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Invitation to Participate in the Survey

Questionnaire: 1
Dear Respondents,
I, Deep, Jeeslyn, and Abhishek, MBA final year students, am researching the topic “An empirical
study on HR analytics and big data in HRM: leveraging data for evidence-based decision making ” for
the Research Paper in Management as my final year dissertation from Parul University, Vadodara.
The said research deals with the issues of HR analytics, Big data and HRM and their impact on
Decision-making and its implications in India. We, therefore, request you to go through the
questionnaire and provide the necessary feedback for generating primary data for the research work.
Your responses will be used for the present research. Kindly fill out the Google form questionnaire.
Thanking you,
Section A: Demographic Information

1. Name (optional):_____________________________________________________
2. Gender (Put ‘’ mark in the appropriate box)
Male  Female 
3. Age (In completed years): __________________
4. Educational Qualification (Put ‘’ mark in appropriate box)
B.Tech., 
B.Sc./B.Com./BA/BBA 
M.Tech./M.Sc./MS 
PhD 
Certification course in Analytics or related area 
5. Name of the Organization:___________________________________________
6. City where your organization is located:________________________________
7. Total Workforce Strength:
a) Your branch: ___________
b) Overall: __________
8. Where is your organization’s headquarters located:
India 
Others (specify if any) 
Designation: _____________________________________
11. Total Work Experience (in years): ___________________
12. Your position in current organization:
Generalist 
Specialist 
Manager 
Director 
HRIS/Analytics specialist 
Others (specify if any)
Which Human Resource functional area are you currently associated with
(Select more than one area, if applicable)
Talent Planning and Acquisition 
Appraisal 
Compensation/Benefits 
Employee Engagement/Well-being/Relations 
Training/Development 
Information Systems/Analytics 
Succession Planning/Career Planning 
Others (specify if any) 

Section B: HR Analytics and Big Data Adoption

Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where:
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

Our organization actively uses HR

analytics for decision-making.

The organization has invested in

technology and tools for HR data

We collect a wide range of HR-related

data for analysis.

HR data is integrated with other

business data for comprehensive

The organization regularly conducts

training on HR analytics for employees.

The organization encourages a data-

driven culture within the HR

The HR department has dedicated

personnel responsible for data analysis.

Section C: Benefits and Challenges of HR Analytics and Big Data

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

HR analytics has improved the

efficiency of HR processes.

HR analytics has led to better

recruitment and selection decisions.

HR analytics has contributed to

employee engagement and retention.

HR analytics has helped in identifying

skills gaps and training needs.

One of the major challenges in

implementing HR analytics is data
privacy and security concerns.

Integrating HR data with other business

data is a challenging task.

Employee resistance to data-driven

decision making is a barrier.

Section D: Future Trends and Recommendations

In your opinion, what are the emerging trends in HR analytics and big data that organizations should
focus on?
(Open-ended response)
What recommendations are you for organizations looking to enhance their use of HR analytics and
big data for evidence-based decision-making?
(Open-ended response)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your input is valuable to our research. If
you have any additional comments or insights, please share them below.

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