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Simple Present adalah tenses (pola kalimat) yang digunakan untuk menceritakan waktu

sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana.Fungsi dari Simple present tense adalah untuk menyatakan
fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini

Rumus kalimat verbal :

positif (+):
S + V1 + O
Negative: (-):
S + V1 + does not/do not + O
Interogative (?):
Does/do + S +V1 + O

o He, she it kata kerjanya (V1) ditambah s/es. Example : he goes to his office by car
o Untuk membuat kalimat negative maupun pertanyaan digunakan kata bantu do/does.
Example: He does not go to his office by car

Play = bermain
Eat = makan
Drink = minum
Sleep = tidur
Go = pergi
Fly = terbang
Walk = berjalan
Run = berlari
Climb = memanjat
Swim = berenang
Dive = menyelam
Speak = berbicara
Shout = berteriak
Whisper = berbisik
Hold = memegang
Throw: Melempar
Use :Menggunakan
Walk :Berjalan
Want :Mengharapkan
Wash :Mencuci
Wear :Memakai
Write :Menulis
Study Belajar
Teach :Mengajarkan
Visit :Mengunjungi
Wait :Menunggu
Cook: memasak
Read: membaca
See: melihat

Contoh Kalimat Verbal:

1. The cat catches the mouse everyday.
2. Buffaloes eat grass.
3. Shinta makes a cake on Wednesday.
4. They visit their friend every Sunday.

1. Ronaldo kicks the ball beautifully.

Ronaldo does not kick the ball beautifully.
Does Ronaldo kick the ball beautifully?

2. They go to Bali every year.

They don’t go to Bali evey year.
Do they go to Bali every year?
Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Simple Present Tense'

1. I _____ the clothes every Saturday

(a. iron) (b. irons)
2. She _____ the windows every weekend.
(a. clean) (b. cleans)
3. We _____ the dishes every afternoon.
(a. wash) (b. washes)
4. He _____ the floor every day.
(a. sweep) (b. sweeps)
5. My father _____ the bed every morning.
(a. make) (b. makes)
6. They _____ the plants every day.
(a. water) (b. waters)
7. My brother _____ out the trash on Monday.
(a. take) (b. takes)
8. you ____ your house
(a. clean) (b. cleanss)
9. My brother and I _____ mount Arjuno this holiday.
(a. hikes) (b. hike)
10. She does not _____ violin, she plays piano.
(a. play) (b. plays)
11. We always _____ on karaoke once a month
(a. sing) (b. sings)
12. On 17th August, we always _____ our independence day
(a. celebrate) (b. celebrates)
13. My mother and I _____ to market every morning.
(a. go) (b. goes)
14. my mother always _____ me up on 5 a.m
(a. wake) (b. wakes)
15. The train to Jakarta _____ at 19.50 this evening.
(a. leave) (b. leaves)

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