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1. This man was sick for quite some time and died before Jesus arrived.

When Jesus arrived however, he

immediately raised him from the dead.

Answer: Lazarus

Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, were very close friends of Jesus. When Lazarus became ill, his
sisters immediately sent for Jesus, but he did not come until days later, when Lazarus had already died.
However, Jesus raised him from the dead upon arrival. The story of Lazarus can be found in John 11.

2. This man baptized Jesus.

Answer: John

Actually, John is more popularly referred to as 'John the Baptist'. Not only did he baptize Jesus, but he
was his cousin as well - Luke 3:15-23. He was killed by King Herod when he was still in his early thirties.

3. Which Bible character was swallowed by a great fish?

Answer: Jonah

God had sent Jonah to preach to the people of Nineveh but Jonah tried to run away by taking a boat
headed in the opposite direction. Soon after, there was a great storm at sea which threatened to capsize the
boat. In an attempt to prevent this from happening, Jonah ordered the people to throw him overboard.

When they did, he was promptly swallowed by a great fish. The story of Jonah can be found in the book
of Jonah, near the end of the Old Testament.

4. This man was spared because he was a righteous man when God decided to send the Great Flood.

Answer: Noah

Noah and his family, along with pairs of animals from each species were saved from the flood because of
his righteousness - Genesis 6

5. He committed the first murder in the Bible.

Answer: Cain

Cain, son of Adam, murdered his brother Abel because God favored Abel's sacrifice over his own. This
story can be found in Genesis 4.

6. She gave birth to Jesus.

Answer: Mary

Mary gave birth to Jesus.

7. He was the first man created by God.

Answer: Adam

Adam is the first man created by God in "Genesis." God creates him from the earth.

8. He betrayed Jesus.

Answer: Judas

Judas Iscariot is the most famous of the apostles, known for betraying Jesus for 30 silver coins.

9. He was almost sacrificed to God.

Answer: Isaac

Isaac was the son of Abraham. He was almost sacrificed to God by his father.

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