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Does Aristotle’s system of political classification have any relevance to the

modern world?
Yes. Aristotle’s system of political classification has relevance to the modern world. It
bases its decisions on two factors: who rules? and (2) who benefits from rule? He
further divided this political classification into the bad and the good. Until now, these
political classifications still exist and are adopted by many countries. This is pertinent to
today's globe since it set the path for more recent and complex political classifications of
governments. Although it may be outdated, Aristotle’s system of political classification
still served as the foundation of politics in the modern world. However, due to
globalization, it is less relevant today than it was in Aristotle's time.

2. What is the critical role of government in relation to other institutions of society?

Beyond conflict-management and conflict resolution, are there other non - conflict
related roles which government could perform?
A government oversees establishing and enforcing social norms, as well as
managing the military, foreign policy, the economy, and public services. Government
is responsible for assisting other institutions with steps, protocols, planning, and
taking prompt action to achieve specific goals. The government is essential to other
institutions since it is the system that controls and guides the citizens and the
Other non-conflict related roles that the government can perform is that the
government is in charge of the security sector's operations; thus, it plays a big part in
the nation and with other societal institutions. The government must also make plans
and take action to stabilize our economy, which entails providing both economic
security and help. Providing basic education and health care services are also
activities that the government can perform. Other non-conflict-related tasks that the
government could undertake include improving governance for developing nations
through leadership and assistance in matters relating to trade protectionism or
environmental concerns, as well as building solid foundations for a more prosperous
future for your children by fostering economic prosperity that benefits all and
improves the lives of Filipinos who toil hard to make a living.

3. Discuss why the Constitution is considered as a showcase of government.

Discuss with examples.
The Constitution is considered as a showcase of the government because it
provides the basic governance of a country. It is the framework of the system of the
government an assigns branches and departments. It ensures that the needs and
interests of the citizens are fulfilled. It is the backbone of the government system of a
country. It outlines the rules, duties, and power of the different branches. For
example, is the three branches of the government: the executive, legislative, and
judicial. They are separated in order that each branch of government has its own
authority and duties, including cooperating with other branches, to guarantee the
efficiency of the government and the protection of citizens' rights. For instance, in
situations of national emergency, the President may still impose martial law, but only
for a period of no more than 60 days. By majority vote, the Congress may either
revoke this declaration or it may be extended for a period that will be decided by the
Congress. The declaration may also be examined by the Supreme Court, which will
determine whether there were enough justifications for martial law.

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