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1. introduce my name blabla I am the first of 3 children, who was born

to a very romantic couple, whose name is andi and tika, um and I
was born in Bogor, precisely in parung, I was born on December 14,
2005, my hobby is traveling, for example, such as motorbikes or cars

2. um actually my dream is to become a soldier, but related I can't take

the army test because my teeth are not neat, so I replaced my dream into
an ironment wkwkwk, my ideal is to take my family to hajj and umrah the
most important thing is my beloved mother and father, by using the money
from work

3. my advantages are not many, but there are some, which I will tell you
for example such as justifying engines, motorcycles, cars, and computers
and others

4. my shortcomings are very many, one of which is the lack of detail if you
are at work

5. i would go to a place away from the crowds to relax while drinking

coffee and smoking,but honestly,3 years ago i was very bad,if i was setres
i would take the bike very fast and after that i ran to alcohol

6. I have been 2nd place in scouting and got amtsilati graduation diploma
and many others

7. i will be silent and remember what he is doing,then i will make his

learning for me

8. after I graduated from here I will continue to study while working and
collect money to increase my father and mother's hajj, so the first thing I
do is to perform the hajj, then I will make my own house for me and after
that I will get married

9. my dream job is to be a big entrepreneur or be a staff manager at a

hotel or bank

10. my parents, because from childhood I always made trouble, but even
though I always made trouble I am sure my parents were very dear to me

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