happily aiding their community and providing a motley assortment of helpful Now that we have our Community, some Inhabitants, and each other, we’re
things. They can describe as many or as little details about the space as they feel fit! ready to play! We just need to answer some questions to get things going.
Last but not least, give your home a name.
Each session begins by answering a few questions below:
❧ What did you help with recently and where?
❧ Do you feel we have stayed too long? Do we feel we should return
to our community?
❧ Is there somewhere we hope to go?
❧ What have you learned recently? (Time to learn from a new
playbook OR just think of something your character has learned
since your last session)
❧ Aloud, answer what it is you need. Silently, to yourself, answer
what you need.

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Giving the World
a Voice
Together, we are all responsible for giving Panga its soul and voice. The story we tell
and the community we build is a collaborative one, with each player sharing in the
joy and choices that the various Inhabitants make and Natures provide. These voices
are fluid and shifting – never feel you have to hold onto voicing an Inhabitant longer
than you are enjoying. Feel free to ask others for help and to offer help in kind.
As with any game of play, be attentive to those at your table and ensure everyone
has time in the sunlight. Follow where your inspiration and curiosity takes you,
invite others into your own stories and little moments, and open up the space for
others to lead. Remember the journeying tools to keep everyone engaged and safe.
For a full and amazingly distinct guide to all of this, consult Wanderhome. Below
are some bullet points and tips geared towards our game to help!

Voicing our Characters Voicing Inhabitants
The main voice for your journey is your playbook. It is here that you find your No community is a singular, and no Pangan is an island. At any point you may
place in the world, the lens of how you see the world and your fellow Pangans, and take up the role of an Inhabitant, taking their personality, traits, and relationships
the way you come to understand yourself and the changing world around you. as your own for a minute. Treat them with kindness and compassion, as you would
your own playbook—they are just as important as your own character.
❧ If you ever feel stuck on what to do, consult your Playbook for inspiration on Tips
how your character might act right now. ❧ Reside a while in their Traits and Relationships. These are the strongest, and
❧ Be bold and flexible. Your characters will change, they’ll falter, they’ll grow, easiest, ways to breathe life into an Inhabitant while keeping them consistent.
they’ll laugh, they’ll cry. Let them exist in those moments, even if they might ❧ Focus on what they are passionate about, what they value in the world, and
contradict earlier choices—we all change. where their attention might be drawn in a given situation.
❧ Feel free to change from your Character to an Inhabitant or even take ❧ Be sure to mark down any particular notes or important details from your
over a Nature. time as that Inhabitant on your sheet for them—another player might play
them later, and this will be helpful for them!

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Voicing Places Guides
Giving the space and places you are in a voice isn’t too different from Inhabitants Many TTRPGs are played with a Guide or Game Master, and Lunar Echos can
or your own characters. Places contain three Natures, all of which exist accommodate that too. Unlike some games, the Guide here does not gain any
independent and intertwined with one another. These natures manifest in the particular authority over other players, but is only differentiated in that they do
place around you, however you see fit, and can be both literal or metaphorical. not build a Playbook. Instead, they take on the role of the world around us, of
Panga, and all the Inhabitants and Natures along the way.
❧ When you are Voicing a Place, you are those Natures. Bringing their unique Some reasons you might want to play with a Guide:
features, troubles, and opportunities for adventure is yours! ❧ For those newer to GMless games, it can be easier to begin play within a more
❧ Make choices for and carve out the Place you are voicing, but still ask traditional Guided setting.
questions to your players, describing the problems or things they might find, ❧ If a player wants to spend more time building and crafting the world around
and asking your fellows what they make of it! their fellow players, with a bit more cohesion and planning.
❧ Just like with Inhabitants, consult the Natures for your world to introduce ❧ Can be a more comfortable setting for players who are newer to one another
tensions, beautiful landscapes, and pebs for your fellow players. or come from different roleplay styles.

Some reasons you might want to play without a Guide:

❧ For those comfortable and excited about sharing the responsibility of
worldbuilding and populating the world around them.
❧ Foster and grow the narrative together. This allows a narrative informed by
each player’s unique imagination, experiences, and inspirations.
❧ Encourages each player to make bold and sometimes wild choices. Not having
to worry about sticking within strict rules or appealing to a “referee” can help
more cautious players blossom into story drivers!

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Breaking Camp Quick Start
Even the most experienced of hikers know the importance of rest. It is advised to If we’re in a hurry to get out the door, we can use this as a reminder of what to
take breaks as needed by everyone during play, and to always try to find the natural pack and what to do before we can hit the road.
spot for play to end. Whether your time together will continue later or maybe this 1. Make sure we have all the supplies we need to play, including copies of
is the final moment, you’ll want to find a point of resolution for the day’s events. the play materials, something to jot ideas onto, pebs, and snacks.
Finding somewhere to rest and eat, or maybe mull philosophically on the All Six, 2. Read the opening paragraphs, and cover the Journeying Tools we have
you can wrap your day’s journey up naturally. available to us.
TTRPGs can be exhilarating and wonderful, but that means ending a session 3. Start chatting about the Our Community questions.
can be hard too. Give yourselves some time to chat, take in your surroundings 4. Introduce everyone to playbooks and go over how pebs work.
again, and ground yourself in the world here and now. You can debrief about your 5. Pick out our playbooks and make choices about our characters.
adventures together, cry and laugh if it bubbles up, but ultimately ensure you 6. Create our starting community and choose three natures for it.
and everyone around you feels comfortable and joyful again. Maybe even thank 7. Decide what month it is if we’d like, although we don’t have to.
Allalae for the little joys you’ve just shared together. 8. Describe a couple Pangans who live in that community, or who are
traveling with us.
9. Answer the final questions:
❧ First: What did you help with recently and where?
❧ Then: Do you feel you have stayed too long? Do we feel we should
return to our community?
❧ Then: Is there somewhere we hope to go?
❧ Then: What have you learned recently?
❧ And finally, aloud: What do you need?
❧ And silently, in our heads: What do you want?

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Continuing the Journey
While some journeys last a single session, their time played out over a few hours with Diverging Paths
friends, there are many journeys that carry on over months, where you lovingly craft Sometimes a journey is shorter than the character you’ve created. You might wish
a world together that is truly yours. If you and your friends find yourselves wanting to take them elsewhere, which you are more than encouraged to do. Be mindful of
to play again, after your break talk through the events and folks you met in your the group or the particular journey they’re on, but you should never feel you have to
previous session. Together, plan whether you wish to stay where you are, travel to a abandon a character before their story is told.
new Community, or maybe even return home to your own Community for a bit. You The same can apply to Inhabitants and Places. You can always reuse them,
can play this travel out if you like, but if you want to just jump there go for it! Skipping introducing new players to familiar faces of yours, but try to keep in mind each
ahead is always a possibility. group might have different needs and expectations of play. Remember, too, that they
Before beginning fully, you’ll want to decide as a group whether the Seasons have will interact with the elements of Panga differently, so do not cling too tightly to
advanced or not. Next, decide on whether you’ve moved onto a new Community, what you know, but embrace what you all discover together.
stayed in your current Place, or returned to your own Community. For a new
Community, choose three Natures again, like you did with your first Community. Let Journeying Solo
the quietest among you describe how the local All-Six looks and the monks therein. You can play Lunar Echos alone, taking in the sights and peoples of Panga in your
If you are staying or returning to your own Community, describe how it has changed own time and pace. You can always invite others into your Journey later, or take a
since you last played. break from your journey with others to take some time for your character to reflect
Once you feel comfortable playing Lunar Echoes, you can introduce trickier and and go on their own for a bit.
wilder Natures into Panga. On the next page you’ll find such Natures. Only feel you ❧ Invite randomness. You can roll on Traits and Nature tables, use a Tarot deck
need to add them once you need a bit more wildness in your game. to determine how an Inhabitant feels about you, or even to determine the
Just like with Inhabitants, it’s always good to take some notes of the Places you’ve path forward in your journey.
been and the Communities you’ve met. You never know where the road will take you ❧ Take notes on those you meet and the parts of Panga you explore. You might
and whether you’ll revisit somewhere to say hello to old, familiar faces and see what have use for these Places and Inhabitants later, or to update your group on
has changed. where your character went off to in your next play session!
❧ Revel in the self-joy of this journey. It is yours and yours alone. You can
make of it whatever you wish, as serious or silly as you feel, and imprint it
deep on your heart or keep it as light as laughter.

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Seasons and Festivals
Lunar Echos works under the assumptions that months and seasons fade, festivals A shift in seasons brings about a time of self-reflection and growth for all characters.
spring forth like budding flowers, and that the cycles of Panga are felt around You have grown together, seen and experienced new things, and your Playbook will
you. However, exactly what those seasons are is up to your table. You can consult reflect that. It is here you can check off a box in your Playbook under the “During
Wanderhome for a lovely and thoughtful alternative take on the seasons, or go with each Seasonal Holiday…” section.
whatever seasons are natural and normal to you. If you have journeyed long together, your playbooks might begin to fill up. If
you cannot check off any more boxes, your character is reaching that point where
Shifting Seasons they need to settle into a Community. You can have them return to your original
Whatever style of seasons you decide on, it’s advised you still think of them and how Community, becoming an Inhabitant you can still interact with, or maybe they settle
they play out in your game. Determining what sets off a season change can be helpful in somewhere else, maybe finding a lover or found family in some other Community.
early on. Whichever you choose, you can narrate this process, and feel all the emotions that
may come with it. Whenever you’re ready to, you can grab a new Playbook to play as
If you need help, discuss the following questions with your table: and create a new character.
❧ Does leaving to find a new Community bring about a new This process can be difficult. Take the time you and your table need to process
season for your table? these emotions, but remember, we’re all members of a larger Community. One
❧ After how many sessions should the seasons change? character’s chapter closing opens another to be embraced and cherished just as much.
❧ What kind of seasons does Panga have and what do they mean? And it’s never truly goodbye, is it?

Whatever fits your time together best!

48 49
o K
b o S
Disciple of Bosh, Choose 3 subjects you know better than most, and 1 you wish to learn more about.:
ƌ Entomology, through listening to nature.

God of the Cycle ƌ Astrology, through late night wandering.

ƌ Herbology, through attentive guidance.
ƌ Anatomy, through guided dissection.
You know a little bit about everything and find all of it ƌ Philosophy, through Socratic dialogue.
interesting. You watch and listen, speak the language of life and ƌ Radical politics, through organizing walks.
death, and see the patterns of the world. ƌ Mediation, through many conversations.
ƌ Agriculture, through patient experimentation.
You are alive. Your care is observant, curious, and thoughtful. ƌ Ecology, through watching nature.
ƌ Bushcraft, through playing with sticks.
Choose a name and some pronouns. ƌ Foraging, through guided wandering.
ƌ Hunting, through patiently sitting.
Choose a vocation: ƌ Tracking, through early morning wandering.
ƌ Farmer ƌ Hunter ƌ Writing, through browsing in libraries.
ƌ Ecologist Monk ƌ Wildguard
ƌ Doctor ƌ Council Member Choose 1 you carry with you and 1 you keep hidden. Tell the table about them.
ƌ A nervous young cricket, possibly the last of its kind on this half of Panga
Choose 2 that you are and 2 that strangers always think you are. ƌ The blade of your watchful mentor, who taught you how, when, and how not to have to wield it.
ƌ Trusting ƌ Humble ƌ A satchel filled with your favorite, and now quite tattered, books
ƌ Unpredictable ƌ Frenzied ƌ Your field journal, full of notes and sketches, pressed leaves and flowers.
ƌ Honest ƌ Patient ƌ A well-creased letter from someone back home.
ƌ Relaxed ƌ Focused ƌ The ring of your glamorous ancestor, handed down through your family.
ƌ Intuitive ƌ The woven basket from your wise teacher, who taught you how to read the world around you.
ƌ A weathered book of poems, given to you by a poetic friend.
Choose 3-4 to describe your look. ƌ Your scrapbook, where you’ve collected memories, mementos, and tales you’ve heard.
ƌ Callused feet ƌ A wide-brimmed hat
ƌ Steady hands ƌ Robes that no longer fit
ƌ Belt of many pockets ƌ Oversized glasses
ƌ Patchwork overalls ƌ Woolen cap
ƌ A bracelet of beads ƌ Practical and bunched-up
ƌ Hiking boots dress with pockets
ƌ A worn cane ƌ An engraved knife.

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Ask 1 to the left and 1 to the right.:
ƌ What got you interested in what you do?
ƌ What problems are you trying to solve?
ƌ What have you shown me about the world?
ƌ What is something that you’ve told only to me?

Some things you can always do:

ƌ Make the ordinary seem wonderful and infinite.
ƌ Make something complicated seem understandable and fascinating.
ƌ Ask big questions of people you meet.
ƌ Let yourself cross boundaries.
ƌ Laugh and Say: “Everything is connected.”
ƌ Ask: “How does that make sense?” Gain a peb if someone tells you.

During each seasonal holiday, choose 1 you haven’t chosen before.

ƌ Learn something new from your list.
ƌ Get a peb whenever you walk away from others to spend some time alone.
ƌ Spend a peb to suggest a better design for something.
ƌ You can always ask, “Would you like to go for a walk with me?”
ƌ You can always provide a bigger picture perspective.
ƌ Learn a new ritual to honor the god Bosh and teach it to the group.
ƌ Pay greater attention to the details of your own life, what you eat, how you speak to your friends, how you walk,
and try to better understand yourself.
ƌ Learn about a new way of rewilding or regenerating some part of a life system and tell the group what it is.
ƌ Take an unused playbook and add as much as you want from that playbook to yours.
ƌ You retire from wandering, settling down somewhere where you can play with patterns of life and applying them.
Pickup a new playbook and make a new character.

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Disciple of Grylom, Choose 3-4 to describe your look:
ƌ Overalls with pencils and a protractor in the bib ƌ Wire-framed glasses

God of the Inanimate pocket

ƌ Tan lines on arms, chest, and face from spending
time outside
Ranger’s hat and hiking boots
Calloused hands
Mud streaks across your forehead
The raw earth is your playground, its materials your toys. You build ƌ Dirt beneath your fingernails ƌ Travel size gridded notebook and mechanical pencil
and create with an analytical mind to find solutions and construct ƌ Bag filled with scrolls and architectural blueprints in your back pocket
communities. ƌ Dirt-streaked jeans ƌ Crow lines from spending so much time looking at
ƌ Lopsided button down with a graphic tee the sky
You are alive. Your care is scientific, meticulous, and innovative. underneath

Choose a name and some pronouns. Choose 2 materials you are skilled at manipulating, one you are learning, and one you may never master:
ƌ Salt water ƌ Wood
Choose a vocation. ƌ River pebbles ƌ Plant Fibers
ƌ Builder ƌ Water Engineer ƌ Iron ƌ Earth, like adobe and cob
ƌ City Planner ƌ Astrophysicist ƌ Oxygen ƌ Nitrogen
ƌ Wild Park Ranger ƌ Nonliving Resource Recycler ƌ Copper ƌ Metal scraps
ƌ Fresh water ƌ Stone
Choose 2 projects you are working on & 2 that you would like to work on in the future: ƌ Metal alloys, like steel ƌ Carbon dioxide
ƌ Construct a land bridge for animals over a swift river ƌ Brilliantly-colored gemstones
ƌ Use a collection of old computer parts to develop a new, more reliable device
ƌ Repair a tea monk’s wagon and add a custom upgrade Choose three — two to use and one to have as a keepsake:
ƌ Explore the Lake or The Borderlands for unknown materials to be used in future projects ƌ Axe passed down through your family for as long as anyone can remember
ƌ Teach a class on how to build shelters using found materials in the Wilds, Borderlands, and Wild Parks ƌ Gridded notebooks and a mechanical pencil gifted to you by your learned mentor
ƌ Lead an engineering project for a new water system in a remote village ƌ A guidebook on sustainable building written by an crafty architect you know and admire
ƌ Spend time in a lab developing new materials from abundant natural materials like stone, water, and atmospheric gases ƌ Pocket knife you carved out of marble
ƌ Create a device to purify air in both small spaces like homes and large community spaces ƌ An etching tool you once used to carve a floor plan into a rock
ƌ Lead an oil clean-up project in a community water source ƌ A sketchbook filled with plans created by your students
ƌ Design a new community gathering space using all recycled materials ƌ Leather bag filled with rare material samples you’ve found and been given
ƌ Lead an oil clean-up project in a community water source ƌ A pocket computer with the ability to test samples
ƌ Design a new community gathering space using all recycled materials ƌ Traveling science kit for creating new materials and alloys
ƌ Atmospheric element testing device
ƌ A slightly rusted toolbox with all of the necessities (and extra screws, nails, etc.)

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Ask 1 to the left and 1 to the right:
ƌ How do our skill sets complement one another?
ƌ What problem do you face that could be solved through engineering?
ƌ How can I support you emotionally?
ƌ What is something you are particularly proud of ?
ƌ What do you wish others saw in you?
ƌ Where is our favorite place to spend time together?
ƌ Some things you can always do:
ƌ Repair small to medium broken things with found materials
ƌ Successfully lead a group on a daunting construction project
ƌ Read and understand even the most complex architectural plans and building instructions

Ask, “what is the process behind this project?”

ƌ Consult a guidebook and identify new-to-you types of rocks, metals, and gems
ƌ Work hand-in-hand with a person or group to solve a spatial problem
ƌ During each seasonal holiday, choose 1 you haven’t chosen before:
ƌ Discover a new metal alloy and determine its uses
ƌ Lead a group of disciples in constructing an altar for Grylom
ƌ Learn a new sustainable construction method from an Elder disciple of Grylom and share it with the group
ƌ Add an entry to Grylom’s Manual (a guide to materials, engineering, and construction)
ƌ Learn a ritual to honor Grylom and teach it to the group
ƌ Find a secret room in a building you have been familiar with for a long time
ƌ Make something that is both utilitarian and art out of scrap or found materials
ƌ Take an unused playbook and add as much as you want from that playbook to your own
ƌ You find somewhere you are happy with an abundance of materials for you to build, shape, and play with. Pick
up a new playbook and make a new character.

58 59
Disciple of Trikilli, Choose 3-4 to describe your look:
ƌ Sewing Belt ƌ Professorial Aura

God of the Threads ƌ Curved Wooden Pipe

ƌ Intent Gaze
ƌ Thinning Hair
Pencil Behind One Ear
Bag Stuffed Ancient Scrolls
Long Ankle-Length Robes
Minutiae comprises all things, sewing together the living and ƌ Wearing a Quilted Cloak ƌ Chef ’s Hat and Apron
nonliving, connecting the human and more-than-human. These ƌ Sewing Kit Strapped to Your Back ƌ Curious Expression On Your Face
particles seem invisible to the naked eye, but are part of the
world’s greater pattern. Choose two things you love to study, and one you never want to read about again:
ƌ The History and Science of Climate Change ƌ The nature of consciousness
You are alive. Your care is exact, practical, and intuitive. ƌ The Economics of Panga ƌ The Factory Age
ƌ The Chemistry and Psychology of Empathy ƌ The Ecology of Riparian Habitats
Choose a name and some pronouns. ƌ The Physics of Entropy

Choose a vocation. Choose 3-4 things you’re learning from or teaching to others:
ƌ Seamstrix Monk ƌ Gourmet Cook ƌ How to use genomics to create hybrid edible plants
ƌ Theoretical Physicist or ƌ Professor ƌ The physics of air travel
Chemist ƌ Fashion Designer ƌ How to create thread from recycled plastic
ƌ Yoga Teacher ƌ Determining the make-up of gases in any particular atmosphere
ƌ Baking with native, ancient grains instead of traditional flour
Choose 2 patterns you’ve discovered and 2 patterns you’ve yet to decipher: ƌ Design a sewing pattern that even beginners can understand
ƌ Sewing pattern for a warm, long-lasting puffer jacket ƌ How to identify the different cells in a human
ƌ Atomic structure of a wild berry
ƌ Mix of ingredients to bake the perfect french bread Choose 2 tools you’ve adapted for travel, and 1 you leave at home in the lab/kitchen, etc.:
ƌ Symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi (lichen) ƌ Antique microscope ƌ Anatomical diagrams of forest creatures
ƌ Combination of spices that create to-die-for curry ƌ Computer with many data sets ƌ Lab set-up for testing chemical reactions
ƌ Relationship between individuals in a community ƌ Large tome filled with sewing patterns from the ƌ Baking supplies needed for delectable treats
ƌ Cycles that cause changes in climate patterns Factory Age ƌ Terrarium used to study microecosystems
ƌ Equation for the energy needed to power a monk’s wagon

60 61
Ask 1 to the left and 1 to the right.
ƌ What is something that you want me to study today?
ƌ What is your favorite food and why should I learn to cook it?
ƌ How do you get my attention when I’m lost in my studies?
ƌ What problem do you want to solve together today?
ƌ What is one thing you should pay particularly close attention to today?
ƌ What can I teach you today? Or What can you teach me today?

Some things you can always do:

ƌ Teach someone basic sewing skills
ƌ Understand the minor — but important — details of a large, complex problem
ƌ Ask “what is the keystone of this pattern?”
ƌ Use your knowledge of patterns to solve ciphers
ƌ Find a match for a plant or animal in a guidebook
ƌ Add something to a microscope slide and study it
ƌ See and explain dynamics of a micro-ecosystem

During each seasonal holiday, choose 1 you haven’t chosen before.

ƌ Develop a new method of creating sustainable clothing that redefines the way clothes are made and distributed
ƌ Discover a new theory about the relationship between food and empathy. Share the theory with the group.
ƌ Ask someone to teach you one thing they are very knowledgeable about
ƌ Correct your understanding of scientific theory based on newly acquired evidence
ƌ Find an previously unknown ancient scroll that reveals a secret about the nature of consciousness. Share that
secret with the group.
ƌ Discover a new species in an ecosystem. Describe its lifestyle and placement in the food chain to the group.
ƌ Draw out the atomic structure of a recently discovered molecule
ƌ Re-develop an old recipe to work with new types of ingredients, like gluten-free flour or vegan butter
ƌ Learn a new ritual to honor the god Trikilli and teach it to the group

62 63
Disciple of Samafar, Choose 3-4 to describe your look:
ƌ Eye For Details ƌ Stethoscope Around Your Neck

God of the Mysteries ƌ Tweed Jacket With Elbow Patches

ƌ Curved Wooden Pipe
ƌ Absent-Minded Gaze
Pencil Behind One Ear
Bag Stuffed With Books
Long Ankle-Length Robes
There is always something worth learning, knowing, and teaching ƌ Tousled Hair ƌ Distinguished Spectacles
to others, so that wisdom lives longer than we could ever hope to. ƌ Easel Strapped To Your Back ƌ Curious Expression On Your Face

You are alive. Your care is studious, thoughtful, and deliberate. Choose one thing you know to be true, one you’re uncertain about, and one you can’t possibly believe:
ƌ Dividing Panga in half and not challenging the robot population’s decision to leave was the right thing to do for
Choose a name and some pronouns. the robots, for Pangan society, and for the environment
ƌ When you help one person, you help the whole community
Choose a vocation. ƌ Sentience and consciousness in both Pangans and robots arose out of an unknown evolutionary need
ƌ Science Monk ƌ Artist ƌ Pangans are on the verge of a cultural revolution leading toward a post-scarcity society with no need for money
ƌ Librarian ƌ Traveling Healer ƌ Getting robots back into factories is the best way to ensure a prosperous future for all Pangans
ƌ Teacher ƌ Philosopher ƌ If we don’t learn more about the pre-Transition past, then we’re likely doomed to repeat it

Choose 2 ways you’ve studied the world around you, and 2 ways Choose 3-4 things you’re learning from or teaching to others:
you’re too shy or afraid to try:. ƌ Rewilding and remediation techniques to reverse the effects of climate change
ƌ Engaging in experimental laboratory science at a university ƌ The hidden mysteries of Samafar
ƌ Reading everything you can get your hands on ƌ How to develop a system for exchanging goods, services, and labor that is neither barter nor based on the use of
ƌ Collecting oral histories from various communities and teaching them to other communities money
ƌ Sneaking into The Wild in search of ancient artifacts and tomes ƌ The origin and nature of empathy.
ƌ Traveling to different towns to paint murals based on their histories and religious teachings ƌ Holistic medicine
ƌ Traveling to communities to do hands-on care for the sick ƌ The history of Pangan-Robot relations
ƌ Traveling to monasteries to debate philosophy with the monks of the six paths ƌ The origin and nature of consciousness

Choose 3 tools you carry to learn and teach about the world around you and its history:.
ƌ Texts on environmental and climate science, religious ƌ A pocket computer
philosophies, physics, biology, and Pangan history ƌ Paints and parchments
ƌ Stacks of blank notebooks ƌ An audio recorder
ƌ Medical charts ƌ A climate data collection and analysis toolkit

64 65
Ask 1 to the left and 1 to the right:
ƌ What have you seen me do to give empathy for others?
ƌ What concept, philosophy, or ideology do we debate often? Are the debates friendly or heated?
ƌ What is something scientific I know that fascinates you or frightens you?
ƌ What historical event did you witness that you’re tired of me asking you about?
ƌ How can I be a better listener?

Some things you can always do:

ƌ Use your knowledge to create an advantage
ƌ Recall a historical event that the present moment reminds you of
ƌ Ask “What is the origin, nature, and purpose of that?”
ƌ Teach someone something useful to their current predicament
ƌ Skim through a book for an important or interesting piece of information
ƌ Listen, show empathy, help others, and give pebs

During each seasonal holiday, choose 1 you haven’t chosen before.

ƌ Develop a new theory on the value of empathy for the development of healthy communities. Share the theory
with the group.
ƌ Learn about a new way of remediating climate change and tell the group what it is
ƌ Ask someone about one of their core beliefs about the world or one of their principle philosophies
ƌ Correct your understanding of historical or scientific theory based on newly acquired evidence
ƌ Discover a new source that’s overflowing with radical new information. Describe the source, how you found it,
and what knowledge it contains.
ƌ Discover a new recording tool. Describe to the group how it works and what kind of information it records.
ƌ Come up with a new element to the history of Panga
ƌ Learn something new about the culture of the Pangan people and share it with the group
ƌ Learn a new ritual to honor the god Samafar and teach it to the group

66 67
Disciple of Chal, Choose 3-4 to describe your look:
ƌ Wild hair, never tamed ƌ Knitted sweater two sizes too big

God of Constructs ƌ Mischievous eyes sparking at novelty

ƌ Bright smile for new ideas
ƌ Honest eyes
Khaki trousers with many pockets
Odd shoes
Dark rimmed spectacles
Ever curious, wondering at the beauty of complexity, ƌ Sallow skin ƌ Chipped fingernails
understanding that there are always simple ways to make do and ƌ a scratched magnifying glass ƌ Sharp Hair, perfectly controlled
mend. There is much to marvel at in technology but we take care ƌ Smudge of grease on worn overalls
to stay within the bounds of nature’s aid.
Choose 2 techniques you are skilled at, one you are learning, and one you may never master
You are alive. Your care is inquisitive, crafting, and mending. ƌ Building construction and repair techniques
ƌ Honing a micro workshop for mending and ƌ Delving in old texts for forgotten ideas
Choose a name and some pronouns. innovation ƌ Divining functions of ancient objects
ƌ Portable repairing with a wagon and comprehensive ƌ Theorizing on the life and society of robots
Choose a vocation. toolbox ƌ Thinking about the nature of consciousness
ƌ Artisan ƌ Monk Techie ƌ Optimizing workbenches for major construction ƌ Sketching ideas and innovations
ƌ Salvager ƌ Mechanic ƌ 3D printing prototypes and useful parts and items ƌ Journaling your progress and observations of Panga
ƌ Crafter ƌ Bee Keeper ƌ Sugar bee hive keeping, tending, and honey refining ƌ Teaching your findings to eager listeners
ƌ Researching in collective journals for latest
Choose 2 ways you’ve studied the world around you, and 2 ways you’re too shy or afraid to try:.
ƌ Inheriting a treasured relic from the pre-Transition era Choose 1 you carry with you and 1 you’re fearful of misplacing. Tell the table about them. (list of 7 things)
ƌ Hiding a forbidden droid part, for secret study ƌ Small multitool given to you by your crafty mother ƌ Toolbox
ƌ Learning old knowledge from a hermit sage at the edge of the Wilds ƌ Mini-3D printer ƌ Welding helmet
ƌ Discovering new ways to optimize renewable power through years of practical research in your workshop ƌ Magnifying glasses ƌ Tweezers
ƌ Deciphering ancient texts in hallowed libraries ƌ Mini welder ƌ Crocodile wires
ƌ Collaborating with a fellow Miraculous disciple, your unrequited love ƌ Universal USB lead
ƌ Salvaging Ruins to find forgotten technology
ƌ Meditating for weeks until sudden revelations Ask 1 to the left and 1 to the right:
ƌ Gaining understanding through debate with elders and scholars ƌ Why do I open up to you?
ƌ Constantly experimenting, forging gradual refinement ƌ How did you help me when I was in despair?
ƌ Why are you wary of constructs?
ƌ What do you want to make for you?

68 69
Some things you can always do
ƌ Offer a hug
ƌ Teach someone a small code, trick or repair
ƌ Analyze the situation and deduce a logical outcome
ƌ Use your technical knowhow to create an advantage
ƌ Recall a fix that could be useful in the moment
ƌ Ask “How does this work?”
ƌ Say: “I made this for you.” They get a peb if they accept your gift.

During each seasonal holiday, choose 1 you haven’t chosen before.

ƌ Teach someone about the constructs
ƌ Learn a ritual to honor Chal and teach it to the group
ƌ Remember or discover something dreadfully important
ƌ Perform a cunning hack of disparate technologies
ƌ Learn a technique from your list.
ƌ You can always ask: “What sort of help do you need?”
ƌ Get a peb whenever you make something you hadn’t before
ƌ Spend a peb to perform a fix everyone thought was impossible
ƌ Take an unused playbook and add as much as you want from that playbook to yours
ƌ You find somewhere you are happy and can tinker and mend so that community lasts. Pick up a new playbook
and make a new character.

70 71
Disciple of Allalae, ƌ Point out the bright side and joy of any situation.
ƌ Say: “Praise Allalae for this small joy.”
ƌ Ask: “How can I lessen your burden?” They get a peb if
they accept your help.

God of Small COmforts You are there to help any, but a group of regulars and familiar faces in the community have formed. Pick 5 folks you
know well:
ƌ Passionate vagabond who idles near the local bridge and happily tells anyone their thoughts on anything
You know that joy is vital to our lives. Calming teas, tasty jams, ƌ Lonely recluse who has made their home in the woods, away from the company of others, and occasionally visits you
and good conversation are your tools of trade. You know life can ƌ Heartbroken teenager who has a new crush every week, along with a new heartbreak
be hard – and you aim to lessen that burden for others. ƌ Restless book vendor who longs to be in an adventure like they always read about
ƌ Caring baker who makes sure that none go hungry and all feel safe in the Community
You are alive. Your care is comfort, tangible, and joyful. ƌ Grumpy gardener who complains about people coming into their garden or taking their flowers
ƌ Helpful librarian who is more than happy to help others find the perfect book or solution
Choose a name and some pronouns. ƌ Reliable arborist who takes pride in keeping the pathways clear and helping out around tow
ƌ Imaginative musician who always fills the Community with beautiful music.
Choose a vocation. ƌ Optimistic florist who can find a flower to brighten anyone’s day.
ƌ Tea Monk ƌ Game Maker ƌ Generous beekeeper who lets their honey flow freely and sweetly.
ƌ Garden Monk ƌ Jammer and/or Pickler ƌ Anxious tailor who frets over whether they’re doing enough to earn their place in the Community.
ƌ Painter ƌ Caretaker
Ask 1 to the left and 1 to the right:
Choose 2 that you comfortably are and 2 that you never quite are: ƌ What small comforts have we shared together? ƌ What about you makes me giggle happily, everytime?
ƌ Hopeful ƌ Creative ƌ What small fear have you alone noticed creeps onto my ƌ What secret have you confided in me and me alone?
ƌ Cheerful ƌ Optimistic face sometimes?
ƌ Open Hearted ƌ Tender Hearted and Soft
ƌ Patient ƌ Warm Hearted and Loud During each seasonal holiday, choose 1 you haven’t chosen before.
ƌ Epicurean ƌ Help with tea service, learning about new types of tea and how to ease others burdens.
ƌ Spend some time creating something joyful, whatever that may be. Share it with your friends.
Choose 1 Joy that comes easily and 1 Joy that miss. Tell the table about them. ƌ Learn a new form of small comfort from someone, thanking Allalae.
ƌ Unexpected visit from a friend or loved one. ƌ Peaceful walk through nature. ƌ Disarm even the tensest of shoulders and slack the most stressed of jaws with your warm presence.
ƌ Warm cup of tea. ƌ Giving in to a random impulse. ƌ Yearn for something, some joy just out of reach. Whenever you give into this yearning, take 1 Peb.
ƌ Jaunty song and hearty dance. ƌ Childlike awe and whimsy at the world around you. ƌ Spend 1 Peb to ask someone what troubles them and ease their worries.
ƌ Receiving a surprise present. ƌ Ask: “Would you like some tea?” They get a Peb if they accept.
ƌ Together with another player, come up with three memories of small joys you’ve shared together and how they have
Some things you can always do: brought you together.
ƌ Sigh happily. ƌ Get distracted by something beautiful, no matter how ƌ Learn something from another Playbook and explore how you came to know this new knowledge.
ƌ Know the comfort food or tea someone needs. small.

72 73
Hopeful Traits
Empathetic Learned
An empathetic inhabitant is able to feel and connect with other people and their emotions ins a A learned Inhabitant is one who has spent too much time scouring over theory and books, debating
compassionate way. As such, they’re able to understand things others can’t. They are often patient their meanings with somber seriousness. They are often academics, librarians, and techies, among
teachers, affectionate caretakers, and anyone who has a knack for understanding others. others.

Choose 1-2 they can always do. Choose 1-2 they can always do
ƌ Communicate with something that can’t normally talk. ƌ Mention an esoteric piece of jargon or theory, trying to help.
ƌ Express ideas in a way everyone understands. ƌ Scratch your chin in deep, serious contemplation.
ƌ Ask others verbally or non-verbally: “What are you feeling?” or “How are you feeling?” ƌ Say: “This reminds me of a book I once read, do you want to hear about it?”

Caring Helpful
A caring Inhabitant protects those around them and comforts the sorrowful. They are often doctors, A helpful Inhabitant is kind and always willing to lend a hand. They are often monks, mechanics,
farmers, caretakers and teachers, among others. and council members, among others.

Choose 1-2 they can always do Choose 1-2 they can always do
ƌ Help someone feel protected and safe. ƌ Offer a hand when you see someone could use it.
ƌ Give someone what they need to express themselves and thrive. ƌ Introduce someone to someone or something that could help them.
ƌ Ask: “What do you need right now?” ƌ Ask: “What can I do?”

Reverent Passionate
A reverent Inhabitant intertwines their mundane life with their spiritual life. They are often monks, A passionate Inhabitant believes with their entire being in something. They are often philosophers,
artisans, cooks, and anyone who worships their god through their work. writers, and council members, among others.

Choose 1-2 they can always do Choose 1-2 they can always do
ƌ Say a quiet prayer to one of the Six. ƌ Suggest a course of action – and take it.
ƌ Show how the mundane is connected to the gods in an unexpected way. ƌ Become emotionally invested in someone’s plight or a problem.
ƌ Help someone connect to their god through a simple activity. ƌ Explain why this matters to you, and might to them.

76 77
Romantic Generous
A romantic Inhabitant is something of a visionary, lost in idyllic dreams and utopian designs. They A generous inhabitant always gives or does more than others expect of them. They are often teachers,
are often poets, visionaries, and in the mail service, among others. healers, or doing some kind of caretaking work.

Choose 1-2 they can always do Choose 1-2 they can always do.
ƌ Give their opinions on something important to them. ƌ Give someone something, even if they don’t need it.
ƌ Forget about their surroundings and bump into something. ƌ Ask others to put more time and effort into something important.
ƌ Have a sudden epiphany to a problem or situation, solving it. ƌ Say a prayer to the Six for someone else’s prosperity.

Cooperative Optimistic
A cooperative inhabitant finds ways to bring people together to work on a common goal, often An optimistic inhabitant chooses to see the cup as half full, while understanding that it’s also half
acting as a mediator between people to ensure group harmony. They are often social workers, empty at the same time. They are generally hopeful, and often with good reason, though at times
community liaisons, and project managers. naively so. They are often community organizers, social service workers or mediators, or specialize
in some kind of environmental remediation.
Choose 1-2 they can always do:
ƌ Find a commonality between a group & use that commonality to unite a group for a common Choose 1-2 they can always do.
cause or project ƌ Encourage others to have confidence in themselves.
ƌ Help someone understand what makes an effective partnership ƌ See the positive side of a difficult situation.
ƌ Ask, “how can we work together and use our strengths to solve this problem?” ƌ Help resolve an argument or dispute.

Patient Humble
A patient inhabitant graciously accepts and adapts when there are delays, problems, conflicts, and A humble inhabitant moves back so others canback speak up, and makes sure others get credit
even through times of suffering. They are often teachers or childcare workers, mediators, or do other when and where it is due. Sometimes they can have a low opinion of themselvesf even though it
work that requires an even temperament and meticulous attention to detail. usually isn’t warranted. They are often teachers, caretakers, or work in a field that provides service to
othersdo other work in the area of service to others.
Choose 1-2 they can always do.
ƌ Wait patiently for others. Choose 1-2 they can always do.
ƌ Help others relax when they are feeling frustrated. ƌ Make sure someone else’s voice is heard.
ƌ Help someone see a piece to a solution they are having difficulty understanding. ƌ Downplay your own contribution to solving a problem.
ƌ Understand someone else’s lack of privilege

78 79
Sensitive Imaginative
A sensitive inhabitant responds quickly to small changes or influences, and has an insightful An imaginative inhabitant constantly dreams, comes up with new ideas, and creates new fantasy
appreciation for other people’s feelings. They are often therapists, counselors, or divination worlds. They are often entertainers, artists, or visionaries, among others.
practitioners, among others.
Choose 1-2 they can always do:
Choose 1-2 they can always do: ƌ Think up a creative and out-of-the-box solution for a problem
ƌ Notice something shift or change that isn’t yet perceptible to others. ƌ Sing a song to cheer someone up.
ƌ Listen to someone who needs to express their feelings. ƌ Tell a really engaging story.
ƌ Express when someone hurts your feelings.
Reliable A determined inhabitant never gives up, especially once they’ve committed themselves to
A reliable inhabitant can be counted on to come through when you need them. They often work in something. They are often elected officials, famous performers, or other public influencers who have
delivery services, construction, or public transportation, among others. reached a level of notoriety in spite of having been previously rejected, among others.

Choose 1-2 they can always do. Choose 1-2 they can always do.
ƌ Be there for someone emotionally when they need it. ƌ Keep trying, even if it seems pointless.
ƌ Help some solve a problem or finish a task they are having trouble with. ƌ Encourage others not to give up.
ƌ Remember an important piece of information that others have forgotten. ƌ Finish something others have given up on.

A logical inhabitant is constantly analyzing and explaining. They tend to be instructive, helpful,
and self-assured, even if not always quite accurate. They are often scientists, engineers, or computer

Choose 1-2 they can always do:

ƌ Explain their reasoning for believing something to be true or false.
ƌ Help someone think through a solution to a problem.
ƌ Ask someone to debate you on a topic that is important at that moment. They are under no
obligation to indulge you.

80 81
Difficult and
Troubled Traits
Heartbroken Greedy
A heartbroken Inhabitant is a familiar sight, one who loved and lost. They are often those grieving A greedy Inhabitant is a leftover relic from pre-Transition times that can’t find a way to be satisfied
or feeling jilted by lovers or friends, and those who have seen first-hand the pain of love lost, among with having more than enough. They are often entrepreneurs, landlords, or politicians, among
others. others.

Choose 1-2 they can always do: Choose 1-2 they can always do:
ƌ Sign and gaze sadly. ƌ Refuse to help someone
ƌ Tell stories about the one you lost. ƌ Choose not to give Pebs
ƌ Reconnect with themselves and love themselves ƌ Suggest solving problems by acquiring more stuff

Restless Grumpy
A restless inhabitant has difficulty relaxing. They are always busy doing something whether it’s A grumpy inhabitant is very irritable. They are often in a bad mood, but may not have a particular
for others, for themselves, or just to pass the time. They are often carpenters, physical education reason why. They often don’t take breaks, don’t get enough sleep, or haven’t had enough to eat,
teachers, or bike messengers, among others. among other things.

Choose 1-2 they can always do: Choose 1-2 they can always do.
ƌ Find something to do. ƌ Bottle up their frustration.
ƌ Discover a physically active way to help someone with a problem. ƌ Lash out others and be really sorry about it.
ƌ Tap their foot, your fingers, or otherwise fidget ƌ Push against their instincts and take care of themselves

An anxious inhabitant is very worried, agitated, and tense. They are often easily overwhelmed by the
many dangers of the world, by fear, and by the burden of self-expectation, among other things.

Choose 1-2 they can always do.

ƌ Worry about someone, or about something they don’t have control over.
ƌ Say: “I’m sorry.”
ƌ Ask: “Is everything okay?”

82 83
Lonely Grieving
A lonely Inhabitant feels alone, and has a tendency to believe others don’t notice them or care about A grieving Inhabitant has recently something they care about deeply. The loss could be another
them. They are often reclusive, misunderstood, or isolated, among other things. person, an animal, or even an object that has been imbued with incredible sentimental value. They
are often mournful, listless, and lost in memories.
Choose 1-2 they can always do:
ƌ Complain about others. Choose 1-2 they can always do.
ƌ Blame themselves for being alone. ƌ Ask for the company of a friend.
ƌ Choose to trust someone ƌ Empathize with someone who has lost something.
ƌ Help someone else through their grief.
A stressed Inhabitant is one with too little time and too much to do, are triggered by a new Purposeless
experience, or feel we have little control over things affecting our lives. They are overworked A purposeless Inhabitant may feel that their life has no direction or no meaning and they have no
laborers, exhausted parents, and burnt out youngsters, among other things. defining purpose would complete them. This could be from a change in circumstances, whether
intentional or not, or the loss of a person they placed their purpose in. They are often dissatisfied,
Choose 1-2 they can always do: hopeless, or desperate, unable to find enjoyment in the things that used to bring them pleasure.
ƌ Be indecisive or inflexible.
ƌ Withdraw from others or snap at them. Choose 1-2 they can always do.
ƌ Focus on what they can control and change. ƌ Throw themselves into a new vocation or person.
ƌ Avoid sharing their feelings with others, fearing they’ll be misunderstood.
Apathetic ƌ Ask, “What is the point of life?”
An apathetic Inhabitant has let go of their care for the world, choosing to rest in inaction. They are
often uncaring, dismissive, and bored.

Choose 1-2 they can always do:

ƌ Make someone feel bad for their enthusiasm
ƌ Say, “it doesn’t matter, we’re all gonna die eventually”
ƌ Ask, “do you really want to spend time on this?”

84 85
A monastery is a place where a community gathers for spiritual support, to
The wagon is a tiny mobile place to live and work, pulled by an ox-bike powered
learn about and from the past and the gods, and create possible answers to the by muscle, and boosted with solar-electricity.
complicated and often unanswerable questions of the world.
This place can always:
This place can always: ƌ Show the kind of artisanship that this world values.
ƌ Make known the rhythm of daily life in an understandable way. ƌ Reveal something about the Inhabitant who lives there.
ƌ Reveal misunderstandings, tensions, and differences caused by generational ƌ Give someone a peb when they make their wagon more hospitable for others
divides. or more expressive of themselves.
ƌ Ask: “Are you willing to wait patiently for the wisdom you seek?” Give them
a Peb if they’re here to wait. Either way, don’t tell them the answer. Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ Colorful Mural Painted on an Exterior Side
Choose 2 aesthetic elements. ƌ Round Stained Glass Windows
ƌ Smooshy Sitting Pillows and Rugs for Meditation ƌ Bubbled Exterior Lights for the Darker Hours
ƌ Gongs Booming, Bells Ringing and Bedtime Chimes ƌ Freshwater Tank and Greywater Filter
ƌ Catacombs filled with ancient scrolls and relics ƌ Exterior Storage Panels for an Outdoor Kitchen and Camp Shower
ƌ A Library of Books, Seeds, Tools, Art Supplies, or Laboratory Equipment ƌ Warm Lacquered Wood Interior with Many Clever Storage Solutions
ƌ A Growing Space With Flowers, House Plants, Herbs, Water Plants, ƌ Ladder to Second Deck with Bed and Rooftop Shade
Experimental or Fiber Plants ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
ƌ Dormitory Beds With Plush Linens
ƌ A Wise Old Monk Who Knew You When You Were a Small Child Choose 1 folklore about this place.
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ The Gratitude Ritual to Chal
ƌ The Secret Hidden Compartment with a Surprise Inside
Choose 1 folklore about this place. ƌ The Tale That They Also Float But No One Will Test It
ƌ The Generous Teacher and Xer Untimely Betrayal ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
ƌ The Cook and the Secret Lessons They Taught
ƌ The Ageless Monk Who Remembered Robots
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention

88 89
Satellite Village
The satellite villages encircle the city and are arranged in concentric circles. In the
Public Sauna
A public sauna is a sauna building open to all and found in most communities. It’s
outer ring is farmland, then the residential ring and community buildings, and a a place of sweat, self-care, relaxation, and purification. When you arrive at this
market circle in the center. place, decide which ways to indulge are available.

This place can always: This place can always:

ƌ Describe the rhythm of everyday life that feels both unusual and familiar. ƌ Describe the ways to engage in self-care
ƌ Show conflicts between members of the community, and attempt to solve ƌ Relax someone in a way they didn’t expect.
them through empathy and conversation. ƌ Give someone a peb when they do something to help someone else relax.
ƌ Give someone a peb for helping another without knowing or caring if they’ll
get anything in return. Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ A Warm and Cold Bath for Cooling Down
Choose 2 aesthetic elements. ƌ A Hot Bath to Soak In
ƌ Farmland with Mixed Grain Crops, Fruit Trees, and Vegetable Crops ƌ An Exercise Area to Work Up a Sweat
ƌ Stretches of Pasture Grass, Grazing Animals and Integrated Trees ƌ Built-In Shelves with Towels and Colorful Jars of Mixtures
ƌ Eclectic Community Gardens in Every Empty Space ƌ A Collection of Chill Visitors Enjoying Themselves
ƌ Bulbous Cob Homes with Glinting Accents of Colored Glass ƌ Aquaponic Ponds with Fish and Plants to Filter Greywater
ƌ A Large Outdoor Structure for Meetings, Performances, and Festivities ƌ A Host of Proper Attendants Tending the Space
ƌ Roofs with Blooming Turf, Solar Panels, or Both ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
Choose 1 folklore about this place.
Choose 1 folklore about this place. ƌ The Cat Who Loves Baths
ƌ The Spring Festival to Bosh ƌ The Water Ritual to Grylom
ƌ The Rain Dance to Grylom ƌ The Haunted Furnace That Just Won’t Quit
ƌ The Summer Potluck to Trikilli ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention

90 91
A cookhouse is usually located near a community’s common house. It’s a place of
Common House
A common house is the living room of the community, where people gather
simple comfort, where one can cook or enjoy food with others. together, and anyone can get something they need, be that a bed, a toothbrush, a
comfy chair, or a conversation.
This place can always:
ƌ Be used to make a meal or get one. This place can always:
ƌ Spread local rumors and news. ƌ Describe a small comfort.
ƌ Ask: “Want something else to drink or eat?” Give them a peb if they try ƌ Be used to host small or large meetings, parties, and activities.
something they’ve never had before. ƌ Ask: “Are you willing to talk with others with different views from you?”
Give them a peb if they listen to others.
Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ Indoor Dining Area with Tables And Chairs Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ Outdoor Patio for Eating Under The Sun, Stars or Canopies ƌ Guest Rooms with Sturdy Bunk Beds
ƌ Huge Fireplace Always with a Big Pot of Something Smelling Good ƌ Shelves Full of Toiletries, Clothing, Shoes and Other Necessities
ƌ A Cheerful Group of Rotating Volunteer Staff ƌ Common Laundry Area and Rows of Laundry Lines Outside
ƌ Stools and Bar, and the Pensive Inhabitant Seemingly Always There ƌ Kids Room with Small Tables and Chairs, Books and Bins with Toys
ƌ Outdoor Kitchen Area for Hot Weather ƌ A Small Stage for Impromptu and Rehearsed Performances
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ Lounging Room with Many Couches and Chairs
ƌ Library with Cozy Fire and Comfy Chairs
Choose 1 folklore about this place. ƌ Something else of your own invention
ƌ The Secret Entrance
ƌ The Faery Who Always Keeps the Fire Built Choose 1 folklore about this place.
ƌ The Fire Ritual to Trikilli ƌ Panga’s Most Comfortable Bed
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ The Faery Who Always Restocks And Cleans
ƌ The Conversation Ritual to Samafar
ƌ Something else of your own invention

92 93
Traveler’s Clearing
A traveler’s clearing is a clearing set aside in all communities for weary travelers,
Tool Library
Dust with metal twang covers the top shelves of the tool library, where baskets
merchants and monks, and their tents and wagons. Stay as long as you like, or for hold jumbled groups of tools — wrenches with hammers, screws and nails.
a brief rest to recuperate.
This place can always:
This place can always: ƌ Describe a process to help someone construct exactly what they need
ƌ Describe a rhythm of everyday life and community that feels both welcoming ƌ Show conflict between the natural and built world and try to solve the
and also ever-shifting. discord by integrating the two
ƌ Show conflicts between members of the clearing, between them and the ƌ Give someone a peb when they assist another traveler with a project
larger community the clearing is in, and attempts to solve them through
communication and understanding. Choose 2 aesthetic elements:
ƌ Give someone a peb when they share something with another traveler–food, ƌ Bins filled with scrap metal and discarded lumber
labor, responsibility, or something else. ƌ Drafting table stocked with pencils and gridded paper
ƌ Long-forgotten half-completed project by a master builder
Choose 2 aesthetic elements. ƌ Shoe rack with well-worn leather steel-toed boots
ƌ The Outdoor Kitchen and Campfire Ring ƌ Peg wall filled with new tools
ƌ Colorful Assortment of Canvas Tents and Wood and Glass Wagons ƌ Small containers of washers, nails, screws, and brackets
ƌ A Bike Rack for Ox-Bikes, which Doubles As Art ƌ A focused builder constructing a large piece of furniture
ƌ A Passionate and Effusive Traveling Artist ƌ Something else of your own invention
ƌ Solar Ovens and Dehydrators
ƌ Evening Gatherings with Chatter and Music Choose 1 folklore about this place:
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ The Golden Hammer and the Builder Who Used It
ƌ When Rust Grew From the Earth
Choose 1 folklore about this place. ƌ The Conference of the Robot Constructors
ƌ The Rest Ritual to Allalae ƌ Mazoga’s Unbuildable Puzzle Box
ƌ The Wagon and It’s Occupant That’s Been Here Always ƌ Something else of your own invention
ƌ The Faery Who Steals Unattended Food
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention

94 95
The City
The City is where most of the people of Panga live. It’s surrounded by smaller
The Coastlands are a cold, windy, salty region inhabited by people who live in groups
satellite villages and farms. It’s a place where the things of Pangan culture and of up to twelve families. Their homes are built on stilts and along the rocky cliffs
civilization tend to be bigger in scope and scale, and where many unique and that overlook giant bodies of water. The people who live in coastland communities
diverse communities live side-by-side. generally keep to themselves and aren’t always warm to strangers. They reject the use
of technology and many don’t even have electricity in their homes.
This place can always:
ƌ Reveal the amazing diversity and variety of people. This place can always:
ƌ Show differences and tension between differing needs and worldviews. ƌ Describe aquatic ecosystems and the life that inhabits it.
ƌ Tell someone where to find a good or service ƌ Show the loss caused by the cycles of nature and the passage of time
ƌ Wash something strange upon the shore.
Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ Tall, Sprawling Apartment Complexes Choose 2 aesthetic elements
ƌ Eclectic Public Art Displays ƌ Mysterious Caves in the Cliffside
ƌ Paved Roads ƌ Flotsam and Jetsam Littering the Shore
ƌ Public Lighting That Enables You To See Outside at Night ƌ Barnacle-Covered Rocks
ƌ Crowded with More People Than You’ve Ever Seen Before ƌ A Marina Full of Fishing Boats
ƌ The Home of a Resilient Community You’re Honored to Be Part Of ƌ Huge Waves Crashing Against the Sand
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ Jetties and Docks
ƌ Something Else of Your Own Invention
Choose 1 folklore about this place.
ƌ The Mystery of the Missing Brewer Monks Choose 1 folklore about this place
ƌ The Ghost that Haunts Main Street ƌ The Cave of Giant Sea Monster
ƌ The Mutant Rats that Live In The Sewer ƌ The Dreaded Ship of Robot Pirates
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ The Mysterious Fog of Sorrow
ƌ Something Else of Your Own Invention

96 97
The Woodlands villages
The Woodlands, like many other places inhabited by the people of Panga, are still
The Shrublands are filled with rolling hills dotted with trees. The region is also often
recuperating and regenerating from the effects of The Factory Age. Woodlands referred to as the farmlands because it’s filled with collectivized farms and clusters of
filled with young trees that are tall and thin. The people of the woodlands make houses where the farm worker-owners and their families live. The folks who reside
every effort to avoid disturbing the soil and the critters who live within it, and so and work on shrublands collectivized farms are warm, welcoming, hard working
they’re more likely to be found hunting and gathering than farming. people.

This place can always: This place can always:

ƌ Describe what we stand in the shadows of ƌ Tell someone there’s nothing wrong with hard work.
ƌ Provide shelter and solace in times of trouble ƌ Make someone feel welcome.
ƌ Ask “Will you stay and listen to the wisdom of the wind blowing through the ƌ Bring someone to a new and unexpected place downriver, and give them a Peb
trees?” Give one Peb if they stay and listen.
Choose 2 aesthetic elements
Choose 2 aesthetic elements ƌ Lush trees manicured so their canopies don’t touch each other
ƌ Nest-like tree houses ƌ Blue-backed dragonflies patrolling the airways
ƌ Tree trunks wrapped with flower garlands, ribbons, and solar bulbs. ƌ Fields filled with solar panels and beehives
ƌ Platforms, pulleys, and ziplines ƌ Farmland full of greyberry bushes, black oats, radishes, and rabbit clover
ƌ Dangling bridges ƌ Cob-built farmhouses with wind turbines on the roofs
ƌ Trees taller than any building outside of The City. ƌ Flower gardens connecting clusters of farmhouses.
ƌ Leaf strewn ground speckled with dappled lace sunlight. ƌ Something Else of Your Own Invention
ƌ Paper lanterns hanging from tree branches
ƌ Something Else of Your Own Invention Choose 1 folklore about this place
ƌ The Farmer Who Betrayed Their Community
Choose 1 folklore about this place ƌ The Legend of Empathetic Scarecrow
ƌ The Magic Song of Giant Trees ƌ The Haunting of Farmhouse
ƌ The Mutant Beast Who Hides in Thickets ƌ Something Else of Your Own Invention
ƌ The Lost Village of Proto-Pangans
ƌ Something Else of Your Own Invention

98 99
The Riverlands, like many other places inhabited by the people of Panga, are still
Geothermal Plant
The smell of sulfur in sticky air greets travelers who walk past the plant. Its
recuperating and regenerating from the effects of The Factory Age. The Lacetail chimneys rise high into the sky, the smoke ominous in the evening.
River in particular is still dirty, polluted, and littered.Some of the many landfills
that used to dot the landscape are still there. However, the folks who reside in the This place can always:
village of Kat’s Landing are resilient and creative. They’re in the process of cleaning ƌ Describe something that’s powerful and hidden beneath the surface
up the river and building a new village with the upcycled materials. ƌ Show a sustainable solution to a resource-intensive problem
ƌ Give someone a peb when they venture onto the plant and talk to a worker
This place can always:
ƌ Describe the power and beauty of water Choose 2 aesthetic elements:
ƌ Tell someone to let go and go with the flow. ƌ Massive white dome rising out of the ground like a moon
ƌ Bring someone to a new and unexpected place downriver, and give them a Peb ƌ Field of lush grass surrounding the plant that has remained untouched
ƌ Workers milling about in the distance, operating machinery
Choose 2 aesthetic elements ƌ Foreboding smokestacks creating an indiscernible haze
ƌ New buildings made from recycled waste ƌ Intermittent hisses of steam
ƌ Energy generating water turbines dotting the shore of the river ƌ Gentle rumbling beneath the earth
ƌ River scavengers hard at work in the sun ƌ Something else of your own invention
ƌ Aged and cracked walls repaired with bacterial cement
ƌ Houses on the river itself, perched on stilts or floating on rain barrels Choose 1 folklore about this place:
ƌ Houses made from old tires and shipping crates ƌ How Things Were Before the Earth was Opened
ƌ Something Else of Your Own Invention ƌ Miss Kate and the Night Smoke
ƌ Finding the Great Energy Beneath the Surface
Choose 1 folklore about this place ƌ The Discovery of Matter
ƌ The Trash Monster of Lacetail Bend ƌ Something else of your own invention
ƌ The Legend of Frowla the Water Spirit
ƌ The Trout Who Grants Wishes
ƌ Something Else of Your Own Invention

100 101
The thread that connects village to village winds in concentric circles and then
it reaches the forest where weeds grow through the cracks and potholes abound.
Some inhabitants travel alone with aching legs and a pack on their backs. Others
in groups or in wagons, merrily bumbling to visit family and friends in the next
village over. They’re always moving, headed to their destination. This thoroughfare
is a place of unpredictable run-ins.

This place can always:

ƌ Describe a place filled with intentional movement
ƌ Show a previously unknown route to a traveler’s destination
ƌ Give someone a peb when they stop and help someone who needs assistance in
their travels

Choose 2 aesthetic elements:

ƌ A father and daughter holding hands walking quickly on the side of the road
ƌ Wildflowers growing through unattended cracks in the pavement
ƌ Faded wooden road signs with distances to nearby villages
ƌ The sound of wagons over pavement
ƌ Tree branches hanging over the road and providing much-needed shade
ƌ Pavement turning into loose gravel and dirt in a remote area
ƌ Farms spread out far into the horizon with bales of hay sitting in fields
ƌ Something else of your own invention

Choose 1 folklore about this place:

ƌ The Inhabitant Who Carved a Path
ƌ The Ritual of Mixing Materials for Grylom
ƌ The Traveling Group of Robots
ƌ Something else of your own invention

102 103
A ruin is a remnant of the Factory Age. It is a once-gleaming place used for
The borderlands is a place near the wilds, a buffer and barrier between the people
production that has fallen into disrepair and collapse since the Inhabitants of of Panga and the Wilds and the robots that live there. It has been stewarded but
Panga began the Transition. largely left alone to return to a more wild state.

This place can always: This place can always:

ƌ Describe what used to be here before. ƌ Describe a place teeming with life.
ƌ Show consequences for the actions of the past. ƌ Show the conflict between wild creatures.
ƌ Be salvaged for usable materials and lessons for the world we are building now. ƌ Introduce a new bug, animal or plant creature. Give someone a peb if they
engage with it as an equal.
Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ Hulking Towers of Boxes, Bolts, and Tubes Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ Antiquated Technology and Building Methods ƌ Dying and Potholed Asphalt Road
ƌ Overgrown with Weeds and Saplings ƌ A Chorus of Birdsong
ƌ Grimy and Broken Equipment ƌ Debris of Decaying Plant Matter
ƌ Collapsed Roof and Broken Windows ƌ A Feral and Intelligent Animal
ƌ Monuments to Ignorance ƌ Chaotic Overgrown Fields
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ Trails Made by Critters
ƌ Paths Maintained by the Rangers for Hiking
Choose 1 folklore about this place. ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
ƌ The Ritual of Abandoned Constructs to Chal
ƌ The Robots Who Gained Sentience Here and Walked Away Choose 1 folklore about this place.
ƌ The Lessons of the Factory Age ƌ The Foolish That Did Not Return
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ The Lost Hermitage
ƌ The Ritual of the Cycle of Life to Bosh
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention

104 105
A swamp is a forested wetland, a transition between land and water.
A waste is a place that the human Inhabitants of Panga created in the past, and
then abandoned.
This place can always:
ƌ Describe the diversity of this transition zone. This place can always:
ƌ Act as a natural filter for pollutants and buffer for flooding. ƌ Describe the barren earth.
ƌ Surprise with its beauty and bounty. Give someone a peb if they show their ƌ Keep something from growing or changing.
appreciation of it. ƌ Be remediated and rewilded.

Choose 2 aesthetic elements. Choose 2 aesthetic elements.

ƌ An Eerie Glow ƌ Dead Trees
ƌ Bugs as Big as Your Hand ƌ Tiny Struggling Saplings
ƌ Moss Hanging Down Like Tapestries ƌ Hardpan Soil Like Concrete
ƌ Glowing Swamp Lanterns ƌ Excavated Areas from Past Human Extraction
ƌ Trees That Swallow the Light ƌ A Fence to Keep the Curious Out
ƌ A Sinking Feeling ƌ A Sign Warning Travelers Away
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ Piles of Soil and Plant Debris Pushed Aside by Big Machinery
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
Choose 1 folklore about this place.
ƌ The Ritual Of Mud to Grylom Choose 1 folklore about this place.
ƌ The Traveling Island ƌ Bosh’s Lamentation for the Wasteland
ƌ The Swamp Hermit and His Secrets ƌ The Death Ritual to Bosh
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ The Curse of the Factory Age
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention

106 107
The smell of must finds its way into your bones. Distant whispers float through the
The Wilds
The wilderness is the half of the moon Panga which people have agreed to stay out
deep darkness of the cave, unrelenting and unknowable. of, and where the robot population went when they left the City at the end of the
Factory Age. It’s a place of rugged and untamed nature, of mystery and danger,
This place can always: but also of great beauty, majesty, and adventure.
ƌ Describe a closely-held fear and identify its original source
ƌ Show discomfort in a group that could eventually lead to safety This place can always:
ƌ Give someone a peb when they soothe another traveler while in the cave ƌ Describe something massive, sublime, and uncaring.
ƌ Show the challenges and hardships that are part of living with nature.
Choose 2 aesthetic elements: ƌ Say: “Get out of the way!” Everyone who does gets a Peb. Describe what
ƌ Rough, damp walls with jagged edges unrelenting natural force nearly strikes them down.
ƌ Fur and rib cage of a decaying animal
ƌ Etchings in the cave’s walls that tell the story of a previous journey Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ Stalagmites and stalactites that glow in a fire’s light ƌ The Anarchy of Untouched Growth
ƌ Distant shadows and whispers of something living deep in the cave ƌ Trees Older Than Any City
ƌ Ashen fire pit from years ago ƌ Buildings Decaying and Overgrown with Plant Life
ƌ Bats flying out in the evening and back to the cave in the morning ƌ Robots watching grass grow
ƌ Small critters along the cave walls and ground ƌ A Pristine Waterfall on a raging river
ƌ Something else of your own invention ƌ A Creature Assumed to be Extinct
ƌ Impassable Rocky Mountains
Choose 1 folklore about this place: ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
ƌ The Man Who Made the Cave a Home
ƌ Grylom’s Divine Stalagmites Choose 1 folklore about this place.
ƌ The Ritual of Rock to Grylom ƌ The Secret Sorrow of the Tree Spirits
ƌ Something else of your own invention ƌ The Monster Who Inhabits the Antlers
ƌ The Lost Wisdom of the Hermitage
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention

108 109
A campsite is a place of rough and simple comfort to spend the night, these are
Long untouched and uninhabited, the mountain is a sanctuary for the wild world.
managed by the Rangers in the Borderlands and the Wild Parks. In more remote The sound of life hums in buzzes and bird songs, in the wind through the grass.
parts, these can be made when you come across a flat clearing. Travelers coming through seek out solitude and peace.

This place can always: This place can always:

ƌ Show a conflict between humans and non-humans. ƌ Describe how to find solace in being small against a great expanse
ƌ Describe a world teeming with life around the camp. ƌ Show the path toward spiritual connection through the divinity of nature
ƌ Give someone a peb when they left the campsite better than they found it. ƌ Give someone a peb when they seek out a spot of their own for quiet
Choose 2 aesthetic elements
ƌ Snug Clearing Wreathed with Trees Choose 2 aesthetic elements:
ƌ Cloud of Fireflies ƌ Swift running stream with ice-cold water
ƌ Wood Pile of Gathered Fallen Branches ƌ Gentle sway of a breeze in tree branches
ƌ Blackened Metal Fire Drum ƌ Snow-capped mountaintops in the far distance
ƌ A Quiet Hiker Cooking a Meal, with Enough to Share ƌ Overgrown dirt paths where travelers used to make their journeys
ƌ Animal Trail Leading into the Woods ƌ Moss covered rocks at the base of old growth trees
ƌ Dry Hut with Sturdy Bunk Beds ƌ Small clearings with crumbling handmade altars from tThe Factory Age
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ Thinning air and oxygen on the ascent
ƌ Something else of your own invention
Choose 1 folklore about this place.
ƌ The Summer Bear Who Steals Food Choose 1 folklore about this place:
ƌ The Summer Jay Who Can Guide You to a Forgotten Ruin ƌ How a Robot Found His Way
ƌ The Dance of the Sugar Bee ƌ Leena and the Traveling Altar
ƌ The Trail Ritual to Bosh ƌ How They Sought Quiet in the Sound of Jumping Fish
ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention ƌ Something else of your own invention

110 111
Hot springs
In the cooler months, comforting steam rises from the water inviting travelers to
ƌ The hermitage is an old place lost in the wilds where a community once
take a dip and relax. In the warmer months, the weight of water is heavy on the gathered for spiritual support, but has now been abandoned to nature. There
backs of travelers who want nothing more than to wade out of the humid air. are traces of a place of respite from the Factory Age and urban life.

This place can always: This place can always:

ƌ Show the unavoidable perception change that all will face in their lives ƌ Make known the reality of a very different past life.
ƌ Describe the tension that arises with an overlap in seasons ƌ Reveal inner truths through introspection.
ƌ Give a peb to anyone who decides to take a dip in the springs ƌ Ask: “Are you willing to wait patiently for the wisdom you seek?” Give them
a Peb if they’re here to wait. Either way, don’t tell them the answer.
Choose 2 aesthetic elements:
ƌ Melting snow around the edges of the hot springs Choose 2 aesthetic elements.
ƌ Ruddy-faced travelers muddling through the unrelenting humidity ƌ Mildewed Sitting Pillows and Rugs for Meditation
ƌ Left behind books and scrolls of former visitors ƌ A Gong utterly rusted through
ƌ Budding flowers at the end of the cold season ƌ Catacombs filled with ancient scrolls and relics
ƌ Hoard of mosquitoes sticking close to the water ƌ Library Full of Books that break apart in the hand
ƌ Small ripples in the water from a curious creature ƌ Garden overtaken by brambles
ƌ Chill Inhabitant enjoying a long soak ƌ remnant of something mysterious
ƌ The smell of sulfur and minerals ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
ƌ Something else of your own invention
Choose 1 folklore about this place.
Choose 1 folklore about this place: ƌ The Story of the Last Days before the Wilds
ƌ The Robot Built with Steam ƌ A Journal of a Forgotten life
ƌ The Woman Who Straddled Two Seasons ƌ A Tale of Unrequited Love
ƌ When the Mosquitoes Arrived ƌ Something Else Of Your Own Invention
ƌ Something else of your own invention

112 113
Animals duck under branches, walking along a narrow path made just for them.
Leaves cover the ground, making a satisfying crunch underfoot and the trail is
alive with the swaying of branches, scurrying creatures, and growth looking for
sun through the canopy. Once just for the creatures of the forest, the trail is now
sometimes maintained by inhabitants who use it to spend time in the more-than-
human world.

This place can always:

ƌ Describe the close relationship between inhabitants and their counterparts in
the wild
ƌ Show how to hold reverence for and nurture a nonhuman landscape
ƌ Give someone a peb when they choose to maintain the trail

Choose 2 aesthetic elements:

ƌ Burs sticking to the legs of your pants
ƌ Birdsong emanating from the space over head
ƌ Golden sunbeams breaking through the canopy
ƌ Small babbling creek with an assortment of little aquatic critters
ƌ Family of deer crossing the path with tender concern
ƌ Glass bottles left behind by a past traveler
ƌ Pockets of mud after the rainfall
ƌ Something else of your own invention

Choose 1 folklore about this place:

ƌ How the Deer Made the Walking Path
ƌ The Hiker’s Bargain
ƌ The Caddisfly and the Purple Pebble
ƌ Something else of your own invention

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