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Business Introducer Agreement


On the 15th of November, 2021
ALESSANDRO DE ANGELI, of Via de Castelleti 3, Signa, Firenze, Italy
holder of an Italian passport number Y9923092 (herein after called “the
AKBAR VERJEE, Barrister at Law, Chairman of Diar Capital Limited, The
Axis, 26 Bank Street, Cybercity, Ebene 72201, Mauritius, holder of United
Kingdom passport number 560794505 (herein referred to as
the “Introducer”)
The Client and the Introducer may be individually referred to as a “Party”
or collectively as the “Parties”.
A. The Introducer offers advisory, management services and is a
corporate intermediary to private clients.
B The Client is the owner of the two following art works:
Peter Paul Rubens, Madonna with Child, 1615, oil on canvas, 96 x 77 cms
Peter Paul Rubens, Capture of Samson by the Philistines, 1620, oil on
canvas, 119 x 135 cms
Individually and collectively the “Property”.
Discussions have taken place between the Parties and the Parties have
decided to enter into this agreement, which, including its recitals, are
hereafter referred to as the “Agreement”.

The Parties have entered into a contractual relationship where the
Introducer would introduce to the Client potential intermediaries likely to
introduce buyers of the Property.
1. Purpose of the Agreement
The Client entrusts the Introducer, who accepts with the assignment to
identify and introduce to the Client potential intermediaries, or buyers
likely to purchase the Property.
The potential intermediaries or clients referred to in this Agreement shall
not already be known to the Client.
The Introducer shall provide regularly to the Client a list of the potential
intermediaries and buyers, including their identity and their complete
contact details (address, e-mail address, telephone number, Website) as
well as a brief presentation of the potential intermediaries and buyers.
The Introducer will specify actions undertaken, or planned by him to
introduce them to the Client.
The Client may contact the potential intermediaries and buyers without
any restriction, during the lifetime of this Agreement.
2. Nature of the Contractual Relationship
The Client represents and guarantees to the Introducer that the Client
will inform the Introducer immediately he has concluded a sale of the
Property resulting from his introduction of the intermediary, or a direct
buyer of the Property to the Client. The Client has agreed not to act
exclusively without informing the Introducer for his own benefit, and
therefore the Client commits to inform the Introducer immediately upon
a successful sale of the Property.
The Introducer shall not be entitled to any indemnity whatsoever upon
expiry, or termination of the Agreement.
3. No Exclusivity
The Parties do not grant each other any exclusivity. Therefore, the Client
may work with other intermediaries and direct buyers.

4. Intellectual Property Rights
The Client represents and guarantees to the Introducer that he holds all
the property rights related to the Property.
5. Specific Obligations of the Parties
The Client represents and guarantees to the Introducer that the Property
complies with his own statements regarding the Provenance of the
Property. The Client will comply with security and conformity obligations
regarding the Property. The Client will provide to the Introducer all
information, contents and available documentation without reservation.
The Client and the Introducer agree that any action or communication
relating to the Property will always be perfectly lawful and appropriate
considering the reputation, the image and quality standards of the
The Introducer represents and guarantees to the Client that he will only
introduce intermediaries, and, or buyers who are professional and who
have the necessary skills, the experience, the connections and all means
needed to perform correctly and ethically the services described in the
6. Financial Terms
6.1 Consideration
In consideration of the services described hereinabove, the Client will pay
the Introducer fifty percent (50%) of the amount payable to any
intermediary introduced by the Introducer of fees agreed between the
Client and the intermediary, and in the case of a direct buyer the Client
will pay the Introducer ten percent (10%) of the final sale price of the
This consideration shall be construed as a global, flat and final
remuneration for all the services and expenses of the Introducer in
relation with the Agreement, without any exception or reservation

6.2 Payment Terms
The Introducer shall invoice the Client immediately after receiving a
legally binding notification of a successful conclusion of a transaction,
whether or not the Client has regularly, or if at all, kept the Introducer
informed of any ongoing negotiations.
7. Duration of the Agreement
The Agreement shall enter into force as at the date when all the Parties
sign it.
This Agreement is valid as long as the Property remains unsold, or the
Client formally informs the Introducer that he has withdrawn it from sale
and informed all intermediaries or potential buyers introduced by the
Introducer to the Client that the Property is no longer available for sale.
8. Rules Governing the Agreement
8.1 Law and Jurisdiction
The Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
London International Arbitration Court.
In case of any litigation arising in relation with the Agreement, the
Parties hereby grant an exclusive jurisdiction to the London International
Arbitration Court.
9.2 Entirety of the Agreement
The Parties expressly state that the Agreement expresses the entirety of
their agreement as regards its subject matter, and invalidates and
replaces any previous agreements entered into between them in relation
with its subject matter.
9.3 Severability, Adaptation and Amendment
The Parties will do their best efforts to negotiate in good faith and in due
time any potential modifications of the Agreement that may be necessary,
particularly pursuant to mandatory legal or regulatory provisions or the
binding decision of a Court.

This Agreement may not be amended except by express and written
mutual agreement of the Parties, in which case any amendment or waiver
of any provision hereof shall be attached to the Agreement and shall
incorporate to it.
9.4 Renunciation
The fact that a Party abstains from requesting application of any
provision whatsoever of the Agreement, shall not be considered as a
renunciation to request said application.

The Client

The Introducer

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