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Oxford dictionary
a very young child, especially one
newly or recently born.
Synonyms: infant or newborn.

What words come first to

your mind if I say "baby"?
Take care (merawat) Pregnant (hamil)
She needs her mom's help to take care her newborn. Pregnant woman should be prioritized in a
Give birth (melahirkan) public transportation.
I am so glad that my sister has given birth
her first ever baby. Craving (ngidam/ ingin sekali)
My young aunt is craving to meet Lee Min Ho
Raise (membesarkan) during her pregnancy.
Parents must raise their baby as good as possible.
Adorable/ cute (menggemaskan) Affection (kasih sayang)
Can I squeeze his cheeks? He's so adorable. Never doubt your mother's affection even if
she never shows it.
Diapers (popok)
Changing diapers is a big no for me. Stay up late (begadang)
Breast-feed (menyusui) My husband always stays up late to
Whenever she cries, I always try to breast-feed her. accompany me.
Nurse (perawat) Superstition (tahayul)
The nurses will take care of your newborn for the
next three days. There is nothing wrong with
people believing in superstitions.
Tidak selamanya "look" itu melihat.

Look After (Merawat) Look For(Mencari)

As parents, we have to be ready During pregnancy, my husband
to look after our babies 24/7. will look for anything I want.
My husband will look after me My wife will never know where I
everytime I get sick. looked for tahu bulat at 1 a.m. this
1.) In general, what things do you like and not like from babies? Why/ why not? 1.) I love their smile and skin, but I
don't like when they poop.
2.) I think we need to prepare a special
2.) What things need to be prepared before having a baby? Explain your answer. room for the baby because he needs to
sleep alone soon.

3.) "Having many children means having a fortune shower." 3.) Yes, I do. It's because my parents are
very rich now. They have ten children.
Do you agree with this statement? Why/ why not?
No, I don't. For me, it's just a superstition
because it doesn't make sense.
4.) Why do you think some couples postpone having a baby? 4.) I believe it's because they want to
enjoy the time together first.
5.) I guess it's because they want to enjoy
5.) Why do you think that there are people who decide to be child free? their lives without needing someone to
look after.
6.) It's the seventh month celebration from
6.) What culture-related things (traditions) do you know related to baby?
Java Island. People will gather to pray for
Please explain it.
the baby's luck and protection.
7.) For me, we need to train his physical
7.) What things need to be taught/ trained to a baby? How and why? movement by buying him related toys
because they will grow as a strong man.


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