Biochem Lec

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Biochemistry Lecture - Particles in a gas vibrate freely at high

- Gasses assume the shapes of their
OF LIFE containers.

What is Biochemistry?

Biochemistry is the study of structure,

composition (what things are made up of),
and chemical reactions that occur in living

Composition of Matter:
Matter – everything in the universe is - The simplest particle of an element that
composed of matter. retains all the properties of that element.
- Matter is anything that occupies space or - All atoms consist of 3 types of smaller
has mass. particles:
- Mass is the quantity of matter an object (1) Proton = has a + (positive)
has. charge
- Weight is the pull of gravity on an object. (2) Electron = has a – (negative)
(3) Neutron = has no charge
States of Matter

There are 3 states of Matter: Elements

1. Solid - Pure substances that cannot be broken
- Particles in a solid are tightly packages down chemically into simpler kinds of
usually in a regular pattern. matter.
- Particles in a solid will vibrate but cannot - 96% of the mass of an organism is
move past each other. composed of 4 elements: oxygen, carbon,
- Solids retain their shapes. hydrogen, and nitrogen.

2. Liquid
- Particles in a liquid are close together Compounds
with no regular patter. - Is a substance made of atoms of different
- Particles in a liquid Glow and can easily elements bonded together in a certain
move or slide past one another. ratio.
- Liquids assume the shape of their - A compound is a pure substance made up
containers. of atoms of two or more elements.
- The proportion of atoms are always Gixed.
3. Gas
- Particles in a gas are well separated with
no regular patter.
- Are two or more atoms held together by Atoms share pairs of electrons in covalent
covalent bonds. bonds.
- Simplest form - Some atoms share pairs of electrons.
- Shared pairs of electrons Gill the
Ions form when atoms gain or lose outermost energy levels of the bonded
electrons. atoms.
- Ion is an atom that has gain or lost one or - A covalent bond is formed when atoms
more electron. share a pair of electrons.
- It forms because an atom is more stable
when its outermost energy level is full.

Properties of the Water Molecule

Ionic Bond - Water molecule (H2o) is made up of three
- Some atoms become stable by losing or atoms: 1 oxygen and 2 hydrogens.
gaining electrons. - The oxygen atom attracts more than its
- Atoms that lose electrons are called fair share of electrons.
positive ions.
- Atoms that gain electrons are called
negative ions. Life depends on hydrogen bonds in water.
- Because positive and negative electrical
charges attract each other ionic bonds
form. Hydrogen bonds – is an attraction between a
slightly positive hydrogen atom and a slightly
negative atom often oxygen or nitrogen.
- Ability to maintain a steady state despite
changing conditions.
- Water is important to this process
a) Makes a good insulator.
b) Resists temperature change
c) Universal solvent
d) Coolant
e) Ice protects against temperature
extremes (insulates frozen lakes) 3. Capillary action
Ø Allowing water to travel upwards
against gravity.
Properties related to Hydrogen Bonds:

1. Cohesion
§ Attraction among molecules of the
same substance
§ Makes water molecules stick to
each other.
§ Produces surface tension, makes
kind of skin on water.

- A solution is a homogeneous mixture of
particles such as ions, atoms, ore

Solubility is the maximum amount of solute

dissolved by a given amount of solvent at a
deGinite temperature.
2. Adhesion
§ Attraction among molecules of - The solubility of the given substances in a
different substances given solute is temperature dependent.
§ Water molecules stick to things.
§ Responsible for the upward curve 3 types of solution:
on the surface of the water in a test 1. Saturated
tube. - in a saturated solution, the solvent
§ Helps plants transport water from contains the maximum amount of solute
their roots to their leaves. at a particular temperature.
- Cannot dissolve any more solute.
2. Unsaturated Building blocks of living things:
- unsaturated solution contains less solute 1. Monomer – smallest unit of a large
and completely dissolves in a given molecule (building blocks of things)
amount of solvent, at a particular
temperature. 2. Polymer – the large molecule; formed
- Has a capacity to dissolve more solute. by joining monomers (the product/the
thing made = this is the
3. Supersaturated macromolecule)
- the supersaturated solution contains the
maximum amount of solute at a higher
- Contains more solute than it can dissolve Formation of Macromolecules
under normal conditions.
Monomers are connected by a reaction in
- When more solute is added into the which 2 molecules are bonded to each other
solution, crystals form. through the loss of a water molecule.

What is a macromolecule?
• These are organic compounds that
contain carbon and are considered to be
“giant molecules.”

There are four groups of macromolecules that
make up living things:
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Proteins Polymers are disassembled (broken up) into
4. Nucleic acids monomers by hydrolysis, a process that is
essentially the reverse of the dehydration
Six major elements associated with making
up these macromolecules:

These 6 elements make up your body and

they are also important in creating these
organic compounds:

1. Carbon
2. Oxygen
3. Phosphorus
4. Hydrogen
5. Nitrogen
6. Sulfur
4 Major classes of Organic Molecules:
1. Carbohydrates
• Two monosaccharide bonded together
§ Main source of energy for living
§ Table sugar (sucrose) – made up of
glucose + fructose bonded together
§ Plants and some animals use
§ Milk sugar (lactose) – made up of
carbohydrates for structural
glucose + galactose bonded
§ Made up of sugars:
• Monosaccharide (monomer) =
1 sugar
• Disaccharide = 2 sugars
• More than two monosaccharide
• Polysaccharide = more than 2
bonded together by glycosidic bonds.
• Serve as storage material or building
§ Storage – starch, glycogen
Organic compounds: carbohydrates
§ Structural – cellulose, chitin
• The elements make them up are C, H,
and O
• Glycosidic bonds attach the sugar
monomers together.
2. Lipids
§ Used to store energy (for the long
• 3 types:
ii) Monosaccharides – C6G12O6 =
§ Important in making your cell
glucose, galactose, and fructose
membranes and waterprooGing the
iii) Disaccharides – 2
certain coverings in the body
monosaccharides joined: sucrose.
(example: cell membranes)
iv) Polysaccharides -long chain of
§ Insulates/protects your bodies
monosaccharides; starch
organs (like a cushion)
§ Examples: fats, oils, and waxes
1. Glucose
Organic compounds: Lipids
• Made during photosynthesis.
• The elements that make them up: C,
• Main source of energy for plants and
H, and O.
• Nonpolar (NOT soluble/will not mix
with water – hydrophobic)
2. Fructose
• The building block for lipids includes
• Found naturally in fruits.
1 glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acid
• Is the sweetest of monosaccharides.
• There are 2 ways lipids can be
3. Galactose
represented in the body:
• Found in milk.
• Saturated fat – fatty acids are
• Is usually in association with
“full” of hydrogens; all carbon
bonds are single (animal
• Or fructose
• Unsaturated fat – at least 1
double bond between carbons
(plant products)

• At room temperature, the Functions of proteins:

molecules of a saturated fat are
packed closely together, forming a 4 types of proteins and its function in the
solid. body:
• At room temperature, the a) Regulatory (ex: enzymes)
molecules of an unsaturated fat Þ Controls the rate of reactions in
cannot pack together closely your body.
enough to solidify because of the
kinks in their fatty acid tails. b) Transport (ex: hemoglobin transports
O2 )
Þ Sending nutrients to different
3. Proteins parts of the body.
§ The majority of the processes that
take place in the body occur c) Structural (ex: collagen, found in skin
because of proteins. and bones)
§ The elements that make up Þ Forms/makes up different parts
proteins are C, H, O, and N. of the body.
§ Amino acids (AA) are the
monomers of proteins. d) Protective (ex: antibodies protect
against disease)
Organic compounds: Proteins Þ Makes cells that act as Gighters for
• There are 20 different amino acids the body.
found in nature.
• Amino acids are made up of 3
functional groups:
§ An Amino group ( -NH2)
§ An R group (different per amino
§ A Carboxyl group (-COOH)
4. Nucleic acids
§ The function of nucleic acids is to What is a Chemical Reaction?
store and transmit genetic • Everything that happens inside of an
information. organism is based on chemical
§ The elements that make up nucleic reactions.
acids are C, H, O, N, and P. • Example:
§ 2 types: § Growth
• DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) § Its interaction with the
• RNA (ribonucleic acid) environment
§ Reproduction
§ Movement
Organic compounds: Nucleic Acids
• The monomers of nucleic acids are
nucleotides Chemical reaction
• Each nucleotide is made up of: Þ A process that changes one set of
§ 5-carbon sugar chemicals into another.
§ Phosphate group Þ Always involve the breaking of
§ Nitrogenous base bonds and the formation of new
Monomer + Monomer = Polymer

Chemical reaction breakdown

Monomers (or Polymers
building blocks) There are 2 parts to every chemical reaction:
Monosaccharides Carbohydrates
Glycerol and fatty lipids CO2 + H20 C6H1206 + O2
acids (building
block) reactants products
nucleotides Nucleic acids
Amino acids Proteins
• Reactants represent what is being
used/what enters into a reaction.
• always found below the arrow.

• Products represent what is

made/what exits a reaction.
• always found after the arrow.
Do we need energy to complete all of these But not all reactions are spontaneous, some
reactions? still require a little energy.

Chemical reactions that release energy are Energy needed to get a reaction started us
called exergonic reactions. called activation energy.
• These often occur spontaneously – • This “start energy” is important,
such as cellular respiration. because it can determine whether you
release or absorb energy.
Chemical reactions that absorb energy are • It is important to every organism that
called endergonic reactions. they maintain a certain amount of
• These often occur without a source of energy, the amount of energy you use
energy – such as photosynthesis (the in the beginning can make a big
original energy comes from the sun) difference on whether or not you
complete an important reaction.
However, there is a problem.

Some chemical reactions that make life

possible are too slow or have activation
energies that are too high to make them
practical for living tissue (in other words,
they take too long)

Your body has protein that lowers the
amount of energy needed at the beginning of
a reaction, so you have more energy to
Cell respiration complete your metabolic processes needed to
live your life.

These are called Enzymes

Enzymes are proteins that act as biological

• Catalysts - substance that speed up
the rate of reaction, without using a
large amount of energy.

Most enzymes end in the letters -ase.

Ex: saliva/spit is called amylase.

• Enzymes release products after a
reaction and can start the same
process over again.

• Speed up a reaction by lowering the
activation energy of a reaction.
• Act as a site of a reaction and are not
used up. Remember:
• Enzymes are a type of protein.
• Their job is to regulate the body’s
activities without using too much
• When you damage a protein, so it no
longer works it becomes denatured.

Denaturation and re-naturation of a


There are many things that can affect the way

an enzyme works:
• Extreme temperatures – both hot
and cold can damage an enzyme.
• pH changes – mixing proteins with
Scientists use a model to represent the way strong acids or bases.
enzymes carry out chemical reactions: • cell activators – things that may turn
on an enzyme.
The Enzyme-Substrate Complex – “Lock and • Cell inhibitors – things that may turn
Key” Model off certain cell activities.
• Enzymes have very speciGic active
sites, where only certain reactants can
bind to reduce activation energy (EA)
• These reactants are called substrates.

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