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Invitation to Participate in the Survey

Questionnaire: 1
Dear Respondents,
I, Nandini, Shivani, and Krishna, MBA final year students, am undertaking research on the
topic “Green Employee Engagement and Workplace Spirituality in Enhancing Employee
Leadership Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction ” for the Research Paper in Management as
my final year dissertation from Parul University, Vadodara.
The said research deals with the issues of green employee engagement, workplace spirituality
and spiritual-based leadership and their impact on job satisfaction and its implications in
India. We, therefore, request you to go through the questionnaire and provide the necessary
feedback for generating primary data for the research work. Your responses will be used for
the present research. Kindly fill out the Google form questionnaire.
Thanking you,

Personal Information for Research Questionnaire

1. Name:
2. Gender: - Male Female
3. Age :
4. Marital Status: - Single Married Divorced Widowed
5. Current Designation:
6. Organization working for:
7. Total number of years employed in this Organization:
8. Total Work Experience:
9. Are you aware of green employee enagement: Yes No

Questionnaire: 02
Your Engagement Levels with the Job and in the Organization

Choose the answer that best describes how you agree with the following statements , with
regard to the green employee engagement , in your organization. Strongly Agree-5, Agree-4,
Neutral-3, Disagree-2,Strongly-Disagree-1
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree nor Agree
I really throw myself into the job.

Sometimes I am so into my job

that I lose track of time
This job is all consuming; I am
totally into it
My mind often wanders and I
think of other things when
doing my job (R) (Reverse
Coded- Rate Accordingly)
I am highly engaged in this job.

Being a member of this school is

very captivating
One of the most exciting things for
me is getting involved with things
happening in the organization
I am really not into the “goings
-on” in this school (R) (Reverse
Coded-Rate Accordingly).
Being a member of this
organization make me come
I am highly engaged in
this organization

Choose the answer that best describes how you agree with the following statements , with
regard to the workplace spirituality , in your organization. Strongly Agree-5, Agree-4,
Neutral-3, Disagree-2,Strongly-Disagree-1
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree nor Agree
I experience joy in my work.

I look forward to coming to work

most days
The work I do is connected to what
I think is important in my
At work, I break or spill
things because of
carelessness, not paying
attention, or thinking of
something else.
At times, I experience an energy
and vitality at work this is
difficult to describe.
I go to the places on 'automatic
pilot' and then wonder why I
went there
I put conscious efforts to bring a
viable solution to others'
I experience a real sense of trust
and personal connection with
my co-workers
I share a strong sense of purpose
and meaning with my co-workers
about our work
I feel like I am part "a community"
at work

Choose the answer that best describes how you agree with the following statements , with
regard to the Employee Leadership , in your organization. Strongly Agree-5, Agree-4,
Neutral-3, Disagree-2,Strongly-Disagree-1
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree nor Agree
I express with a few simple words
what we could and should
I help others develop themselves.

I am satisfied when others meet-

agreed upon standards.
I am content to let others
continue working in the same
ways always.
Others have complete faith in me.

I provide appealing images about

what we can do.
I provide others with new ways of
looking at puzzlings things.
I provide recognition/rewards
when others reach their goals.
As long as things are working, I
do not try to change anything.
Whatever others want to do is OK
with me.

Choose the answer that best describes how you agree with the following statements , with
regard to the Job Satisfaction , in your organization. Strongly Agree-5, Agree-4, Neutral-3,
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree nor Agree
I receive recognition for a job well
I feel close to the people at work.

I feel good about working at this

I feel secure about my job.

I believe management is
concerned about me.
On the whole, I believe work is
good for my physical health.
My wages are good

All my talents and skills are used

at work
I get along with my supervisors.

I feel good about my job.

Questionnaire: 03
1. For you green employee enagement impact on the job satisfaction


2. Any other suggestion for employee satisfaction level can increased



Thank You for Your Participation

Disclaimer: This survey is carried out solely for research and analysis purposes. No
personally identifiable information is captured. Your responses are combined with those of
many others and summarized in a report, which will be featured in research papers. Name of
the Organization will not be revealed or used in any context.

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