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Operations Circular No. 06 of 2018

File no AV.220224/10/2018-FSD
Initial issue: 15th October 2018
Revision 1: 27th February 2023

Subject: Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT)


1.1 This operation Circular provides guidance for aircraft operators, In

accordance with ICAO standard and DOC 10011.
1.2 This was necessitated by ICAO in view of the fatalities in commercial and
non-commercial aviation aircraft accidents due to Loss of Control in Flight. In
order to reduce/minimize the number of accidents of this nature, ICAO
prioritized the development and harmonization of training for flight crews to
address and mitigate LOC events.
1.3 Analysis of Loss of Control – Inflight (LOC-I) accident data indicated that
contributory factors can be categorized as being either airplane systems-
induced, environmentally induced, pilot/human-induced, or any combination of
these three. Of the three, pilot-induced accidents represented the most
frequently identified cause of the event, principally resulting from one or more
of the following reasons:
a) Application of improper procedures, including inappropriate flight control
b) One or more flight crew members becoming spatially disoriented;
c) Poor airplane energy management;
d) Loss of Situational Awareness
e) Improper training,
f) intentional low flying;
g) Heavy airplane wake and clear air turbulence;
h) Severe weather turbulence and icing conditions;

1.4 The Loss of control avoidance and recovery training (LOCART) initiative

resulted in the following recommendations for implementing improvements to

existing training practices by integrating a comprehensive upset prevention and
recovery training (UPRT) program -

a) Provide comprehensive academic training that covers the broad

spectrum of issues surrounding airplane upsets at the earliest stages of
commercial pilot development, during type rating training, and continued
throughout the professional career at scheduled recurrent training

b) Provide training scenarios involving conditions likely to result in upsets

as part of the regular initial type rating and recurrent training exercises
in type-specific FSTDs;

c) Implement standards that demand UPRT be delivered by appropriately

qualified and competent instructors;
d) Implement standards that require that UPRT in FSTDs be conducted in
an appropriately qualified device using the highest level of fidelity
e) The safety level is expected to increase by improving existing training
standards for pilots.

1.5 Assist Flight crew members to recognize and avoid situations that are
conducive to encountering an in-flight upset, in other words, recognition,
avoidance and prevention”. Notwithstanding, any risk mitigation effort would be
incomplete without including recovery training.

This OC is applicable to Schedule, Schedule Commuter, Non-Schedule,

General Aviation and Approved Training Organizations (ATOs).
Provided along with are the guidelines to formulate and implement UPRT
syllabus and training Program in organizations engaged in type training on
aircraft types certified for two pilot operations.


ADI Attitude director indicator

AOA Angle of attack
A/P Autopilot
A/T Auto throttle (equivalent to A/THR depending on the airplane
ATC Air traffic control
ATO Approved training organization

ATR Airline Transport Rating

AURTA Airplane upset recovery training aid
CAA Civil aviation authority
CAT Clear air turbulence
CBT Competency-based training
CG Centre of gravity
CPL Commercial pilot license — airplane
CRM Crew resource management
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EBT Evidence-based training
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FBW Fly-by-wire
FSTD Flight simulation training device
Ft Feet
FTO Flying training organization
GTO Ground training organization
IAS Indicated airspeed
IATA International Air Transport Association
IOS Instructor operating station
ISD Instructional systems design
KSA Knowledge, skills and attitudes
LMS Learning management system
LOCART Loss of control avoidance and recovery training
LOC-I Loss of control in flight
LOFT Line-oriented flight training
LOS Line-operational simulation
M Meter
Mmo Maximum operating Mach number
MOFT Maneuver-oriented flight training
MTOM Maximum take-off mass
OEM Original equipment manufacturer(s)
PF Pilot flying
PIO Pilot-induced oscillation
PM Pilot monitoring (equivalent to pilot not flying)
QA Quality assurance
SARPs Standards and Recommended Practices
SME Subject matter expert
SMS Safety management system
SOP Standard operating procedure
SSP State safety programme
TEM Threat and error management
TOGA Take-off/go-around
UPRT Upset prevention and recovery training
Vc Cruising speed

Vmo Maximum operating speed

Vref Reference speed in the landing configuration
Vs V stall
vs. Versus
VTE Valid training envelope


Academic training. Training that places an emphasis on studying and

reasoning designed to enhance knowledge levels of a particular subject, rather
than to develop specific technical or practical skills.

Accountable Manager. The individual who has corporate authority for ensuring
that all training commitments can be financed and carried out to the standard
required by the Director General of Civil Aviation, and any additional
requirements defined by the approved training organization.

Aerodynamic stall. An aerodynamic loss of lift caused by exceeding the critical

angle of attack (synonymous with the term “stall”).

Airplane upset. An airplane in flight unintentionally exceeding the parameters

normally experienced in line operations or training, normally defined by the
existence of at least one of the following parameters:

a) Pitch attitude greater than 25 degrees, nose up; or

b) Pitch attitude greater than 10 degrees, nose down; or

c) Bank angle greater than 45 degrees; or

d)Within the above parameters, but flying at airspeeds inappropriate for the

Airmanship. The consistent use of good judgment and well-developed

knowledge, skills and attitudes to accomplish flight objectives.

Angle of attack (AOA). Angle of attack is the angle between the oncoming air,
or relative wind, and a defined reference line on the airplane or wing.

Approach-to-stall. Flight conditions bordered by stall warning and

aerodynamic stall.

Approved training organization (ATO). An organization approved by DGCA

to deliver specific approved training programmes to aviation personnel for

licensing purposes.

Assessment. The determination as to whether a candidate meets the

requirements of the expected performance standard.

Auto flight systems. The autopilot, auto throttle (or auto thrust), and all related
systems that perform automatic flight management and guidance.

Behavior. The way a person responds, either overtly or covertly, to a specific

set of conditions, which is capable of being measured.

Behavioral indicator. An overt action performed or statement made by any

flight crew member that indicates how an individual or the crew is handling an

Bridge training. Additional training designed to address shortfalls in

knowledge and skill levels so that all trainees possess the prerequisite levels
upon which the approved training program was designed.

Competency. A combination of skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to

perform a task to the prescribed standard.

Competency-based training. Training and assessment that are characterized

by a performance orientation, emphasis on standards of performance and their
measurement and the development of training to the specified performance
Competency element. An action that constitutes a task that has a triggering
event and a terminating event that clearly defines its limits, and an observable

Contributing factor. A reported condition that contributed to the development

of an aircraft accident or incident.

Core competencies. A group of related behaviors, based on job requirements,

which describe how to effectively perform a job and what proficient performance
looks like. They include the name of the competency, a description, and a list of
behavioral indicators.

Critical angle of attack. The angle of attack that produces the maximum
coefficient of lift beyond which an aerodynamic stall occurs.

Critical system malfunctions. Airplane system malfunctions that place

significant demand on a proficient crew. These malfunctions should be
determined in isolation from any environmental or operational context.

Developed upset. A condition meeting the definition of an airplane upset.

Developing upset. Anytime the airplane begins to unintentionally diverge from

the intended flight path or airspeed.

Energy. The capacity to do work.

Energy state. How much of each kind of energy (kinetic, potential or chemical)
the airplane has available at any given time.

Error. An action or inaction by the flight crew that leads to deviations from
organizational or flight crew intentions or expectations.

Error management. The process of detecting and responding to errors with

countermeasures that reduce or eliminate the consequences of errors and
mitigate the probability of further errors or undesired airplane states.

Evidence-based training (EBT). Training and assessment based on

operational data that is characterized by developing and accessing the overall
capability of a trainee across a range of core competencies rather than by
measuring the performance of individual events or maneuvers.

Fidelity level. The level of realism assigned to each of the defined FSTD

First indication of a stall. The initial aural, tactile or visual sign of an impending
stall, which can be either naturally or synthetically induced.

Flight crew member. A licensed crew member charged with duties essential
to the operation of an airplane during a flight duty period.

Flight management system. An aeroplane computer system that uses a large

database to permit routes to be preprogrammed and fed into the system by
means of a data loader. The system is constantly updated with respect to
position accuracy by reference to the most appropriate navigation aids
available, which are automatically selected during the information update cycle.

Flight path. The trajectory or path of an object (airplane) travelling through the
air over a given space of time.

Flight simulation training device (FSTD). A synthetic training device that is in

compliance with the minimum requirements for FSTD qualification as described
in Doc 9625.


Flying Training Organisation (FTO). All flying training schools/clubs/institutes

who are imparting ab-initio ground and flying training for issuance of CPL.

Instructional systems design (ISD). A formal process for designing training

which includes analysis, design and production, and evaluation phases.

Instructor. A person authorized to provide academic or practical training to a

trainee or trainees for an aviation license, rating or endorsement.

Line-orientated flight training. Training and assessment involving a realistic,

“real time”, full mission simulation of scenarios that are representative of line

Load factor. The ratio of a specified load to the weight of the airplane, the
former being expressed in terms of aerodynamic forces, propulsive forces or
ground reactions.

Maneuvers. A sequence of deliberate actions to achieve a desired flight path.

Flight path control may be accomplished by a variety of means including manual
airplane control and the use of auto flight systems.

Maneuver-based training. Training that focuses on a single event or

maneuver in isolation.

Motion turnaround bumps. A phenomenon associated with FSTD motion

actuators when their direction of travel reverses, which results in acceleration
spikes that can be felt by the pilot, thus giving a false motion cue.

Negative training. Training which unintentionally introduces incorrect

information or invalid concepts, which could actually decrease rather than
increase safety.

On-airplane training. A component of an upset prevention and recovery

training (UPRT) programme designed to develop skill sets in employing
effective upset prevention and recovery strategies utilizing only suitably-
capable light airplanes.

Performance criteria. Simple, evaluative statements on the required outcome

of the competency element and a description of the criteria used to measure
whether the required level of performance has been achieved.

Phase of flight. A defined period within a flight, for example, take-off, climb,
cruise, descent, approach and landing.

Post-stall regime. Flight conditions at an angle of attack greater than the


critical angle of attack.

Practical training. Describes training that places an emphasis on the

development of specific technical or practical skills, which is normally preceded
by academic training.

Quality assurance (QA). All the planned and systematic actions necessary to
provide adequate confidence that all activities satisfy given standards and
requirements, including the ones specified by the approved training
organization in relevant manuals.

Quality management. A management approach focused on the means to

achieve product or service quality objectives through the use of its four key
components: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality
Quality system. The aggregate of all the organization’s activities, plans,
policies, processes, procedures, resources, incentives and infrastructure
working in unison towards a total quality management approach. It requires an
organizational construct complete with documented policies, processes,
procedures and resources that underpin a commitment by all employees to
achieve excellence in product and service delivery through the implementation
of best practices in quality management.

Scenario. Part of a training module plan that consists of predetermined

maneuvers and training events +Examples provided in Appendix C

Scenario-based training. Training that incorporates maneuvers into real-

world experiences to cultivate practical flying skills in an operational

Stall. An aerodynamic loss of lift caused by exceeding the critical angle of


Note — Stalled condition can exist at any attitude and airspeed, and may be
recognized by continuous stall warning activation accompanied by at least one
of the following:
a) Buffeting, which could be heavy at times;
b) Lack of pitch authority and/or roll control; and
c) Inability to arrest the descent rate.

Stall event. An occurrence whereby the airplane experiences conditions

associated with an approach-to-stall or an aerodynamic stall.

Stall recovery procedure. This refers to the manufacturer-approved airplane-


specific stall recovery procedure.

Stall warning. A natural or synthetic indication provided when approaching a

stall that may include one or more of the following indications:

a) Aerodynamic buffeting (some airplanes will buffet more than others);

b) Reduced roll stability and aileron effectiveness;
c) Visual or aural cues and warnings;
d) reduced elevator (pitch) authority;
e) Inability to maintain altitude or arrest rate of descent; and
f) Stick shaker activation (if installed).

Note — A stall warning indicates an immediate need to reduce the angle of


Startle. The initial short-term, involuntary physiological and cognitive reactions

to an unexpected event that commence the normal human stress response.

Stick shaker. A device that automatically vibrates the control column to warn
the pilot of an approaching stall.

Note — A stick shaker is not installed on all airplane types.

Stick pusher. A device that, automatically applies a nose down movement and
pitch force to an aero plane’s control columns, to attempt to decrease the aero
plane’s angle of attack. Device activation may occur before or after
aerodynamic stall, depending on the airplane type.

Note — A stick pusher is not installed on all airplane types.

Stress (response). The response to a threatening event that includes

physiological, psychological and cognitive effects. These effects may range
from positive to negative and can either enhance or degrade performance.

Surprise. The emotionally-based recognition of a difference in what was

expected and what is actual.

Threat. Events or errors that occur beyond the influence of the flight crew,
increase operational complexity and must be managed to maintain the margin
of safety.

Threat management. The process of detecting and responding to threats with

countermeasures that reduce or eliminate the consequences of threats and
mitigate the probability of errors or undesired airplane states.

Train to proficiency. Approved training designed to achieve end-state


performance objectives, providing sufficient assurances that the trained

individual is capable to consistently carry out specific tasks safely and

Training event. Part of a training scenario that enables a set of competencies

to be exercised.

Training objective. A clear statement that is comprised of three parts, i.e.:

a)The desired performance or what the trainee is expected to be able to do at

the end of training (or at the end of particular stages of training);
b) The conditions under which the trainee will demonstrate competence; and
c) The performance standard to be attained to confirm the trainee’s level of

Unsafe situation. A situation, which has led to an unacceptable reduction in

safety margin.

Valid Training Envelope (VTE). This refers to the region within which a simulator
has been verified as offering adequate fidelity for training and within which
UPRT activity should take place.

Wake encounter. An event characterized by the airplane experiencing the

effects of wake turbulence brought about by wingtip vortices or engine exhaust.


5.1 Objectives

Training programme objective is to provide acceptable proficiency in following


a) Heightened awareness — of the potential threats from events, conditions or


b) Effective avoidance — at early indication of a potential upset-causing

condition; and

c) Effective and timely recovery— from an upset to restore the airplane to safe
flight parameters.


5.2 Training Program

5.2.1 Academic training— Designed to equip pilots with the knowledge and
awareness needed to understand the threats to safe flight and the employment
of mitigating strategies;

Knowledge plays a fundamental role in the UPRT framework. The foundation

of avoiding, or recovering from, airplane upsets can be taught in a theoretical
manner. Essential to the prevention of upsets is a pilot’s knowledge of
aerodynamics, flight dynamics and airplane design principles as it applies to
airplane handling and upset recovery. Equally essential is a comprehensive
understanding of human limitations and how these can affect a pilot’s ability to
avoid, recognize and recover from upsets. When combined with practical
training, theory can be further enhanced and reinforced.

Theoretical material used in academic training should indicate to pilots that

upsets are a natural threat to operating airplanes and, especially, that
automation alone may not help to prevent such occurrences. Course material
that delineates the various causes of upsets from an evidence-based
perspective helps to generate a deeper understanding of the areas of threat.
Theoretical recovery strategies should be taught prior to practical training as a
helpful way of maximizing resources, in both FSTD and on-airplane training.

Academic training sessions should be taught by a qualified UPRT ground or

flight instructor in a classroom to answer questions and supplement the
presentation as well as to ensure an accurate understanding of the material. It
is recommended that the academic training elements be briefed before
commencing practical training. Care should be taken to minimize delays
between delivering preflight briefings and conducting the practical training.

Academic Training elements and components are enclosed in Table 1.

Table 1: UPRT Training elements, components and platforms

Academic specific
Sr. Subjects and training elements
Training FSTD
A Aerodynamics

1) general aerodynamic characteristics ●

2) advanced aerodynamics ● ●


Academic specific
Sr. Subjects and training elements
Training FSTD
3) aeroplane certification and limitations ● ●

4) aerodynamics (high and low altitudes) ● ●

5) aeroplane performance (high and low altitudes) ● ●

6) angle of attack (AOA) and stall awareness ● ●

7) stick shaker activation - if applicable to aeroplane type ● ●

i) stick pusher activation - if applicable to aeroplane type ● ●

ii) Mach effects — if applicable to aeroplane type ● ●

8) aeroplane stability ● ●

9) control surface fundamentals ● ●

i) trims ● ●

10) icing and contamination effects ● ●

11) propeller slipstream (as applicable) ● ●

B Causes and contributing factors of upsets

1) environmental ● ●

2) pilot-induced ● ●

3) mechanical ● ●
Safety review of accidents and incidents relating to
C ● ●
aeroplane upsets
D G-awareness

1) positive/ negative/ increasing/ decreasing loads ● ●

2) lateral g-awareness (sideslip) ● ●

3) G-load management ● ●

E Energy management
1) kinetic energy vs. potential energy vs. chemical energy
● ●
2) relationship between pitch and power and performance ● ●


Academic specific
Sr. Subjects and training elements
Training FSTD
Academic specific
Sr. Subjects and training elements
Training FSTD
3) performance and effects of differing
● ●

F Flight path management

1) automation inputs for guidance and control ● ●

2) type-specific characteristics ● ●

3) automation management ● ●

4) manual handling skills ● ●

G Recognition

1) type-specific examples of instrumentation during

● ●
developing and developed upset

2) pitch/power/roll/yaw ● ●

3) effective scanning (effective monitoring) ● ●

4) stall protection systems and cues ● ●

5) criteria for identifying stalls and upset ● ●

H Upset prevention and recovery techniques

1) timely and appropriate intervention ● ●

2) nose-high/wings-level recovery ● ●

3) nose-low/wings-level recovery ● ●

4) high bank angle recovery techniques ● ●

5) consolidated summary of aeroplane recovery
● ●
I System malfunction

1) flight control anomalies ● ●

2) power failure (partial or full) ● ●

3) instrument failures ● ●

Academic specific
Sr. Subjects and training elements
Training FSTD
4) automation failures ● ●

5) fly-by-wire protection degradations ● ●

6) stall protection system failures, including icing alerting
● ●
J Specialized training elements

1) spiral dive (graveyard spiral) ● ●

2) slow flight ●

3) steep turns ●

4) recovery from approach to stall ●

5) recovery from stall, including uncoordinated stalls

(aggravating yaw)

6) recovery from stick pusher activation (as applicable) ● ●

7) nose-high/high-speed recovery ●

8) nose-high/low-speed recovery ●

9) nose-low /high-speed recovery ●

10) nose-low/low-speed recovery ●

11) high bank angle recovery ●

12) line-oriented flight training (LOFT) or line operational

simulation (LOS)

K Human Factors

1) situation awareness

i) human information processing ● ●

ii) inattention, fixation, distraction ● ●

iii) perceptual illusions (visual or physiological) and

● ●
spatial disorientation

iv) instrument interpretation ● ●

2) startle and stress response


Academic specific
Sr. Subjects and training elements
Training FSTD
i) physiological, psychological, and cognitive effects ● ●

ii) management strategies ● ●

3) threat and error management (TEM)

i) TEM framework ● ●

ii) active monitoring, checking ● ●

iii) fatigue management ● ●

iv) workload management ● ●

v) crew resource management (CRM) ● ●

5.2.2 Practical training — designed to equip pilots with the required skill sets to
effectively employ upset, avoidance strategies and, when necessary, effectively
recover the airplane to the originally intended flight path. The practical training
component is further broken down into two distinct subcomponents involving:

i. On-airplane training—During type endorsement flying training by an

appropriately qualified instructor, objectivity is to develop the knowledge,
awareness and experience of airplane upsets and unusual attitudes, and how to
effectively analyze the event and then apply correct recovery techniques and
Prevention can be conducted to a lesser extent on the aircraft however to cover the
full range and extent of UPRT, FSTD training is more suitable. While FSTD is an
essential component of overall flight training for UPRT, some FSTDs havelimitations
that render them incapable of providing complete exposure to conditions
synonymous with preventing or recovering from a LOC-I event.

Note. For operators without access to simulators the training may be conducted in
a FSTD of similar type aircraft. The request for the same may be accorded by
DGCA on a case to case basis.
Newer simulators are fully capable of Upset and Recovery Training. FSTD
qualification requirements are given in Appendix 3 of this OC.
When introducing a stall event in on-airplane training, whenever possible, pilots
should ideally be exposed to both approach-to-stall and aerodynamic stall
conditions. During Training, emphasis should not be unduly applied to the manner
by which the event was entered. Training should, however, emphasize that
recovery from either condition is carried out in the same manner and is effected
immediately upon the pilot’s recognition of the ensuing stall event.


ii. FSTD training— On specific or generic airplane types to build on knowledge

and experience, and apply these to the multi-crew crew resource management
(CRM) environment, at all stages of flight, and in representative conditions, with
appropriate airplane and system performance, functionality and response. Once
again, this instruction should only be provided by appropriately qualified instructors.


5.3.1 Instructor Qualification

Regardless of an individual’s background, all instructors assigned to provide

training in a UPRT program should successfully complete a UPRT instructor
qualification training course approved by the DGCA. Table 2 provides a non-
exhaustive list of training elements appropriate to the level of an instructor’s
participation in delivering a UPRT program. Both the initial qualification and
recurrent training curriculum for instructors should address all these elements,
as a minimum, to ensure that the instructor assigned to UPRT acquires and
maintains the required UPRT knowledge levels and skill sets.


To support UPRT in an FSTD, additional tools and capabilities should may

be made available to the instructor for briefing, training, and debriefing UPRT
maneuvers. This may include video and audio capability, pre-programed
distractors/initiators, as well as feedback tools to determine if the recovery
maneuver has exceeded FSTD limits or airplane operational limits.

i. A set of simple instructor controls which can aid the instructor in developing
distractors. The distraction should be a nonstandard event such that the
crew thought process and the actions they take are not based on the use
of the checklist. These may be weather related, traffic, air traffic control
(ATC), or other such inputs which may create a distraction.

ii. A dynamic set of upsets, which may be a result of internal or external

factors. The intentional degradation of FSTD functionality (such as
degrading flight control effectiveness) to drive an airplane upset is
generally not acceptable unless used purely as a tool for repositioning the
FSTD with the pilot out of the loop. Aircraft system malfunctions or other
malfunctions may be utilized to stimulate an aircraft upset, however the
effects of these malfunctions must be representative of the aircraft and,
where possible, supported by data.

iii. A set of upset initiation features (e.g., auto throttle/autothrust

disconnection not commanded by the pilot) designed to assess the
prevention of an upset event by the crew. The objective of this upset
feature is to generate a condition that, if the crew does not recognize it and
take timely corrective action, it will continue to develop and result in an


iv. A set of upset initiation features (e.g., sub-threshold roll) designed to lead
the crew to initiate recognition measures. The objective of this upset
feature is to generate a developing upset condition so that crew action will
prevent a fully developed upset condition.

v. A set of upset initiation features (e.g., a full pitch up using external stimuli)
designed specifically to progress in severity so that the crew has to initiate
recovery measures. The objective of this upset feature is to generate a
developed upset condition so that the crew has to initiate appropriate
recovery action to prevent further loss of control.

vi. Instructor feedback tools should may be provided which indicate if

airplane operating limits are exceeded, the parameters monitored may
include the following:

 Airspeed limitations,
 Maximum operating speed,
 Maneuvering speed,
 Flap extended speed,
 Minimum control speed,
 Landing gear speeds,
 Rough air speed,
 Altitude limitations,
 Power plant limitations, and
 Maneuvering flight load factors including simultaneous roll and pitch.

vii. The instructor may be provided with an indication of when the FSTDhas
exceeded the validation limits of its aerodynamic model. The model limits
may be based upon an angle of attack and sideslip range as definedby the
FSTD’s aerodynamic model provider.

viii. The instructor may be provided with an indication of when an airplane limit

ix. Approached (cautionary warning—amber) or reasonable margins as

appropriate can be used; the intent is to give the instructor an initial
indication that the airplane is operating close to a limit.

x. Exceeded (exceedance warning—red). The simulation should not

automatically freeze unless the limit is exceeded by a predefined margin
that voids the training or can cause an unsafe condition on the FSTD.

The dividing line between a valid and invalid training envelope may be grey
instead of being represented by a clear line on an instructor’s display. While an
instructor may adopt a conservative approach by repeating a maneuver that
caused the FSTD to exceed its training envelope slightly, it is more important
for both the instructor and trainee to recognize that the objective is not to convey
the precise aircraft response but to reinforce the proper recovery technique. The
actual response of the aircraft may vary whether inside or outside the intended

training envelope. Ultimately, sound judgment is required on the part of the

instructor, which can best be applied through an adequate understandingof an
FSTD’s limitations

5.3.3 Academic instructors

After completing their course of study, instructors who will be providing
academic UPRT courses should be assessed in their ability to accurately
deliver theoretical UPRT courses and assess a trainee’s level of understanding
while employing sound instructional techniques before they receive the final
authorization to teach without supervision.

Table 2: Instructor training elements

UPRT instructor training elements academic FSTD
instructor instructor
Comprehensive knowledge of all applicable
training elements (refer to Table 1)* ● ● ●
Training platforms (aeroplanes and devices)
1) limitations of training platform ● ●
2) operation of IOS and debriefing tools ●
Review of LOC-I accidents/incidents ● ● ●
Energy management factors* ● ● ●
Disorientation ● ● ●
Workload management ● ● ●
Distraction ● ● ●
OEM recommendations* ● ●
UPRT recognition and recovery strategies* ● ● ●
● ●
How to do a flight risk assessment (aeroplane) (as applicable)

Recognition of trainee errors ● ● ●

Intervention strategies ●
Aeroplane type-specific characteristics* ● ● ●
Operating environment ● ● ●
How to induce the startle factor ● ●
Value and benefits of demonstration ● ● ●
How to assess pilot performance using core
competencies if conducting CBT (refer to the
● ● ●
* OEMs may at some point develop differing guidance regarding procedures to address
these areas of training which may deviate from the material provided herein. In all
cases, whenever type-specific UPRT is being conducted, training organizations should
provide procedural training which conforms to the appropriate aeroplane flight manual.


5.3.4 On-aero plane instructors

The UPRT on-aero plane environment may be beyond that which is experienced
during normal training operations. The unpredictable nature of trainee inputs,
reactions, and behavior requires fluency in response to a wide variety of potential
situations requiring a time-constrained and accurate response. This specialized
expertise cannot be acquired through routine flight operations alone, but demands
that instructor training provide the appropriate degree of exposure necessary to
develop a comprehensive understanding of the entire UPRT operating
environment, as well as the aero plane’s limitations and capabilities.

Prior to qualifying, on-aero plane instructors assigned to conduct UPRT should be

assessed by the FSD or the Head of Training of the organisation as successfully
demonstrating competency in:

a) Accurately deliver the training curriculum employing sound instructional


b) Understanding the importance of adhering to the UPRT scenarios,during

the lesson, that were validated by the training program developer;

c) Accurately assessing a trainee’s performance levels and providing

effective remediation;

d) Recovering the aero plane in those instances when corrections are

required which could exceed the capabilities of the trainee;

e) Foreseeing the development of flight conditions which might exceed

aero plane limitations and acting swiftly and appropriately to preserve
necessary margins of safety;

f) Projecting the aero plane’s flight path and energy state based on present
conditions with consideration to both current and anticipated flight control
inputs; and
g) Determining when it becomes necessary to discontinue training to
maintain safety and the well-being of the trainee.

5.3.5 FSTD instructors

In addition to preparing the instructor to effectively deliver the course material,
UPRT FSTD instructor training should focus on:
a) understanding the capabilities and limitations of the specific FSTDs used
for UPRT;
b) understanding the VTE of the device in use and the appreciation for the
potential of negative training that may exist when training beyond the
boundaries of this VTE;
c) Specific UPRT-related functionality of the IOS and other tools.
d) Distinguishing between generic UPRT strategies and OEM specific
recommendations with respect to their relevance to the device capabilities

and limitations; and

e) Understanding the importance of adhering to the UPRT scenarios that
have been validated by the training program developer during the lesson.

Note: Prior to qualifying, UPRT FSTD instructors should have experience as

described in section 6.1.2, instructor qualifications, of PANS-TRG (Doc 9868) and
be assessed as successfully demonstrating their competency in:

a) Accurately delivering the training while employing sound instructional

techniques and ensuring that the device fidelity is appropriate to the course
content being taught;

b) Accurately assessing a trainee’s performance levels and providing effective

remediation; and

c) Effectively operating the device and all its available debriefing tools.


6.1 Academic Training

All Schedule, Non-schedule, ATO’s, GA must incorporate UPRT academic

training in their Training Manual as per guidelines.

6.2 FSTD Training

UPRT training must be incorporate in their type rating training program when
6.3 FSTD Qualification

A software of UPRT in their type of Aero plane is pre-requisite, simulation

training to be conducted using highest level of FSTD fidelity available utilizing
flight test data and valid training envelope (VTE).

FSTD that are specifically approved by the DGCA per its requirements forthe
qualification of upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) on Level C and
Level D FSTDs may be used. FSTD Qualification requirements are given in
Appendix 3 of this OC.

Note: For operators with simulators which have not been modified with the
above mentioned requirements, an evaluation of the simulators will be
conducted before conducting exercises related to UPRT. The instructors
operating these simulators must be trained and briefed in methods of
training and evaluating without the modifications. These simulators may
be used for UPRT only after receiving approval from FSD, DGCA.


All Instructors assigned to provide training, on Academic, on Aero plane and
FSTD should successfully meet Instructors qualification requirement and
complete training course. Both the initial and recurrent training for Instructors

should address all the element of UPRT.

UPRT Instructors (ACADEMIC, AERO PLANE AND FSTD) selection will be
completed by Operators on merits. The training syllabus will be submitted to
FSD DGCA for approval. The training devise (FSTD) capability for upset
recovery will need to be ensured by DGCA prior to granting the operator
6.5 Operators approval
The academic, aero plane and FSTD training syllabus is to be submitted to FSD
DGCA for approval which will be incorporated in the operators training
6.6 Implementation time lines

All Schedule; Non-Schedule, General Aviation and ATO’s are to be in

compliance of this circular by 31st December, 2025.
Operators must inform DGCA of phased implementation of UPRT in their
respective Organisation to DGCA.
Guidance material on different pitch attitudes and sample training scenarios
are provided in the APPENDIX 1 to this OC.

(Ravi Krishna)
Joint Director General
For Director General of Civil Aviation






Either Pilot:
Recognize and confirm the developing situation. Announce: “Nose High”
Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring


attitude throughout the recovery
and ANNOUNCE any continued

PITCH: Apply as much nose-down control input as

required to obtain a nose-down pitch rate.

THRUST: Adjust (if required)

When airspeed is sufficiently increasing:
RECOVER to level flight4

NOTE: Recovery to level flight may require use of pitch trim.

NOTE: If necessary, consider reducing thrust in airplanes

with underwing-mounted engines to aid in achieving nose-
down pitch rate.

WARNING: Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder may

aggravate the upset situation or may result in high structural


Either Pilot:
Recognize and confirm the developing situation. Announce: “Nose Low”
Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring

AP: DISCONNECT5 MONITOR airspeed and attitude

throughout the recovery and
A/THR: OFF ANNOUNCE any continued
RECOVER from stall if required divergence.

ROLL6 in the shortest direction to wings level.

THRUST and DRAG: Adjust (if required)

RECOVER to level flight7


NOTE: Recovery to level flight may require use of pitch trim.

WARNING: Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder may

aggravate the upset situation or may result in high structural


Either Pilot: Recognize and confirm the developing situation. Announce: “Nose High”
Explanation: A critical element in recognition and confirmation is to clearly
understand the energy state and the rate to which it is changing because this will
have an effect on how the PF handles the recovery.
Pilot Flying

Explanation: Leaving the autopilot or autothrottle/autothrust connected may result in
inadvertent changes or adjustments that may not be easily recognized or appropriate,
especially during high workload situations.

PITCH: Apply as much nose-down control input as required to obtain a nose-down

pitch rate.
Explanation: This may require as much as full nose-down input. If a sustained column
force is required to obtain the desired response, use nose-down trim as needed to
counter high stick forces.
If nose-down inputs are not successful in achieving a nose-down pitch rate, pitch may
be controlled by rolling the airplane. A large bank angle is helpful in reducing
excessively high pitch attitudes. The angle of bank should not normally exceed
approximately 60°.
Continuous nose-down elevator pressure will keep the wing angle of attack low, which
will make the normal roll controls effective. The rolling maneuver changes the pitch
rate into a turning maneuver, allowing the pitch to decrease.
THRUST: Adjust (if required)
Explanation: Combined with pitch trim, an additional effective method for achieving
a nose-down pitch rate on airplanes with under-wing-mounted engines can be to
reduce the power. Thrust should only be reduced to the point where control of the
pitch is achieved. This reduces the upward pitch moment. In fact, in some situations
for some airplane models, it may be necessary to reduce thrust to prevent the angle
of attack from continuing to increase.
If the pitch rate is being managed by trim and elevator inputs, it is not recommended
to reduce thrust.




RECOVER to level flight when airspeed is sufficiently increasing:
Explanation: Recover to slightly nose-low attitude to reduce the potential for entering
another upset. Roll to wings level, if necessary, as the nose approaches thehorizon.
Check airspeed, and adjust thrust and pitch as necessary.
Pilot Monitoring
MONITOR airspeed and attitude throughout the recovery and ANNOUNCE any
continued divergence.
Explanation: Evidence shows that the PM is often in a better position than
the PF to recognize adverse trends in airplane state or flight parameters.


Either Pilot:
Recognize and confirm the developing situation. Announce: “Nose Low”
Explanation: A critical element in recognition and confirmation is to clearly
understand the energy state and the rate to which it is changing because this will
have an effect on how the PF handles the recovery.
Pilot Flying
Explanation: Leaving the autopilot or autothrottle/autothrust connected may result in
inadvertent changes or adjustments that may not be easily recognized or appropriate,
especially during high workload situations.
RECOVER from stall if required
Explanation: Even in a nose-low, low-speed situation, the airplane may be stalled at
a relatively low pitch. It is necessary to recover from the stall first. This may require
nose-down elevator, which may not be intuitive.
ROLL in the shortest direction to wings level.
Explanation: Full aileron and spoiler input may be necessary to smoothly establish
a recovery roll rate toward the nearest horizon. It is important that positive G force
not be increased or that nose-up elevator or stabilizer trim be used until the airplane
approaches wings level. It may be necessary to unload the airplane by decreasing
backpressure to improve roll effectiveness. If the airplane has exceeded 90° of bank,
it may feel like “pushing” in order to unload. It is necessary to unload to improve roll
control and to prevent pointing a large lift vector towards the ground.
THRUST and DRAG: Adjust (if required)


Explanation: If airspeed is low, apply thrust; if airspeed is high, reduce thrust,

and if necessary, extend speedbrakes.

RECOVER to level flight12

Explanation: Complete the recovery by establishing a pitch, thrust, and airplane
drag device configuration that corresponds to the desired airspeed.



Pilot Monitoring
MONITOR airspeed and attitude throughout the recovery and ANNOUNCE any
continued divergence.
Explanation: Evidence shows that the PM is often in a better position to recognize
adverse trends in airplane state or flight parameters than the PF.

NOTE: Recovery to level flight may require use of pitch trim.

WARNING: Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder may

aggravate the upset situation or may result in high
structural loads.

3 A large out-of-trim condition could be encountered when the AP is disconnected.

4Avoid stall because of premature recovery or excessive G loading.
A large out-of-trim condition could be encountered when the AP is disconnected.

It may be necessary to reduce the G loading by applying forward control


pressureto improve roll effectiveness.

7 Avoid stall because of premature recovery or excessive G loading.

8 A large out-of-trim condition could be encountered when the AP is disconnected.

9 Avoid stall because of premature recovery or excessive G loading.

10 A large out-of-trim condition could be encountered when the AP is disconnected.

11 It may be necessary to reduce the G loading by applying forward control

pressureto improve roll effectiveness.

12 Avoid stall because of premature recovery or excessive G loading.



Three scenarios were constructed using the philosophies and concepts described
in this Operations Circular (OC). Training providers are encouraged to develop
additional scenarios that fit their training needs. The examples should be easily
tailored to any transport category airplane. The examples given are not intended to
be limiting; they are provided as a framework for developing a training curriculum.

NOTE: The manufacturer’s procedures take precedence over the

recommendations in this OC.




INSTRUCTOR ROLE Implement scenarios that result in an unexpected
nose-high attitude (40° or greater) with full power.
OBJECTIVE This scenario is ONLY for airplanes with under-wing-
mounted engines. The pilot will recognize the nose-high
attitude and immediately perform the upset recovery
procedure. If a detectable nose-down pitch rate is not initially
achievable, the pilot should demonstrate recovery by
reducing the thrust to a point where a nose- down pitch rate
is achieved.
EMPHASIS AREAS  Effect of thrust on pitch moment.
 Recognition and recovery.
 Crew coordination.
 Angle of attack (AOA) management, including
available AOA indications.
 Aural and visual warnings (environment and
airplane cueing).
 Surprise and startle.
 Situational awareness while returning to desired
flight path after the upset recovery, including such
items as heading, altitude, other aircraft, and flight
deck automation.
FSTD In order to create potential onset conditions, consider use
SETUP of the following:
CONSIDER  System malfunctions resulting in erroneous
ACTIONS pitch attitude indications;
 Other system malfunctions resulting in a nose
high attitude;



 Realistic environmental threats destabilizing the
flight path.
SCENARIO ELEMENTS  Upon recognizing the first indication of an
upset, perform the upset recovery
 The necessity for smooth, deliberate, and
positive control inputs to avoid increasing load
 Reducing thrust, if necessary, can reduce the
upward pitch moment.
COMPLETION  Recognizes and confirms the situation.
STANDARDS  Initiates recovery by reducing thrust to
approximately midrange until a detectable
nose-down pitch rate is achieved.
 Verifies the autopilot and autothrottle/autothrust
are disconnected.
 Proper recovery consists of up to full nose-down
elevator and by using stabilizer trim, if required.
A steady nose-down pitch rate should be
achieved and it should be noted that the airplane
would be less than 1g and the associated
characteristics of such.
 When approaching the horizon the pilot checks
airspeed, adjusts thrust, and establishes the
appropriate pitch attitude and stabilizer trim
setting for level flight.
 The maneuver is considered complete once
a safe speed is achieved and the airplane
 Satisfactory crew coordination must be
COMMON PILOT  Fails to disengage the autopilot and autothrottle.
ERRORS  Fails to reduce thrust sufficiently, if necessary,
to obtain nose-down pitch.
 Reduces thrust excessively.
 Fails to use sufficient elevator authority.
 Fails to use stabilizer trim when necessary.
COMMON INSTRUCTOR  Fails to notice improper control inputs.
ERRORS  If the FSTD training envelope was exceeded,
fails to advise the pilot to prevent negative



INSTRUCTOR ROLE Implement scenarios that result in erroneous
airspeed indications.
OBJECTIVE The pilot will recognize the airspeed discrepancy,
determine airspeed data is erroneous, and apply the
appropriate non-normal procedure while maintaining
airplane control using pitch and power targets.
EMPHASIS AREAS  Recognition.
 Crew coordination.
 AOA management including
available AOA indications.
 Maintain awareness of and manage
flight path and energy.
 Aural and visual warnings
(environment and airplane cueing).
 Completion of the appropriate non-
normal checklist.
 Surprise and startle.
 Manual flying skills.
 Effects of altitude on control inputs.
FSTD SETUP The scenario will be conducted at or near the maximum
CONSIDERATIONS operating altitude in instrument meteorological
conditions (IMC). Use of flight simulation training
device (FSTD) capabilities to induce erroneous
airspeed indications may include:
 Full or partial pitot/static blockage or icing.
 Air data computer failures.
SCENARIO ELEMENTS  During cruise, one or two airspeed indicators
will malfunction.
 The pilot recognizing the erroneous
airspeed data indication will verbally
announce the discrepancy.
 The pilot flying will maintain control of
the airplane and call for the appropriate non-
normal checklist.
 At the conclusion of the scenario, the
instructor will discuss available airplane AOA



COMPLETION STANDARDS  The pilot flying will manage pitch and power
to avoid a stall.
 Satisfactory crew coordination must
be demonstrated.
 Correctly identifies the erroneous airspeed
 Completes the appropriate non-normal
 Verifies the autopilot and
autothrottle/autothrust are disconnected.
 The pilot monitoring provides the pilot flying
with meaningful input (e.g., attitudeand
altitude deviations and trends).
COMMON PILOT ERRORS  The importance of pitch control and AOA is
not recognized.
 Use of large thrust changes.
 Failure to complete the appropriatenon-
normal checklist.
 Over controlling the airplane, especially pitch.
COMMON INSTRUCTOR  Fails to notice improper control inputs.
ERRORS  If the validated FSTD envelope was
exceeded, fails to advise the pilot and stop
the scenario to prevent negative training.



INSTRUCTOR ROLE Implement scenarios that cause an imperceptibly slow roll
rate (less than 3° per second) that result in an unexpected
high bank angle.
OBJECTIVE The pilot will recognize the high bank angle and
immediately perform the upset recovery procedure.
EMPHASIS AREAS  Recognition and recovery.
 Crew coordination.
 AOA management.
 Out-of-trim control forces at
autopilot disconnect (if engaged).
 Aural and visual warnings (environment
and airplane cueing).
 Surprise and startle.
 Effects of multiple levels of automation.
 Effects of altitude on recovery.
 Situational awareness while returning to
desired flight path after the upset recovery, including
such items as heading, terrain, altitude, other
aircraft, and flight deck automation.
FSTD The scenario will be conducted at an altitude that will
SETUP allow for a recovery. Crew distractions may be used (e.g.,
CONSIDER minor malfunctions, air traffic control (ATC) instructions,
ACTIONS weather). Use of FSTD capabilities to induce a slow,
imperceptible roll rate (less than
3° per second) may include:
 Attitude changes,
 Thrust asymmetry,
 System malfunctions (e.g. surreptitious
disabling of automation).
 Dynamic upsets should not be implemented in a
manner that disables or unrealistically reduces flight
control effectiveness for the purpose of generating
or attaining an upset condition.
SCENARIO  The instructor will introduce a situation which causes
ELEMENTS the airplane to enter an imperceptible roll resulting in
an unexpected bank angle greater than30°.
 Either pilot will notice and announcethe
excessive bank.
 The pilot flying will demonstrate theproper
recovery procedure.
 Disengage the autopilot and autothrottle.



 If a nose-high or nose-low condition exists, identify
the situation and apply the correct recovery.
 Maintain awareness of energy management and
airplane roll rate.
 Unload (reduce AOA) as necessary and roll to wings
level as the nose approaches the horizon. Recover to a
slightly nose-low attitude. Check airspeed and adjust
thrust and pitch as necessary.
 When recovery is assured, adjust the pitch attitude
to return to the intended flight path.

COMPLETION  Rolls in the shortest direction to wings level.

STANDARDS  Returns the airplane to the assigned flight path.
 Satisfactory crew coordination must be
COMMON PILOT  Recovery is initiated by rolling in the wrong direction,
ERRORS increasing the bank.
 Losing situational awareness and failing to return to
assigned flight path or follow ATC instructions after
 Pilot(s) slow to recognize or announce the
excessive bank.
 Executes improper recovery procedure.
 Failure to disengage the autopilot and/or
 Slow to reduce angle of attack (unload).
 Failure to maintain awareness of energy
COMMON  Fails to notice improper control inputs.
INSTRUCTOR  If the FSTD training envelope was exceeded, fails to
ERRORS advise the pilot and stop the scenario to prevent
negative training.



OBJECTIVE Recognize the low energy or high drag configuration and the
slow response to flight control and thrust inputs to enhance
the pilot’s knowledge of the low speed handling qualities
prior to stall training.
EMPHASIS AREAS Manual flying skills
FSTD  Select ceiling and visibility unlimited.
SETUP  The maneuver will be conducted in the
CONSIDER following two scenarios:
ATIONS  Low altitude beginning in a clean configuration,
and then slowing while configuring the airplane for
landing. This maneuver will be conducted at
maximum landing gross weight while maintaining
speed at the V for the configuration.

 High altitude in a clean configuration (e.g., near the

service ceiling), near maximum gross weight while
maintaining minimum speedfor the configuration.
 Target speeds must be below the speeds that are
normal and appropriate for the various
configurations. The minimum speed must avoid stick
shaker. Ideally a single speed can be selected for use
throughout the maneuver that will permit judicious
maneuvering without stick shaker. Encountering stick
shaker without executing a stall recovery could lead
to negative training.

SCENARIO  While maintaining altitude, slowly establish the pitch

ELEMENTS attitude (using trim or elevator or stabilizer), bank
angle, and power setting that will allow a controlled
speed reduction to establish the desired target
 Maneuver in straight and level flight tostabilize
speed and trim.
 Turn left and right, and change direction ofturn, to
observe changing handling characteristics.
 Turns through 90º left and right, at bankangles
appropriate to speed and configuration.
 Climb and descend at 500 feet per minute(fpm)
while in a turn.



COMPLETION  Recover to appropriate airspeed for the
STANDARDS configuration and establish the appropriate
altitude and heading.
 Recovery is complete when straight and level un-
accelerated flight is achieved.
COMMON PILOT  Inadequate back-elevator pressure as power is
ERRORS reduced, resulting in altitude loss.
 Excessive back-elevator pressure as power is
reduced, resulting in a climb, followed by a rapid
reduction in airspeed and “mushing.”
 Inadequate compensation for adverse yaw
during turns.
 Fixation on the airspeed indicator.
 Failure to anticipate changes in lift as flaps are
extended or retracted.
 Inadequate power management.
 Inability to adequately divide attention between
airplane control and orientation.


Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) Maneuver Evaluation

1. Applicability: This attachment applies to all simulators that are used to satisfy
training requirements for upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) maneuvers.
For the purposes of this attachment (as defined in the Airplane Upset Recovery
Training Aid), an aircraft upset is generally defined as an airplane unintentionally
exceeding the following parameters normally experienced in line operations or

a. Pitch attitude greater than 25 degrees nose up;

b. Pitch attitude greater than 10 degrees nose down;
c. Bank angles greater than 45 degrees; and
d. Within the above parameters, but flying at airspeeds inappropriate for the conditions.
FSTDs that will be used to conduct training maneuvers where the FSTD is either
repositioned into an aircraft upset condition or an artificial stimulus (such as weather
phenomena or system failures) is applied that is intended to result in a flight crew
entering an aircraft upset condition must be evaluated and qualified in accordance
with this section.

2. General Requirements: The general requirement for UPRT qualification defines

three basic elements required for qualifying an FSTD for UPRT maneuvers:

a. FSTD Training Envelope: Valid UPRT should be conducted within the high and
moderate confidence regions of the FSTD validation envelope as defined in
paragraph 3 below.
b. Instructor Feedback: Provides the instructor/evaluator with a minimum set of feed-
back tools to properly evaluate the trainee's performance in accomplishing an
upsetrecovery training task.
c. Upset Scenarios: Where dynamic upset scenarios or aircraft system malfunctions
areused to stimulate the FSTD into an aircraft upset condition, specific guidance
must be available to the instructor on the IOS that describes how the upset
scenario is driven along with any malfunction or degradation in FSTD
functionality that is required to stimulate the upset.

3. FSTD Validation Envelope: For the purposes of this attachment, the term “flight
envelope” refers to the entire domain in which the FSTD is capable of being flown
with a degree of confidence that the FSTD responds similarly to the airplane. This
envelopecan be further divided into three subdivisions.

a. Flight test validated region: This is the region of the flight envelope which has been
validated with flight test data, typically by comparing the performance of the FSTD

against the flight test data through tests incorporated in the QTG and other flight
test data utilized to further extend the model beyond the minimum requirements.
Within this region, there is high confidence that the simulator responds similarly to
the aircraft. Note that this region is not strictly limited to what has been tested in
the QTG; as long as the aerodynamics mathematical model has been conformed
to the flight test results, that portion of the mathematical model can be considered
to be within the flight test validated region.
b. Wind tunnel and/or analytical region: This is the region of the flight envelope for
whichthe FSTD has not been compared to flight test data, but for which there has
been wind tunnel testing or the use of other reliable predictive methods (typically
by the aircraft manufacturer) to define the aerodynamic model. Any extensions to
the aero- dynamic model that have been evaluated in accordance with the
definition of an ex- emplar stall model (as described in the stall maneuver
evaluation section) must be clearly indicated. Within this region, there is moderate
confidence that the simulator will respond similarly to the aircraft.
c. Extrapolated: This is the region extrapolated beyond the flight test validated and
windtunnel/analytical regions. The extrapolation may be a linear extrapolation, a
holding of the last value before the extrapolation began, or some other set of values.
Whether this extrapolated data is provided by the aircraft or simulator
manufacturer, it is a “best guess” only. Within this region, there is low confidence
that the simulator will respond similarly to the aircraft. Brief excursions into this
region may still retain a moderate confidence level in FSTD fidelity; however, the
instructor should be aware that the FSTD's response may deviate from the actual

4. Instructor Feedback Mechanism: For the instructor/evaluator to provide

feedback to the student during UPRT maneuver training, additional information must
be accessible that indicates the fidelity of the simulation, the magnitude of trainee's
flight control inputs, and aircraft operational limits that could potentially affect the
successful completion of the maneuver(s). At a minimum, the following must be
available to the instructor/evaluator:

a. FSTD Validation Envelope: The FSTD must employ a method to display the
FSTD'sexpected fidelity with respect to the FSTD validation envelope. This may be
displayedas an angle of attack vs sideslip (alpha/beta) envelope cross-plot on the
Instructor Operating System (IOS) or other alternate method to clearly convey the
FSTD's fidelity level during the maneuver. The cross-plot or other alternative
method must displaythe relevant validity regions for flaps up and flaps down at a
minimum. This validation envelope must be derived by the aerodynamic data
provider or derived using information and data sources provided by the original
aerodynamic data provider.
b. Flight Control Inputs: The FSTD must employ a method for the instructor/evaluator
toassess the trainee's flight control inputs during the upset recovery maneuver.
Additional parameters, such as cockpit control forces (forces applied by the pilot
to the controls) and the flight control law mode for fly-by-wire aircraft, must be
portrayed in this feedback mechanism as well. For passive side sticks, whose
displacement is theflight control input, the force applied by the pilot to the controls
does not need to be displayed. This tool must include a time history or other equivalent


method of recording flight control positions.

c. Aircraft Operational Limits: The FSTD must employ a method to provide the
instructor/evaluator with real-time information concerning the aircraft operating
limits. The simulated aircraft's parameters must be displayed dynamically in real-
time and also provided in a time history or equivalent format. At a minimum, the
following parameters must be available to the instructor:
i. Airspeed and airspeed limits, including the stall speed and maximum operating
limitairspeed (Vmo/Mmo);
ii. Load factor and operational load factor limits; and
iii. Angle of attack and the stall identification angle of attack. This parameter may be
displayed in conjunction with the FSTD validation envelope.
Example: FSTD “alpha/beta” envelope display and IOS feedback mechanism are
shownbelow in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The following examples are provided as
guidance material on one possible method to display the required UPRT feedback
parameters onan IOS display. FSTD sponsors may develop other methods and
feedback mechanisms that provide the required parameters and support the
training program objectives.

The above requirements for FSTD qualification can be provided by OEM,

compliance with requirements as given in FAA 14 CFR Part60 or alternate means
of compliance bythe service provider which is acceptable to DGCA.


5. Statement of Compliance. SOC for the purpose of qualification, and is required

as per Appendix 3 that defines the source data used to construct the FSTD
validation envelope. The SOC must also verify that each upset prevention and
recovery featureprogrammed at the instructor station and the associated training
maneuver has beenevaluated by a suitably qualified pilot. The statement must
confirm that the recoverymaneuver can be performed such that the FSTD does
not exceed the FSTDvalidation envelope, or when exceeded, that it is within the
realm of confidence in the simulation accuracy. For motion queuing fidelity,
testing may be accomplished by the FSTD manufacturer and results provided as
a statement of compliance.


6. Requalification. Where qualification is being sought on previously qualified

FSTDs, to conduct upset prevention and recovery training tasks in accordance
with this OC, the FSTD sponsor must conduct the required evaluations and
modifications as prescribed in this circular. These standards include the
evaluation of qualified training maneuvers against the FSTD’s validation
envelope and providing the instructor with minimum feedback tools for the
purpose of determining if a training maneuver is conducted within FSTD validation
limits and the aircraft’s operating limits. The re-qualification statement must
mention the following:

a. A description of any modifications to the FSTD.

b. Statement of Compliance (FSTD Validation Envelope)
c. A confirmation statement that the modified FSTD has been subjectively
evaluated bya qualified pilot (SME).

d. FSTD Validation Envelope: The FSTD validation envelope may be thought of as

theentire realm in which the FSTD may be flown as a function of angle of attack
and sideslip. The envelope is divided into three regions of relative fidelity. These
regions are defined by the type of validation and analysis used to develop the
aerodynamic model. With this information, relative confidence levels can be
defined to compare the simulator’s response to the expected aircraft response.


a. FSTDs are a key element of a pilot training program, because they are a cost-
effective and safe alternative to performing training in the actual airplane while
providing the capability to train certain tasks which cannot be easily trained in the
actual airplane. Abnormal and emergency procedures that could not be trained in
theactual airplane can be trained in an FSTD, in a risk-free environment, with an
adequate level of fidelity when operated within its training limits.

b. An FSTD is a synthetic environment, which cannot fully replicate the exact

experience of an aircraft; however, there is reason to be confident that the
appropriately qualified FSTD has satisfactory fidelity for training normal,
abnormal,and emergency procedures. In consideration of the normal limitations
of FSTDs (such as aerodynamic validation, and motion cueing limitations), there
is concern that practicing upset recovery techniques could include inadvertent
excursions beyond its intended training envelope. This concern may be overcome
if instructorshave a better understanding of the FSTD limitations and additional
instructor tools,which is why this Operations Circular (OC) puts special emphasis
on instructor training and qualification.


a. The DGCA must perform an FSTD evaluation and qualification for all FSTDs
being used for Upset Prevention and Recovery (UPRT) maneuvers. All FSTDs
must be specifically evaluated and qualified for such maneuvers.UPRT is different
from unusual altitude training of the past. This must not be confused.


b. The DGCA currently maintains guidance for the evaluation of FSTDs for use
in UPRT additional approval shall be required for each specific simulator.


Pilot control inputs are often highly influenced by load factor, or ‘g’.
Unfortunately, a pilot in a typical FSTD feels less than 10 percent of the
actual airplane ‘g’. Both the instructor and trainee need to be aware of this
difference between flight and simulation. Upset recoveries in an FSTD at
high altitudes can be prone to oscillations that go unnoticed if the full suite
of available pilot and instructor displays is not used. As such, it is important
for the instructor to be alert for such problematic recoveries, convey the
errors appropriately to the trainee if they occur, and repeat the maneuvers
until the trainee is proficient.


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