The Zen Art of Seduction A Woman Is Supposed To Seduce Herself Compress 2

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Zen Art of
A woman is supposed to ~seduce herself.

By: Kyle J.Green

Zen Art of Seduction

Copyright Kyle J. Green 2016.

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any form, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written
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First printing 2016.

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While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided
in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any
responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the
subject matter here in. The information contained in this book is
strictly for educational purposes. Therefore if you want to apply ideas
contained in this book, you are taking full responsibility for your
The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (expressed or
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Your Free Gift.
As a way of saying thanks for your purchase, I’m offering a freebie
exclusive to my readers.
This is something which will completely revolutionize your texting;
you will learn how to glue women to your texts.
Hurry and fetch it, just click the link below.
This should be a book, you read and want some of your buddies to
at least peep.
If you read through this book and it doesn’t open up your mind about
the way you thought about ladies, and if you don’t learn how to
control ladies minds and make them fall in for you.
Plus, if you don’t start approaching ladies and succeeding at that.
Here is what to do.
Just bring it back, and we will have you refunded, yes that cannot be
our book.
What you will learn from here is advanced seduction techniques,
that you will just read and if properly understood, then you should
just move out and use them on any lady, and I guarantee, you will
have to win her.
Why have we gone to this extreme? You might ask.
Because we trust the knowledge we give you here in, it has been
used and tested by many other men, and we are pretty well sure that
it will also work for you.
This is a book you have never come across; it's not anywhere close
to what those pick up artists and so called dating gurus teach you.
As you will see, this book is full of advanced mind control
techniques, the knowledge you would never sip unless you are
I know, you will be amazed and stunned by how effective some of
the techniques in this book are, you might even laugh at yourself, for
how simple and yet complicated seduction can be if you don’t have
such skills.
Note to a reader
What I'm going to reveal to you in this book are practical skills, which
you should read, comprehend then go out and apply.
Just like anything in life worth having, it requires dedication to get it,
the techniques we teach here will need some persistence for you to
You should
Read them
Re-read them, until you comprehend them.
Then go out and start using them.
Very very important
I implore you to take life as a learning experience, the best lessons
you can ever get from life are the ones from your own experiences,
there is nothing much outside to learn, all is inside.
You should also admit that mistakes are nothing but experiences to
learn from, draw wisdom from, and help you grow.
You can't grow without making mistakes. Hence we should embrace
them, and however, if you don't correct your mistakes then it will be a
waste of time.
Here in we have incorporated hard core mind control techniques, to
help you hack right into ladies’ minds, and you get to make them fall
in love with you.
We want you to know that this is very advanced knowledge we are
giving you, it's not plain as you might think it is, some of the
techniques we teach you will blow your mind at first sight for they
might defy the beliefs you had about ladies.
If for the very first time, you read something and don’t get it, don’t
worry re-read it for a couple of more times, you will be amazed by
how some of these principles will suddenly pop to your eyes.
This book is dedicated to those bold men who yearn for sexual
freedom, those who know that they have a right to date with hot
gorgeous women, not the averages, and who haven't just wished for
that but have confidently moved out of the crowd to search for the
wisdom and skills to help them attain that. To you we write this book,
we also extend this work to those heartbroken persistent men whose
hearts have been wounded over and over but they have persevered
and now want the knowledge to help them control ladies. And for all
of those who have been wondering whether a man can ever find a
way of controlling a relationship, this book will be a satisfactory
Table of contents.

Zen Art of Seduction

Your Free Gift.
Note to a reader
Table of contents.
Mind control techniques.
The ugly truth
What pushed me to discover this knowledge?
The aftermath
So whom is this book meant for?
Breaking it down.
How to grab her attention
The 90-second rule.
How to kill approach anxiety,
The killer approach techniques
Why did I succeed?
What did I learn from those experiments?
How to delude her that everyone likes you
Approaching Group of girls
Suspense technique.
The quickest way to get her number.
Asking for a date
Advanced Approach techniques.
The touch and whisper techniques.
The touch technique.
The transition stage- Acceptance.
What the heck is it?
Rapport pattern interrupt.
Advanced story telling techniques
Elements of a good story
Conversation hooks
How to seduce women using killer body language.
Why you should work on your Body Language.
Use of gestures
Walking style.
Standing posture
The eye contact
Using the eye as a seductive tool
The sitting posture.
The handshake.
Positive and negative body language.
The middle game- seducing
What is seduction?
The art of flirtation
The boomerang effect.
The science of sexual tension.
A women is supposed to seduce herself
How to initiate touching and why it’s necessary for you as a seducer.
Getting closer.
First hugs, and kisses.
Why you have to disqualify her such that she qualifies herself to you, when and how
to do it.
Practical solution
Control of relationships by use of advanced psychology.
Mind control tactic 1
When should I say sorry?
How to break down her defenses using Timeline techniques.
Future pacing
How to condition her, and make her respond to you like a robot.
Pavlov and his dog.
Next how to condition her by use of anchoring
Getting out of the dredged friend zone and ex back.
Reasons, why you get friend zoned, how you can kick your ass from that dredged
The deadly mistake
Main causes of break ups.
The No contact method.
Some wisdom.
Practical business.
An afterword.
Selected Bibliography.
In the 19th century, there used to be books called Dating Guides
They would have sleazy lines like:
Don’t tell me, a girl as hot as you are is not having a date tonight.
Oh! Girl you so beautiful, you must be an alien from another planet,
can I have your number.
You the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on, Gosh! I'm
falling in for you already.

And they sold millions and millions of copies (I think these are books
our fathers used).
Thanks to that century!
But as advanced and civilized as our era is, I dare you to try the
If you don’t receive a slap on your face, you will at least manage to
scoop yourself a rejecting hand pushing away your nonsense.
The fact is…
Those lines have been used and abused over and over again by
many folks. Therefore, we must equip ourselves with effective ways
to seduce women.
Thinking of that, I figured out some effective ways of doing it, and
this is what I came to.
Mind control techniques.
Yes, psychology is the key, not just any psychology but advanced
mind control techniques that can only be found in secret places.
After spending all your hard earned money on useless yet
misleading books, guides, and courses from dating Gurus and
Pick Up Artists, and getting nothing but more confusion and more
You must be wondering, Is this really gonna work for me, will I be
able to get the results I want after reading this book? Is it gonna help
me attract the type of women I want?...Hope it’s not another get laid
quick scam to punch more holes in my wallet?.
First of all, if you have been reaped off big time by the mentioned
people, then you aren’t alone, I was also there.
Until I got the solution that I'm about to uncover to you right now.
And Nope! We aren’t Pick Up Artists and we never even consider
ourselves dating Gurus, but the techniques you will get from this
book will leave your jaws drooping as you delve deep and deeper
into understanding female psychology.
To me, there is nothing close, as far as a man is concerned, that I
would compare to investing time to acquire such knowledge as this.
How I wish some of these things were also taught in schools, we
would have less heart breaks, and we would significantly reduce the
number of wounds that our hearts face.
But that's it about the world; it never tells you the truth.
You have to dig it for yourself.
I can’t imagine the number of guys who are suffering because of
relationships, some have lost their jobs, and their hard earned
money, all of their tough cultivated belongings because of women.
By the way, this is a serious thing, for your notice especially if you
were taking it jokingly, people have committed suicide just because
~she chucked me.
I know how we can claim we love her, we kneel down for her, we just
agree with whatever she tells us. We keep calling her every day,
keep thinking of her all the time.
That may not be bad.
What is actually itching is the fact that the more we do all those types
of powerless things, the more she neglects us.
Of course, if we were sane, I mean in our normal minds, we wouldn't
continue with such stupid behavior.
But why do we keep doing it?
Because of this “I AM IN LOVE WITH HER”
Yes, I know almost everyone has gone through such stages, we
have been controlled by our sweethearts, dragged, ignored, but we
kept yearning for them. More madness huh?
If you come to think about it, that has to stop.
Yes, we should grow up and start playing the game like masters, not
slaves of the game.
Man should learn to control things around him.
You should be having any lady you want to (not just settling).
You should be celebrated not tolerated by ladies.
Ladies should flock to you not the other way round.
You should be a prize to win, not a pursuer.
The ugly truth
Every man would love to get laid by hot girls, not the averages and
belows that every tom and dick can pick and dump the next minute.
The only problem is when you remember the last time you tried out
hot girls, they blasted you like a hammer (nail on the head)
Then you probably consoled yourself with this motherly advice
“The beautiful ones aren’t yet born
Sorry, we are now mature I thought that was for kids.
But that is about to end.
Yes with the deadly love tactics that are packaged in the Zen Art of
Seduction, you now gonna be a master of this game.
Knowing and understanding the Mind Control Techniques herein will
put you on a higher edge over other men, in fact, if you will learn
these techniques then go out and practice them, you will start
viewing ladies like programmers view software, in code.
This is something you can’t find anywhere else
I know how hurtful it can be to have just one single girl who doesn’t
hate you nor specifically loves you.
Well, she may give you some relief of the itching feelings of
rejection that are biting away your heart, the only worry is she also
doesn’t like you that much.
It is every man’s pleasure to have the love he wants, to date the
ladies he fancies not just settle for what he doesn’t want.
Deep inside, every man would want to be loved glorified, cared for
and more than anything get laid and have the sweet funful sex from
the hot babes that he truly desires.
Yes, we all want that. The question is “Is such a glaring dream
We may be tempted to say no, but when we look around us, we see
average guys who don’t even own the material wealth to cater for
themselves let alone, maintain ladies.
But, these quacky dweebs seem to attract ladies like a magnet they
are having fun because they acquired the skills, they can seduce any
lady they want. These guys aren’t so unique or different from us, in
fact, many of us may be having more qualifications than them, and
yet we suck like hell when it comes to the game of seduction.
What pushed me to discover this knowledge?
I just got tired of playing the game I didn’t know how to play, I was
moving from break-up-up to break up and success to rejection.
Unless people who were completely green about seduction and
relationships, I was one of those who would make the right move in
the morning and follow t up with the wrong one in the evening, am
quite sure many girls would just get so disappointed with me
because I didn’t know what I were doing. And before I reveal to you
the complete story, there is this one thing I want you to take not only
in seduction but your entire life, NEVER DO SOMETHING YOU
that simple and yet understanding and applying it will revolutionize
your life.
Why am I bringing up that?
You see I used to be that guy who would be free with girls I would
open up well with them, excite them give them the fun and
excitement and like I said since I had no idea about what I were
doing, would follow up such a good thing with, “you know Brenda, I
just like you so much you are so beautiful” and guess what?
Just after saying such bullshit, a lady would just shift from hot mood
to the cold one, this kept bubbling me, I would be so puzzled
because I had been indoctrinated by movies and society around me
that, “If you like a girl, let her know it-I mean you must be a man
enough to confess your feelings to her”
That’s what we see in movies all day long, isn’t it and we think it’s the
right thing isn’t it?
Watch me closely here, actually that’s very wrong.
You will know why.
Here is another thing that would tail spin me, like I said I used to be
that guy who would open up a woman so well that she gets
interested in me but my ignorance of what I were doing would again
compel me to make a wrong move, somehow somewhere I would
screw up things before I even get the girl to bed.
It was like a trauma, it’s not easy to admit but I one time thought that
I might have been cursed not to enjoy women or something of the
sort, I couldn’t figure out why I girl who was head of heels into me
slip away from my hands like that.
Am now going to share with you what I would say is the turning
experience of my love life.
I had a girl that I had met, she was so beautiful (at least as far as I
thought then), her hair was rave black and she had this sexy
Mediterranean brown skin, her lips were full and subtle and perfect,
her legs were long. Everything about her just seemed beautiful,
hands were just so beautiful and smooth like wool, she had
intoxicating eyes. Now I wont say I approached this girl because
much as I was a good guy at interacting with girls who were friends I
didn’t have the balls then to cold approach a girl and win her over.
In fact, she was just introduced to me by one of my elder cousins,
now I would say she came into my life at the wrong time, because
during those days, I had completely given up on girls and
relationships, I wanted to have some momentarily relief from
relationships, I was so exhausted heart broken, and like a loser i
said, no more with love things.
Now that I understand seduction, the reason why this girl seemed so
interested is now clear, you get it?
It’s because of my break off from relationships, this is the only thing
which made me not to show much interest in her despite having
been introduced to her. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even ask for her
number, my cousin gave it to her, and of course she was the one
who called first, I just weren’t interested in these things, so she
would often try to reach me out and I intentionally ignore her calls.
That made her to like me even more, until I decided to come back to
the game.
Now an armature that I was at that time, I still couldn’t know what
had been doing to her and why she had been chasing me, so when I
got into the game, I started doing my usual chase, pleasing her all
the time, sending her jokes.
Things were moving on nice for about like 2 months but then
something strange happened
I started developing what people call love feeling for her, I had this
thing telling me, “let her know, you gotta let her know how much you
I said, I have to let her know.
So I invited her on some date, where we interacted then I announced
it to her
This is what I said, “You know Jane, I really feel great about you, am
falling in for you, I cant get you off my mind”
You cannot believe what happened next, you know by saying such I
expected her to reply, “I also feel the same about you”
But it wasn’t the case, she just got uncomfortable got cold that even
after our date, she wasn’t replying to my texts nor picking up my
Now there was nothing much I had screwed up there, much as I had
made slight mistake of announcing my feelings so early in the game,
that wasn’t so fatal an error. But here was the biggest mistake.
When she wasn’t texting back and ignoring my calls, I got desperate
and anxious I thought I had done something wrong (little did I know
that I was just doing it then) so I constantly texted her all kind of silly
and embarrassing texts, the sort of; why aren’t you replying to my
texts, did I do anything wrong, please am sorry if I wronged you, I
really like you so much, forgive me and we move on.
She continued to ignore me, I would call her over 10 times a day and
she wouldn’t pick up a single call.
Since the calls, and texts weren’t working, I got the worst stupid idea
ever, I knew where she works from. I decided to go to her workplace
and seek for her apology I mean that’s being a man (how silly I
This made her even more disgusted in fact all along she hadn’t at
least chucked me, but right there she got so pissed with my stupidity
that when I asked her a silly, “Jane do you still love me” question,
she just coughed, “I don’t love you” .
I was so stupid that, I was then acting on my impulses I wasn’t
But then I managed to get through that traumatic experience with the
help of friends, and I swore to myself that I was going to do whatever
it takes to understand seduction, and learn how to seduce and make
any woman fall in love with me, so I enrolled to countless dating
guides and pick up books but I wasn’t getting any good until I
stumbled on this advanced knowledge that am about to reveal to you
now, and I will have to admit it has revolutionized my love life, I now
have hot young gorgeous girls to have sex with on demand, flirting
seducing and picking up any girl is like eating chocolate to me, it’s
something am good at and enjoy doing so much.
The aftermath
I have had some good days after getting this knowledge, below is an
example of how I use it.
I remember those days when one of my friends was becoming tough
to convert; I had pampered her with all the care you could ever
imagine, calling and texting her all the time, buying for her stuff, and
even jacking her jaws up with funny jokes, plus of course listening to
all her worries.
After all that, I thought it was right for me to take the next step and
make things go *romantic, I wanted us to go……kisses and
romance, exciting stuff~ if that’s what you think. So like anyone else I
pulled out some bold moves, showing her my intentions that I was
now interested in a romantic thing with her not just friends.
You wouldn’t believe what happened next, me too (like punch in the
She just showed me a straight red card, rejected me in a way I could
never believe, As though we had never been friends!
If I recall well, these were her exact words.
Kyle! You and I are just friends, nothing more. So don't act like
you are my lover cause you aren't. Stop your silly texts you are
sending me.
If it were you, what would you do, after such?
I guess you would start feeling depressed right away, rejected and
guilt would start biting away your heart immediately.
Oh gosh! Why did I even do that, you would lament.
But that wasn’t me, at that time.
In fact, I reversed the game, right away and beat her using her own
energy; this is a technique I will reveal to you in chapter six and how
I used it against that friend of mine until I #checkmated her.
One of my clients came with a very puzzling question; he told me
that he had inquired from many people, but they weren't able to give
him an answer that would logically satisfy the type of problem that
was bubbling up his mind.
He said: I don’t know what happened to my girl, at first she was the
one who even seduced me.She was the one who was making all
these moves. She was so into me those days, and yet I wasn't giving
her any attention, but when I yielded to her and started showering
her with all the love and care, she is losing interest in me, what
wrong have I done, I thought she wanted love and care?
As you can see, that question is very tricky; most people would look
on its surface and think they get it, and yet it's so deep that it takes a
master to unlock it.
Before we discuss it, here is some of the advice, counselors and so
called love doctors gave him.
# Talk to her about that weird behavior and find out why she is
behaving like that.
On this, she even, felt higher and so sweet on the poor guy, as if she
had shifted from taking in O2 to N2 (Just exaggerating).
I will tell you why in chapter four.
# Give her more attention and care, it seems you don’t give her
enough time.
This was the worst one, she just started ignoring him, not even
picking up her calls. WTF!
Nope! Don't laugh; it wasn't funny at all.
We will tell you the cause of all such kind of puzzling behavior in
chapter four.
So whom is this book meant for?
First of all if you are a guy who is in a joyful relationship with your
ideal hot girlfriend, everything is going very well, you have an
endless number of girls chasing after you and begging for you to
sleep over, and if you are an above average guy when it comes to
seducing, flirting, arousing and making women fall in for you. Then
this book isn’t for you.
Yes! I will have to be blunt and fair, am not here to make the rich
richer and the poor poorer, Nope! I want to empower those
powerless dudes out there who happen to have any issue falling in
the list below.
You have been wondering why seducing that cool, sexy, fun girl so
Even though some guys make it look so simple.
You have that one girl that you want to bed, you don’t know what to
say or do.
You are a shy guy, you fear approaching girls because you don’t
want to be rejected.
You always left out on parties because you just tend to repel girls,
everything you do just tends to push girls away from you.
You have enrolled to countless pickup books and so called dating
guides, but you still can’t attract women let alone maintain them for
even a month.
You feel that you so unattractive and women don’t like you because
of your looks.
You deeply feel that you deserve hot gorgeous girls to be loving you,
craving for you but you think that they are out of you league.
You don’t know how to sustain a conversation with a woman you are
interested in, you so boring for sleep.
You tired of getting the “let’s just be friends speech” from girls you
You tired of spending your hard earned money on dates with women
who don’t show any interests in you.
You tired of buying drinks for girls in bars only to be blushed off with,
“I gotta go, thanks for your drink anyway”.
You feel it inside that you deserve class 10 girls, but you stuck with
being able to attract low class girls.
You feel jealous and can’t figure out why the girl you like and care for
most always leave you for some jerks.
You tired of chasing after girls and want them to chase after you.
You call and text her every day and you keep wondering why she
doesn’t pick up or text back.
You don’t know how to flirt with girls and you feel rejected whenever
some guys easily excite and turn on women and make them yearn to
have it within no time.
You give your girl everything but she just doesn’t seem to be
interested in you.
You so charming, exciting and charismatic and yet you wonder why
you never bed any girl however funny you seem to her.
You buy gifts and flowers for women but you wonder why they never
seem to think about you.
Do you have an ex that you would wish to get back?
You frustrated with girls and about to give up on them, the more you
show interest the less they consider you.
You tired of the motherly bluff “Just be yourself” and want to become
more confident around hot girls.
You keep wondering why the girls you consider girlfriend material
usually dump you for other guys.
You feel so lonely in your life, you don’t have girls to spice you up.
You have some unattractive girl who doesn’t love you but you can’t
even afford to lose her.
Are you the cold guy that women always despise in the circle of your
You tired of your friends nicknaming you “GAY” because they never
see you with girls.
Maybe you still subscribe to the motherly advice, “THE BEAUTIFUL
Are you the type of guy who keeps spinning from breakup to
breakup, and want to have some lasting joyful relationship.
If you happen to have three, two or even one issue in the above list,
then this book will definitely have an impact on you.
Here is what you are going to discover in just a moment…
In chapter one you will find out the first thing to do when you get in
touch with any woman, you will be given the exact type of
statements that should come out of your mouth few seconds in your
interaction, these are statements aimed at gluing a woman’s
attention to you.
You will discover the 90 second rule and why you shouldn’t try to
violate it during your interaction with women, the killer approach
techniques and the Zen Advanced Approach techniques.
Amongst these you will find the Tease technique, the most powerful
technique on picking up women and arousing such thick sexual
tension in just a few minutes.
You will also learn how to make a woman chase after you by
qualifying her.
Chapter two will solely concentrate on building rapport with a
woman, you will learn about fast and effective ways of building
rapport with any woman you meet.
You will learn about the Rapport Pattern Interrupt, this will help you
make women so free with you by creating a useful emotional bond
that binds the two of you naturally together.
You will also get to learn, advanced story telling techniques,
elements of a good story, conversation hooks and transitioners,
these will be able to make women addicted to your conversations
and want to know more about you.
Chapter three will strictly cover Body Language, how to seduce
women using killer body language.
Every aspect of it will be covered; dominant and submissive body
language, negative and positive body language how to use them.
Everything from Walking style, sitting style and standing posture, eye
contact-secrets of the eyes and how to use them to seduce women.
Palm gestures, handshake-all these are discussed in detail in this
Chapter four is the middle game, it’s where the seduction truly starts
from and from here you will learn The Zen Art of Flirtation, how to
use the boomerang effect, create intense sexual tension in women.
You will finally get to understand the science of sexual tension and
why you should make a woman seduce herself.
How to initiate touch, how to get closer to her, how to initiate kissing
on your first date by creating kissing tension and making her want to
come for it.
Then you will learn the Zen attitude of pulling by pushing away, you
will understand what to do in order to intensify the attraction a
woman has for you.
You wouldn’t just want to learn how to approach women seduce
them, that’s why in chapter five I will give you ways of controlling
relationships by use of advanced psychology and mind control
In these you will find; how to prevent your relationship from losing
steam, how to use timeline distortion techniques to break down her
defenses and finally, how you can condition her to respond to you
like a robot.
Let’s face it life is never a smooth journey, there are times when a
relationship will hit a bump, you may break up, maybe you were
locked behind the friend zone and you want to get out.
I will give you reasons why you get friend zoned, how to kick your
ass form there, the main causes of breakups and how you can use
The No Contact Method to get her back.

Breaking it down.
This is the first stage of an interaction with anyone you meet, it is
where people gain or lose interest in what you saying. Just like the
word attraction, you want to hook someone's attention and make
them curious and interested in you; during this stage of interaction,
you usually want to make a woman interested in you. She must feel
attracted to you.
And here is one thing to note; Attraction is nothing but curiosity, and
yearningness to know more about something. This is what you have
to do, make a woman curious about you.
She must be asking these kinds of questions.
*Who the hell is this guy?
*Is he like other guys who have hit on me? (If you are then she will
have to check on you)
*This guy sounds charming, I think I should get to know him better.
* Is this the type of guy that I have been looking for?
Now seduction is a process, there those who want to rush it, make it
happen so fast, they want to skip stages.
Stay warned, trying to skip the vital stage of attraction will throw you
into the friend zone if you have been friend zoned this is one of the
main reasons.
In fact, in just a few minutes of your interaction, a woman will have
determined where you fit into her world, whether you supposed to be
a lover, a friend or a no body. The unfortunate bit of it is that all this
happens subconsciously. It is never even her choice to make you
just a friend; it just depends on the way you approached her.
A typical way of skipping attraction and trying to make things happen
fast is the one below.
Guy: Hello, how you?
Her: Hi, doing great?
Guy: Am Adams, and you?
Her: Lydia
(This is even wrong for the fact that you trying to interrogate a
Guy: Do you, come here often?
(This is the biggest mistake)
And many people make this typical mistake, this is known as the
normal way of approaching women, and 9 out of 10 guys will
approach ladies that casually. I mean, “Just get to know more about
her, she will like you”-sorry that’s damn wrong!
Here is the drill, first of all, like I said the entire system is a step by
step you start with attraction, go to rapport then seduce later.
The problem with such a guy is, he is trying to build rapport with a
woman minus having established attraction; this is a sure ticket to
the friend zone.
If you have been wondering why it's always hard to take things to a
sexual level with girls you properly interacted with, that's the main
We are now going to review attraction in detail.
How to grab her attention

The very first step of attraction is getting a woman's

attention. And if you fail on that.
Then guess what, ~you can’t continue!
This is a very crucial step, because if you can manage to get a
woman’s attention, then you can do just anything else with her.
But you see, how most of those pickup artists overlook it.
They go straight to nailing her, how to kiss, how to romance her.
I know, all that is good, but if you fail to make an indelible first
impression on a lady, then chances of kissing let alone bedding
her are so slim.
Yes this happens the moment you register her on your radar, you
must be intriguing, and you should make her mind hooked to you.
Have you ever opened up a woman, started having a conversation
then, Boom! All of the sudden, she just loses interest in you?
These things happen, this is mainly due to forcing a bond with a lady
without having got her attention first.
Such that she just finds herself losing interest, and she finds some
sort of excuse to escape her ass from you.
How to get her attention.
You do this by using some provocative lines. You want to make sure
that you are as ambiguous as unclear to ~understand, such that
you leave her mind dissatisfied with the information you give to her,
this way you provoke her to seek for more clarity (opening her up)
Pitfalls to avoid
Most guys fail at picking up ladies because, just after meeting with
her, they bombard her with a series of closed ended questions which
require closed answers.
For example
What’s your name?
Where are you going?
What is your occupation?
Where do you work?
As you can see, these type of questions tend just to push someone;
it appears as though you are a Lawyer trying to interrogate her (this
isn’t sexy), that way you come off as a desperate chap trying to
Force your way into her.
Also as closed as they are, they just tend to close her up as opposed
to opening her up.
You can’t do that and expect to win a woman, most often than not
she will feel bored or even down right disgusted.
Here are some of the provocative conversation openers
#1. I don't think; I should tell you this… (Do you see how provoking
such a line is?)
#2. I might regret telling you about this… (What is that?) She will
#3. I think you are too innocent to know this… (Here you using
reverse psychology, very advanced stuff), she will have to defend
herself like…who is innocent, am mature. Just as you like it.
#4. I was going to tell you this but…ummmmh (Revealing and
hiding), women like it when you hesitate at that time you are about to
say something compelling, she will be dying to know what!
#5.Sometimes it confuses me… (What confuses you?) You see it.
#6. It keeps beating my understanding, has it ever occurred to you?
(Here you intriguing a woman, she will want to respond like…..what
do you mean?)
#7. Indeed life is an interesting journey, can you believe….this and
#8.I don’t know how this happened...what is it?
#9. Is this accidental or planned, do you believe in destiny?-These
make women get so curious about you.
Sometimes you can pull off provocative line after line (creating more
confusion and intrigue in her mind)
For example
#1.Sometimes it confuses me.
#2. It keeps beating my understanding, has it ever occurred to you?
#3. I don’t know how this happened.
While doing this, you don’t have to be so logical in whatever you say,
for as long as you holding her attention.
The less she understands what you say, the better for you.
Seduction law: The longer you keep a woman, intrigued, moved,
mesmerized and confused by your words, the more she will want to
know more about you (and this is every seducer’s dream).
CAUTION: Don’t go beyond three lines, this will confuse
her mind to exhaustion.
The 90-second rule.
This is a rule you don’t want to break.
It is scientifically researched that whenever you meet with another
person, you only have about 90 seconds to make the first
impression. If it goes beyond that, then it's done.
And if you fail to make it, then…
Leave that girl alone, go do some other things, maybe you can
approach another one.
You have to admit that if you fail to impress her within those
seconds, then continuing with her will be like trying to milk a bull.
Best types of questions to ask.
These are kind of questions a Zen seducer would ask
**According to me, women cheat more than guys, in fact, guys are
more trustworthy than women.
If you ask such questions (I call them, emotional triggers), they will
trigger all her past experience with guys, and she will tell you how
unfaithful they are, how they can’t settle with one girl.
If you can open a woman up like this, you could as well be good to
open up her legs too.
And as she is explaining, add more salt by defending guys more.
ENGAGE HER MIND! That’s right.
Another type of question.
**I think, ladies get turned on so fast, she just sees a guy, and start
getting wild? (Of course, this isn't true) but you just want to provoke
her, huh?.
On this one, she will bring all the evidence, how guys even rape
Then you can sprinkle more salt still by saying.
…….But women do that a lot, last time on Tv, I watched horny ladies
raping an innocent man, ladies are just too horny these days, I think
you watch a lot of porn.
When you are just starting on this, you can use the above questions,
although I recommend you just acquire the *knack, such that you
start crafting your original questions.
The key again is to ensure that the questions are so engaging and
very provocative that she can’t help but have something to say.

Conversation transistors.
When switching from one conversation or set of story to another, you
need to do it smoothly.
This is done for some reasons.
*The mind has a tendency of getting in equilibrium with something at
hand when you abruptly shift to another, it has a natural tendency to
oppose that(this is what physicists call inertia)
** You don’t want to appear as a guy who is just pouring words,
loosely. Forcing a conversation with her.
We are going to give you interesting ways to transition from one
completely different story to another, without any resistance from her.
#1. That reminds of another… (And you start a new story)
#2. A similar thing happened… (And you start a fresh)
#3. That also triggers this… (And you start off)
#4. There is also, another thing… (And you go on)
#5.Aha…here is another thing… (And you go on)
How to kill approach anxiety,
The killer approach techniques

This is a technique I have practiced myself over and over again; I

didn't read this from anywhere it's out of my experience.
You see it’s somehow frightening to approach a lady especially if you
are just starting in this game.
Every time you see a hot girl, your heart starts pumping so fast, you
sweat, as your voice goes timid and you lose control of your entire
body. By the time you confront her, you just set for a *rejection. But
it doesn’t have to happen that way.
Everything goes with practice.
The method am going to reveal to you now isn’t just theoretical, you
won’t just read it and get it that way, you will have to go out there and
put it into practice and test this theory for yourself.
I call it the sample of ten.
What I would do was, assign myself to approach a random sample of
10 girls in a day and record my results.
This was the case
The first two or three girls would give me zero score, but as I went
on, to 4, 5 6, 7,8,9 and 10. I just kept increasing my success rate.
At first, I would score around 6/10, sometimes 5/10.
But with more trial, I tremendously reached to 7/10, 8/10, 9/10 and
even 10/10.
It was an amazing experience; I killed all the approach anxiety I had.
It was becoming fun, I enjoyed it, I started being fancy with it by
varying on the type of ladies I approached, being selective I moved
from random girls to beautiful ones, and the results followed the
same trend.
After satisfying myself with one category of ladies I would move on to
the next, and the process was always the same. I would start with
failure and converted it to success until I mastered that level.
This is one of the most exciting experiments I have ever done in my
life I learnt a lot from it, much as it was very challenging at the start,
it later became something to amuse myself with.
Why did I succeed?
*Because I took it as an experiment, not a serious thing, as many do
**Because I had a sample of 10, so when the first 2, 3 or 4 refused I
just moved on since I had assigned my mind to go for 10 anyway.
*** I had given my mind a particular direction to follow, and so it did, I
got this from NLP.
In that field, they emphasize that the mind just needs a particular
direction, it’s called giving the mind a specific outcome, and mine
was approaching 10 girls.
What was even more interesting is that, when I repeated this
pattern, the mind got more used to it, I got conditioned to it, just
like anyone does something familiar.
I will have to emphasize that NLP concept, you see your brain just
needs certain out come and it will work towards it. Yes, it's the
reasons why people who set specific goals tend to be more
successful in life than those who don’t.
It is very crucial to learn how to set goals or have specific things you
want to achieve in your mind; it doesn't matter whether you are going
for a date, or just gonna have awesome sex.
Take it as the norm to first think of how well you want to do
something, one way of doing this is by vividly imagining.
Here is how, for example, you might be going for a date, list 3
exciting things you would want to happen on your date.
Just be free and let your imagination run wild, maybe you want
sweet kisses, perhaps you want to romance her really well, maybe
you want to be so delighted, it doesn’t matter just make a list.
After the list, just take a few seconds or minutes and vividly imagine
how each of those goals will be achieved, if it's kissing her and she
gets hot, imagine doing it, be specific even where you will touch her
when you are kissing.
What this does is it, programs your mind to achieve that outcome,
when you keep practicing that, you will be amazed by how exciting
some of your dates or sex can be. The mind is the most powerful
sexual organ learn to use it. Even if you just want to last longer in
bed, just imagine it before the act, vividly see yourself satisfying your
partner, your subconscious mind will record this data, you will be like
a coder punching lines of code in your computer (brain) therefore the
brain will have to execute these commands depending on how well
you did the process.
What did I learn from those experiments?
I learnt the art of perseverance; you see it is easy to move from
success to success. The hardest thing to do in life is to move from
failure to success.
And so I attained a rare mental muscle which enabled me to move
from rejection to a win (pretty powerful skill)
As a matter of fact, every time I would get a no, (especially at the
start) I would super charge and say to myself, Kyle! You have to
move on, I did this for many times, it became conditioned that every
rejection would just boost my confidence and accelerate me. I
would feel stronger after being rejected and this just set me for the
next successes.
More than anything, I attained a success mindset that I apply even
elsewhere because I don't fear rejection (the greatest enemy of
Have you ever heard of the law of averages? (I just practiced it right
How to delude her that everyone likes you
Social proof.
If you feel that it’s hard to connect with people especially ladies on
gatherings, am gonna give you a killer rapport building and
women attracting technique here in, that will leave women
going….That guy! As they stare at you with lustful eyes.
You might have been led to believe that attracting women is a hard
deal and that you need things like cars, money, or if it's gatherings
then you have to be the MC to make ladies flock to you on parties,
but all that isn't necessary.
We are actually gonna show you one of the simplest yet so effective
techniques of making the people around you like you instantly and
start to view you as a valuable social being whom they would want to
socialize and associate with.
It’s called the social proof method.
You see by nature; people tend to like individuals who are liked by
others, so you can exploit this *flaw and make others (especially
women) think that you are liked by others and therefore should like
All you need to do is this…
When you hit at the bar or party, try as much as you can to greet
everybody around you, just socialize normally whether men or
women, give simple hi, hello even waving at some who are distant
from you, this subconsciously shows others that you are a social
being sure to interact with, but more than that. It will kill all your
approach anxiety such that by the time you start approaching the
ladies you want, you will be more relaxed and comfortable. It will
serve to put you in equilibrium with the crowd around you. In fact,
whenever you see a lady that captures your attention, First practice
by speaking to the one next to you, then go for the other later.
You will be amazed by how every girl can’t keep her eyes off you,
women might be forced to even approach you if you don’t do it first
and you will be the superstar on the party.
Approaching Group of girls

I will show you, how you can approach a group of girls and succeed
at picking the one of your choice….mob psychology is the key
As you are advancing in your seduction skills, there are times
where you would want to encounter a group of girls and pick up
one of your choice.
Approaching a group of females might be disturbing, and many folks
will readily admit that they would prefer to go to the moon than try it
but don't worry, I will show you a way of doing just that.
You will actually realize that it may be even easier.
You see, contrary to hitting on a single lady, who can quickly decide
whether you are fit for her or not, when dealing with a group of three
or more girls, decision making becomes a bit slow, they can’t all
decide at once whether they like you or not (lack of consensus), so
you can easily beat them as they are still in between the lines.
However, you should go right about it; most guys screw it up
because they approach a group and try to select out one lady whom
they think is right for them(before seeking approval from her friends),
well this is a sure way to fail.
You need to first talk to an entire group, get their attention and
approval then you select out one girl of your choice, and if you do
that first then getting one girl from that group should be as easy as
turning your palm. This works for another reason, if you first show
the entire group that you are desirable and worth, then by singling
out one of them, you will be trying to make her shine. This will be a
good thing for her especially in front of her friends, it will be indirectly
showing that she is better than them, you will make her friends feel
jealous and even want to have you more.
Suspense technique.
Let’s say she is in a group of her friends seated together, you might
not go straight to them. Instead, you sit just somewhere they are
visible to you and start looking straight at her.
This will ignite some ROMANTIC feelings in her.
Every time, you get an opportunity, just *look straight in her eyes.
The attraction will intensify as you do it again, by the time you
approach her, she will already have known what.
Whenever you look at a girl with romantic eyes, you put her under
the flashlight; she keeps guessing what you want from her.
And this is exactly what you want to do, to make her imagination go
I have an easier way of approaching such a woman after doing that;
you just match right to her since the two of you have been
exchanging eye contact then just say this, “I saw you looking at me
with your lustful eyes what are up to, are you trying to hit on me?”-Do
this and I assure you she will be yours.
There is this saying in chess.
A threat is often more powerful than execution.
When someone slaps, you.
It's done, the slap could be slight or huge, but most importantly they
have done it, and you have felt it.
On the other hand, if someone just threatens to do it, it scares you.
Your mind can even imagine all sorts of things that couldn’t
necessarily happen to you. Always do this in romance, SEXUAL
TENSION is very important.
Always hold on before you release the tension, by doing
this, you will make a woman *explode under her own imagination
The quickest way to get her number.
How can I quickly get her number?
To do this, you shouldn't ask or request, command for it.
But before getting there though, you should first have gained enough
rapport for her to think you deserve it, that first impression is very
crucial and without it, I don’t think her number can be useful to you,
because it will be hard to convert her, if she didn’t feel you on the
first encounter.
Let’s assume you approached her very well opened her up bonded
with her well and everything is going on well, then just confidently
pull out your phone and you are like….you know we can connect, so
what’s that number, which is more reliable, I don’t want your
business number, to bother you, that one I will get it another
time!… start dialing..0389……….
You might not use the exact words, however notice this technique, in
NLP it’s called presupposing. By saying you want a private number,
not a business one, you smartly deceive her mind that she already
agreed that she would give you her number, what you don’t want
though is her business number. Use that, and I guarantee you that
90% of the time she will give you that number.
Remember as a man; you are supposed to lead her into what
you want, not suggest.
Be confident in whatever you do; women rarely know what they
actually want.
A woman’s NO is never meant, she just chooses it for no good
reason that’s why you should boldly and confidently lead her mind to
whatever you want.
Asking for a date
The key again here is to bring this out in a confident way.
Don’t ask, command. Tell her today you have something special
going on, she must join not to miss out.
You can also tell her,
You know what, I feel like spoiling someone tonight, come let's go, I
want to punish you with fun, by the time we were done, I know you
won't be liking me. You can be as creative as you want to be but the
important point is to ensure that you are as unclear as hard to know
and more than anything, you don’t want to be seen as a guy trying to
kneel down for a date proposal. That shouldn’t be you.
What surprised me?
If you probably thought that she turns down your offer because she
doesn’t like it then you aren’t alone, I used to think so until I figure
out something.
When it comes to ladies, it’s rarely you or what you want her to do
but how you go about it.
One guy can give a lady an offer, and she turns it down, and another
one comes with the very offer, and she takes it. Not because she
liked the latter but because he brought it out in a more compelling
confident way. That's what you should understand.
Just be sharp!
Biggest mistake.
You see lots of guys make things so casual, and very official, and if
you didn’t know, this bores women off.
Never ask for a date, in fact, bring it in such a way that she is just
going to join you for something, never make these things so official.
I know that's what movies show you, but asking for a date is giving a
woman too much power to turn you down, instead, what you do is
tell her something of this sort.
You know what, Jane……am going to be at such and such a place at
this time, you can join me, and we have some fun.
Advanced Approach techniques.
The tease technique
This technique works like gangbusters; it's so effective that I
somewhat feel guilty giving it away this cheaply.
This is a technique I usually reveal to one of my secret one on one
students; this is my first time giving it out to a mass and am quite
sure the potential danger to women that am making here.
For those of you who don't know, the tease technique is like using
nuclear weapons in a swords war, that's why before I unveil it to you,
you must make a big promise.
You should promise me that you will never use this advanced
technique for harmful reasons, you will never misuse it.
I know there many techniques of opening up ladies but what am
about to reveal to you now is one of the most advanced skills of
The tease technique is typical of the Zen attitude, a woman is
supposed to seduce herself, and it does exactly that. It reverses the
game, and makes it seem as though it is her who approached you
and started hitting on you.
Let’s get down to business.
Watch me
The problem with most guys is they are so casual and official in their
This tends to bore women to sleep, why?
Because it’s what they see over and over again, wait a minute, I will
show you what I mean.
Guy: Hey! How you?
Her: Am fine and you.
Guy: am cool, am John and you.
Her: Am Tina.
Guy: Nice to meet you, Tina, what do you do for a living…
No matter what, that conversation is gonna hit a dead end
It's not only boring and so casual, but it is some sort of FBI
interrogation with a criminal.
When you're just approaching ladies, you want to spark them, ignite
their minds…….to be going?
Who the heck is this guy?
I know you might be wondering, “How can one do that, I don’t think
that’s for me”.
But the technique I will show you here is super and will reduce ladies
to awe immediately within just a few minutes even seconds of your
You see, it’s pretty simple.
First of all, the reason why ladies immediately lose appetite to
engage in certain conversation with guys is what we mentioned
above-being too casual and routine.
On the other hand, the reason why this will work effectively is
because you interrupt the normal pattern of things.
She will be puzzled and intrigued, cause probably no one has done
this to her, especially those super-hot gorgeous women (it really
works on this type).
So by breaking a pattern and sounding so out of the league, she will
immediately feel that you might be some other class of guy than the
ones she has been dealing with.
Here is the drill.
The first part is throwing some intriguing lines, the sort of which we
have given you above.
For example
So, you do exist, are you very sure about this?
As you can see, that will likely arouse a response in her, she might
reply, “About what?”
You: Tell me something, is this a coincidence or something you
planned? (You see how you make it as though she is guilty of an
offense already, she will have to reply)
Her: What do you mean?
You: So you came all the way from the other side, just to come and
hit on me, how dare you!
This should reduce her cold; she might laugh or at least remain
If she laughs and is likely going to and she might be like, “No, that's
not true”.
Then it's on folks!
You may ask her name like so what’s your name? And she will
immediately tell it to you
Let’s say her name is Amber
You can go ahead to tease her like, “I bet Amber is one of those
crazy girls who go on hitting on innocent strangers, I will report you
to the police”.
At this point, she will be just melting for you, so if you see she is
really getting excited, turn around and show her your back a bit, wait
for about 3 to 4 seconds. (This should make her so interested in you)
Then turn back and throw in more intriguing tease.
This is one of my favorites, and it has been tested on numerous
ladies and really works like magic.
Tell her, “You know what Amber when I look at you I sense
something, okay you seem humble and gentle on the surface, let's
say we appreciate that, but deep inside, you hiding something, that
your eyes are revealing to me now……….”-leave her anxious.
(Ladies love to know more)
She will likely ask, “So what’s it that am hiding?”
You: You are so crazy and wild at the same time so successful at
showing us you are a cool lady, how deceptive!
From here on, you can ask for her number or escalate things on as
we will teach you here in detail, but she will be so emotionally
charged for you, here.
Using the teasing technique will give you super powers when it
comes to approaching and picking up women, in fact, you will be
amazed by its effectiveness. It works, and it really works especially
on those gorgeous hot ladies.
More examples of the tease technique.
You: Hey, so you have been waiting for me all along here, it’s okay,
I'm here now.
Her: Hahaha, I don’t get you.
You: Of course I expect you to pretend who wouldn’t, and I know you
intended this thing, I don’t think it’s just coincidence (make her feel
guilty as though she committed a crime to hit on you, such that she
seduces herself).
Her: What do you mean?
You: You were just waiting outside here, to flirt with me isn’t it
(always blame it on her before she does).
Her: Hahaha, No, that’s not true.
You: Putting teasing aside, I really sense something in you (you see,
how you start opening her up in a curious way, every woman would
want to pause right there and listen to what you are about to say).
Her: What’s that?
You: Danger, trouble.
Her: what! (She will get so curious about you, and like we said
attraction is nothing but curiosity).
You: I sense a lot of danger in you, so am gonna arrest you ahead of
time to save the world before you explode (women love these lines,
she will just melt when you say such).
Her: Hahaha, you so funny.
You: I didn't intend to be that way, have you ever been arrested if
you were you wouldn't be laughing right now.
Anyway, what's your name(You can see I wasn't interested in her
name in the first place only giving her fun, but I ask for her name as
a by the way)
Her: Am Jackie.
You: So Jackie, you one of these crazy girls who mercilessly hit on
strangers, how ruthless, I will have to take you to police immediately.

Another example
This works effectively when you want to hit on a woman who is
moving the same way at your back, what you do is pause and start
the tease.
You: So, you were the one following me, huh? Red handed, I got
Her: No, I was just walking my way (this is what a man is supposed
to do, to reduce a woman to that level of trying to please and
apologize to him, few men can do this, most just try to apologize to
ladies instead).
You: I don’t think so, you were just following me all the way the other
side to come and flirt with me, I know(here she will melt, women like
Her: Hahaha, that’s not right.
You: Of course, am just messing with you, trying to make you feel
guilty a bit, otherwise how are you doing.
Her: Am fine.
You: You know, I sense something in you, danger and a lot of trouble
in you.
Her: Danger, what do you mean (you see how she starts asking you
questions instead of the other way round, and that's what makes the
tease technique so effective, it reduces women cold, you give the
answer, and she asks the question, a very interesting duty to play).
You: Am actually plan to arrest you, before you cause trouble
anywhere (things like this again, make women blush, she will feel
like grabbing you).
Her: Arrest me? What have I done?
You: Hahaha, I tease you again, I think you just too cool to tease
(Now teasing a woman that way, subconsciously tells her one thing:
That you are man who is naturally confident and above her class,
otherwise you wouldn't be teasing her. You would be trying to
compliment her about her looks and playing it nice)
You: Well, I think this isn't cool right, I mean am just a stranger I don't
know much about you but I just start teasing you like that, it's weird
right not good, unfair isn't it? (This is an advanced mind control
technique, because by teasing women they will likely complain, so
you do it for them ahead of time, but in an interesting way)
Her: Yeah, I mean you sound like you know me. (You see, how you
act like you are on her side, make her feel very comfortable around
You: But who told you that life is supposed to be fair to you? (Here
you switch the gears, i tell you almost every woman will blush when
you do this, because you pulling her and at the same time pushing
her away, these kind of moves are so lethal when it comes to turning
on women, she will want to swallow you, go try out this kind of thing
right now)
Her: Hahahahaha, you so funny (she will get so hot).
You: Of course, life would wish to be so fair on you and good, the
only problem is maybe you will start bragging, haha.
Now, teasing doesn't only end in the attraction stage, even during
your interaction with her, you have to continue teasing her.
Here are the ways.
1. Tease her for anything silly or bad that she does (but
don’t be mean here) I said tease, not embarrass, or insult.
2. You have to tease her for anything good, or romantic
she is doing.
Here is an example.
Let’s say, you flirting with her, and she smiles.
Right here, you don't want just to smile back. Instead, you
tease her by saying, “I know why you are acting cool and
sexy, you trying to seduce me, huh?”(More sexual tension).
Don't agree with her opinions that easily, I know this
sounds counter-intuitive especially to those who want to
play it safe. But here is the logic, by showing her that you
respect but don't just agree with her points of view you
appear like a confident, natural man who isn't just playing it
nice to win her.
Here is an example.
You might be talking to her and she says,” look at the
other guy, just too shabby, what is he doing here?”
Now, most "Cool boys” would rush to agree with her
like…Yeah, he is too shabby to be here.
But never, instead this is what you do, tell her, “I think
that guy is smart, you just feeling envious about him,
who knows, he might be your worst ex ever” (as you

3. Tease her about anything she tries to inquire from you.

Now, most of you might be thinking that when a woman
asks anything from you, you just rush to answer, but
that's for novices. Instead, you do a different thing from
the crowd.
Here is how.
She might ask, “So where do you come from?”
First of all, when a woman is inquiring about you, this is
a sure sign that she is interested in you.
But here is the most interesting thing, don’t just give it
to her that easily, let her dig for it, this serves to
increase attraction and build more sexual tension.
Do this, tell her, “So, you now acting like a criminal
investigator, hope you aren’t a CIA agent”.
Her: Hahahaha, you funny.
You: So what! (As you smile)
Her: Hahahaha.

You: maybe….then you can tell it to her, like anyway, “I

come from Blah blah but I hate stalkers”.
4. Tease her about any compliment she gives you.
Here is what I mean, if you start using the tease technique
you will notice how, women will start raising interest for you
in just a few minutes sometimes seconds of your
interaction, and they might start complimenting you instead
of you/them(yes, this is the Zen Art Of Seduction, a woman
is supposed to seduce herself).
Therefore, you don't just want to give in to their
compliments like that; this shows neediness and low self-
This is how you go about it, let’s say she is now getting
excited about you, she is yearning to have you.
She might say, “You such a charming guy, I like you”.
Tell her: Haha, you saying that just to easily slip into my
pants, right? (I know, This is a very bold move, but making
such moves is what differentiates you from novices) and
very attractive women love these kind of moves, they
challenge them to the core because they aren't used to
guys repelling them like this, all they get in their world is a
flock of cheap folks kneeling down to any favor they want.
That's why if you do it this way, they will start to take you
like a high-class man.
The touch and whisper techniques.
These are other two techniques that are dangerously effective when
it comes to approaching and winning ladies.
You see when we meet with people, we humans have a tendency of
categorizing them almost automatically.
It's usually not your choice to categorize someone as friend or lover;
this often comes from the way we interact with them.
The touch and whisper techniques are one of the most advanced
techniques of making a woman go romantic with you within no time.
Damn! It’s like hacking attraction.
First of all, which people usually whisper to one another?
Close ones, lovers isn’t it.
By whispering to her, therefore, even if you have just met her, she
will start associating you with a lover (this happens subconsciously),
you also appear to be more romantic, you break all the barriers
around her and get so close to her.
Whispering is a very deadly technique of showing other people that
you close to them, but it is dangerously unfair if you do it the way am
going to teach it to you.
Use the soft romantic voice
Which kind of voice is this, and how do I tune it on?
You have this voice; it usually turns on when you are getting horny
and getting romantic.
Here is the way to toggle it on automatically, just imagine the girl you
talking to naked, or may be in her pants.
This cannot leave you the same in fact your voice will change the
tonality right away.
If you whisper to her just with that voice close to her ear, then she
will feel aroused by your words, it doesn't matter what you are talking
about but just do it that way, you will be amazed by the results.
The touch technique.
This is another effective technique especially when you have just
met with a woman.
You want to be talking to her while touching her.
Touching is the best way to make a woman feel you, not just
understand you but feel you, sensory.
But there is a way of touching a woman which makes her feel special
about you, and feel that you really care about her
This is a gentle touch; you touch her while moving and wrapping
your hand around her.
And ensure that you do this while talking to her, this is even very
effective while you are whispering to her.
In an interaction, you don't want your hand to be on her for long.
Therefore you touch her for about 2 to 3 seconds and remove your
As you talking.
Very very important, ensure that your touching is moving with words,
such that her conscious mind is taken by what you have to say as
you touch. This is another way of making her pay attention to what
you are saying.
When you have just met a woman, the worst mistake you can make
is to rush things and go sexual when you have not gained enough
relationship with her.
Therefore this gentle touch, though is good, shouldn’t go for sexual
parts like thighs, or breasts.
The best places to touch a lady are her hands, shoulders at the back
of her neck.
Those parts are very sensitive, but most importantly no woman will
have issues with you if you touch them.
N.B: Never touch a woman when you aren't talking to her, you
appear so weird, and this raises her guards.
The transition stage- Acceptance.
During the first stage of your interaction as we said, you want to be
fun playful and intriguing.
Now just after that stage, there is some subtle transition which takes
place that if you skip, you might have difficulties creating rapport with
a woman.
And most importantly what this small transition does is make a
woman appreciate that you have indeed accepted her for who she is,
and that she is a different girl from the ones you have met.
That's why during this stage, it will be very helpful if you can notice
some quality in a girl, this shouldn't be beauty.
It can be being open, playful, stubborn just anything you can
consider interesting, may be being exciting.
You have to pull out that quality and let her know.
Here is one way to go about it.
You can tell her this, I have met many girls, but there is this one thing
about you.
Of course, she will be so curious…like. What?
You: You seem to be a very funful and playful person who is very
okay interacting with others, I like the way you respond to my teases,
you don’t take it personal.
Just point out qualities that you see in her right there, you can also
add in general good qualities in ladies.
But it works really well when these qualities rhyme with her; she will
feel like you understand and appreciate her better than other guys.
Now, subtle as such a step might take, if you don’t do it especially
after your first phase of interaction where you about to move into
rapport building, then she will be interacting with you like any other
man, she won’t feel she is special to you.
Doing such subtle things at the right time brings up what we call
And also, I go into rapport just after this because after accepting a
woman for who she is, she cannot have any objection connecting
with you.
In fact, much as most women are always insecure to reveal their
feelings to new people after that, she will emotionally connect with
you very well.
Knowing when to say such things is what makes you a real success
with women, they will feel like you know how to touch them.
Even if you don't necessarily spot the qualities unique to this lady, by
telling her such general comment, you will be planting an idea in her
mind which she will have to fulfill.
Think of it like this, imagine meeting a stranger and tells you that the
way you give them eye contact you seem to be an honest person,
now even if you aren't one, you might be forced just to fulfill the
mans' prophecy.
This is the same way this thing works, in fact, you can use this ploy
to plant ideas in a woman's mind without her notice.
The other stage that is really crucial is the qualifying.
If you can take a woman through this stage, then you have really
succeeded with her.
Here is why
You see women naturally crave for qualification, they usually want to
earn your attraction, they want to feel like they have earned your
approval. Now if you just give it to them without qualifying them, then
they feel like you aren’t the right person, it will usually take a short
time until they get done with you.
So how do you qualify a woman and make her feel like she has just
worked to get you?
There are many ways of doing this, but one of the best and easiest
methodological ways is asking her questions about her.
Now, this is reverse psychology; you use the backdoor to hack into a
woman's mind.
Ask her this: Jane, am I just curious about you if you are told to
name, what are your 3 top qualities that you like about yourself.
Now the reason why this thing works and has always worked to
make women hooked to you is that during the process of searching
for their top qualities they will be struggling to impress you, and when
a woman does this, then she is indirectly qualifying herself to you.
Let’s say she names…..loving, kind and loyal.
You should acknowledge whatever she says else, she will feel like
she has sold her best self to you but you couldn’t appreciate.
Just say anything like wow, that's very interesting, after here we go
into a very crucial stage, and that's building rapport.
Nb. The reason why such a way of qualifying works is the exact
opposite why trying to be nice to a woman will often undersell you,
yes even trying to brag about your accomplishments will undersell
Because just like the above method, when you start bragging about
your achievements whether you aren't asked or asked, then you are
indirectly trying to qualify yourself to a woman and this is something
we strictly prohibit in the Zen Art of Seduction, it should be a
woman’s job to qualify herself to you not the other way round.
In fact, sometimes after a woman has given you her top qualities,
she might also ask for yours, but here is the secret.
Never give her positive qualities. Instead, this is what you do.
Give her bad ones (not necessarily bad) but qualities which could be
For example, you can give her the following.
Tell her, am stubborn, crazy, feelingless, and so teasy.
You can tell her “Am so stupid, but I know it."(I know it sounds
counterintuitive but try me here).
Then add, I think you just unlucky because you knocked, am not the
kind of guy you would want to hang out with (as you smile of course).
What this does is it makes you act like you aren’t trying to qualify
yourself to her.
Reverse psychology!
Instead of qualifying yourself, you instead disqualify yourself to her, it
just sky rockets attraction.
In fact, the more she feels you are right for her, the more you act like
you aren't, tell her that she made a mistake in the first place to deal
with you and that she is still making more mistakes.
The bigger picture is if you give her good qualities to her then you
will be trying to sell yourself to her, and there is no greatest killer of
attraction like such.

More about this question qualifier.

When you are dealing with different ladies, you will find that every
woman will give you different qualities depending on her personality.
However, there is one category of women you should be careful with
if a woman is asked about her top qualities and she does exactly
what I have just told you to do.
I mean, she gives bad qualities about herself, for
example….stubborn, heartbreaking, and tough.
Just know that she is way too confident because such a woman like I
said above isn't trying to sell herself to you, she is just disqualifying
herself to you, this category of women is likely gonna be very hot
and really attractive. I used to find a hard time with women who try to
disqualify themselves to me; you know it just freezes you cold at first.
In other words, she is saying that she only has bad qualities, and you
shouldn't go for her, but I eventually figured out a way of navigating
them still.
Before I tell it to you, let me first talk about this.
Have you ever told a woman that you like her, and she immediately
says oh, I like you very much (just to tease you) in fact, I love you
These kinds of moves need master seducers to neutralize them, so
here is what I usually do.
Again this is a tai-chi precept, correlating with the Zen attitude……
Always use your opponent's energy to beat them, it's just too much
for you not to utilize it.
So what I do is, go alone with her teases like….."Oh, you love me
already? That's awesome; I came with a ring lets go get married."
Most ladies would just laugh right here, and just continue with my
teasing, like…"AM gonna marry you for only tonight, come on this
has never happened, join me, and we make history."
I think you get the point, what I do there is use the technique a
woman raised against her, you might think she is helping me to
seduce her.
This is the same thing you do when a woman disqualifies herself to
you, just use her energy against her.
Here is how.
Let's use the example above, you asked for her top qualities, and
she teasingly says…."Am stubborn, heartbreaking, and tough."
What I can do there is tease her using her own points, I go…"You
such a crazy girl, you must have disturbed your parents in your
Her: Hahaha, not really, I was a cool kid (do you see the way, I
reverse the game such that she starts defending herself and
indirectly seeking for approval from me).
Me: Here is one other dangerous thing, I think of you (I don’t reveal it
as yet, leave her imagination run wild)
Her: What’s that? (Now, she is the one curious about me, and I like it
that way)
Me: I doubt you even have a heart which feels, your heart might be
like hard disk (as a smile).
Her: Hahaha, why are you saying that.
Me: From the qualities you told me, I doubt you have a sense of
feeling and empathy, it's likely someone can touch you today, and
you feel it after a decade (You see how I tease her using her own
bad qualities she gave me)
Her: No, it's not like that, I'm human, and I feel (here again she
qualifies herself to me, which I really like.
That was just an illustration, but you must be on the look for these
anomalies, some women might tend to act too stubborn and high
class but always find a way of neutralizing them.

Another way of qualifying women.

Here, I will begin by asking you an innocent question, how often do
hot gorgeous girls get the" I want us to be just friends with you" kind
of speech, the answer is none, and that's the most interesting bit of
it, knowing that every single man who approaches this kind of girls
wants to kneel for them and penetrate their pants as fast as possible,
you act different, here is how.
Before I tell you that, here is one thing you might have come across,
if you have tried out a couple of hot gorgeous women, you will
realize that they logically have many rules and barriers.
What do I mean?
Here is the thing, because these girls are hit on by many guys, they
have developed a lot of defense mechanisms to filter out guys, one
of them is setting rules.
I approached some hot girls, but one of the first things they would
say to me at the beginning of the interaction would be along these
You know, I want us to be just friends and below are the rules of our
1. You don’t over stalk on me.
2. I don’t want friends who call me for no reason.
3. I just want us to be friends, don’t cross the lines.
When I was just starting, such rules would make me back down,
cause I always thought I had hit a dead end, until I came up with
ways of navigating the rules and objections.
There a couple of ways to navigate and neutralize those objections
but there is a very advanced and effective way that I came up with.
And here it is……..If you know someone’s favorite weapon use it
against them before they use it on you.
What I would do then, is reverse the game, such that am the one to
set the rules(I wouldn’t wait before she sets the rules for me) and
trust me, this worked like gang busters……I should admit it’s one of
the most advanced mind control tactics.
These would be my rules, just as they set them.
This, of course, should be done after reaching the climax of
attraction, those moments when she is enjoying a good time with
you, she doesn't want you to leave.
Now what you do is tell her, “You know I would make you my friend
but I don’t know whether you will abide by the rules”.
Here she will get serious and might be like……which rules?
Then mention them like.
1. I would explicitly tell her, that I just want us to be
friends nothing more.
2. That I hate girls who over stalk and keep calling you for
no good reason.
3. I don’t want her to cross the lines of friendship.
And guess what, doing that you might think I was inviting a
lion to come and spectate a meat party, women would want
to chase me, and they would get so interested in me.
One thing I learnt is, if you can act like you out of league for
a woman to date, that’s when she will want to chase you
There is one thing I want to awaken to your imagination, we have
been talking about attraction, but one thing you should understand
about attraction is the fact that It’s very fickle and volatile, it dies so
fast. The fact is, you approach a woman to seduce her but you can't
just start seducing her without establishing rapport, then she will
repel you. Equally, you cannot start building rapport with a woman
unless you have first made her build interest in you, else you get
friend zoned this is a concept we fully revised in the section above.
Therefore after establishing attraction with a woman, the next thing
should be to build rapport, and you have to do this right away when
her interest in you is still on the top. This is the next chapter, ensure
that you understand it very well, because it's a bit different from
attraction, it's a bit serious stage where you supposed to make a
woman trust you.
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about this book, please feel free to leave an honest review on
Amazon, for your feedback is so important in helping me know what
you want.

What the heck is it?
Rapport is nothing but an emotional bond between two people; it is a
sensible level of understanding between two parties. Rapport is so
essential not only in seduction but also other places like business. In
the world of business, people cannot trade with you unless they trust
you. This isn't something you can joke around with, unlike the stage
of attraction where you are just giving fun and being playful, when it
comes down to rapport you really have to get serious. Rapport is
what makes two people free with one another, where they might not
necessarily agree with one another but respect one another.
Like we said earlier, seduction isn't a one- time move, you cannot
just say single sleazy pickup line and think…..Gosh! She is ready to
go home with me. It is a step by step process.
How then do you establish rapport with a woman?
It may seem like it's a far-fetched thing, but I assure you it's very
simple and you have been doing this kind of thing all your life but
may be you didn't know what you were doing and how you were
doing it.
You build rapport by opening up to the other person, sharing little
stories about your lives experiences that you have gone through,
and being free with them.
Rapport requires you to bring up a friendly attitude towards a
woman, think of all things you would want to share with friends, how
you would show trust and sincerity to them.
Now for those of you who might be wondering the essence of
building friendship with a woman yet you have already teased her,
made her feel excited about you may be even so interested in you.
The answer is simple, you have to build trust with her, and you have
to make her trust you, such that she doesn't see you like any other
guy. Now some people might skip this stage and go straight to
bedding a woman or having sex with her, and when you do that,
something dangerous is likely gonna hinder you.
A woman will start feeling like she doesn’t trust you, she will see you
as some crook who is just too fast to use her and dump her. Am
telling you even if that’s your intention you better not show it,
because it will surely ruin your chances of having a relationship, or
sex or anything you want from that woman.
Women, by the way, would easily open up and go so sexual with
men but they are usually so afraid of the repercussions.
What if you are just playing her?
What if you want to hurt her?
What if you want to hit and run?
What if you see her as a hoe?
How will her friends view her?
Now, all those kinds of worries can be settled by making a woman
trust you. And when that is done, then you can do just anything with
a woman, she will be all yours.
Am not going to give you a methodological way of building rapport
but rather a natural way which you and I use every day to create
emotional bonds with the people we interact with.
Before we get into that, there is something that I would wish to make
clear here
Is it very possible to be with a person for ages when you
lack rapport with them, if so, how do you know?
You see, we humans are emotional creatures and more often than
not we learn to trust people based on emotions than logic and
reasoning. That is why when someone shares a secret with us, they
make us get closer to them, when they reveal to us what they are
feeling, they make us feel secure at least emotionally around them,
and else why would they hide their emotions.
Many people may think that rapport is limited understanding and
respecting one another, but it isn't necessarily like that. In fact, many
people can be dealing very well, understanding one another when
they aren't free, when they can't open up freely. This is very possible
especially in offices where one person is above another, and they
fear to express themselves authentically and realistically, this kind of
respect and fear isn't natural, and people will always see through it,
they will know you just trying to impress them, and you aren't being
sincere with them. I should say it's better to be natural and sincere
instead of being too cool and polite for school. It's not only in offices
but even in relationships and marriages; certain couples don't have
true rapport amongst themselves. You will find a woman or a man
being so nice to their spouse that they do almost anything they are
told to, it can go on like that unless you interrupt the pattern.
Rapport pattern interrupt.
One of the ways of creating natural resourceful rapport amongst
parties is by breaking the existing pattern, here is how.
Let's say, whenever your partner tells you to do something you just
meekly agree without question (because you’re afraid to say No”,
next time they tell you to do something that you feel isn't okay, try to
disagree and give your reasons for such. That way, they will start to
see you from another angle, and they will begin to respect you.
Another way of breaking a pattern is by discussing matters you
never have.
Let's say there is a brother of yours; you aren't very free with; your
conversation can only go as far as….Hi, how you, how was your
Next time you talk to them, just ask how their sweetheart is doing,
keep talking about such emotional conversations with them until you
feel you and them are so free to.
Lastly, there is what I call contextual rapport; this is the kind of
rapport that a group of people can have especially when they tend to
engage in same hobby or activity, let's say sports, reading or even
Sometimes it comes from the fact that you sharing the same difficulty
hence you are alike, you just naturally bond. This kind of rapport
though natural and sincere, is usually limited.
This is because you only narrow it in one area, if you soccer fans,
every time you meet you discuss nothing but soccer, this means that
had soccer not been there then there is nothing serious that would
bond you. Many people think they have rapport with others yet they
only having contextual rapport.
The way to break from that kind of limited rapport and be very free
with one another is by talking about other things but the one you
usually bond on. If you have a chess player friend of yours and
whenever you meet, you discuss chess positions, next time you
meet ask him about, his favorite sex position, whether he loves
skinny babes or fat ones, and what he looks for in ladies. That way
you will be able to bond with him in a wider range, you will start
having more things in common hence strengthening your bond, you
will find yourself even going to parties together, and many other
We now gonna talk about a very basic but tremendous wheel of
building rapport and that’s story telling.
Advanced story telling techniques

One little story can take a woman on heck of a trip, we all feast on
stories. There is nothing which captivates a human mind like a
compelling story.
Women love stories for your notice, but most people just don’t know
how to craft attention grabbing stories.
When you are crafting your stories, you wanna make sure that they
are as ambiguous as unclear to easily figure out.
This can be done, by deleting some information from your story,
such it just serves to open more and more questions from the
woman’s mind.
Once you can keep her mind that captivated then she won’t be able
to survive you.
And never complete your story, always leave it hanging to make her
more hooked in that, she can want to keep yearning for more (I think
you know how soaps and movies do)
For instance, you can go like.
Damn! It was very tight, that guy was so horrible, I don’t know how I
survived it.
As you can see the above statement is likely going to arouse many
e.g.# What is it that was tight?
# Which guy was horrible?
# What and how did you survive?
This can serve to leave her unsatisfied and want to get a clear
And if you didn’t know,
The more you can keep a lady in the mode of…”I don’t
understand you” the more romantically hooked to you she
will be.
Ladies will always want to understand guys that are unclear, but they
never like guys who are plain papers to read.
Ensure that in crafting your stories, you are as ambiguous as
possible so that whatever you are telling her, it has a couple of
interpretations that leave her mind going wild.
This is another way of engaging her mind; it might also tend to bring
some sort of confusion to her mind (and you always want her to
be in this state of mind).
If you say something, and she finds it hard to get it right away, she
struggles to ensure that she makes sense of it, and the harder
she does this, the more you engage her mind.
The key here is to leave things bubbling up her mind for long, don’t
rush to release the tension.
Elements of a good story
#It should be intriguing, attention grabbing.
#Element of briefness, not too long to take a year.
# Element of unclearness.
#Element of conflict (many things being at stake)
Where to get interesting stories
You may think that you have to storm libraries read romantic book
after book to get stories to tell, but that would be somehow
boring, you have come a long way, you have been on this
green oscillating planet for long, you have a lot to tell the world.
Use your life stories.
The reason why this strategy works like magic, is that when you are
telling an your story, you revive those memories back, if you
had tension, fear and weren’t sure what to do then, it will show
up on your face, and she will really like it, this is another
element that makes good stories, they affect people’s
emotions. That’s what you want to do.
The short come.
Much as it’s interesting to tell a lady about your stories, it will be a
turnoff if you start telling her about your victories and
successes, keep that a side, as you already know, good things
never make good news, the most interesting part of our lives
have been those tough situations we have gone through with
faith not being unsure whether we would make it.
You never want to appear as a guy trying to brag to her; no woman
will tolerate this.

#You can tell her about how you used to escape from school during
your high school, and how you narrowly survived when the
guards stumbled over you, how dangerous it was because it
would lead you to an expulsion from schools, how your heart
was pounding, and how you can #never forget it.
#Tell her about those bad things which spoilt your trip (how you
nearly survived accidents for reckless driving, and how you
were nearly going to be arrested) these are things which make
women go Oh! That was so horrible, triggering their empathy
#Tell her some of the risky things you have ever tried out, it could be
mountain climbing, sky diving, skiing or any of those activities
which are known to trigger adrenaline rush into blood. As you
doing that, don't forget all the details of the experience,
feelings, how your heart beat faster and how relieved you felt
afterward. (Details of a story are so important to ladies).
#Tell her about one of your most horrible nights, how you were so
scared, the darkness, you couldn’t see anything. And how you
were hearing funny sounds, how this triggered the past stories
you used to hear and watch in movies about monsters.
Oh, my God, I thought like vampires were gonna come for me.
Throw in such frightening lines, to make her feel, cold.
These are the kind of things ladies want to hear, and I'm quite certain
that, you have many of them.
The reason why we #recommend this is because by doing so, you
look more ~authentic and this is what will sweep her away.
Conversation hooks
Good story tellers don't just have good stories to tell, but they know
how to tell them. These people can keep their listeners excited and
thrilled by some of the spicy lines that they insert in their stories;
these are lines which leave their audience pending.
Here are some of them.
#1.You gonna love this………….By saying that, you make her mind
pay more attention to whatever you are about to say, keeping her
more attentive and you will find that she will enjoy it.
#2. What made it even more interesting was……………then say it.
#3. This made my heart to start pumping really fast,…then reveal it.
#4. You couldn’t believe what happened next………..then say it.
#5. Everyone loved this next one……….then say it.
#6.This was just too exciting…………reveal it.
You see, the essence of stories is to make someone’s conscious
mind wonder in the details as they release their defenses.
It’s how movies sell like crazy!
Mastering the art of crafting nice, intriguing stories alone can put you
on a higher edge in seduction.
What’s so unique about movies?
Have you ever come to realize that a movie is nothing but some
crafted story that actors display. But there is something about story
telling that has made it almost magical that even therapists can fix
their subjects by just narrating stories to them.
The most interesting bit of stories is that if it captures your target’s
attention, then they will have to ~follow it and more than that, for
them to make sense in the story, they will have to get lost in it.
This is a psychology flaw wired deeply in a human mind.
The human mind cannot differentiate between something imagined
and real, so by telling a story, it’s like you are instructing someone to
experience the things in it.
Some people just don't know how to describe stories; you should
ensure that you portray whatever you talking about in your voice
For example, if the experience was scaring, you should show this in
your gestures, if it was exciting enough do the same, remember the
subconscious mind picks more on the gestures and the non-verbal
signals than the conscious language.
Another thing you can do is to reinforce the story by asking her to
imagine being in such a situation.
For example amidst the story just to reflect and emphasize what you
have just narrated, you can ask her…..
Imagine, moving at night, alone on the streets; then you see some
tall guy walking towards you at a very fast speed, how does that
Here you would be dipping her deeper into your stories.
You don’t have to be a woman’s friend to be able to connect with her,
some people have erroneously led themselves to believe that
connecting with other people especially women comes as a result of
special thing which just have to be there, destiny or sort. But that's
not true, and here I will show you that rapport is something which
can be established right away.
As a matter of fact, I will give you a fool-proof way of pulling out
rapport even to a total stranger you have met, in a matter of minutes,
and even send her to Romancehood. You will be a star at this.
These are the steps
#1 start off by talking about something which might apply to her right
off (in NLP this is called pacing)- I will reveal this more in details
This usually helps you to be on the same page.
#2 increase the bond by getting into her more and maintaining the
interest, be a good listener, inquire more about her story.
#3 if you feel she is now into you, then now start tapping into her
romantic side,
#4 If you start flirting with her sexually and she is alright, you can
then start touching her in a non-sexual way.
#5 If she responds to your non-sexual touches, then you can start
touching her in sexual ways. But start with the less sexual parts, like
her hair, her neck.

Always follow the above steps sequentially (don’t skip any of them),
and if you move to the next and she feels a bit awkward, then first go
back to the previous stage and do it better.
Another important thing to note is trying to distract her with words as
you touch her such that her conscious mind focuses on the things
you are saying as you do the touching, this way you will bypass her
guards and she will give you little resistance.
Never touch a woman while you are silent because she likely objects
it, so utilize this natural flaw in human mind.
A human mind cannot concentrate on two things at the same time, if
you touch her as you speaking, she will be listening to you, so she
won't mind about the touch consciously, but her subconscious will
feel you.
And never look wherever you are touching, this makes a woman feel
awkward, and she will probably throw out her defenses.
Another point to note is, the above steps can be done as fast as in
minutes or hours, days, weeks or even months, depending on what
you want or the time at your disposal or your degree of expertise.
It’s all about you.
However, in Zen Seduction, we recommend you do things a bit fast
(this doesn’t mean that you have to rush) the more time you give a
lady to think of something, the more likely to turn you down, giving a
woman more time means making her more indecisive.
Master seducers know this, even con men are aware that if you are
to persuade someone very well, then you have got to be pretty fast
before other things intervene to distract your target.
It works pretty well when you run all those steps in one day or night,
that way you can push a lady into an emotional tour that she will get
lost in feelings.
It is important to note that ladies get warmed up, and can also
get warmed down within no time.
Everything in the first two chapters was about teaching you how to
approach, connect with ladies, building rapport, impressing upon
them and building trust, principles sure not to be taken for granted. It
was aimed at helping you open up ladies and quickly winning their
ways of thinking.
What we are about to uncover in the next chapter will tremendously
deal with your confidence as a man, we will teach you things which
will blow your mind. Am quite sure that finishing the following chapter
will increase your confidence and composure around ladies and
even other men by far. We will show how to portray confidence using
your body language.
Hurry! You don’t want to miss this!.

How to seduce women using killer body language.

Why you should work on your Body Language.
Body language is one thing that keeps telling others about yourself
without your awareness; they also register the message you're
posting to their subconscious without being aware consciously,
nevertheless they use this information to make decisions about you.
In fact, your body language speaks volumes about you, and people
(especially) trust it more than your words.
You will see that by working on just your body language, your
attractiveness increases by volumes.
The truth of the matter is your body language works on a
subconscious level, and yes!
Most of your body language is natural not intentioned; it stems all the
way from your emotions.
We cannot stress enough about body language, but what you have
to know is that most of the seduction takes through body language.
There are basically two types of body language.
1. Dominant body language.
2. Negative and positive body language.

The dominant posture.

When you meet with a lady, you can Subconsciously show her that
you are More Dominant and of Higher status than her.
You don’t have to say this and you shouldn’t. However, you just
portray it in your body language and gestures. When you are
speaking maintain clear eye contact. And try to use your hand
gestures to drive a point home.
Trust me on that, people around you and herself will somehow see
you as a dominant person who is in control of the conversation, and
ensure that your voice is higher than hers to illustrate your
dominance further.
But don't be so tense, just do it in a relaxed, poised manner.
A key to note about this dominance is your *consciousness.
You should have a higher projected self-image, about yourself and to
the extent that you believe it will be to the very degree you will
portray it.
Here in we will discuss in details how you can cultivate confident
body language that will make women, and everyone else respect
Use of gestures

Politicians, motivation speakers and leaders use this a

lot, if you didn’t know
Whenever you are listening to somebody talk, your conscious mind
usually focuses on the words, since it’s logical and analytical. On the
other hand, the subconscious mind focuses on the gestures and
other non-verbal cues, things like
*facial expression
**tone of the voice,
**hand movements.
Even musicians know this ever look at a rapper rhyming, he cannot
almost do it without using gestures, lest we won’t feel him.
So, the first thing you do when you have just approached a lady is to
talk to her while you are using gestures, these make your target
subconsciously feel that you are a confident person, and she will
instinctively start paying closer attention to you, not just her but
everyone else around you, will notice that you might be a guy in
control of your space worth listening to.
Gestures(especially hands) have a tendency of holding people’s
attention tight, just walk into a room full of people and the first person
to draw your attention will be the one using gestures while
As you will see;
This does not only work in seduction but in every other aspect of life,
if you master this ability then you will immensely attain the powers to
influence anyone to do anything without their notice.
The key to be noted.
On your body language there are two things you can do, you either
change your beliefs which will eventually change everything,
including your body language or just work on your body language
which will also affect your beliefs.
Talking about body language isn’t just metaphorical, this is
something you can just try out and test for yourself.
So if you really want to exhibit confidence and power, you just need
to walk, sit and stand in just certain way and you will immediately
feel the power.
We will start with walking.
Walking style.
Your walking style is one of the most important elements of body
language, in that it works on the peripheral vision, and peripheral
vision works on the subconscious level. It is found on spotting
movement even of slight twitch.
When you are on the street walking, the fact is people see you
before they actually see you.
I mean they first see you subconsciously and then consciously
If you will change your walking style to what am gonna recommend
here, you will find that people will start staring at you, at least you will
pull their attention whenever you’re moving.
So here are the protocols.
1. Ensure that your eyes are parallel to the ground, don’t look down
or up
I always say your eyes must be on the eye level with others.
And as you are walking keep looking people in their eyes, or at their
eyes if they aren't looking straight at you.
2. Your chin and head should be straight not slouching down.
3. Then take long strides, these exhibit confidence, and dominance
as you occupy more space.
4. Your shoulders should remain back and down, don’t raise them,
that is a sign of weakness.
5. Carry the weight of your body, on the ankles, never move on toes.
You should always move with your neck straight and feel as you
move, your movements should show someone that you are very
proud of what you are, as far as your feeling will be the same as
others will feel.
Always move with a proud chest, and be present and aware of
every step you make.
Women, know how to read gestures, a guy can just coldly move into
a room, and in just seconds, they would have known the class he
falls into.
Your locomotion portrays much of yourself, am going to give you
some mantra you can always repeat to yourself as you entering
some special place.
Say this…
*I am an Alpha man,
**I demand attention
***I control everything in my reality.
This will put you into a state of #presence, and most importantly it
will boost your confidence, and you will feel some sort of *power, as
you repeat it.
Something to note.
We can illustrate how to look Dominant and Confident from here to
there until cows come home, but let me give you a short cut to this
whole thing.
You see, generally, if you feel proud of yourself, every other person
will feel that, when you are moving.
Move with swag, as proudly as you #want.
The more you feel yourself, the more people around you will.
You see some men will move with slouched body, with no energy in
their body, they just look lifeless and of course undesirable to ladies.
You should be VIBRANT, and a very strong person.
Try this
Next time you are going for a party or any social gathering, start
moving with all the swag that you can pull out, and you will see how
the crowd will start gluing their eyes on you.
Standing posture
While standing, always control the space around you, the best
posture is to spread your legs apart and be relaxed let your hands
show that you are the man around.
Just looking at a group of people standing, one can be able to
differentiate between them, you can know.
#1.The most dominant in that interaction?
#2. Who is more submissive to others?
#3. Who is more confident, about themselves?
Women almost pick up on these things *subconsciously.
One of my best postures whenever am speaking to ladies is this
I stand straight, and never bend my neck towards her, I just turn my
head alone but not any other part.
NB: Never bend your body, or neck towards a woman, this
subconsciously shows neediness and low self-confidences, it’s like
you’re trying to chase her using your body language. Now chasing a
woman with words might be bad but doing it with body language is
even worse.
When standing here are some here are some protocols to observe.
1. Always occupy more space around you, take up that space.
2. Your legs should be spread apart not very wide.
3. Again you should be relaxed.
4. Don’t lean on anything, stand straight.
5. Don't slouch your head unless you're checking for something of
which you should finish and go back.
The eye contact

If there is anything you need to work on to sky rocket your

confidence then, it should be the EYE. I used to play around with this
powerful organ, underutilizing it, avoiding eye confrontation; but the
day I realized the immense power of the eye was a complete game
changer for me. In fact, however cool it seems, I never ever want to
put on sun glasses.-NEVER!
Here is how it comes to me, imagine having nuclear weapons and
you decide to engage an enemy with knives and swords. Ignorant,
huh-maybe even stupid, especially if he beats you?
Did you know that you can flirt by use of just your eyes, build sexual
tension? Yes you can even control people, fight them or neutralize
their attacks by just using your eyes.
Yes you can even control people, fight them or neutralize their
attacks by just using your eyes.
Your eyes are just too powerful not just in seduction but equally well
in other day to day interactions, ever pay attention to salesmen,
these are guys who have realized the power of the eye.
As a confident Alpha Male, you should be able to give people a clear
eye contact, when you are speaking to people give them a strong
eye contact; this usually shows that you are a confident man and
honest and also catches their attention.
In the first few minutes you meet a lady, you should constantly look
straight in her eyes, as you talk to her.
However, the eye transcends just confidence, if you didn't know the
*eye has the power to transmit thought waves into another person.
I know you might not have heard of that.
Master hypnotists have attained an ability to just look straight in their
subjects' eye and push them into a state of trance.
We cannot emphasize enough about this organ, you can’t just afford
to not use it.
Not to admit there are many people who come from societies with
certain cultural restrictions, I have many guys who feel
uncomfortable giving off clear eye contact.
Ridiculously in certain societies, looking people (especially elders)
straight in the eye is a sign of disrespect, in fact some children will
not want to look their parents straight in the eyes, so they get used to
not doing that, even when they grow up they still carry on this limiting
trait in their adulthood.
If you happen to be a person who falls into that category and you
now feel like its time to unlock the unlimited potential of your eyes,
am now going to give you some simple eye exercises which will help
you get more confident and feel very comfortable maintaining steady
eye contact.
The eye exercises
I will now give you some simple *eye exercises you can use to
enable you maintain *eye contact with people.
Exercise No.1
Stand before your mirror, gaze positively and firmly at your own
mirror therein, just as you would gaze towards another person.
Imagine you are talking to another person
Then say this
I am strong.
I am very confident.
Repeat for a couple of times (as you, believe the words you are
Notice how powerful you feel about yourself.
Exercise No.2
Take a piece of white writing paper about six inches square, upon
which you have drawn a circle size of a coin, the circle then being
filled with black(or blue ink) so that the spot will stand out black and
distinct upon the white background.
Pin the paper on the wall at the height of your eyes when seated.
Fix your eyes steadily upon the black spot, and gaze at it firmly,
without winking for a minute.
After resting the eyes, practice the exercise again, repeat it for five
times, with your chair still in its original position, move your paper
three feet to the right of its original position.
Seat yourself and fix your gaze on the wall directly in front of you,
then without moving the head, cast the eyes to the right and gaze
steadily at the spot for one minute. Repeat for four times
Then place the paper on the wall three feet to the left of its original
position, gaze steadily at the spot for one minute, repeat five times.
Continue the exercise for three days as you increase the time to
three minutes and so on increasing the time by one minute
increment every three days period to up to 12 minutes.
Now you might go beyond that if you are interested, but twelve will
be enough.
Using the eye as a seductive tool
When it comes to seduction, there is no single organ you can use to
flirt, seduce and build immense sexual tension in a woman like the
You know attraction, love and all these emotional things are on the
subconscious level and I don’t know whether you are aware of this
but the language of the subconscious mind is Body language.
That follows that if you want to evoke emotions of attraction, or
empathy or sexuality-then you have to use your body, not just words.
Speaking about your body parts, one way of building sexual tension
in a woman is this;
Next time you on a party or any outing, and you spot a *girl that you
really interested in, try this- keep looking straight in her eyes,
ensure that you maintain the eye contact long enough such that she
is the one to feel *uncomfortable. Every time you get an
opportunity, just look straight in her eyes, repeat it for about three or
four times.
If you do this pretty well , she will feel that may be you know about
her or she knows you, but more than anything, you will give her a
~signal that you might be *interested in her.
Of course you don’t just give eye contact and you sit back; eye
contact is like preparing the stage for the event. Therefore just after
it, you must go and approach her, if you don’t then she will get a
feeling that you might be interested in her but you just lucking
enough b*lls to go for it.
Luckily there is even an easier way that I came up with, I think you
came across it in the section of approach techniques but for the case
of making sure we are on the same page with everyone, I will have
to repeat it here.
So, you two have been exchanging eye contact with her, she now
feels like you have something to say, she is also looking at you once
in a while, eagerly waiting for your move it’s like throwing one shoe
people always wait for the second to come down for things to make
Now this is what you do, Move straight to her then tell her this, “I saw
you looking at me with seductive eyes, what are you up to, are you
trying to seduce me” Yes, you have to be this BOLD, usually 9/10
ladies I use this on just excitedly laugh or smile, going, “seducing
you? Get serious” Then here you can start officially flirting with her,
just press her a bit like,”Oh No! Don’t pretend, am a mature person I
can tell a spoon from a ladle”-For more of such, you will have to
revisit the Tease technique.

Scientific research has it on record that intense eye contact can

increase love and affection between two partners.
Powerful eye contact immediately stimulates strong feelings of
However you should understand the type of eye contact we are
talking about here, this isn't just staring, looking at eye lashes, but
gazing straight into her eye balls. In essence eye ball to eye ball.
And maintain that gaze whenever you are speaking to her, by doing
so you will delude her *subconscious into liking you.
How much eye contact are you supposed to give her?
It should be #intense eye contact, the more, the better, and the more
the affection she feels for you.
Sometimes in your interactions with her, you might just pause for a
few seconds and look straight into her eyes, as though you are an
optician looking for her optical nerves.
This will likely leave her going……..what ‘sup?
Just do it again.
Initiating Bedroom eyes.
Have you ever seen two people in love, the way they look at each
other when they are getting turned on?
Let’s face it, this isn’t something unique, every one of us has this
type of look, it usually happens on auto-pilot; our pupils tend to
widen, the blinking rate slows down automatically our breath also
This usually happens subconsciously. However, I will show you a
way of initiating it consciously.
Here is how to go about it.
Just look at one of the most attractive parts of your partner, you will
feel some *sensation in your body, and your pupils will widen
If you start looking at her with these eyes, she will also copy you
subconsciously, if you do it well, you will sense changes in the size
of her pupils.

The eye contact game

Knowing that maintaining eye contact with your partner increases the
affection (or love) you have for one another, a smart person wouldn’t
joke with this kind of thing.
Here is what I did
There is a game I used to play during my childhood.
It was all about gazing into each other’s eyes, without blinking.
The one who blinks first loses the game.
I thought about it and knew it would be a powerful weapon in
What you do is provoke her, that there is some eye game you are
gonna play with her, as described above.
Then you start your eye contact business, whoever blinks first
loses the game, as you see, this will tend to engage her into
competing with you (but you know what you up to, huh?).
Make it interesting; you can smile while doing it, and enjoy it.
Repeat it for a couple of times, may be 3 or 4 times. And you make
sure she wins most to motivate her.
Navigating her body using the eyes.
As you are busy, conversing with your partner, let your eyes
navigate her body.
However, you should go slow on this, step by step.
Do this
First, start with the nonsexual parts
Let your eyes move all over her face, nose, and mouth, but more
emphasis on her eyes. If she enjoys it pretty much, then you can
proceed to the neck, shoulders and her torso.
If you feel she is getting into you, you can now take them to the
breasts, let her notice how you lower your face, down to her boobs.
Repeat the exercise, starting all the way from the face to around
her belly, and just after this…..look straight into her eyes and give
her a smile.
This shows that you are confident of what you are doing, NEVER
look away after making such bold moves.
The sitting posture.
On this, you should sit in a relaxed way with an open posture.
Remember how bosses usually sit, they take control of the space
around them, they are at poise and exhibit much confidence.
Some people sit as though they are on the move, about to take off.
As a key, you should always show open and relaxed gestures,
welcoming people into your space.
Guys who usually sit with their body closed, tend to *subconsciously
tell off to others that they are #notwelcoming and aren’t willing to
receive anyone.
This is the key to note about sitting position.
Ensure that
#1. Your arms are open (don’t clench them)
#2. Your legs also should open
#3. Relax the entire body, feel at ease.
#4.Raise your neck, be straight.
The handshake.

The handshake is another tool you can use to make an indelible

impression on the people you meet, high class people; politicians
celebrities, high social figures and salesmen are so keen this.
In fact you will never come across a leader in any field who is frail
and weak in giving handshake, now we have just talked about other
body organs which exhibit confidence most powerful of which was
the eye.
Now there is something about the handshake which makes it even
so effective in making an impression with people. You see it is
something physical, it involves touch, and I will have to tell you this;
nothing can replace touch, just nothing!
You see contrary to other senses, touch has that ability to transmit
energy directly from one person to another, and it’s sensory. People
feel you, and done correctly can make people you greet feel very
comfortable around you.
So which type of handshake should I give?
Firm *handshake!
Next time you get an opportunity to shake hands with anyone ensure
that you get a firm grip of their palm and feel their hands, giving such
a handshake will step up your confidence, and it will drastically
increase on the impact you leave on people.
Dominant and submissive handshake
Whenever two people are shaking hands, there is usually the
dominant one and the submissive; sometimes there can be equality.
How do you differentiate the two?
Again this usually happens subconsciously, but you can consciously
use it to your advantage.
The person whose palm rests on the top is the one who seems to
dominate that interaction, as the one of the down palm submits
As a confident seducer, therefore, you should ensure that you greet
her with your hand being more dominant than hers, this
subconsciously shows that you are of a higher status than hers.
Another type of handshake is the one of equality, unlike the first two
categories, in this one, nobody seems to dominate or submit
themselves, and so the two palms remain in the vertical position. You
use this for business partnership perhaps.
You should grab her palm confidently with strength and show
dominance by trying to put yours over hers.
Most of these things should happen subconsciously. Therefore, you
have practice them such that they happen on auto pilot.
But just improving your handshake will tremendously increase on the
first impression you leave on people during your interaction, not only
women but men inclusive.
Palm gestures
Next, we will discuss about palm gestures and how you can use
them to exhibit *dominance.
Open palms used while illustrating points during your conversation
usually show honesty and openness.
So while you are illustrating your points, you want to make sure that
your palms are openly facing her.
This shows that you aren’t hiding anything from her and that she is
Positive and negative body language.
This is probably one of the most misunderstood areas of body
Just like positive is represented by + adding (giving) and negative by
-, which literally means to take away.
The same analogy applies to negative and positive body language.
Positive body language refers to how much, you giving your body or
facing to them, and negative refers to how much you take away your
body from them.
You might be thinking that since positive is the giving, you should
only give a woman positive body language, huh?
In fact, that's one of the mistakes that most guys make during their
first interaction with women; she immediately sells them off as needy
And this is a turn off to women.
Basically, positive body language involves things, like facing them
with your body
Giving them positive facial expression, and showing interest using
your body.
And negative is just the opposite of that; it usually involves taking
your body away from them
Showing them your back.
The fact is, in seduction we don’t just give positive or negative body
language, but a right mixture of the two.
However, when it comes to positive body language you never want
to give it away for no reason, she must earn it.
That’s very important, and a lot of guys keep violating that rule.
Here is how it goes, in the very first few seconds of your interaction,
you want to give her positive body language but immediately take it
away from her.
The drill of positive and negative body language.
When you have just approached a lady, you never want to face her
directly; this indicates neediness, you want to face her sideways (90
degrees to their direction), not face to face. This is called the give
and take technique; it's as if you're just gauging whether this lady is
worth your efforts or not.
Here is the key, when you say something that arouses her interest,
where you feel she is really getting interested in you, that’s when you
turn around and look away, then turn back with a smile.
Simple, isn’t it? But many people fail to understand let alone apply
this technique.
First of all, showing your back to a woman who is already attracted
to you, indirectly tells her that you are used to dealing with attractive
ladies (but this might be one of the hardest things for you to apply),
and yet if you learn how to apply it effectively, you will become a pro
at women, this pull and push technique is a type of mixed signal
which is known to stir women's emotions to 10 folds, it immediately
turns on women.
The pull and push technique isn't about being mean; it's about
exhibiting value if –and if you're valuable then you should be the one
to qualify a woman. That's why after you make her smile (which is
giving her value) then look away, she will feel like pulling you back.
The reason why many guys miss it, is they either push before pulling
or pull pull and just pull!
You see if you approach a woman and start to turn away before you
have got her attention, then she might feel like you aren’t just
interested in her on the other hand if you give too much without
taking it away then it wont be long until she loses interest in you, you
must present a challenge-she must be afraid to lose your
This is the reason why you have to turn around only if she is getting
into you, I think it is clear right’?
But here is what the above statement also means-if she is getting
into you, you have to turn away!
And I recommend that you use this technique in conjunction with the
tease technique, because the latter is one of the verbal techniques
which is known to arouse ladies within literally minutes or even
Consider the first three chapters of this book as the “Opening
phase” they were mainly aimed at preparing you, equipping you with
all the necessary skills and weapons you need to fight the war.
We would want to assume that you have read those chapters pretty
well and digested every little nugget there in, for the proceeding
chapter will be taking you to another level.
Note that you cannot properly succeed on the next level (middle
game) unless you have mastered the first one.
Remember seduction is a step by step process.
The middle game will be taking you through how to seduce women;
we will show advanced seductive techniques of hacking right into a
woman’s mind and triggering her emotions such that she develops
*affection for you. Most of the techniques you will find there are
aimed at turning the tables around and making her chase after you.
A woman is supposed to seduce herself-This is the key attitude,
you gonna learn.
Why not? Let’s unveil it!


The middle game- seducing

What is seduction?
Finally, we get to a stage that is every man's dream albeit realized by
a fraction. This is the Promised Land.
Many people are alarmed by that entire word…" seduction." But here
is one thing that I want you to understand. Seduction is nothing but
disarming a woman's conscious logical mind and toggling on her
emotional subconscious mind. This where she can be made to feel
more as opposed to thinking. This thing isn't limited to women, in
fact, it transcends romance even in business, it’s all the same.
Let me tell you one fact that you might not be aware of, much as we
humans tend to think that are logical and rational creature, the truth
of the matter is we aren’t. More often than not we make decisions
not based on sound reason and ration but emotions.
This is a flaw in humans that the leading companies in business
worldwide have researched very well and appreciated. But when it
comes to love and romance it’s even more effective. Much as you
think like you have all the brains and logic to convince, you just
cannot seduce a woman logically.
In fact, when a woman's mind is logical, it is said to be in a cold
mode, this is the mode where it makes the rejection decisions.
Therefore your job as a seducer is to constantly keep a woman's
mind in the emotional feeling state where she gets to do more of the
feeling. This is the stage where you go sexual with a woman and not
before; you start going for kisses, sexual touches.
Herein we gonna equip you with deadly seductive tools
The art of flirtation
Flirtation is about creating sexual tension, making her go wild,
arousing her and triggering within her hot emotions. It’s about
captivating her imagination with words
If you observe, most of the things which make us laugh excited, and
which we really enjoy watching or observing, they usually have
tension within them ( I will discuss this in detail just below).
Imagine jokes the tension between what someone says and reality is
what can burst into tears of laughter.
Now thinking of talking about romantic things with a woman in public,
well this creates a lot of tension within her because what you are
saying cannot be done or shouldn’t be talked about in such a crowd.
If you acquire this knack, you will be able to flirt with any woman you
meet from anything to just ~whatever you want.
Most men don’t know how to flirt with ladies, am gonna show you a
killer way of flirting with any type of ~woman, that you come across
and make her melt.
Now like I stressed it above; the best way to flirt with a woman is by
creating sexual tension-this is a subject I will visit in detail later.
Here is are examples of flirting with women.

#1 .Want to know a secret? Promise not to tell? Okay, shhhhh!,

come closer.

I have never used a pickup line in my life.

You know what crazy, super-secret line I use to start conversations

with women? “Hi.”

But don't tell anyone, or everyone will start doing it.

#2. When I saw you with glasses, I knew you one of these girls who
act smart, I think when you using four eyes to see, you probably
think you just too wise.

Her: Not really.

Me: You know there is something I was told about girls who put on
glasses….(first leave it hanging to build more tension)

Her: oh, what’s that?

Me: I hear they over want to flirt and get seduced, I don’t know what
those glasses do to them (here am taking her to the climax of

Her: I don’t really think so, all girls are the same.

#3.You Know, I think you should be leaving before anyone thinks me

and you are flirting besides I had promised my friends that am not
flirting with any crazy girl to night(This might kill her, and she will
have to react)

Her: You mean, am crazy?

Me: so, you pretending to be cool huh? To lure me into one of your
traps, huh? I don’t think it will work (That last line” I DON’T THINK IT
WILL WORK” nails it, in fact it’s what creates the tension).
#4. I think when you put on that skimpy dress, model around and put
guys on tension, you just feel like you are on the top of the world,
huh? One might think that you shifted from using Oxygen to
Nitrogen-you young girls amuse me!
#4. I can imagine the type of kids you will produce, they will just be
crazy, like the mother (as you point to her), if I may ask, will you
spank your kids for doing crazy things lie you do or just encourage
them? (Again here imagination engages a woman’s feeling mind)
#5. I think this world is would be a peaceful place without crazy
people like you, isn’t it? You young girls over want to attract men, I
don’t know why may be to get spanked-you know the spanking am
talking about here, don’t you(Women love this kind of ambiguous
talk, it makes their imagination run wild-it’s not so exact so they have
to keep guessing what you meant, which increases on the tension)
#6. When she does something very ridiculous, tell her this, “That just
tells me one thing…..”- leave it hanging for her to seek for
Her: what’s that?
Just smile and tell her, “You must have forgotten to take your drugs,
that’s why it will be hard to contain you in here”
The boomerang effect.
You should create enough sexual tension such that she starts
seducing herself. And that’s that brings us to what I call the
boomerang effect
Do this.
When you approach a lady, first flirt with her and make her smile
If she smiles and laughs then you are well to go.
As she is smiling and feeling sweet, definitely withdraw your
attention from her, and look the other side.
If you had flirted her really well, then she will want to pull you back
insisting that you keep flirting with her (here you would have turned
the tables up and down)
Most folks think that they have to flirt by giving her a lot of attention,
and by making her smile constantly.
This is what I used to do, but I realized it just doesn't work, it
somehow displays you as somewhat desperate individual trying to
please, and as super glue man, whom women don’t enjoy being
That’s why it’s very important that if you feel you have flirted with her,
really well
You start pushing her away indirectly, this will intensify attraction, and
it will make her want to be with you more.
The science of sexual tension.
It will just appear abstract and mysterious if we discuss about sexual
tension but fail to talk about its roots.
The word tension which indicates the contrast between two opposing
modes of thoughts or vibrations; therefore sexual tension is two is
about making a woman’s mind swing between two mode of thoughts.
Let me ask you a question.
Do you remember in school during those lecture sessions when a
particular friend of yours cracked a serious joke, and your Strict Math
teacher couldn't let you laugh?
Well if you recall very well, those are the moments where laughter
was sweetest. In fact, when he moves out and the same joke is
cracked, you don't laugh as such.
Do you know why? Because the tension which was bursting you up
is released.
When it comes to sexual tension, it is still the same analogy. Let me
give you an illustration, imagine in the morning when you are leaving
for work, you're probably even late for work, but this is the time you
want to kiss her like you never have.
It creates a lot of sexual tension within her that she might think about
you all through the day.
I can give you example after example but to cut it short, sexual
tension is created when there are objections in the sexual act which
is about to be done.
You will find many of these; sometimes you have to create them to
make your romance exciting.
Understanding this science will put you on a higher edge when it
comes to seducing women, you will do it in no time.
A women is supposed to seduce herself
Society has bred us to believe that it is always guys doing all the
chasing and persuading, but here at the Zen Seduction, we strongly
believe that:
A woman is supposed to seduce herself.
I know it's alarming, (and am not surprised that it is to you) but you
see, if you really want to be a superstar at women, you have to
embrace that doctrine
If not, just take it as a presupposition. An assumption you can work
based upon.
And I assure you, when you fully adopt that attitude, you will come to
realize that despite what pickup artists have lied to you, that you
should chase after ladies like a cat would chase a rat, you will find
that having the right attitude will reverse the game and things will
happen in your favor.
What we will teach you here is a way of displaying yourself, and
triggering her emotions, such that she will be the one to want to have
Notice that, you don’t actually tell her that;
You like her
She makes you melt, or any of that bullshit advice dating gurus
Here we will teach you a way of reducing a woman to emotions, and
actually, you will barely say anything about her looks, after that you
pretend to push her away, provoking her to pull you back.
What we will teach you here is a way of displaying yourself as a
prize to ladies, such that she is the one to win you.
Tracking your progress.
It doesn’t come to some guys that their excessive offers to women
are usually the ones underselling them.
It’s very *important for every seducer to track his progress.
This is like an investment, yes you are investing your worth time in a
lady, and she is got to be worth that time.
Before you purchase her any gift, she is got to be worth it. Of course
am not encouraging you to be mean, here.
I want you to respond to “deserve" not just "need," yes be like
life itself.
If buying a lady the most expensive car can win her heart, and you
have your money (that's okay) but as you will see, ladies hearts
aren't won like that, ladies are emotional creatures, it is about tickling
their emotions that will put you on the edge.
If you look around, you will find guys women consider special; these
are chaps who have learnt to speak the language women
understand best -emotions.
Soon you will be able to speak this language and make women
scream for you.
You should always track the feedback from your actions, if they are
positive, then you're good to go, however, if they are negative,
immediately change what you are doing, that just shows it's not
You don’t have to push it so hard!
Some men over show interest.
If most of the time, we did nothing but controlled ourselves around
ladies, by not showing much interest. We could at least score better
than we tend to do.
Yes, some people have less sense to say in this world, and by
keeping quiet, they leave the world wondering (whether they are
smart or dense)
But since the world has a misconception that silent people are
always wise, they falsely think that such a person is wise.
And so with seduction, if you feel you don’t have something better to
say, you better not utter any word, because many times if your words
aren’t seductive enough, they will tend to sell you down, and a lady
can judge you by them.
Which cannot happen to our silent (know nothing brother)
How to initiate touching and why it’s necessary for you
as a seducer.

First of all, we should admit that on a date, it’s so important for you to
start touching that lady. Yes, that isn’t a family dinner, and she isn't
your sister either. Whenever you touch her, you send sensations to
her body; she starts feeling you. Electric energy flows, from you to
You will master this.
The mistake most novices do is to force things, they rush these
touches, and women squarely turn them down.
It should be done smartly, and timing is very crucial here, don’t worry
I will show you how to go about it.
How to initiate touching
In my interaction with ladies, I came to realize that women usually
want to do things although they are hesitant, that’s why you should
be as spontaneous as fast to go. Therefore;
You should create funny excuses to touch her
*1. Talk about palm reading
You start by telling her that you know something about palm reading
and that you are gonna reveal all her dirty ways by simply looking at
her palm. She will be just too curious here.
While doing this, you want to touch her hands softly and gently,
which sends sensations down to her body.
How to do this.
Palm reading is not supposed to be complicated, as a matter of fact
just enjoy this game and explore your creativity.
Simply talk about things which you know ladies are capable of, for
example, you can tell her: Your palms tell me something
here…….On the surface, you are a humble girl (that's if she looks
so), however, inside there, there is a wild you, waiting to be released.
Tell her this: You look to be a very enthusiastic and passionate
lady in what you do, but very brutal if provoked beyond your
And here, the type of lady you are dealing with should guide you on
what to say.
#1.You can tell her: You seem to be a person who relies more on
your heart than the brain, you trust your intuitions.
#2.Here is another thing that I see, it’s as if you used to be a very
innocent girl, but something happened……here wait for her
If she says,” yes” or, “No! That’s not right” tell her, “you were forced
to lose your innocence before necessary, isn’t it?” In all of your
readings, try as much as possible to avoid going directly sexual,
build the tension but don’t release it, let her mind wander by not
being direct, and this drives WOMEN crazy!
#3. Talk about her desires.
This should be easy, we all know what ladies yearn for, things like
being heard, being loved and cared for.
You can tell her; I see you are a person who loves people to respect
your opinions, you seem to be a lady who relies much on your guts,
although am sure this has led you into trouble somewhere, here you
creating more sexual tension.
She might ask, “Where?”
Tell her: I won’t reveal that.
Tell her: You always want people to take your opinion as the right
one even though you are sometimes wrong. And you take this very
personal; you even chucked your friend for thinking you are wrong.
Now all this is about your Creativity, add in more funny things, just
to keep it interesting, just think of those embarrassing things we
used to do when we were kids, talk about that. Trust me; she will be
just enjoying you here.
#4. Any funny thing about her
For example, you can mock her by talking about things on her, in a
funny way.
You can tell her this: I know, you heard a lot of a hard time deciding
on what to wear today, your mind was telling you to put on a grey
dress, but your heart went with the maroon one, and you spent 14
hours deciding on this (just to exaggerate, you know)
*2.Ask for thumb wrestling
Another way to get an excuse to touch her is by asking for a race of
thumbs between you and her; you can first reverse psychology her
by telling her that……she looks weak, and that you don't know
whether she can handle that game.
While doing this, be playful and enjoy the fun, you may first start by
pretending that she is taking you.
You are like, oh Gosh, she is so strong, will break my thumb. As she
smiles, then take her (and you should, coz women are weaker) after
this, tell her she is a weak person and a loser!(teasingly) You can
even push away her hand.
These things make women melt before you, sometimes get
turned on.
Getting closer.
While you are advancing on your escalation, you want to get closer
to her; you start this by whispering into her eye…..
Do all this in a teasingly humorous way, whenever you are with a
lady, it's very important to keep getting close and closer.
However don’t just do it abruptly, step by step, she should never
read your intentions.
How to get closer to her
#1. Whispering.
You can pretend you are telling her something secret, as you get
closer to her, then just say any funny thing to her. Whispering is a
romantic way of talking to a lady, and if you do it pretty well, she will
have to smile.
#2.Conversing with her.
As you telling her mind trapping stories and you feel she is very
hooked, use this opportunity to get closer, you can even touch her
here because her conscious mind will be following the story.
It’s all about distracting the conscious mind, remember this.
If a lady agrees with something the *first time, then she takes it
okay, next time you do it, it will all appear normal. This applies much
especially to things like touching, hugging and kissing, the very first
time you try it, she might feel awkward, but next time, it's just any
other normal thing.
A woman is always indecisive
From the point of picking her up, dating her to taking her to your
home, a WOMAN is never sure whether she is gonna sleep with you
or not. That said, never be so comfortable that you have done a
great job, so you need to relax!
But how can we exploit that weakness in women?
Simple! If they can’t decide, then we can always decide for them,
this may not be as easy as it sounds to be, many guys tend to act
like ladies in relationships. You are supposed to lead her, not give
her a chance to turn you down by asking her to choose from given
options. (More on this later)
Here is what you do, instead of asking her: Are you gonna have
some chocolate (trust me for no reason, she can just turn you down)
tell her: You gonna love this one, am getting you some chocolate. To
cut it short…..
Never give a lady lots of chances to choose, always decide for her in
advance, and lead her.
Don’t feel too comfortable about your job!
You have to keep the ball rolling; you should keep sweet talking to
her until you checkmate her.
Let’s say you are driving home with her, one mistake most novices
make is keep silent and wait until they reach Home.
I can assure you as elusive as ladies are, she can easily change her
mind along the way if you give her time to THINK.
Therefore you should distract her conscious mind by keeping the
conversation flowing, such that she is constantly excited, that
way you by pass her conscious mind, and control her
emotions(which as you will get to know is the best and indeed only
way to control women)
If you have some music, you can start playing it, and ensure that you
have romantic songs, which will drag her into those moods.
Even after reaching your place, she may be hesitant to enter, but as
we said, you should take the lead, here you can give her some
excuse, like
You know what, there is some new collection of comedy that I got
last time, trust me, you gonna love this!(but you know what you are
up to)
Inside there, as I know women, she still hesitates to cross from the
living room to the bedroom.
Again you should create some other distraction (always have some
unique things around you)
For instance, you can tell her, that there is this beautiful set of music
playlist in your bedroom, it’s really good, if she doesn’t mind, she can
take a look at it, from there you can start your journey.
Remember this,
Whenever you see that she is objecting to
something, don’t try to create resistance with her as this will only
create more objection, and you risk her conscious mind turning
on, trust me this can ruin your night!
Instead, first agree with what she says then slowly transition to
what you want (Pacing and Leading….in action)
As for instance, she may say that she doesn’t want to enter your
room, she prefers the fresh air outside, you can say; it’s alright, me
too, I even think it’s better outside here, and just after agreeing with
her, you start exciting her, then act like something has just flushed
into your mind, ask her if she has ever watched the interesting
comedy collection you have, reveal to her that it’s the best, she can
ever watch, then excitedly tell her, it’s just on my laptop, come and
The key is always to create funny excuses to lure her into your traps
spontaneously, and if she resists, use the technique of pacing and
First hugs, and kisses.
I always tell guys, all these things hugs and kisses, can be easy to
get once you know how to play the game.
For hugs, it requires you to be as spontaneous as possible,
#.Be quick and as you see her, open your arms unhesitantly with a
smile, and oops! hug that babe.
Don’t ask for these things initiate them, getting a hug should be
like getting a handshake, just open your hands and get it.
For KISSES however since they are part of the romantic journey,
these have to be prepared. Just like you can’t just start having *sex
with a lady minus romance, you also shouldn’t rush a kiss
So, you're finally on a first date with that girl. Huh?
You have been with her on that date, and you want to get a kiss from
But every time you think about it, thoughts of rejection flash into
your mind.
#1.May be she will consider me a moron.
#2.What if she slaps me.
#3.What if she takes away her face.
I know, most guys think that getting the first kiss is a pretty hard
deal, and few if any even think that they can get it on their first date.
What if I told you that you can do it pretty fast even on your first
Just relax.
First of all, you should admit that getting the first kiss can be pretty
hard especially if you don’t know what you are doing.
Most guys, wouldn’t flirt with a lady romantically, or even establish
any physical contact with her all along their dating session then they
wait, when they are parting.
Where she is probably giving him a good bye, and want to force a
kiss. As you can see, this doesn't work; women will always check
on this type of behavior and if you aren’t careful, you might not
even get a good night hug.
But you see, it doesn’t have to happen that way, as a matter of fact
in Zen Seduction, we will give you a fool –proof approach to
effortlessly getting a *kiss from her.
Yes! Even if it were your first date!
Ladies are pretty different from men almost in everything, much as a
man will be ready for a kiss right away, a woman, on the other hand,
needs to be warmed up, prepared and made #ready for it.
Next, we will discuss how to initiate and prepare her for a kiss.
First of all, for those of you who might be asking…
Do you think, she might want me to kiss her on our first date? Is
she really ready for it?.
You should understand that by the time a lady agrees to go out with
you on a date, then she likes you, and yes she can kiss with you,
and yes even have sex with you, on just that night!
And that doesn’t have to be shocking! It’s all game, just enjoy
You see, women are never ready for almost anything; you are the
one to make her ready.
Here is how
#1.Flirting with her
#2.Stepping into her romantic side during that.
#3.Touching non-sexual parts then sexual parts (e.g. hands back of
neck, then thighs)
#4.Maintaining strong eye contact as you pause.
#5. Start looking romantic, put on bedroom eyes.
#6.Tell her about romantic stories, which can push her into those
#7.Start softening your voice, as you get closer to her.
How to gauge whether she is ready for a kiss.
You have probably prepared her well, and now you are
wondering….how do I know, she is into it?
Well, that's a good question, and indeed there are a couple of signs
to help you figure out whether you have done your job pretty well.
If you see any of these signs, then she is ready, but if the response
is negative, then you better save your face, don’t kiss her.

#1. You can start off by touching her body parts (non-sexual)

After that

You gauge her response, and see how she reacts, does she enjoy it,
what does her gestures convey, remember it’s not just the words, but
gestures speak volumes, if she feels comfortable, go to the ~next
step, which am about to tell you.

However, if you touch her, and she doesn't react positively, i.e., acts
awkward-flinches, then back down the mission, go back to the
previous step.

#2.Touch her in a sexual way (like cheek, hair, tap slightly on her
thighs and see) if the response is positive then you are well to go,
just go for that kiss.

If she responds negatively again, go back to the previous step.

#3 creating kissing tension.

What am going to reveal to you is a way of creating tension in her

such that she is the one who will want to kiss you.

Yes, it's that *effective!

What you do is extend your face towards her as if you want to kiss
her, to the point as if your lips were about to meet (this should be
done fast), then withdraw, and watch her response. If she acts like
pulling towards you, then she is ready for it, she liked it. You can
then increase the tension, by doing the same thing, if you see her
pulling towards you again…… can even tease her as you smile
like: what are you up to, what have my lips done to you?

On the other hand, if she responds negatively, i.e., doesn't smile,

doesn't move towards you then she isn't into it, you may go to
preparation stages and do more job from there.

Pecking the cheek.

Another thing you can do if you have got enough positive feedback is
to kiss her cheek and smile, judge her response.

And as you're doing all this, don't just be silent, smile….chances are
she will just smile back subconsciously.

It exhibits your level of confidence to be making these bold moves

while you *smiling and looking straight in her eyes, very
IMPORTANT. Never try to shy away when going for it.

The kiss technique.

This is one of the most effective ways of creating kissing tension in a
It's called triangulation; it's a very tempting and insidious way of
making a woman fantasize about kissing you.

What you do is, especially if you have done the preparation steps we
mentioned above, look at her left eye, then right eye and the mouth.

Continue the cycle, left eye, right eye mouth.

Right eye, left eye mouth, for about three or four times.

Then notice how she is looking, she must be getting turned on and

Now notice if she is doing it back at you

If so, then it's on, folks!

Just touch her cheek and lean in slowly for that kiss.

It’s a very simple technique but you will be very surprised by the
results you will get.
Why you have to disqualify her such that she qualifies
herself to you, when and how to do it.
When you have seduced a woman pretty well, and you see that she
is into you, in order to intensify her desire, you can start to disqualify
You do this such that she starts qualifying herself to you.(It’s
called pull and push technique)
You see most guys fail at ladies, not because they don’t know how to
connect with them, how to seduce them or how to build rapport.
Nope, in fact, it's because they over do the above.
That way, they look to be the ones pushing the buttons all the time,
from start to finish they are the ones, seducing and forcing women to
like them.
What such guys don’t know, is that you can also hack right into a
lady’s mind and have her chase after you instead of the other way
In my interactions with ladies, I realized that I was the one who was
hard-working myself, I used to do the hunting and chasing many
times. But as you can see, it is very tiresome, much as it can yield
some results, it doesn't work effectively.
I wanted to find a way, of making ladies chase after me, as I enjoy
the hiding.
And you know what, I found it, and am going to reveal it to you right
You see, ladies are really elusive creatures when you show a lot of
interest in her, her first impulse will be to repel you (this will just
happen subconsciously without her intention) however when you
withdraw your attention, she will then consider you. And this is the
loophole that we would want to exploit to our advantage.
This is REVERSE ENGINEERING; the first step is to engineer her
directly, seducing her
And if you have built enough interest in her (this is something you
should figure out), you start PUSHING her away, by disqualifying
If you had done a great job, in the first step, she will start pulling you
back; she will be the one to want to make the conversation
continue and flow.
How to disqualify her
There basically two ways you can do this
One is using nonverbal cues
And the other is using words, indirectly.
Next, we are going to learn how you can do this by using;
Non-Verbal signs
#1.Here you can start by looking away, trying to ignore her a bit, and
breaking the strong rapport you have built with her.
#2.As she is talking to you just look away, and see.
#3. Just show some sign of loss of interest in whatever she is saying.
#4. You might completely turn your back away from her.
Next using verbal signs
Notice that, this is done indirectly as if you don't mean it.
#1 Tell her; you look like a nice girl on the surface, but you know
what, I don't trust appearances, they are deceptive, you might
actually be the exact opposite.
#2 Tell her; I would go with you, but you are very young and
innocent, I wouldn’t want to spoil you.
Note: The above only works for young women, the ones you feel
are younger than you, and they also know it.
As you can see the second one is very provocative, it has some
reverse psychology in it; she is likely going to play right into your
hands by saying………whom do you think is young, am very mature
mark you(this is very typical of young girls)
#3 Tell her; I would go with you but am afraid, you might spoil me: I
don’t wanna lose my innocence. I wanna remain holy.
Note: This works effectively, on mature girls, the ones you feel are
mature enough to have passed through enough romantic
Note that contrary to young girls, when it comes to this second
category, you pretend to be holy and innocent, you assume, she
might be the one to spoil you. How intelligent!
Am quite sure she will play right into your hands, by saying…….who
is innocent, you? Haha, You are kidding me.
#4. Tell her: if it weren’t to break my mother’s promise, I would go
with you.
She might ask: which promise?
Tell her: I promised my mother to remain a virgin until marriage.
Trust me; she will melt on that.
Come up with more, just get it.
Practical solution.
After equipping you with the seduction techniques, am now
practically going to show you how I applied them to solve the issue
of the other buddy of mine (in the introduction, remember?).
Remember that in the beginning, she was the one chasing after him,
but when he started chasing after her, she then lost interest in him.
Simple, like we have said, women psychology is reverse
psychology, many people think they understand ladies but as we
said they are far away from that.
You see, when a lady is attracted to you, and you don't give her your
attention, this tends to intensify the attraction she has for you, she
will yearn and crave for you even more.
What bubbles my mind is this.
When you start yielding to her and giving her all your attention,
showing her all the love and care, she then loses interest in you. It
gave me hard time to comprehend the above principle because it
just doesn’t make any sense at all.
Then I later figured out that, ladies just have an inherent
subconscious urge to chase for something unattainable-they want
what they cannot have.
A lady can easily leave “The Perfect guy” who is giving her all she
wants and go on with a “no care guy” who doesn’t give her any
As you can see, this is a flaw we can and should certainly exploit.
Don't worry; it's all psychology and perception.
Awesome, you just have to play it a bit hard to attain, whenever you
see that she is showing interest in you, this will drive her wild. She
will be the one to want to stick herself to you.
So how did I go about my friend’s issue?
This is what I told him;
You see that girl likes you, if she showed interest in you in the first
place, then she likes you, but you broke the principle you made the
game too easy that she’s no longer interested, you now have to
reverse the game, she is on the top of you now, but don't worry. Just
reverse engineer the game, and in no time she will be toppled.
I added: You should now slowly but steadily withdraw your attention
from her, reduce the number of times you text and call her
indefinitely. I instructed him to do that egolessly, yes as we said,
and never try to show that you are revenging, act as if you know
nothing about the tactical moves she’s been making.
By reducing the care and attention he was giving her, she noticed it.
And was like: I don’t get you these days, what’s up?
The type of questions my buddy was earlier asking her, seeing that I
knew she had *got on it.
And yes, he got on the top of her.
Women psychology is reverse psychology.
After completing the middle game (seducing), we are now going to
take you through the endgame (control of relationships). This is a
part Pick Up Artists, and dating Gurus miss out, they think it's all
about seducing and dating, What of controlling relationships then?
I believe that man should not only know how to attain but also how to
maintain, am going to teach you all this in the next chapter. Just roll

Control of relationships by use of advanced psychology.

I will reveal to you some of the killer mind control tactics that will
keep her hooked to you, and make her feel that you are her Best.
Mind control tactic 1
You should appreciate that in the game of perception, you are either
changing someone’s mind for the better or your *worse.
Relationships are dynamic, and however static you would want them
to be, they are bound to ~change, so you should then consider
changing them for your own good.
Many chaps ~wish that a girl will keep loving him as she did in the
beginning, but as you have already seen, that can’t just happen,
given many factors which come into play. But as a tactician, you
should ensure that you are always pulling off moves which make her
more hooked for you, always convincing her that you are the BEST.
Relationships tend to become boring, and you get too used to one
another, this is a time when you should introduce hardcore mind
tactics to make her want you more again, ensure that you are the
first to sense this and make your first move.
People think being a leader is about commanding and directing
people to do things for you, it is of course but it also transcends that,
to be a *leader in a relationship you should be in control of things,
you should be the one to first sense that the thing is losing steam,
and therefore you interject with your mind tactics to steam it up.
Never let your relationship enter into a comfort zone.
Being the leader would mean, that if interested, you should be the
one to say, the game is over, not her.
In a relationship, just like in any other thing, there is always that
#leader and the ~follower, remember that a leader doesn’t
necessarily make the first moves and direct the relationship, but
even when the other party makes the first move in the aim of trying
to challenge your leadership (usually unintended or even intended)
and women do a lot of these things.
Women usually want to test and play games with us, but you should
be able to turn the tables around and beat her, also in a game she
initiated. If you start doing that sort of thing, then you will be
becoming a Grandmaster (and you will especially if you stick
here for long) at this awesome, heart breaking game.
Let's now say; she is getting too used to you
Let me teach you this tactic.
This one comes from economics,
*Once the demand of the commodity increases, its price will have to
Here you do things which show that ladies are yearning for you,
craving for you, and remember to pretend like it's not your intentions
(this is what makes it work like magic)
Notice that if you try to explicitly do it, then the move becomes weak,
and she will figure out that you just trying to make her feel jealous,
which she can also do, and counter it. And if you can’t condole well,
then she will beat you before you start.
This can be exhibited by talking to other ladies, associating with
them pretty well, and if they are close enough to go and report to her
how wonderful you are, then this will be adding more spices to the
#Know this,
No matter how much your girlfriend thinks that you are an asshole, if
other women, start yearning for you, then that social proof will wipe
away the image she associates with you.
It’s for this same reason that, when you have been down, and you
raise your status, every person who used to think that you are a
moron, will now see you as a superstar, and they will directly or
secretively want to associate with you.
Simple, when other people start liking you, your haters won't also
help but at least like you (although they might not want to say this)
That’s why after a breakup, always ensure that you are improving
and getting better and better. Just generally improve your life.
If many people respect you before her, if others see much value in
you, then she will have to reflect and start seeing value in you. As
you can see, it’s not just being the best (as we earlier mentioned) but
convincing her, that you are the best convincing comes most from
other people in the society, use other people to show her that you
are the best. This gives a name to a common technique of rapport
called social proof (we talked about this in details)

By constantly showing her that you are a high-status man, then she
will continue to see you as her BEST, but as we said, this doesn’t
come plainly as you see, it’s as a result of the tactical moves you
make on the board.
And that's what makes relationships kind of interesting and fun to
deal with especially if you know about mind tactics.
If she thinks you are losing her, and
#You show her that ladies and every other person wants you,
#You are a cool guy, your friends enjoy being around you,
Then Psssh!
She will now think that she is actually the one losing you, you are a
prize to be won, this is how things run.
I know you may find some of the tactics here immoral may be even
#manipulative, but you should know that relationships can only thrive
on tactics.
Many people still think of perfection(I really don’t know where that
word fits in reality)… and many of them indeed wish for a perfect
partner, the one who will love him forever and ever, who will
continuously see him as his king.
Am not saying the above dreams cannot be achieved, what I would
want you to know though, is that you should work to attain them,
don't just wish.
And to be blunt here,
You will never find a perfect partner; I think
wishing for that is like wishing for ideal situations in life which will
favor you all the time, wait when you create your own planet (you
can do all that).
It's only armatures of the game who wish for ideal situations;
masters know that no matter the prevailing situation in a
relationship, they will play it so well that they will always be on the
*top, you are about to get good at this!

One other element about seduction is never to announce your

Remember as we said, to seduce a woman whether you are just
starting or repeating, always use the back door, you can’t use the
front door and expect to succeed.
Therefore if you want to get her back again, don't tell her straight that
you want her to forgive you, and you move on (it may work, but she
may be hesitant) and again this is a lot of power you are putting at
her *disposal, and any woman can use it to sabotage your intentions.
You should start accessing her emotionally, and if you had bonded
pretty well with her, you could remind her of some of the interesting
moments you shared.
Another thing you can at least say is let's just be friends; then you
start your flank attacks without her notice.
If there is one principle you can learn from this entire course, then it
should be this; Women are not pretty forward creatures, and any
attempt to face them in a logical straight forward way will always
reap failure.
When should I say sorry?
Well, if you are the kind of person who is so apologetic, and wants to
say sorry to her all the time, then I got good news for you, in fact
great news.
It’s just astonishing that much as women look like they’re yearning
for your apology, when you keep apologizing time to time, am not
saying it’s a bad thing at least ethically but something strange
She loses respect for you, sounds silly, isn’t it, I could be lying to
you, right?
If you think so, then I dare you to try me.
Well let me explain this to you, when you keep admitting every
mistake of yours and apologizing for it, then you appear like not a
true leader- she will get a sense that you aren’t a secure person to
rely on because hey! You show her that you make mistakes.
I know some of these tough facts might tail spin you but see, I used
to be that type of guy who keeps apologizing to ladies all the time,
and I tell you what?
The more I became apologetic the less of a man I became at least in
their eyes
So what should I do, does it mean I should just walk
away after making a mistake, upsetting her or any sort?
Actually, that’s more stupid and never do it, you see after being
puzzled by the female behavior, I mean not respecting guys that
keep singing, “Sorry” to them, I was too curious, I wanted to know
the best thing to do when you make a mistake.
So I started studying leaders in every aspect of life, from presidents,
to organization leaders, companies, religions name it.
Then oops! It dawned on me, this is a top principle that I stumbled on
and I know many people might not have heard of it, but it works
really effective.
It’s not about acting like a jerk after making a mistake or any of this
stupid ”I DON’T GIVE A SHIT” attitude, it’s a core principle that will
always make things better No matter how much you screw it up, you
ready for it?
And if you come to ponder upon that, it just makes perfect sense for
a very specific reason by the way.
When you make a mistake of any sort, the most important thing isn’t
admitting but correcting it. In fact people who look for “who “and
“why” something went wrong in a situation tend to play the Blame
game, they just want to know the person who erred and then yell at
him, scold them but if you’re a smart person then you probably don’t
buy into this.
So next time you upset her, disappoint her or do anything that she
doesn’t like, don’t just say sorry, because sorry doesn’t fix the
situation rather do something that will make her feel better.
If you start applying the mentioned principle not only in relationships
but in every area of your life, you will be stunned by the respect that
people will start paying to you.
How to break down her defenses using Timeline
Ladies usually create a lot of resistance whenever you are trying to
persuade her to do something.
But I will show you a Mind Control Technique you can use to
breakdown her resistance and lead her to do just anything.
This is advanced psychology.
You see, in everyone’s mind, there is a difference between, the past
the future and now.
Everything is bound to change; people will always change.
I don’t think the way you used to behave when your 10 is the same
way you behave yourself right now.
There are things you used to like in your past, which just irritate you
now, and equally, there are also things that you hated in your past
that you now crave for.
This is all human nature.
And that’s what we want to use to our advantage.
Language is a very powerful thing, by just using words we can
control people’s feelings.
Imagine these four statements.
#1.I will go there.
#2.I went there.
#3.I used to go there.
#4.I won't go there.
Each one of them evokes different feelings in your body.
When you say: I won't go there.
It triggers feelings of resistance in you because you are trying to
oppose something on the other hand when you say: I will go there,
you feel at ease because you want to do something.
How is this going to help us?
You see, it means that you can easily push your target’s objections
to the past by just altering the words she used.
Let's say you are trying to convince her to go for a movie night.
I know women, just out of the blue she can just say this, “I don’t go
for movie nights” (and yet she does, but this was some spontaneous
Here is what you do.
Tell her: You said, you used not to go for movie nights, but now it's
okay, let's just go for it.
If you were keen, you would have noticed that I pushed her objection
from Now to the Past. By changing “don’t” to “used to not” you
indirectly change the frame of mind of Not doing something to,
having the ability to do it now.
As you can see, this is a very powerful technique that you can
always use to change many things. Sometimes she might be
experiencing some pain, and you push her pain to the past and
make the now pleasing.
Future pacing
I have a prominent sales man friend of mine; he told me that you
know what Kyle
In marketing, the products you offer cannot completely or fully
satisfy your customers, knowing this, you should then talk about it in
He said the main reason why customers never come back is usually
customer remorse. And the best way to deal with this is by future
pacing them
Tell them,
I know when you compare our prices with those of our
competitors they might be a bit expensive, ours are more expensive
because as you see the quality of our products, outmatches theirs
by far.
Such that, when they talk to a friend of theirs and may be tells them
that they have bought a similar product at a lower price, she will just
know, because you talked about this in advance.
Getting to know about that in marketing, I knew you could also apply
it in seduction, talk about your flaws if you have them in advance,
and justify their presence, even if she finds them out it will be okay.
But more than that,
You can indirectly future pace her, by telling her
about how jealous this world is, and how they can do their level best
to kill something which is working.
You can add on by saying, “even if it's a relationship, remember
many guys and girls are single out there, and they feel very jealous
when they see a happy couple, and they will relentlessly do their
level best to bring it down.”
After implanting that thought in her mind, she will always be on the
look for any rumors which want to ruin your *relationship, if anything
happens that tries to destabilize you, just add in this salt, “Didn’t I tell
you about that, am quite sure you listening to rumors, isn’t it ”
Perception and psychology...*NEVER forget that!
You might not get some of these mind techniques when you just
read through this guide once, but do it for more times, you will find
ideas popping out of the blue to you.
Dating law.
The more you keep a woman’s imagination under your control,
the more lovely she behaves to you.
Notice what I said: Controlling her imagination (perception), #Not
wishing she controls herself.
This is a pretty different doctrine from thinking that women are
mature beings and therefore they will control themselves (You are
the man, you are the one who should control her).
By saying control we aren’t referring to putting a gun on her face and
forcing her to love you more, in fact, if you are doing that, then you
already lost control. Control is mental, not physical.
Another thing you can do is, especially when you have a serious
relationship with her.
Understand that however much you give your woman
everything and all the care she deserves when it comes to matters of
love and falling in for anyone, she does that emotionally not
It means that however attached she is to you, if another guy, who
knows how to trigger her emotions and make her feel attraction for
him ~comes, then he can steal her from you.
But don’t worry about that, I will teach you a technique to implant
an idea in her mind to repel all these.
This works quite well when you've been a committed lover for her;
you can tell her, “it’s your choice, I have no control over you
wherever I'm not around, and as much as I can advise you, I surely
can't decide for you (here you are making her feel powerful, which
every human being yearns for), you can get a guy and think he is
better than me, but know that most of those other guys just want
to use you, and dump you.
Implanting such an idea will again make her keen with other guys
since your future paced that most other guys just want to use and
dump her.
Even if she disobeys you, and goes with another guy, and what you
predicted happens, she will come back since she would have proved
your theory.
How to condition her, and make her respond to you like
a robot.

Conditioning her
If you have been with women for quite a good time, you might have
appreciated that they are very illusive creatures, women swing
moods spontaneously.
You might be doing well with a lady then she switches from good to
a very damp mood.
These things usually leave men’s hairs scattered as they try to figure
out the triggers of such behaviors.
Sometimes you may just touch her somewhere, and she moves from
happy to sunken depressed.
Am going to give you a way of controlling a woman’s moods, in
that even if you found her unhappy, you can easily elicit a smile on
her face. And I assure you if you can master this skill then she will
take you differently as compared to other bunch of guys.
I think you have heard of ladies saying…..
That guy knows how to handle ladies; he makes you feel up even if
you are down.
Well, don't think that it's just nature. Indeed this is a skill you can
learn and employ it in your relationship. Women will just get addicted
to you if you use it correctly.
Pavlov and his dog.
I think you have heard of Pavlov’s experiment with his dog, where
he used to ring a bell before giving it food, and the two experiences
were associated(integrated) whereby, just ringing the bell would
make a dog salivate. Well, that was just a dog, but a human mind
learns pretty faster than that.
Do you have a favorite song of yours which you listen to, and
revives the past memories in your mind? That’s the conditioning we
are talking about.
Have you ever gone to a place you spent your childhood, just getting
there triggers all the past memories you had, this just happens
automatically, you don’t need to force it.
Have you ever smelt some scent then it immediately reminded you
of your buddy who used to wear it, that’s what ANCHORING is all
about, merging experiences into one, such that when one occurs the
other spurs into action right away.
How is it going to help us here? I can hear you ask.
In every relationship, there are always good funful experiences and
horrible ones, as a mind expert, you want to store the good ones
such that you can trigger them back and your partner experiences
them again.
This can turn you into some sort of magician in a relationship
Next how to condition her by use of anchoring
Anchors can be of many categories; we have kinesthetic anchors
(physical) auditory anchors (voices), smell, and visual
Visual anchors
#You might not necessarily touch her, but when she is happy and
excited just look straight in her eyes. Next time you do it, she will just
feel those sensations again.
#For example, you may tell her to mention her happiest experiences,
and as she is doing that, you just touch on your chin, with your fore
finger, this can merge the two things. During your courting, you can
have one of your favorite place you do all your romance from, and
store all those wonderful experiences.
Next time things go wrong, you can just go and have some time from
there, just you and her being there will revive all those wonderful
experiences you had with her, anchoring is really powerful, it's just
that most of the time, it happens ~spontaneously, but you have got
to do it consciously just like masters do it.
Auditory anchors
Here, when she is excited you can find your favorite words, you say
to bond the excitement feelings with it.
My favorite is this one………Oh! Baby!...that’s awesome.
Oh! Baby that’s amazing
Oh! Baby, I love that.
Etc…just get the concept.
This can be very useful, especially when you are having sex, with
her, it can store those arousal feelings. Next time you say Oh! Baby
She will just feel aroused.
You can also have a favorite song you frequently listen while you are
courting or romancing, next time she listens to it she feels those
sensations again, which makes her think about you.
You can also anchor things using your tone of voice, as she is
feeling happy you change your tone of voice to the one you want to
Next time you use the above tone, she will just feel excited
Have you ever noticed that some people are just so funny that just
seeing their faces, since we anchored laughter with their faces, we
just tend to burst into laughter right away? Most comedians are good
at this thing.
Kinesthetic anchors.
These are the most powerful anchors, because they involve
muscles, physical touch. If visual and auditory anchors are like Wi-Fi
then kinesthetic anchors are like internet from Ethernet cables, just
too effective.
For example, when your partner is in her happiest moods, you may
find a place you can always touch her such that the good sensations
of happiness are integrated with the touch, next time you touch her
at that place, she will just feel automatically happy. (yes it’s that
powerful, like magic).
Always mark the places you touch her while she is turned on, happy
or in excited moods, next time you touch those places, those feelings
come automatically.
Smell anchors
One of the most powerful anchors are the ones of a scent.
Here ensure that when you are courting or having a romance with
her, there is some scent around your place which is prominent, every
time she smells that scent, she will always remember the things you
did to her.
The back side
Everything has its drawbacks, just like you can anchor good feelings,
you can equally anchor (store) bad ones and many people tend to do
this without knowing.
A guy can just touch a lady somewhere, and she gets annoyed, not
because what he did was annoying but, the anger feelings were
just stored in that place, and by touching there, she automatically
gets annoyed without her notice.
Such things happen, that's why you should be careful on where to
touch her when she is annoyed, better touch the other places you
touch her when she is happy, to revive the happy feelings.
Many masters will teach you how to win, from a neutral or winning
position-that is pretty easy. But few if any can ever teach you how to
convert a losing position to a win. That’s what I discovered from most
dating guides.
They assume that things will always go well, but in the next chapter, I
will show how to recover a breaking relationship, most importantly
how you can get your ex-back. These are techniques you won't find
anywhere else; you will be amazed by how effective they work if you
not only read them but go on to put them in practice.
Getting out of the dredged friend zone and ex back.
Reasons, why you get friend zoned, how you can kick
your ass from that dredged zone.
Too much of anything is always bad
Much as we're telling you here first to establish rapport before you
start seducing a woman, too much rapport without attracting a
woman is likely to draw you into the dreaded friend zone.
And it takes another skill to get out of there.
Next, we will teach you how to break from the guarded friend zone
How to kick your ass from friend zone.
Like we discussed earlier, the main reason for getting stuck in a
friend zone is establishing too much rapport without attracting a
This tends to create too much familiarity that instead of seeing you
as a sexual being-potential lover, she sees you as a friend.
And with that,
*You become her therapist.
*You listen to all of her worries,
**You solve most of her problems,
***You always heal her wounds,
****You comfort her whenever she is bothered hoping that she will
notice how much you care about her and possibly consider you as
her guy.
But as you already know, that never works, it just pushes you deeper
and deeper into the *zone.
I want you to understand that if you are a victim of the above
syndrome, you are not alone. In fact, many guys are in that zone
although they aren’t aware, that’s why they will stay there for long,
you, on the other hand, you very lucky for coming across this
I have been friend zoned; I know how it hurts.
I came to appreciate that ladies always watch out on guys whom
they make their lovers. Yes, they can have many friends (but we
know that these are guys who want to be lovers) indeed, very few
will be allowed to be lovers.
You see, it’s not being CARING that makes you a lover, you have to
be #romantic, and you know what surprised me?
However close a friend you are, she will never let you become her
lover unless you have come out BOLDLY and displayed some
romantic moves.
Ladies just have no mercy on that; they will always welcome you as
you come.
Having that in mind, then you should be careful on how you display
yourself to a lady, are you being a friend or a romantic guy,
remember she has many friends, and you wouldn't want to be added
to that list.
But don't worry we will show you how to escape from that *deadly
The deadly mistake
The worst mistake most chaps make to cross from friend zone to
lover zone, is to directly announce to a woman like
You know what, I would want us to be more than just friends!
That’s a sure way to FAIL, and if you have been making that
mistake, then you should know why you haven't been successful.
In martial arts school, I was taught about a self-defense technique
which really amazed me.
To go fast, you go slowly and to go slow; you go fast.
Our master told us this
If thugs or a robber attack you, do this
Tell them, that you don’t want any trouble with anyone and that you
don’t want to fight, you should even let them know that you are
willing to give them anything they want.
That should make them lower their guards, and that’s when you
What’s the science behind this?
If you are going to fight, then be the guy who is recommending for
peace talks,
Be the cool, weak guy that your opponent thinks will finish in
And so with seduction
Never make a mistake of telling her that you want to move out of the
friend zone to being her *lover.
~Instead tell her that you just want to be friends, nothing more.
As you will see, this will lower her *defenses, and you will start
exploiting that.
In fact, you may even tell her of how proud you are about your
friendship, and how you wish it continues. Make her feel safe.
Something to note.
Every decision you take in life has its repercussions, we all know that
you have been a good friend to her, caring and doing almost
everything for her.
Friends rarely annoy one another, they usually play things safe, but
now you want to cross from Friend to Lover, this is a bold move you
are making, and I would congratulate you for that.
However you have to note this, being a lover requires a different
strategy, and you play different roles this side. What is even shocking
is this.
When you are just a friend, there is no war between you and her, but
for being a lover, you are putting yourself into some sort of war.
Yes, love is war.
You see, love is a battle between two, woman and man, of course,
this isn't fighting physically, but for power in a relationship. Just know
that in love everyone is always struggling to have more power in a
relationship, to control the other.
When you are a friend, she might have been so direct and honest to
you, but that won’t be the case when you are a lover since you are a
competitor, she can’t risk sharing some vital information with you,
lest you use it against her in the #Game.
So be ready to play the game as a man. However, you don't have to
worry about that, in the Zen Seduction we will equip you with all the
weapons you need.
Here is the way to go about it

Do this.
Create sexual tension
After you have made it pretty clear in her eyes that you just want to
be *friends, then start to make moves which seduce her, and as you
are making these moves (remember she will notice).. So talk about it
in advance, tell her…
But remember we're just friends, I don't know why we are doing this
romantic stuff, hope it doesn’t ruin our friendship. (Blame it on
her).How friendly!
You can go on to flirt with her, and as you're sexually flirting with her
and she enjoys it, remind her of the other fact still,
Tell her,
I don’t know why you flirt with me like that, I mean we're just
friends….stop it.(this will serve to create more sexual tension)…
driving her wild.
As she hugs,
Hold her tightly in a romantic way, and again be the first to talk
about it, you are like……..Those hugs of yours, whatever you are up
to, God knows, I'm just a friend, they are just too much for a mere
Just go try it out.
It’s okay; you can thank me later.
Will now reveal to you some of the reasons a relationship may turn
into a stalemate, and she feels like leaving you, but how can you
reverse engineer this to get her back.
Main causes of break ups.
*Too much perfection
You see, most relationship usually break after reaching the climax,
where you seem to have explored one another to your full Depth.
That’s why in The Zen Seduction, this is one of the mistakes that we
prohibit guys from making, and you should surely avoid.
Don’t create a lot of comfort in a relationship, as a matter of fact; you
should run this game in such a way that a woman is always the one,
trying to beg for your love. Every minute, she should be feeling
insecure whether or not she is about to lose you, and this can be
easy to do, it’s all about perception (nothing more)
Going back to our point, never let a woman think that she has
completely and entirely had enough of you, that she should now go
on with another person, which brings us to an important ingredient in
#Be unpredictable
If you didn’t know, women consider guys who are unpredictable to
be more *romantic than the direct straight wired chaps.
Not only women but if you think of it, life itself should be
unpredictable if it's to be joyful and exciting
**Lack of trust in a relationship.
One of the main reasons a relationship may end is when the two
partners lose trust for one another. Of course when that happens,
more nasty things spring in, like cheating, not caring for one
another's feelings.
So how do I build trust?
Trust is earned, not asked for. Hence you should do things in a
relationship to build your trust and strengthen that bond between
you. This can be done in many ways; this is also about perception.
#1.As a rule, in a relationship, you should never rush to blame your
partner in case something goes wrong, even if other people are
evidently accusing her of something she did wrong, always be on her
side, this makes her feel that you believe in her and trust her.
#2. Avoid unnecessary arguments.
If you didn’t know, Arguments tend to separate two people, because
if you fail to connect with someone on a mental level, then you
can’t connect otherwise. Women want their points of views to be
respected (even if they aren’t taken) and being very emotional
beings, whenever her opinion isn’t considered, she feels she is being
neglected and not loved.
Yes, they take things way so personal!
Have you heard ladies saying, “The guy is so understanding!”
They actually mean he is on their side most of the time (This doesn’t
mean that he goes with their opinions all the time)
Much as holding arguments just between you and her is bad, what is
more worse is being in a group argument or discussion, and you fail
to be on her side. Remember you are the *man who is supposed to
protect her, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically and physically, so
when you are in a group discussion, however much her point of view
is ~naive, you should support her, again this shows the bond
between you. Just after that when you are back home, may be can
tell her, “your argument wasn’t good, but I just had to support you
anyway” She will love the respect you have for her.
#3. Believe in her.
As earlier stated women are emotional beings, she loves it when
someone believes in her dreams; this can be illustrated in many
ways. Whatever she is doing, sincerely tell her that …You believe in
her that she can make it. This makes her feel strong.
Always celebrate her victories, be happy whenever she wins. Tell her
how proud you are for those small accomplishments she has earned.
Right away. There is nothing as discouraging as a partner failing to
acknowledge their spouse’s victories, and if you don’t, then it
speaks volumes. You surely don’t wish her well.
#4.Poor communication.
This has been a reason for many break ups, even in companies,
games and sports communication is so crucial.
Just a simple call, to tell her you won’t be at home in time, is enough
to save you from all the suspicion and quarrels. Usually, when you
don't give your point of view, her mind will have to get one to fit into
the picture. We cannot speak enough about communication, for it’s
so crucial in a relationship.
#5.Violence and mistreatment.
This is one other cause that usually splits relationship apart; I think
partners can tolerate any other misbehavior but not this one.
This usually involves, beating up women, abusing them even raping
them, and any sensible man wouldn’t do this type of immoral
behavior. On its small scale, things like back biting, ill-talking and
failing to respect your partner’s opinions are also forms of mild

Next, I will show you the No contact method; this is a sure way to
make her come back to you, trust me she will
The No contact method.
When a lady breaks up with you, I know your first reaction may be to
talk to her and convince her to come back, right away.
But never do that.
Instead, give her enough time you also give yourself for the two of
you to cool down and relax.
I strictly condemn you against visiting therapists or counselors to
give you an advice on how to make her come back to you, if you are
interested, you can go there for some positivity and motivation,
they are good at that kind of stuff.
Most of those counselors will give you *wrong advice because as
we discussed earlier, few people understand how ladies REALLY
think. Although many assume they do.
If you didn’t know, begging for a lady who is on the verge of
breaking just encourages her to do it even more.
So you should stop pulling her, first let her go.
Rules of no contact
#1 Don’t call her
#2 Don’t text her
#3 Don’t stalk her on social media or anything
#4 Forgive yourself, wipe away all the anger and disappointments if
you don't mind…….go into some meditation.
The real problem with a breakup.
I know your mind might be going wild, you now think like you are a
loser, a moron and the world is turning against you.
This can be worse especially if you recall those other negative
thoughts people usually direct to you.
Things like.
~Man! you will never succeed in life; you don't understand.
Heck, you might be even thinking that you aren’t handsome
I want you to understand that, break ups are very common life
experiences, many people have broken from relationship to
relationship, but they eventually made it. Here in the Zen Seduction,
we will show you how can get over the breakup, and even get her
back if you are interested.
Let this sink deep!
After breaking up, the real problem is never the breakup itself, but
the state of mind, it pushes us into that negativity, thinking you
aren't worth it, thinking that you are now finished, and NO other
person can Love you.
In fact, if you can just do one thing, which can be very good for you,
then it is clearing yourself of the negative thoughts that emerge after
a breakup.
We will teach you how to do just that.
How to clear negative thoughts using meditation
Just go take in some deep breath then allow yourself to relax.
Close your eyes and let an intention to let go, start by releasing all
the tension in your body, then mentally let go.
Repeat to yourself, that statement over and over again let go, let
You can do this exercise for as long as you wish, but I know doing it
for just three days is enough, to put you on track.
This can take fifteen minutes.
#1.Sit in a comfortable position, uncross arms and legs and loosen
your clothing. Relax your lower jaw. Don’t allow phones, people or
pets to disturb you.
#2. Gently close your eyes. Take two deep breaths (slowly inhale
through your nostrils for four counts, hold for five counts, and exhale
through your mouth for five counts).
#3.Set an intention to relax for 15 minutes. That you will be awake
after 15 minutes.
#4.Breath smoothly and evenly. Tune into your breathing.
Concentrate on your breathing, and become very aware of your
breathing. Notice how it slows down and levels out as you relax.
Then you know you are in a state of alpha. Now begin counting
backwards, from 50 t0 1, saying the number as you exhale. Be sure
to get to 1.
#5. When you reach on 1 give yourself the following suggestions.
*I completely let go of all the tension in my body
* I let go mentally
*I let go of all the negative emotions
* I let go of all the disappointments
*I completely forgive myself and others
*I am a free soul, I love and people love me.
* I feel at peace; I feel relaxed.

After completing your suggestions, start counting forward from 1 to 5

upon reaching 5, you will open your eyes, feeling completely
*alert, refreshed and relaxed. Remain sitting for 1-2 minutes, staring
into space. Slowly become physically active again by moving hands
and feet stretching. Then get up and quietly go about your activities.

#5.Move on with your life, improve your life for the better.
This is the final and most important step
If you didn’t know, ladies love men who are independent, we
shouldn’t narrowly reduce this to only financial independence, even
emotional, if you can show her that you are strong man, you don’t
depend on her for emotional support then she will be challenged by
What I'm teaching you can very well be used in seduction, but it
transcends that, am actually giving you, life principles
themselves(since seduction isn’t outside life) then you ‘re well to go.
You should acquire the attitude of moving on with life no matter what
happened, and here is another thing to take.
If you stop chasing after things, they will eventually come to
I think you have heard of this mantra.
You eventually get back things you desire when you no longer desire
them. However, it doesn't mean that you no longer want them, it
actually implies getting from the state of mind of "wanting" and you
move to state of mind of "being" or having.
Never be desperate for anything, you give your power for it to
control, but you can do it the other way round, remain calm with your
power and you will surely control it.
Some wisdom.
You see, after a breakup, the mistake most guys make is to assume,
that they are the only ones who are hurt.
Who lied to you?
Well, let me tell you, something.
You see unless you two haven't been enjoying one another in a
relationship, but if you did, then she is equally broken as you are.
Therefore don’t act like you are so concerned with what happened.
If you miss those moments, she surely is also ~missing them.
If you can remain calm, and stop reacting, then you will get things
under your control. Relationships aren’t easy, but they are part and
parcel of our life, therefore what you can only do is learn how to
handle them.
And hey! Don't wish for a perfect relationship that I assure you won't
get it, just learn how to handle issues, don't wish for less problems,
cultivate more skills and you won't worry about challenges anymore.
Practical business.
Now that I have taught you the techniques, let me give you a sample
of how you can practically apply them.
Remember the story about a friend of mine who had red flagged me
(in the introduction part), here is how I went about it.
First of all, I had to admit that I had made a mistake of trying to be so
overt in my approach. Therefore, I changed the strategy.
After her hurtful words: Kyle, you and I are just friends, nothing
more. So don’t act like you are my lover cause you aren’t. Stop
your silly texts you are sending me.
This is what I told her: You would have told me earlier, I also enjoy
being friends, this love thing is heart breaking, and friendship is
pretty good. Notice how I lower down her sword (she had raised
against me earlier) Psychology!
She went: Oh! My Kyle, you're so understanding. I like that, let's be
Best Friends Forever, I like you very much.
Her jaws got jacked up; she got excited, throw her eyes up in the air,
I guess even her clothes.
Me: Yeah, in fact, long time without meeting, let's go have some
And we went that night out, had fun, and I continued with my mission
until I checkmated her.
You will find many challenges like such in relationships, she thought
she had beaten me, but do you see how I took the back door and got
right into her without her notice, and trust me there is always a
And never take things personal, if I did, I wouldn't have won her, I
instead took it as a challenge to solve. Ladies are so provocative, but
as an Alpha man, never let her control your mind, you act from
your *consciousness, don't just react.
An afterword.
In this universe everything is bound by principles, nothing escapes
laws, you cannot provoke the law of gravity by jumping out of the
plane, and you just walk away with it, neither can you touch a live
wire and expect it to spare you. We can never defy principles and
expect to flourish. If we wish to succeed in whichever endeavor we
engage in, then we should study its principles and start to corporate
with them. There are guys who have ladies yearning and screaming
for them, you should know that every effect has its cause, nothing
just happens without a cause, and so with those guys, they have
mastered the principles which govern ladies, that's why they control
them, you and others might have been ignorant of these principles,
but now, we have taught you, it's your time to use them and also
control women.
You have come a long way up to this closing words, it's been
tremendous work you have done, and we trust that we have
equipped you with all the necessary skills and wisdom to make you a
better seducer. If you will read the work herein and digest it, then go
out and apply it, we assure you that seducing any lady will be
second nature to you, this is something we have taught many
people, and we know it works. We have done our job pretty well;
now we set the stage for you. The ball is in your court; it's up to you
to go and apply this knowledge.
By the way…
Before you go, I’d like to say “Thank you”
I know there are dozens of books on understanding ad seducing
women, but you took a chance on my guide and for that I’m
extremely grateful. So, thanks again for downloading this book and
reading all the way to the end, am quite sure if you go ahead and
apply the immense knowledge that I have given to you, the seducing
women will just become a piece of delicious cake to eat..
Now if you liked this book, please take a minute or two to leave a
review for it on Amazon so that other men can find out more about it.
Your feedback is most appreciated as it helps me to continue writing
books that get you results.
And “thank you” in advance for your review. Iam eternally grateful.
Selected Bibliography.
Bruce Bryans. What Women Want when they Test Men, 2014.
Amber Cole. Make her scream.2015.
Karen Brody. Open her.2014.
Ian Kerner. She comes first, 2009.
Dominic Mann. Be irresistible, 2016.
Corey Wayne. How to be % man, 2013.
Bruce Bryans. What Women Want When They Test Men, 2014.
Robert Glover. No More Nice Guy, 2010.
Bruce Bryans. What Women Want in a Man, 2014.
Dave Perrotta. Conversation Casanova, 2016.
Leil Lowndes. Undercover signals, 2016.
Andrew Ferebee. The Dating Playbook for Men, 2015.
Mark Manson. Models-Attract Women through Honesty, 2011.
Mark Manson. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, 2016.
Jen Sincero. You are a Badass, 2013.
Gary Chapman. The 5 love LANGUAGES, 2014.
Patrick King. Improve your conversations, 2017.
Patrick King. The science of likability, 2017.
Bushra Azhar. Mass Persuasion Method, 2017.
Patrick King. Bullet Proof Confidence, 2017.
Table of Contents
So whom is this book meant for?

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