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Then no matter how unfair it was, the situation of entering the enemy camp was not

necessarily bad.

It wasn't reliable to leave everything to Prince Jade.

"Of course you'll have to stay at the finest inn. Find the best inn around here before

As I was still thinking, Eran said with a flash of black eyes.

"It should be especially a good dessert place. If Liche ever leaves a dessert plate or
something, the Duke of Serious stays still. I won't."

Belon sighed and sent soldiers from the Guard here and there to find out about the

He must have come with a light heart because he thought it would be an easy task to
catch a commoner, but he must have thought he had a hard time inside.


How much I got a luxury inn, and when I said I wanted to fly a pigeon, the inn staff
even said that they would save it as soon as possible, although they are not there

Considering that the pigeon for jeonse is quite difficult to get, the service was

My aunt insisted on sleeping with me, but unfortunately, the luxury inns were all
single rooms.

Belon's not here to arrest someone, he's like a noble's journey. He sighed deeply, but
could not express any dissatisfaction because of Eran, who had a much higher title.

No matter how much the Imperial Guard was, a higher rank would have come when
arresting a noble.
However, Belon, who came to capture commoners, was paradoxically least
authoritative here because he was also a new member of the Guard.

So I slept in the best room for arrest, and he came to arrest and slept in the cheapest

My father assigned me a corner room on the top floor, saying, "I don't know anything
else, but Eran and my room should be far away."

And tell Err to use the room opposite him, and if he sneaks out during the night, he'll
leave you go.
He even threatened not to do so.

"But my breathing is still unstable, so I think I should have my doctor by my side....."

"I'm a doctor, too, Duke. I'll keep you company."

Dad was in my room looking after everything after he opened his eyes with an axe.

I added all kinds of options so my room was fancy.

"Liche, do you think your bed is okay? I brought the scent of sleep by type."

"I don't have insomnia. I'm very healthy."

"But just in case you were surprised by the sudden situation."

Dad sighed and touched my hand.

"I've prepared all sorts of things for myself in case my bed changes and I don't think
this is going to happen. "

"What's your preparation?"

"I've invited a band of musicians to play music for comfortable sleep..."

"I almost fell asleep listening to the money going out. No matter how rich the estate
is, I'm the heir, so save it."

I added firmly.

"If anyone says they'll buy a dragon claw or something from now on, don't listen."

Until now, I spent a lot because I thought it was not my money, but now the situation
has changed.

As expected, it was an opportunity for me to realize that people should not easily
consider other people's money but should use their sims well.

I was educating my father about the economic concept, and my aunt came in for a
while to use the room next to me.

"Come on, get out of here. Lice, you must be tired, so you have to put her to sleep."

"I have to go see the Duke of Cerseus anyway. I can't take my eyes off for a long
time because it's in-between seasons. Not really. Just because someone tells you to
turn it off doesn't mean you turn it off."

Dad shook off his seat, stood up, and gave his aunt a good shot.

"Watch out for the Duke. Look at the eyes of that obsession. I think I'm going to
crawl in somehow. "

"Don't worry, just make the sound of someone stepping in this hallway and I'll go

How long have you and Auntie been next to me all day, and in the meantime, Eran
and I have five words. I couldn't even talk to him.

When I suddenly made eye contact, I made a very sad face, but I was often scolded
by my father, asking where he would make a desperate face for Liche.

Of course I liked Eran, but I thought I should listen to my father who had been
looking for me for 19 years.

After my dad and aunt left, I washed up and heard a conversation outside.
It was Eran's voice who didn't know how he left his father and his aunt who finally
found out his way in and out.

"I hope Liche stays with us for a long time. I found it now, but I can't get her married
right away. Maybe both my father and my brother feel the same way."

"Liche will do the same. You have to respect it."

His softer-than-expected answer seemed quite embarrassing to Auntie.

"We honestly thought the Duke would force Lice to drag her away or coerce her."

"I can do that well, too. It's easier than breathing."

I put on my pajamas and thought that was true.

"But then Lice will be in trouble."

Not so long ago, you knew I was embarrassed, and you said you weren't going to be
the crazy one of Serious.
The aunt who shouted seemed to be smitten by Eran's words.

"I want to listen to everything Liche wants. Of course, I'm not confident in seeing you
go to another man."


"I can't deny that Liche is making a much happier face among the families he finds

Eran could hear a small smile.

" you should've done better on a regular basis. You can see him well, too."

"I didn't know this would happen."

Her aunt's voice was quite toned down when Eran said she had no intention of
interrupting family time.

It seemed like a peaceful conversation, so I left the idea of going out and mediating
and just went into bed.

The conversation continued.

"The world was divided into people, not Lice and Lice. I didn't even hear it when she
said she was going to pay for her bad personality, but I didn't know that would be

"Well... so will Arga. When you're living on your own and being hard on everyone, you
didn't know that my daughter was among them. Well, I'm the same."

My aunt, who had been muttering casually, forcibly changed the topic to see if she
felt bad about forming a consensus.

"But are you really going to be a new person? Is that possible?"

"Everything is possible if Liche wants to."

"But Ar wouldn't let him."

"You have to roll until you feel better."

"I'm not going to play."

"Let's roll until we die, okay. "

I closed my eyes thinking that Eran would roll really hard.

I was tired because too much happened today.


"Hey, you fucking crazy guy! Hey! Hey! "

The background was blurry.

However, my father was screaming with a perplexed face.

"Mr. Eran!"

I didn't stop my dad from calling Eran 'Ya'.

Because I was so surprised, I was shouting the chant that I used to sing when I was

In the meantime, his eyes looking at me were definitely smiling.

My voice trembled after a few words of conversation with him.

My aunt, who was listening to all the conversation next to me, murmured with a
shocked face.

" x-feet, what's so consistent about human beings? Isn't that crazy?"

Then Dad jumped up and down and got angry.

"Eran Serious! Do you end up screwing me over? Hey! Hey!"

And I opened my eyes after hearing the sound 'a tap, a tap, a tap' .

The contents of the dream were quickly being volatile. If it was a dream
that was forgotten in such an instant, it was clear that the precognition dream was

I have to remember quickly, but all I could tell was that Er-An did something crazy
and that his father was very angry.

In fact, such a situation happened so many times that it was not worth remembering.

I lifted myself up and looked toward the window where there was a knock on

"The Duke?"

Surprised, I jumped up, lit a small lamp by my bedside, and opened the window.

Eran jumped from the balcony and came into the window.

"Once again... call me Er Anh. It would be better if you spoke informally."

He folded his eyes and pressed his lips against my forehead.

"Uh, uh, how did you get here?"

"It's the top floor. I came down from the roof."

"Still, it's going to be quite height ..."

"I can do more to see your face."

"No, then why did you squabble with your aunt in the hallway?"

"Once you do something, you lose your guard."

It was also not worth remembering precognitive dreams. Anyway, Eran was only
working hard when his dad found out.

I'm sorry to my family, but I was going to firmly say that I would somehow continue
my relationship with Eran as time went by.

When my mother was depressed because of me, I could have let her sit in the Duke
of Cerseus if she had really taken a bad heart.

If so, more misunderstandings could have been built between families who were able
to shovel each other.

I was grateful to him for being in the rain and pushing his back for my happiness
even though I would have expected this situation with my father's cold attitude, so I
had no intention of pushing him away.

I was the person who played the most necessary role beside me when I was most
mentally challenged.

I couldn't help it even if my father sighed that all my daughters were useless later.

Of course, the wedding could be postponed without a hitch because of strong

opposition from my dad, aunt and grandfather, but...

"Isn't you sick? You should be careful."

I took his hand just in case and checked the mana flow first.

As my dad said, I think there are some side effects that are slowly coming out.

Indeed, I felt a strange mana flow toward the respiratory tract.

"Don't overdo it from now on. If you get short of breath, you can go into
hallucinations. Don't run, always breathe...."


In the dim darkness, he came very slowly, holding my cheeks together.

"Then we can kiss each other slowly, right?"

I don't know why it's happening, but I had to wait with my eyes down until his lips

The breath mixed and the heat began to rise between the eyes I sometimes

"We need to stay together for 20 hours."

As the small lamp near the head of the bed blinks and the view is blurred, the touch
of the one-year-old face felt more sensitive.

He slowly pushed me to bed and murmured without taking off his lips.

I began to feel familiar weight on my back-peddling body.

The difference in physique was so great that I quickly fell into his arms.

"That's why it's hard to be with you for 20 minutes..."

His big hand held me gently on the wrist.

"I love you so much. I'm so scared that I can't control it."

The hem of the clothes was swept up, but the warm body temperature was wrapped
before the cold wind touched it, and it was very hard on the tip of my toes.

"So it's not enough to just put it in the eye."

Compared to the slow touch, my eyes were so eager to see the heat, so I regretted
that I had told him to forget the doctor's duty for a while and clean up his breathing.

"Don't bite... it hurts."

"Just a little bit... it's too sweet, sorry."

Not at all sorry, but in a humble voice, he kissed me with his elders.

"Do you know how it feels to be in front of you and not be able to touch a hair?"

As he soothed me, he whispered with hot breath.

"It's a lot more painful than breathing a little bit due to the side effects of the change
of seasons."

If Dad wanted to bully Eran, his behavior was more successful than anything else.


I breathed and whispered, looking at his bright black eyes.

"I'll have to fill it up soon."

"Still, take your time."

A deep voice fell on my cheeks, neck, and shoulders.

"I listen to everything you say."

The slow touch that penetrated my body was soft, and my hard arm wrapped around
my waist.

His fretful eyes stared at me in the dim light.

His temperature seeps all over his body, and I don't know what to do with his clothes
and bed sheets.
It was time to rest.


The knock on the door surprised us to stop breathing.

It was my aunt's voice.

"Are you sleeping?"

I hurriedly opened the window, let go of Eran with a desperate look, and managed to
dress up and open the door.

"... Oh, aunt."

Her eyes were a bit teary.

I asked after picking my breath, leaving my worries behind whether it went well.

"What's the matter?"

"Why did you open the door so late? Why is your face so red?"

"Uh, um... it was hot, so I opened the window and it was late."

I'm not confident in my facial expression, but fortunately the light was dark.

"It's a little noisy outside, are you okay?"

"What? Oh... well, that's the same."

Only then did Eran's senses become clear, and the sound of horses running from far
away was heard.

"I asked the owner and he said there's an unknown attack going on here and there. "I
think it's a rebel," said Crown Prince Jade.


The rebels were originally sporadic.

Apparently, it was in the process of suddenly taking control of the next estate and
incorporating it into the rebel territory.

But there was a variable in the middle, and the timing was much faster than before I

Of course, Prince Jade would win everything, but the important thing was that there
was no Prince Jade in the palace right now.
The Emperor is in bed, unable to observe the affairs of state, so it's Jay who's going
to find out the whole story and punish him. He should be Crown Prince De.

But now he's not in the palace?

If he took time like this, Prince Hayldon could have done something to get out of the

In fact, even before returning to Korea, Prince Haeldon was hiding until the end when
the Crown Prince found out the rebels.

Of course, there must have been some benefit of not being found behind Prince Jade's
cry for "the death penalty."

Now, it was fortunate that Prince Haeldon could not use his hands because he would
have been arrested for now.

' I've got to step up after all.'

It also seemed that he was not destined to leave it all to Prince Jade and wait for a
reasonable punishment.

Now that I've entered the enemy's line, whether it's self or other, I feel like I need to
see the end with my own hands.

"If the Duke of Serers hadn't sent the Knights, it would have been dangerous. I'm

"So she's letting us date now?"


My aunt spoke firmly.

"But we've just met you, and we can never send you to the Duke. I'm saying I'm
single, but it's not bad to live with my family. It's true."

I recalled my aunt and father's conversation and thought seriously for a moment
whether it was "a dam with my family."

Anyway, it didn't seem like the stage to talk about it yet.

"But that's what woke you up for? Anything else?"

"There's something else I can really do. The owner saved the pigeon. I woke him up
because I thought he was in a hurry."


I ran into the room with a glad eye and quickly picked up my pen from my desk.

"Give me a note. I'll send it to you on the first floor."

"Yes, thank you."

I grinned, sticking out a quick note to my aunt.

"Send it to Diel, Duke of Serious."

When you arrive at the palace, you will now be able to do me a favor and meet All-

"I tried to live a quiet life, but I can't."

Since Prince Haeldon came out like this, I felt like I had to show my brilliance in front
of many people in the capital.

Baron Ishider, who touched me directly, was now confined to the Duke of Cerseus.

There was nothing the prince couldn't do.


Jade was destroying the rebels hopes of 'maybe strong in the hands of the
enemy,' taking down every rebel-held territory at once.

When he rushed alone with a look of indifference and no matter what the tactic was,
and devastated the enemy's camp, the rest of the imperial knights cleaned up.

He was almost invincible in combat, as it turned out that the five-year-long pirate
sweep was because pirates kept hiding.

However, he had to smile brightly, saying, 'Why do you come at me when I'm going
to be all done?' His aides looked surprisingly painful.


Every time he swung the sword, the bodies piled up, but he didn't show any signs of
pride and only screamed like he was struggling with inner pain.


"Oh, Lord Keynes, are you here? How's the investigators coming back? Did you bring
Miss Lice's answer? What's wrong with your face?"

"For now, Miss Lice says she likes the Duke of Cerseus, not your highness."


"And... the death of Miss Lice's mother by the magic stone she took out when she was
five. Same here. I have too much to say. You'd better meet the investigator first. Now
Imprison Prince Jean-Heldon and the Marquis of Frillit. There was a tip-off and
evidence from the Duke of Cerseus."

Since then, Jade had been out on the battlefield with everything on hold, as the
rebels sporadically rose before further investigation.
Of course, as he expected, the rebels were exterminated in a heartbeat, but the fact
that Liche's mother died because of herself at the age of five continued to haunt his

"Now I can't even be fair to the woman I love."

After running like a madman, he looked through the devastated battlefield, and as he
left for the next rebel territory, he muttered to himself.

"Miss Liche revealed all this! I'm... stupid...."

The territories where the rebels took place were decreasing in an instant, as they saw
Jade being smashed and hanged.

Even Haeldon was unexpectedly detained, so there were many young masters who
remained calm.

The rebellion, which had been prepared for a long time, collapsed too easily in front of
Jade, the genius of the battle.

No matter how long you've been building your base, there's no answer if you lose
every fight.

In many ways, Jade sobbed like the protagonist of tragedy, although she is simply
suppressing the buds of rebellion.

"What kind of fate is this! What am I supposed to do, Miss Liche! Ah... why can't we
love each other? Why not! "

Keynes, looking at Jade, who comes back from every battle without a scratch, with a
wild look on her face, said it wasn't exactly how Lice rejected his heart, but his dark
expression. have not been undone

"Anyway, things don't change, Lord Keynes."

He took a breath, drooping his shoulders.

"Thanks for the consolation though."

Trying to say it wasn't comforting, but actually just in time, Keynes closed his mouth
looking at his sad blue eyes.

"Really....... is it really your brother'sincerely. It's hard for me to believe. I think I'll
be able to organize everything quickly and get back to the right report."

Jade's beautiful world, which was filled with goodwill, was being broken.

"It moves as fast as it can. I'm going to go back to the palace and question him."

"Woman, faster here?"

The Imperial Knights' expression on the back of Jade's horse, which began to run,


"So what are you going to do in the future? "

After arriving at the capital, when Eran asked with a cringy smile, Belon replied,
dodging his eyes.

"Originally... well, you're an immediate arrest and a commoner, so you put him in

"Well, give me a problem. In this situation, Lord Belon...."

Eran squinted and laughed.

"Should we keep talking, or should we keep quiet?"

Belon immediately shut his mouth in the cold tone.

Rumors spread in the capital that Prince Haeldon and the Marquis of Frillit had been
detained for the tower's terror attacks.

However, the evidence of terrorism seemed to be a conspiracy, with only one note
sufficient to manipulate, and the majority seemed to think it was a conspiracy
because they were stubbornly refusing.

In fact, it was based on the fact that Prince Hayldon also hurt his leg significantly in
the Ferris wheel incident.

' Prince Jade almost lost her life, but as a result, she's so fine that it's

Many other evidence was sent from the Duchy of Sergius, but Jade, the person who
will conduct the interrogation now,
The Crown Prince's sporadic suppression of the rebels had stopped all interrogations.

'I'll be back in a few minutes, anyway.'

He was also a man who had taken the Duke of Ceres with considerable power and

He's the first man in five years to finish a battle in a terrain he's not familiar with
without any strategy.
There was nothing to say about the ground.

If the rebels really wanted to succeed, they had to get rid of Prince Jade, not start a
war. I'm sure you didn't try that.

"Yeah, if you don't know, you should stay still. You must be very communicative."

Eran grinned and spoke insolently.

From Bellon's point of view, it seemed that the Hwangs, who had ordered the
common people to be captured, were in custody, so they could not do this or that.
The emperor, who gave the order, was too far away to contact, and the Duke of
Cerseus, who was likely to eat people, was too close.

"Let's rent the best inn in the capital so that we can all stay there. Let's register Lice's
family register first and then go back to the formalities."

It was very reassuring to have someone on my side who was strong, had money, and
knew how to use it well.

His father also stared at Eran as if he was eating, but he still nodded to see if he liked
each remark.

"If it's a formal procedure..."

"The prince is in custody... and in the meantime, it could be fizzled out by insufficient
evidence. You've brought me to the capital anyway, so I've done everything I can."

Of course I was very innocent, but I felt as if I was in the scene of

covering up a crime with power.

"Tell him to contact me if he's not feeling well-being. The stupid Imperial medical
team will fix the symptoms that they can't fix. Don't charge Lice with anything

"Anyway, I know I'm going to bury whoever's trying to catch Lice, who's done nothing

My father and aunt also ground their teeth and added a word.

When I saw Belon rolling his eyes with a painful face, I thought of Diel strangely.

"No, sir Belon."

So I spoke in a kind tone.

"If there's a problem, of course I have to clarify it. I have a righteous personality."


I grinned as I saw Belon's face that I was moved.

"But of course I don't think I did anything wrong. So I don't mean to be arrested.
Let's get all this straight. Please put me on trial as soon as my family register is
registered. Reasonable procedure, right?"

If I were a commoner, I had nothing to say even if I was simply summarily executed
without doing anything in the imperial court trial, but since I was a noble, I had no
choice but to formally prosecute if I wanted to ask for my fault in the imperial family.

The imperial court was attended not only by immediate imperialists, but also by clan
members, large aristocrats, and other nobles who wanted to see.

As it was quite a big deal, court trials were not frequent.

Even Prince Haeldon would not have imagined this would happen when he asked me
to arrest him.

"Of course I can use my defense. I've heard that you can go through formal
procedures and ask for access to the materials."

In the past, when I was invited to attend an imperial banquet, Mrs. Isabelle taught
me a noble education, so I knew these things very well.

At that time, Mrs. Isabel thought that I could be a queen's mercy, so she taught me
all kinds of institutions and cultures.

Of course, my ability to absorb all of the lessons was great.

"Well, that's true."

Belon's face turned muddy as he didn't know it would be this big.

But there was nothing wrong with what I said. This is because there was no particular
contradiction in replacing the existing order to "arrest the common people" with
"prosecute the noble."

"Then do the work like that. My dad's going to register for me today, so I'll be able to
get the indictment tomorrow."

When Bellon sighed and answered yes and turned around, there was a man who rode
a horse and stood in front of us.

After running gasping, he quickly got off the horse and thanked Eran and Dad and
scratched the back of his head.

"We arrived just in time, Diel."

I tried to stand in front of Diel, who was smiling brightly and clearing up his messy
hair, but stopped after facing Eran's blazing eyes.

I read that I couldn't come near myself, but I couldn't see him closer to another man.

Diel also crept back to see if he wanted me to come closer.

"Well, I'm... well, I'm calling from you."

"Lady, you can just use informal language. You've been friends all this time!"

"I... want to live a long, thin life. From now on, I'd appreciate it if you could just
express it with money when you want to prove your friendship."

"Well, don't you usually say that you don't have to express your friendship because
you know how I feel?"

"As I got a 500 percent bonus from my last salary, I thought I knew how weak I was.
It started with friendship at first, but in conclusion, the taste of money is more

After it was completely revealed that I was a daughter, Dad was told that Diel had
paid more money.
Anyway, I thought I would have to agree on this topic again later when my father and
Eran were away.

"That's when I sent you as a pigeon..."

"Of course, I've taken care of everything you asked me to."

"And I have another favor to ask of you, let's settle down at the inn and talk."


"I think we should make a name for the capital."

Last time, the "Liche Estelle" booth was the most famous in the capital when it
participated in the founding ceremony.

This time, the name of "Liche Sioni Perelman" will be circulated here and there again,
so I didn't have to make a debut tantrum to announce my existence.

After looking at her father, aunt and Eran once, Diel looked resentful as if
he had called her into these people.

Perhaps that's why he listened carefully to me and quickly left the inn.

My father was skillful when he went to report his family register.

However, because autumn was coming, I had to keep looking at Eran's condition, so I
had to be there for my father.

"I'll hear what the plan is. But it's an imperial trial......Liche, I don't want you to be in

"I'm Perelman's only successor."

I spoke with confidence.

"I don't do anything dangerous. Don't worry."

Knowing how messed up the estate was when the only successor disappeared, I was
going to think of my safety as the first priority.

' It's always been the case, though, when I think about it.'

Besides, how much money does the Perelman family have? It could never be

"We haven't even gotten a proper revenge yet. Silence. Mom died a miserable death
at a farmhouse, but Hael is still here.
I didn't even see the end of Prince Dunn. I'll be safe and sound until you see me."

"What......Liche's a very good judge of his own body.

The aunt nodded her head slowly.

Perhaps he remembered his aunt, who was about to run at him during the victory
banquet, telling him not to attract me.

"Yeah, Liche. And I haven't had a decent, comfortable date yet."

Eran stepped in quickly.

Come to think of it, Eran has never been together like a lover because he was
distracted by the paternity test after recovering.

The last date was the capital hill we climbed on the international night.

When I came to the capital city again, it was time to redden my cheeks because I
remembered the memory of that time.

"You will never be able to do it for the rest of your life. I'll always be next to my

Her father immediately opened his eyes to answer Eran's words.

I thought it would be hard to have a comfortable date until Eran softened his father's
heart even a little bit.

"Don't overdo it until your body is fully adapted to the cold. Especially breathing. Be

I repeated what I said a hundred times more anxiously.

"What happens if I run all the way and I lose my breath?"

"You may go into hallucination right away and not be able to wake up."

Dad spoke bluntly.

My aunt, who was next to me, asked back in surprise.

"Then what should I do?"

"It's hard to wake up again if you fall into hallucinations. I've sealed everything with a
first-degree poison.
It's better to do it afterwards."

"It's easy to decipher first-degree poison?"

"It's easy? You don't understand what I'm saying? Do you have a curse on your ear?"

"Is that a curse on your mouth?"

Neither Eran nor I was the only child, so I was unfamiliar with the endless disputes
between my father and aunt.

It was not easy as my father said, but my father and I will be able to do it
after a few days of hard work.

"I'll have Diel bring the first-class poison. You'd better keep it just in case."

"Yes, but it's best for the Duke to be careful. Of course, I decoded Dokdo more
though. "

I finally got to know the ingredients perfectly, thinking of the snacks in question.

"But Dad, no matter how hard it is to poison medicine, wouldn't there have been a lot
of trials and errors to make it work perfectly?"

"Of course, the poison I injected into the Duke was a fairly successful improvement. It
would have taken some time until then. There must have been a lot of subtypes that
only worked in part, or that turned to one side and caused a strange effect. Besides,
you were young then."

Dad seemed to be angry at the fact that his research had been abused in front of

"All that kind of poison works the younger the better. An adult who does bad things to
immature children. They're the most repulsive."

"It is."
"That's why when you were a child, you were lying to your doctor, and you didn't take
issue with it."

Dad didn't particularly blame Wederick for not telling his dad that he was secretly
giving snacks, and for not telling him the symptoms honestly.

The only thing my father didn't like was Eran, who became an adult.

"Anyway, stay with Lice while I'm back, but don't stay with her. Seirin, you take care
of yourself."

"Okay, get out of course."

"I'm going because I want to put it on the family register. This time, it doesn't go off
just because you told me to."

Dad tapped me on the shoulder and stared at Eran several times before leaving the

Accepting my opinion that she wanted to get some fresh air, my aunt sat next to me
on the garden bench.

Eran, who was next to him but not next to him, was forced to sit next to his aunt.

So I, my aunt, and Eran were sitting side by side, and I began to speak softly to my
aunt, who seemed to be the easiest to attack.

"Aunt, you're a new man... and I've been very helpful with this, and thanks to the
estate, I'm safe. I could've kept it...."

"Huh, it's because of the shell. Don't you think so?"

I answered back with a sulky look.

"Of course, I like the way you look, but I've built it up when I was young... and my
heart is pounding when I'm with you.It's a bit strange, but it's also reliable. He's also
comforting me when I'm in trouble."

Eran pointed at his forehead with a painful face.

My aunt asked, frowning.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's frustrating that I can't get to Liche even after hearing that."

"No man can approach Liche, so don't be upset."

I gave my aunt a coy reply.

"No, I'm getting married."

"No, we don't need a son-in-law. You're the only one..."

"And I'm going to have children. One daughter and one son."

The words shut my aunt's mouth.

Then he began to hold his head in agony.

"Oh... damn it... I think it's going to be so cute... what should I do?"

"You're cute, not kidding."

"Why do you sound like you saw it?"

"Think of me as the Duke's child, just think of the appearance."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I miss you so much! Oh, my God! "

My aunt was not the only one suffering. Eran also sighed with a miserable look.

I crept up to soothe Eran, who seemed to be tortured.

"Aunt, I'm sorry, but... no, I'm not sorry, I'm sorry, but... can I hold your hand,
Duke? I'm nervous. I want to keep checking the mana until Dad Seo comes."

"Not in front of my eyes."

My aunt seemed to be shaken by my nervous voice for a while, but eventually shook
her head with her arms folded.

"Because I don't want Ar to suffer from him."

It was Eran who answered the question coldly.

"Yes, auntie. Then I'll hold you back."

Behind my aunt's back, Eran's big hand is my hand. I dragged him.

My aunt hates it and tries to be annoyed, but she says to herself, 'Niece
granddaughter.......Joka's grandson......Licce's little version......' sighs... ...and sighed

It was an excuse to hold hands, but it was also true that I was worried.

I'm looking at a different flow of mana than usual, and Eran's fingers are moving, and
I'm looking at the letters on the back of my hand. I started writing.

[You look happy with your family.]

Come to think of it, the two have never talked since he visited the inn room last time.

At that time, he seemed too urgent to talk to each other, so he couldn't have any

[That's a relief.]

Deep in my heart, warmth began to resonate.

Although we were still at odds with each other, we were surrounded by people I loved
"Well, Adrian is a son? Oh, no. Arga's 'ah' goes in. Then, Nidrian? Sedrian? My 'three'
won't let him in, right?"

While her aunt was reciting the names of the beautiful babies alone, Eran quietly sent
a message from behind.

[Next time with me]

The panoramic view of the prosperous capital in the distance was still splendid, and
the unfamiliar garden was beautiful.

[You have to be happy]]

It was an afternoon when the cold autumn wind felt refreshing.

I'm sure it's a serious situation ahead of the big deal. Even the deep blue sky where
the clouds passed was like a dream.

[I mean, let's go on a date. ]

I wanted to see his face, but Aunt Lee was subtly covering the angle as if she
wouldn't allow it.

His eyes were folded and looking at me with a slight movement of his head.

I wouldn't have been able to see myself well anyway, so I didn't know
when I had been keeping my eyes fixed.


My fingers moved quickly again how I read my thoughts.

[Even if it's hard to see.]

I felt a friendly and consistent gaze, so I was slightly stiff without realizing it.

[Wherever you are you. ]

I had a strange feeling that touch only existed in my palm in the only thing in my

My breath was a little shaky, interpreting the slow but obvious movement of my

No matter how much I became a lover, the strands I had been seducing seemed to
have not change.

[It means I love you]

And I'm falling for it.

His fingers tickling on my palm were good, so I bit my lips and laughed a little.

[What if I do my best to your family and they don't get married? ]

Eran wriggled and wrote over his palm.

Indeed, even before my biological father was revealed, he was as happy as having
the whole world when marriage seemed to be in sight.

Although his karma broke the happiness just before it became a reality.

And until now, he couldn't even communicate with me easily.

[Then I think I'm going to die.]

I felt the anxiety I had accumulated as I was persistently rejected by my father.

I felt nervous when my father was stronger than I thought.

[I love you so much that I don't know what to do with you. ]

Unaware of our conversation behind us, Auntie kept mumbling with her arms folded.

"If it's a daughter, Yuri... Yuri? Isn't it Yuri?"

It was a happy afternoon enough.

As of that evening, I was proudly listed on the family register of Perelman's own
author, and it was the next morning that the imperial court's indictment with the
empress' seal flew in.

According to the information that Diel had been collecting hard, investigators returned
with all kinds of evidence from the Duke of Cerseus and detained Prince and his wife
for now.

However, sporadic insurgents left Prince Jade in a hurry, unable to deal with the

Prince Haeldon said, "Everyone denies all charges, saying that Baron Ishider is biting
a strict person because he failed to take over the Duke of Cerseus."

He followed Crown Prince Jade, a Keynesian police superintendent who will testify in

As a result, his country has been postponed continuously.

The emperor had been lying down and doing nothing since the summer hunt.

Originally, Prince Haeldon would have to take charge of all the political affairs, but the
Empress was forced to act as acting political because she was in custody.

The Empress, the biological mother of Princess Jenshi and Crown Prince Jade, is nice
and gentle, and she is not particularly interested in love, so she said she is having a
hard time these days.

"As expected, the decision maker of the imperial trial means Her Majesty."

It was expected from the time the empress' seal was stamped on the indictment.

From the Empress' point of view, she may have suddenly learned of Prince Haeldon's
arrest order.

When things got complicated in the middle without knowing much about the case,
Bellon must have indicted me first according to the procedure explained.
The court date was set three days later.

Rumors quickly circulated in the capital city because it was the first time in a long
time for the imperial family to indict a noble.

As soon as the trial was scheduled, I submitted an application to the imperial medical
researchers for a data review, saying I should look at the official records to defend

Naturally, the imperial medical researchers could not refuse due to procedures.

"Come with me, Dad."

"That's right."

Last night, when I explained my plan, Dad nodded slowly and murmured, 'In the end,
Haeldon dug his own grave.'

"Are you okay? You don't want to go because you only have bad memories, do you?"

"Well, it was a little hard to argue with Prince Haeldon. I'm not as good as I am, but I
enjoyed doing medical research with talented people anyway."

Dad murmured with remorseful eyes.

"Because I'm a philanthropist, I had a mission to study for humanity."

Dad is not at all a person to do anything he hates.

Nevertheless, he was definitely fit for the research team right before his mother's

For the first time in 19 years, my father and I are confident in the lab of the Imperial
Medical Researchers in the Imperial Palace. The crab walked in.

Of course, one investigator participating in the trial and Eran, who always had to
watch the situation, were also present.

"Hello, I'm Lice Sioni Perelleman."

I entered a spacious and colorful laboratory.

And he politely greeted the researchers who looked at us with surprised eyes.

"Did you hear the news? I'm on trial for prescribing harmful drugs to your highness.
So, let me look at the records of the imperial prescription."

"Everyone in the imperial family should record all medications taken. Including
visiting from royal medical researchers."

At the hunting competition, no one knew me who beat Natalie, who represented the
imperial medical team.

In an uncomfortable gaze, I spoke with a refreshing smile.

"Sadly, my prescription is unofficial and I don't have any records left. Maybe the
prescription from the researchers caused the problem."

"Are you doubting us?"

"I'm under suspicion, too. Don't be so bitter."

They kicked their tongues out as if they were ridiculous, but they couldn't be openly

There may be many reasons, but Eran, who is breathing cool energy behind me, may
be the biggest reason.

"It's my right to open the records anyway, right?"

The atmosphere of the researchers was unsettled because the head of the research
team, Prince Haeldon, was in custody.

The investigator who came with us also nodded, saying, "That's the right procedure."

Everyone hesitated, just being sensible, but one person stepped forward and said.

"If you tell me what you need, I'll get it for you."

"Oh, you don't have to. I can see it myself."

Then my father strode forward.

"I originally kept it in this cabinet..."

Dad opened the leftmost large cabinet without hesitation.

It was packed with year-to-year documents.

"As expected, it hasn't changed."

"That's great. The old prescriptions may have affected you now, so I'll look at all the
old ones."

I took out the files after my dad left the research team.

Indeed, the drugs prescribed to all the imperial family were arranged at a glance.

"The prescription from 20 years ago is no longer a problem."

"I'm sorry..."

I said with a sigh to the researchers who blocked us, showing signs of

"I know the researchers proved at the hunting competition that they don't deserve to
be involved in our women's medical skills."


"I know I'm unlucky, but I'm desperate. I'm sorry."

Having kept my mouth shut, I started looking for very old data with my father.

Originally, the records of Hwang's prescription for drugs were naturally prohibited
from viewing except for officials.

However, if the trial was prosecuted by the imperial court, the story changed.
All official data was accessible so that it could not be controversial.

As such, the imperial family only had to deal with issues that were really important
because they posed a great risk when prosecuting aristocrats.

The empress would have given her permission with a light heart because there was
nothing to catch.

But if Prince Haeldon had known this, he would never have indicted me in court.

' You never thought I was a nobleman.'

He must have just touched me for venting his anger at the hunting competition.

I wouldn't have expected this to happen.

My father and I, who had set Eran up like a warning screen and were looking at the
records, started to exchange glances at some point, passing the records.

I quickly sorted out some of the files and handed them over to the investigator as a

And Dad looked around and opened a cabinet without hesitation.

And I found a report and handed it over to the investigator.

"Please do this, too."

It was expected to be released before everyone as evidence in the upcoming trial.

' This is how I end up with my own hands."

I thought Prince Jade would be executed, but I thought I was destined to be clean.

It was a little sad, but anyway, the more it happened, the more everything was going
on in trust.

The night before the imperial court, Lice and Diel were talking in the
garden behind the inn.

After Diel's report that he had done all he had asked for, Diel shook his head firmly
when Lice recommended that he speak informally a few times.

"Lady, I told you. I'm a person whose daily peace is more important than pride,
friendship, and memories."

Lice made a sulky face, but he didn't change his attitude at all.

"If you really miss your old friendship, express it with money. You're the only child of
Perelman's own author, aren't you? "

"It's because I'm uncomfortable. Then can't we just use informal language when
we're alone? We're not identified...."

"Oh, does he who is so free in his position still respect his lover by calling him

At Diel's response, Liche blinked with a blemish.

"Let's understand each other when we were once timid commoners. What?"

"...... a friend's request."

Lice sighed and said.

Then Diel began to look around with anxious eyes.

"I found my family thanks to my true friend."


"How many cases have we solved while being friends..."

In the end, Lice's natural compliment, he whispered.

"...... but if I knew I was alone like this, I'd be so sorry for you and the Duke."
"You say so, and what about your father?"

"No matter how I am, I don't think I'll ever see my daughter alone with a man. So
there's no way we're alone."

"Then let's do this."

Because it was a possible story, Lice shrugged and eventually offered a final

"Just blur the end of the horse. That's fine, right? "

D.iel looked at the thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

"Well, I don't think it's bad..."

"It's much better. It's weird that you're so respectful. I can feel the distance."

"Actually, I thought I was, but..."

"Okay, thanks for doing me a favor anyway. You're coming to court tomorrow, right?

"Of course, I'd like to go sightseeing, so I'd like to go as Perelman's servant..."

Diel continued his conversation with a satisfied look.

"It's been a while, and I think it's better to go in now......maybe you'll find it..."

"Okay, okay. I'll go this way, so you go the other way."

Lice giggled, then turned around without regret and disappeared.

After seeing her long brown hair disappear, Diel whistled around the other corner.


He felt his heart drop.

I almost collapsed.

As soon as he turned the corner, he found a cool-looking man with his arms folded
against the wall.

"Go, go, duke... uh, when did you start here..."

The fact that he was alone with Lice scared Diel.

As Eran raised his eyebrows, he gibberish and politely put his hands together.

"I'm, uh... you call me, you call me, you call me...."

"Die Molekin, you don't have to be so scared."


"Because I've decided to be a new person."


Diel asked blankly and quickly shook his head and corrected himself.

"I'm sorry. The question was stupid."

"Because the son of Perelman doesn't accept me as a match for Lice. I heard you
can't give a daughter to a dog like me."

When Eran answered with unexpected sincerity, Diel decided to believe a little bit in
his words that he would become a new person.

"So I've decided to treat everyone half and half of what I'm dealing with Liche from
now on."

"Oh, my God..."

Diel was surprised enough to breathe in.

"That's too much, Duke."

In the meantime, Eran had never talked to him so normally.

Until now, Diel had only remembered Eran staring at him without a word.

"That's why."

"Yes, please."

"What does Perelman like? I've been listening to you and behaving nicely so far, but
the way you look at me is still not good. Every time I get a look of disgust, my heart
is pounding. I'm afraid it'll be forever. "

"Oh... you don't like much. There are a lot of things I hate."

For example, a man who sticks to his daughter.

Diel, who managed to swallow these words, answered with a rolling eye.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's possible to ingratiate yourself. I'm sure that look
will last forever."

Diel was scared and wanted to be of some help, but he couldn't find a way out of it.

But he gave the most realistic answer.

"The Duke is actually very different in rank from his own. As long as Lady Liche likes
you, I think there are many ways to ask for you if you force yourself a little..."

"Liche thinks his family is more precious."

At Eran's emphatic remark, Diel paused for a moment.

The answer was short, but there was a strange resignation in his tone.

"Oh... no. Lady Lice must be...."

"Don't you know that well?"

Diel suddenly noticed that Eran had heard all the conversations between him and

"It's because I'm uncomfortable. Then can't we just use informal language when
we're alone? We're not identified...."

"Oh, does he who is so free in his position still respect his lover by calling him

Liche was unable to tell lies or empty words that were not in his mind.

If there was something bothering me, it was Lice, who couldn't call Arga "Daddy" but
called him Perelmann's own son.

Her new family members were her grandfather, aunt and father, who were still "the
Duke" to Lice.

Even his comfortable opponent, Diel, said that he was comfortable talking down to
each other regardless of his status, but he drew a clear line for his lover, Eran.

It was clear that Lice liked him and was deeply attracted as a man.

However, I could feel the difference in the size of emotions from the side.

To her, Eran must be a pretty cool and handsome man, an employee with fond
memories of childhood, and a kind and dependable person.

So she must be in a romantic relationship.

But whether he really wanted her was another matter.

Eran already seemed to be aware that she was not her priority.

Diel could feel the deep bitterness of Er's in the ensuing silence.
"It's okay if I'm the only one in love. I'm just happy to have them by my side."

It seemed like he was talking to himself, not to Diel.

Eran did not tell Diel that he had not yet heard of love from Liche, or that the
diamond ring he gave her when she confessed was still sitting in the lab desk, not in
her fingers.

"I'm worried that Perelman's attitude is consistent after a few days. It's good enough
to get it from Lice. I can fill up the rest."


Diel spoke cautiously.

"Aren't you in pain? You have to endure insults and hang on to someone who is not
sure about love."

Diel sighed a little, as it was soon assimilated by the loneliness of Eran, which was not
usually seen.

If I was frustrated, would I have asked myself what Arga liked?

"I think you'd be lonely no matter how close you are. Of course, love is a feeling that
I can only hope for a reward."

Despite Diel's emotional remarks, Eran only recited a lot of emotions, hiding them.

"......I can do better."

There was no need for further dialogue because we couldn't find a solution to Arga's

He pulled himself off the wall he was leaning against.

Eran looked indifferent to everything in the world, with a stunningly gorgeous

appearance and a large look of pressure.
But he acted like a young beast in front of Lice.

D. E. always thought it was amazing, but for the first time today, she had her own
pain in her cool eyes under her dark eyebrows.

"Well, if you could come a little closer, you'd go crazy for it."

Mumbling like a throw, Eran scrambled to leave.

Diel sighed slightly, thinking it was a big problem to go wild.

And the two men didn't notice, but Lice, who had returned to her place as if she had
left her hairband, stood nailed behind the corner and listened to their conversation.

Haeldon, trapped in solitary confinement, was still thinking.

I heard that Isela and the Marquis of Frillit were also arrested, but now he was
detained alone in a royal prison, so he had been blocked from contacting the outside

I thought it would take some time for Baron Ishider to blow something up, but I didn't
know he'd be arrested so quickly.
They were all helplessly quarantined in the imperial prison.

' It's a good thing the rebels were in a hurry.'

The Bondi plan was to sporadically assassinate the emperor, who was sick in bed
when the rebels rose and Jade appeared.

Since then, Jade had somehow been killed outside the palace, and Haldon had
planned to become the sole successor to the throne.

But I didn't expect to be suspected at this early stage.

Baron Lee Sider couldn't have named himself right.

It was hard to know when the Duchy of Serious was able to interrogate so quickly
with so much information.

Jade will be able to buy some time since she will be in the field.

If Jade fails to return to the palace for a long time, the empress, who cannot take
good care of political affairs, may be forced to release herself for now.

Investigators were unable to release evidence that they had taken it from the Duke of
Cerseus because his country had not yet begun.

If that happens, the person who occupies the palace became Haeldon, and only a few
imperial investigators could get rid of it quickly.

Since it was a royal prison where the accused royal family stayed, meals were fine
and all belongings such as self-defense and dagger were allowed.

It wasn't uncomfortable except for a little bit of a cramp.

Never thought Jade would be strong in battle, which took five years to clean up
pirates, Haeldon was working hard.

"Hey, prince."

So one night when the Inquisitor came, Haeldon greeted him with a relaxed look.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? I'm very unfair."

He was insisting that he knew nothing consistently.

The note handed over by Baron Lee Si-der was enough to say manipulation.

"I can't do that. I'm so satisfied with my position as the head of the medical research
team. It's definitely a setup. I thought I and the Crown Prince were pretty good
brothers, didn't we? "

The inspector blinked for a moment and shook his head.

"No, it's not about that..."


"I think you'll have to attend the court trial tomorrow."

Haeldon frowned on his brow.

If it is an imperial trial, the imperial family prosecutes the aristocracy, because such a
thing did not happen well.

"What's going on? Who in the world held such a trial?"

"The Emperor."
Looking at Haeldon's absurd expression, the investigator continued like a stream.

"A few days ago, the Emperor asked you to arrest Miss Lice Estelle. It turns out Ms.
Lice was a noble, not a commoner. So Her Majesty has changed the proceedings to
the Imperial Court."

"......what? Nobleman?"

When a commoner girl who had humiliated her in a hunting competition saved Jade
even from the tower terror incident, she was disgusted and only vented her anger as
soon as she knew about Isla's prescription.

This is because it was nothing to punish even a commoner by making a rough charge.

The detention was so quick that it was such a small order that I had forgotten...

Imperial court?

Things got out of hand.

Haeldon opened his mouth in astonishment.

"Yes, Arga was the daughter that Eate Perelman was looking for."


When Jade was born, Haeldon had no choice but to watch as the next emperor was
handed over to him just because he was not in trouble.

Therefore, they tried to lead even the royal medical team successfully.

However, he was always pushed by Arga, a rare genius who was conducting some
He just wanted to clean up the mess that was blocking his way.

In particular, Arga, who was about the same age, had a beautiful appearance and an
ability to admit, and most of all men of that age had Zioni as their wife, who they had
once in their hearts.

When I had a child after two years, I was jealous of how much Arga was single.

In the meantime, she was given a trust that her daughter would interfere with her

That's why I decided to get rid of it.

Roman, who obtained the Duke of Cerseus as bait, was very scared.

So I told him to get rid of the daughter of Perelman's own son, but secretly, Zion was
going to give birth and decorate it like he died.

I wanted to see Arga become a nuisance because everything was ruined by Zioni's
pregnancy, which she was so happy about.

But Sioni noticed and ran away, so her daughter went missing.

Anyway, I was satisfied with the fact that I had to drop everything and look for my

"Ha, ha, ha... she's... she's her daughter?"

Haeldon's vision got dizzy and he leaned his head against the wall and closed his

He saved Jade from the viewing tower.

It was ridiculous that the damn trust eventually seemed to fit.

I wondered if all this was the result of the loss of luck by telling the contents of the
trust by the swindler Gypsy, who said he was good at magic.

"Anyway, that's why tomorrow morning is the imperial trial. The indictment was
issued by the Empress Dowager, but you are the one who actually prosecuted, so you
must attend. I'll pick you up then."
Things were going completely differently than Haeldon thought.


"Miss Liche!"

The road to justice was bustling.

As soon as I got out of the carriage, there was a person who was happy to approach
me. It was Jenshi Gongbi in a fancy dress.

"I wanted to say thank you for meeting you in person, but it worked out so well. I
came running right after hearing the news."

What I asked Diel to do by flying pigeons at the inn was to send Jenshi Gongbi to the

And she, who owed me a debt, gladly accepted it.

"I never thought you'd make that skin disease treatment free."

"Well, this is normal."

I answered with a grin.

As he received 1.5 million gold from Baron Ishider, it was much more profitable even
if it was distributed free of charge.

"After that, there was a swindler who sold the same cure at a tremendous price. If it
weren't for Miss Lice, they would have lost some of their fortune."

"I see."

I think the swindler is now behind bars in the Duke of Sergius. I didn't have to say

"By the way, I heard the news on the way here. You said you found your biological
parents? "
Genci Gongbi asked with a big smile on her face.

"Yes, by chance."

"I thought I'd come to the Duchy of Mailis after I resign, but I'm sorry. It's too much
of a waste to be a peacock's doctor. And if you get caught by a bad guy, run away is
the answer?"


Eran's face, who had a happy expression behind her unexpected words, was

"...... what a waste of skill."

I nodded and added my head for now.

"But I decided to accept the bad guy because he's pure."

"Well, I see."

It wasn't until I checked that Eran's face was loosened again that I slightly relaxed.

There seemed to be little disagreement over what he called a "bad man."

I haven't felt very good since I overheard a conversation between Eran and Diel last

Of course I would be nervous because I was constantly rejected by my father.

I was a little sorry to think of his calm tone, which he said was more precious to me.

After the trial, I felt like I had to be more active in arbitrating no matter how much
my father ran wild.

"By the way, I feel a little sorry for Jade. Now that Miss Lice's status has changed, she
could have been beaten with the crown prince's mercy."

Jenshi Gongbi continued with a look of regret.

"Well, wouldn't I be sorry to be the Crown Princess?"

I corrected the words quickly.

"That's the case, too. By the way, I came in a hurry because there was a trial, but
what's going on here? There's no way Ms. Liche could have made a wrong
prescription. What did Haelden and Isla know wrong? "

"Oh, that's why... Gongbi. I have a favor to ask of you."

"What is it?"

Genci Gongbi asked with sparkling eyes.

"I'm going to make a statement that I don't think I have anything to do with today's
trial. Can you give me a chance then?"

"Oh, of course. I'm not asking you to bury your sins, why block him when he says
he's going to say something? Don't worry and say whatever you want. There are so
many people, by the way. I guess it's because it's been a long time."

Fortunately, Jenshi Gongbi gladly accepted my request.

"Thank you."

As soon as I arrived at the capital, I asked Diel to let as many people as possible
come during the imperial trial.

Diel was sincere in bringing together the nobles and relatives of the capital by
mobilizing various connections at the top of Perelman.

In the midst of such a bustling atmosphere, the imperial court trial was held after a
very long time.

"Then, see you later! Even if I help you, if you do something you don't like about the
Empire, you should always defect to the Duchy of Mailis."
Jenshi entered the entrance where only the royal family could enter and waved

"Yes, I'll see you later."

I answered with my head down.


Eran and I lined up where the nobles entered.

There were so many people that I had to wait quite a while. This is because the
inspection of belongings was thorough as the unspecified majority of the royal family
and aristocrats gathered together.

"Licce, I thought you were going somewhere with your resignation, and you were
going to the Duchy of Miles?"

I squinted at Eran's sudden bite.


There was a time like that.

But suddenly, on the night of my coming of age, I thought I was drunk and resigned,
but I couldn't find anything.

Eran's knowledge of my resignation gave me a very reasonable inference.

"By any chance... my resignation..."

"I wouldn't have accepted it anyways. That's why I threw it away first."

Eran answered quickly, stealing my words.

When I realized that he had removed my resignation, I asked back in astonishment.

"Then when would you have accepted it?"

"Wouldn't I have somehow kept my mind at my side until I could convey it enough? I
actually didn't even...."

"Come on, come on."

My father intervened when my conversation with Eran seemed to be getting longer.

"Have anyone here asked about the Duke's love feelings that no one is curious

My dad blocked my view, so the conversation ended there. And not long after that.
Oh, it's our turn to check our belongings.

Even Auntie didn't bring her usual sword, so we knew it would pass without a hitch.

But the servant suddenly caught my father.

"Oh, my Lord Perelman. What's this? I think it's a first-degree poison."

"It's a treatment for just in case."

If Eran's breathing was disturbed, he had to put it in before entering the hallucination
state, so Diel saved it.

The servant shook his head, showing a list of items he could not bring in.

"Still, first-class poison is not allowed."

"No, but this is a special situation..."

"Anyway, it's not acceptable, so I'll discard it."

Even if my father protested, his attitude was tough.

"You've been fine so far. What's the matter?"

After seeing someone behind him, Eran stepped in.

"Besides, there's no way I'll be out of breath in a sitting court."

"......then be careful anyway. Never run or run."

Dad gave the first-degree poison bottle to his servant with a look of embarrassment.

The auditorium of the court was already so packed with people that we had no choice
but to sit at the last seat.
Fortunately, the court itself was sloped, so the back seat of the audience seat was the
highest, and the court was at the bottom.

The trial itself was likely to be seen at a glance.

"Uh......then it's time."

In all cases, when he was in charge of state affairs, the empress stood up with a face
of embarrassment due to such complicated issues.

The biological mother of Prince Jade and Princess Jensi, she had round
blue eyes and gray brown hair.

"I'll start the court trial. I want the officials to come forward first."

She stood in the middle of the courtroom to announce the start of the trial.

"Prince Haeldon Mébeth Arhyman and Lice Sioni Perelmann's love."

In the front seat of the imperial family, the emperor stood up and sat in the plaintiff's

I also got up and started going down the stairs.

The rumor that the son of Perelleman had found his daughter spread in the capital,
and everyone looked at me, huddling as I went down a fairly long staircase.

Even people who had seen me at hunting contests used to share words like "As
expected, Ar looked like Perelleman at that time..." with the next person.

"The content of the case is very simple. When Ferrellman was a founding father, he
gave a harmful prescription to Isela Hwangjabi?"

The empress asked insincerely if she wanted to finish all this work quickly.

The imperial trial was simply carried out by the royal family, so there was no specific
However, all the nobles who wanted could attend, so they had to be aware of the
gaze and proceed accordingly.

Isla Hwangjabi was nervously biting her nails next to Jenshi Gongbi.

He must have been isolated from Prince Haeldon, so there would be no sense of
reality in all this situation.

"No, I've only given a really good prescription for pregnancy. Do you have any
evidence that I gave you a harmful prescription?"

Of course there couldn't have been such a thing. Prince Haeldon must have intended
to impose severe punishment on me, a commoner, by accusing me of anything.

"At that time, I already submitted my prescription to the investigator, but I heard that
it is possible to manipulate it and cannot be used as official evidence."

I've prepared everything, so I've been very eloquent. However, Haeldon's side must
have been quite embarrassed not long after they have figured out the situation.

"Then tell me why Prince Haeldon raised the cow himself."

At the Empress's words, Prince Haeldon spoke with a firm face.

"It seemed that the reagent that Hwang Ja-bi was drinking contained porphyria."

"It was the same....... Do you have any evidence?"

The porpoise was one of the medicinal herbs that hindered pregnancy.

"There was a rumor like that, and when I saw the reagent that Hwang Jabi was
taking, I felt like there was a porpoise in it."

"Oh, it's a novel research topic to see at a glance the reagent and find out the
ingredients of the porpoise flower. The future of the imperial medical team is bright."

If you're still there.

I made a slight digression and quickly returned to the subject.

"Whether the rumor is true or not, whether the inference is true or not, we can
examine the reagents. Do you have any reagents left?"

I asked to the Princess Isla.

Even if the two were not in custody, they would have manipulated the reagent and
put it out, but since they were dragged out of custody, there could not have been a
reagent to push.

"I'm done eating, so I don't have it."

Princess Isla answered with her eyes rolling.

The situation was not understood properly, but it was clear that he had decided to
side with his husband anyway.

"But... I didn't feel well after taking the medicine you prescribed me."

"Oh, my."

It was Jenshi Gongbi who answered the question with his eyes wide open.

"Wouldn't she be pregnant? That's exactly what happened when I had Lily! Ms. Lice's
skills are incredibly good, so it's possible!"

I kept my mouth shut and stayed still.

Not feeling well was such a comprehensive concept that it was too much to say it was
a symptom of pregnancy.

' Besides, there's little chance of her being pregnant because she was really hard-
pressed......... '

But you didn't have to let me know now.

"Isn't Isla mistaken? Lice can't be a bad prescription."

Jenshi Gongbi took my side.

Eventually, the empress, who was tired of all this, stepped in.

"Anyway, did you file a complaint without any evidence?"


Prince Haeldon quickly answered after reading the annoyance of the Queen's tone.

"I admit, I was rash. There seems to be a misunderstanding, so we'd better agree at
this point."

It was obvious that he wanted to cover up the situation he didn't calculate.

"Well, if you actually eat pophori flowers, it doesn't hurt your life..."

Prince Haeldon coughed in vain and continued.

"I'd like to end this trial with tolerance and a simple reprimand and no more work."

He only looked at the empress without looking at my face.

"I apologize for being so sensitive to Hwang's work that I have grown up after hearing

Even with such an insincere apology, he gave a look of humiliation.

"And I will reflect on Ferelleman's prescription of a drug that leaves no evidence to

the royal family. I think it'll be okay if you just listen to a simple apple. What do you
think of the Empress?"

It was amazing to ask me to apologize for protecting my pride until the end.

The empress answered quickly whether she wanted to finish the burdensome

"There's no evidence on either side, so that sounds good."

The people in the audience were much more sloppy than I thought and the trial ended
quickly. He began to babble.

I spoke out in a loud voice.

"The Emperor's generosity makes me feel uneasy. I deeply reflect on the fact that I
didn't know how to overwrite such a cheap prescription and didn't leave any evidence.
I'm going to give you a prescription. I'll have to get my signature on the prescription
list and keep it."

I quickly continued before Prince Haeldon looked at me with a vague face.

"But since everyone is here, can we move on to another agenda?"

"What do you mean another one?"

"Yes, I asked the imperial medical researchers to read the royal medication records
just in case I was falsely accused. Oh, there's the investigator."

I smiled when I saw Haeldon's bloodless face hardened little by little by the word
"record of Hwang's medication."

"Looking at it, there's something a little strange about it, so I'm going to discuss it

"...... so cheeky, Ferrellmann's love."

Haeldon glared at me and said,

"What right do you have in this court where you're the defendant now?"

"I'd like to hear something else about Ferrellmann's love affair."

Then Jenshi Gongbi woke up and looked at Haldon and said.

"Your Majesty, personally, I believe in the ability and character of Miss Lice with great
help. Ferrellman Young-ae decided it was something to discuss here. There must be a
good reason. Permit Ferrellmann to speak."

This was why I called Jenshi Gongbi far away.

I gave her a wink of eye for not forgetting her request to allow me to speak.

"Yes, I'll give you permission."

The empress answered sharply whether she wanted to listen to Jenshi Gongbi, who
was born more than Prince Haeldon.

"Well, can I call my father, who was a member of the Imperial Medical Research
Institute 19 years ago, as a witness? I think you're going to explain this better."

"I give you permission. Arga Aate Perelman, come forward."

"Thank you."

Dad looked at me, raised his glasses once, and walked out confidently.

Then he began to talk to the audience, who were holding their breath.

19 years ago, when I had a stomachache or a headache, I was studying drugs that
could be solved at once, and I handed over all the findings to medical staff and left to
find my daughter.

"Here's the report."

Listening to the report he had handed over to the investigator, Dad began to recite
each composition of the medicine.

"Then, as fate would have it, my daughter Lice entered the Duke of Cerseus as my
assistant. And Lice found the poison that was being administered to Little Prince

Whether he didn't know that the snacks he had put in Serious would come out here,
Prince Haldon's face turned white.

Then suddenly, the door to the court opened and everyone came in unexpected

It was Prince Jade, who had not yet changed his blood-soaked clothes, and Lord
Keynes, who came running after him. I was also stunned because I didn't know that
Prince Jade, who would be running around the battlefield, would appear now.

"You said Miss Liche was on trial? That's outrageous! There must be some

Prince Jade strode to the throne of the royal family and shouted.

"I don't want to be sorry for Miss Liche anymore! I will surely protect Miss Lice in the
spirit of atonement!"

The court was filled with his shouting voice.

Jenshi Gongbi took Prince Jade's arm and forced him to sit next to him as he tried to
break in.

"The plot is now being revealed. He's my brother, but you can't even get the timing

I admired the objective judgment of the blood relationship.

"You don't have to keep it. Keep your mouth shut with a feeling of atonement."
As soon as I heard that my trial was scheduled, Lord Keynes explained that Prince
Jade ran to the palace at a mad pace.

I'm sure Lord Keynes would have delivered his refusal. Anyway, he was a pure man.

After a slight sigh, I began to speak clearly.

He explained that the ingredients of the snack were poison that changed the medicine
his father was studying, so when Eran ate, his stomach hurt, his head hurt when he
read the book, and his organs gradually became poisoned.

"But, you know, I and my dad are really good doctors."

From far away, I could see the eyes of Eran, Aunt Diel.

"It's easy to turn drugs into poison, but there are only a few trials and errors."

"The poison I injected into the Duke was a fairly successful improvement. It would
have taken a while."

I took a deep breath and continued without hesitation.

"It was at the age of five when the little prince could eat the cookies that the perfect
poison was injected into the Duke of Serious. If we hypothesize that the poison was
developed and that there was an experiment for a perfect improvement, we can infer
that there were similar victims."

The reason why he initially tried to look at the record of the imperial drug injection
was because of the sentiment that Prince Haeldon was likely to have attempted to
assassinate Prince Jade.

The person who planned the terror attack on the Ferris wheel could not have tried to
poison them.

It may have failed to live so well and healthy, but I thought it would be secretly
administering harmful substances that others could not notice.

However, after reading the records, there were certain things to be seen.

The emperor, who used to do the enormous combination that even I, a union that
others don't notice, couldn't have handed it over to Baron Ishider without any

The drugs that Dad recited earlier were mixed elsewhere and were entering Prince
Jade sequentially.

Being strict about eating because he was a member of the royal family, he was not
allowed to eat snacks at once like Eran did.

So I mixed them one by one in cold medicine or nutritional supplements. It's hard to
notice the combination at once, but no one could have noticed it since it was mixed so

"If you look at my evidence of the royal drug administration, over the course of a few
days, the ingredients of the drugs that my father mentioned earlier have been going
into a person's diet. It's Prince Jade."

The input began when Eran was five years old, that is, when Prince Jade was ten.

And the result is...

"Since childhood, you've been saying that you have a headache whenever you read a
book, and that's what happened."

I looked at Prince Jade with her eyes wide open.

The Empress and Lord Keynes ran frantically and began to contrast my father's report
with my drug records.
Lord Keynes, who had already heard the explanation of the snack ingredients in the
Duke of Cerseus, opened his mouth.

"Oh, my God, Her Majesty! Although it is separated, it has the same ingredients as
the poison I saw! This circle... no one would have known if it had been put in this

And the Empress glared at Haeldon, pointing her forehead.

"How dare you... my son!"

"Wait a minute."

Prince Jade stood up and shook her head in disbelief.

"I'm healthy, aren't I?"

"There must have been a lot of subtypes that had some effect, or that had a strange
effect on either side."

It must have caused a strange effect by expressing only "the symptoms of a

headache in the book."

Everyone was thinking something similar to me, but the prince said, "Your head is not
healthy." I couldn't speak out.

"All of that kind of poison works the younger the better."

Prince Jade was already ten years old at the time, so the poison had a lower effect
than Eran.

So it's a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit......

It wasn't medically a significant anomaly, but it still seemed to be at some

I spoke as calmly as I could with my shaky pupils.

"The Crown Prince was already quite old at the time, and like the Duke, he drank
sporadically without taking poison at once. Even pre-improved drugs......maybe they
didn't work, or if they did, they were weak. Anyway, the intention is clear. I think
you're probably the one behind the uprising."

The hall was dead calm.

Prince Haldon, who did not know that the most secret and old failure would be
revealed in front of so many people, could not immediately catch and stumbled.

From far away, I could see Diel clapping silently.

I quickly made eye contact with Eran.

He was smiling with a relaxed face as if he had already known I would do well.

Jenshi Gongbi jumped up.

"Do we need to listen anymore? Arrest him now!"

Prince Jade also shook her voice and ordered.

"Let's get the questioning straight away. Call all the investigators who have been to
the Duke of Cerseus. There's not a couple of charges."

The empress came to me trembling and grabbed my hand.

"Thanks, Ferrellmann. Thank you so much... for not knowing that my son was lewd...
hunting. I knew it at the competition, but you're really smart. Thank you very much."

"Thank you. We had a fantastic chemistry."

"Is there anything you want? Whatever you want, Young-ae."

Of course, I said it without hesitation because I had already thought of the answer.

"So tell me, what about the count my dad didn't get before?"

The higher the title, the better it is, so I'm responding quickly, but my aunt in the hall
that was all of a sudden buzzing around. somebody's screams were heard

"What? Arga told you not to run a few days ago! Hey! Hey! "

Everything happened so suddenly unexpectedly.

My father was also stunned and yelled at the whale.

"I don't think intelligence has any side effects. Why are you running crazy? No, what
the hell!"

Eran was running from far back toward his father.

Running like an animal, he reached the steep stairs where the trial was taking place,
threw himself, rolled, and flew toward his father.


In an instant, Eran, who arrived at his father, fell together.

And at that moment, the dagger that Prince Haeldon was holding split where his
father was standing.

Because Haeldon was a member of the royal family, he went to court

without being examined for his belongings.

He, who had not yet been questioned, never thought that the poison in the form of
snacks that he had put into the Duke of Cerseus a very long time ago would now be

That was a long time ago, and I managed this Baroness Lee Sider so he wouldn't get
caught. Why now?

In front of so many people, everything was revealed without excuse.

Now, the hope of getting out of the way was gone.

He looked at Arga looking at her daughter with a proud look.

A lifelong distraction who eventually took everything he wanted...

I was half crazy and felt like I was going crazy when I was going through the
continent, but now that Arga looked at me and thought about liking me so much, I
turned my stomach.

Thinking that he could not be unhappy alone, he took out the self-defense dagger
that he always carried around.

I wanted to break the happiness of the woman and the woman.

Lice was too far away because she was near the Empress, and she took out a dagger
and stabbed Arga's heart nearby.

Suddenly, a big black beast-like man flew out of the audience far above and rescued

He must have found the moment he took out the dagger and ran.

The Imperial Guard quickly captured Haeldon, who was guarding the court, and
immediately led him to the palace prison where the torture apparatus was set up at
the Emperor's command.

However, Arga, who had survived by a narrow margin, did not seem to feel relieved.
This is because Eran, who fell with Arga, was not able to raise himself easily.

There were side effects that had been warned from the past.

"Oh, my God, Duke! Don't close your eyes! Don't close your eyes until the first aid!"

Arga accepted Eran and shouted.

He also noticed that Eran must have run from far away despite the side effects to
save himself.

"Class 1 poison! Where's the Class 1 poison? Bring it right away!"

However, the court could not have saved the first-class poison, which was originally

Lord Keynes rushed to tell his servant something, but it was certain it would take
some time.

Arga slapped him in the face as she looked at his eyes that kept getting hazy.

Before I knew it, the urgency of his voice began to young.

"If you lose your mind, you're hallucinating right away, and you don't know when
you'll wake up until you find a cure! Hey! Wake up! in the first degree Dokdo! "

Eran seemed to listen to him and try to open his eyes, but his face began to twitch.

Arga was hitting him in the face like crazy, and Seirin came running gasping for

"What? Don't run, you punk. Didn't you say go?"

"You jumped and you got this!"

"Hey, you fucking crazy guy!"

Lice, who was standing with the Empress, immediately ran and held Eran's arm.

It was briefly clear that Eran's pupil, which was being released, had seen Liche's

Lice stood beside Eran, holding back her tears and gasping for breath.

"Mr. Eran!"

As soon as I heard Liche's voice, my eyes in Er were slightly bent.

"Are you really crazy? I told you not to run!"

Eran answered in a locked voice in a tight breath.

"How did you find your family, Liche."

"Keep your head up while you go into the first aid. If it helps you talk, just keep
talking. What the hell was wrong with you?"

"I didn't want to see you sad again."

Lice bit her crying lips tightly and asked Arga.

"The first-class poison you brought earlier has been discarded, right? But didn't you
take the syringe?"

"Oh! There is! It's not taken away!"

We can't just inject the first-degree poison, so of course we had a syringe with us.

Arga stopped hitting Eran's cheek like crazy and began to roll up her arms and got

"Heroine Serious! Do you end up screwing me over? Hey! Hey! Wake up! Keep

It was originally Arga and Liche's judgment that it was better to press it with a first-
degree poison and decipher it than just falling into a hallucination state.

However, the rear barracks for medical assistance did not have a first-degree poison.

Lice took the syringe out of Arga's jacket pocket with trembling hands.

"It hasn't been long since I said I regretted saving you as a child..."

Arga held out her right arm, which rolled up her sleeve to Lice.

Because she knew what made her think about the presence of a syringe in this urgent

"Then I'll be fine if I put my blood in. For your information, I'm type E."

"What happens if I get blood of type E when I haven't treated Hirika for mana?"

"You get shock symptoms, and in the worst case, you're brain dead."

Arga's E-type blood was toxic enough to be close to a first-degree poison.

"Oh, my God, you're going to save yourself again. I'll stop by my daughter again
when I wake up...."

Lice bit her lower lip tightly and drew blood directly from Arga's arm.

Almost everyone there could not know why Liche was drawing Arga's blood, but he
was not stupid enough to immediately ask why.

Seirin, who was looking at him from the side, shook his head as if he was sick of it
and muttered.

" x-feet, what's so consistent about human beings? Isn't that crazy ?"

Recalling a conversation she once had at an inn, she pointed to her forehead.
"I'm rolling to death.Danny, what if you're literally ready to die and roll over?"

In fact, Seirin sighed as she recalled Eran rolling the stairs.

Seirin was talking to Eran until he ran out.

"How can that prince be painful? Indeed, it is too futile for Crown Prince Jade to end
with a death sentence. Sioni died so painfully, and my family had a long time of

"That's right."

"Even Prince Haeldon has no children, so Ar can't know how he feels."

"Oh, that's not a problem. The way I thought of it was ...."

Listening to Eran, Seirin was deeply impressed by the fact that he was a vicious man
he didn't want to have as an enemy.

Not long ago, however, it was surprising that the wicked man, who had been talking
to him in a distant manner, threw himself for Arga and drooped like that.

"I wasn't a quiet madman for nothing..."

Whatever Seirin said or not, Arga jumped or not, no matter how noisy the
surrounding area was, Eran's pupils were only facing the calmly moving Liche.

"I'm spending precious time with my family, Liche."

Injecting this blood will keep him out of his senses for quite some time.

Although toxic, it is different from the first-class poison, so it should be studied and
decoded from the beginning to the end.

"You've been looking for a long time."

Of course, Eran did not save him for Arga, but for Lice.

After seeing her look full for the first time in her family, Eran easily lowered herself
from Liche's priority.

When he saw Haeldon's move to attack Arga, he judged that it would be better for
Lice to be hallucinated and unable to come to his senses than for Arga to die.

"I want to do everything you want."

While Eran was speaking with a slight smile, Lice poked a syringe into his arm and
injected Arga's E-type blood.

And she thought a lot in that short moment.

He said he wanted to spend time with his family, but he didn't even respond to his
request for a date.

It was always natural for him to come and she thought all she had to do was respond.

At one time, when he was young and often sick, he was desperate for a stable breath,
but before he knew it, he was considered a healthy person for granted.

Yesterday, after listening to Diel and his conversation, I thought we could do better

I was going to pay more attention now because I think I'm struggling more than I

Her eyes were filled with tears as a calm voice came to her, which casually told her
that her family was more important than her.

That's why he took the risk and ran down the road, thinking that his priorities were
right below him.

' I... must have made the same mistake again, this time.'
In the past, I had never thought I needed a family until I was imprisoned and died.

This time, he was not aware that Eran was really important to him. I thought I would
always be around.

As he was in danger again in her arms, many nights spent caring for him as a child
passed by like a flashlight.

Lice took out the needle of the syringe, pressed it with alcohol cotton, pressed down
on her emotions, and quietly whispered.

"Trust me, Mr. Eran. I'll make you open your eyes again somehow. You can listen to
me. "

It was a tone of conviction that comforted him, who was in pain on a young day.

Eran smiled slightly and nodded, his cheek being hit by Arga.

"Yes, I believe it if it's Liche."

Lice held Eran's hand and watched his dimming eyes to the end, as she looked at him
asleep on a young day, whether it was noisy or not.

Eran's eyes slid shut.

I knew that I could not open my eyes for a long time because I had been fully
explained to Arga since I sensed the body's abnormality.

"It's all right."

But I wasn't afraid of the long darkness that kept me awake like I was in my

"I can see you even if I close my eyes."

Lice's green eyes drew tears quietly.

"So from some point on, the darkness has not been scary."

Arga held Eran's other hand and was checking the flow of mana.

It wasn't until Eran's naked cheeks were completely unconscious that Lice began to
cry quietly.

I know the cause, and I know I can fix it, but when I see Eran lying down right now, I
see her chest. It's been pushed back.

And Arga swallowed a deep sigh as she looked at the expression.

It was because Lice thought Eran would never like it, but she didn't like it more.

When he saw his daughter's face, which was contemplated earlier, he realized that he
had no choice but to allow someone like Eran if she wanted to.

"Don't cry."

Arga checked Eran's breathing and told Lice.

"It's you who saved this human from an unknown poison. One more type E blood
won't be able to decipher it."
"That's right..."

Lice answered as if she was speaking to herself, not crying aloud but shedding tears.

"I'll save it somehow. I did no more difficult for anything. "

Arga looked at Eran's face irritably and murmured.

"You end up making me say this. Serious of tenacity, indeed. It's a disgusting family.
I didn't want to get tangled up in the first place."

Neither Caillan nor Isabelle were well-versed in getting what they wanted in the end.

Would he have been the doctor of the family without any regrets?

He added, grinding his teeth.

"I hate it, but I'll overlook your date and get up. I'm not really doing this because you
saved me."

The imperial trial, which was held after a long time, ended with so many stories to
forget what the trial was originally held for.

All the nobles in the capital learned about the rebellion behind it was.

For a long time, the performance of Perelman's self-author, the father and daughter,
and the story that the Duke of Cerseus blew himself away to save Perelman's own
work and collapsed.

Of course, Jade's brain health was not mentioned in public.


Everything went well as I planned, but I wasn't happy to see Eran who lost his mind.

He'd better avoid transporting the patient as much as possible, so he'd be there to
take a little bit of the capital.
I bought a mansion.

"I wish I had one of my own on the capital. I didn't buy it because I thought it would
take a lot of time to treat the duke."

So I and my aunt, dad and Diel decided to stay in the capital for a while with Eran,
who lost his mind.

As soon as possible, you will never wake up from your hallucination

because you received your father's blood type E.

Once we avoided the worst-case brain death, we thought we would recover soon if we
treated it as well as we do now.

However, everything from the outbreak to the first aid was new, so they had to study
from one to ten and deal with it.

I wrote to Mrs. Isabelle that I would take care of her in the capital for the time being
because it would be best to avoid transporting the patient.

The fact that I am a genius is undeniable, so the mana that was fluctuating in Eran's
body is gradually changing.
It's starting to stabilize.

It was clear that it would happen sooner or later if it was treated carefully by the side.

Once you've had a proper illness when the temperature changes, you'll be stronger in
the future, just as you'll be more immune to a disease you've had once.

I was confident that I could treat it well because it was a poison I knew, but my heart
sank when Eran collapsed.

I knew how a precious person felt hurt, so I thought I could treat medicine more
missionarily in the future.

The capital and duchess were not far away, so after sending the letter, Mrs. Isabelle's
visit quickly took place.
"Lady, we have a visitor from the Duke of Cerseus. Mrs. Isabelle."

I was injecting Eran with a sap, and the maid came in and said,

"Yes, I'll be ready."

Of course, Mrs. Isabelle would like to see her son, Eran, so she ordered a brief
conversation with her father in the parlor and then to lead her right here.

As the soft glue detoxification effect and E-type blood met, Eran's body stopped as it

At the moment when he closed his eyes, all the lines stopped and he was not getting
dirty even if he didn't get dirty.

He was injecting all the sap and stroking his hair when he heard a knock.

It was D.iel who came in carefully while Mrs. Isabelle, who was greeting her father,
tilted her head because she couldn't raise her head already.

It seemed to be accompanied by Mrs. Isabelle from the Duchess.

"I've brought some of the Duke's luggage..."

I tapped him on the shoulder and smiled and said.

"Then bring all the luggage to my room. We don't have a lab yet. And later, I'm going
to make my own lab and greenhouse, and I'll give you an estimate, and I'll ask you."

At my words, Diel rolled his eyes with excitement.

"The interior of the public lab is a bit out of fashion, but this time I'm going to
decorate it with the pastel tones that are popular these days... Oh, and."

Diel took something out of my luggage and handed it to me.

"I've also brought a must-have item...."

I received a small box from Diel.

After a brief personal conversation, it was Mrs. Isabelle who came in after D.I.L. went
out reciting all the colors that suited the lab.

After a brief greeting with me, Mrs. Isabelle sighed for a moment as she looked at
Eran, who was lying like a picture.


She used Eran's arm for a moment and muttered.

"It's hard at this age to see your child sick. Even if you're so big."

"You'll get well soon."

I spoke quickly to reassure her.

"The horsepower flow is quickly returning to normal, and other body changes are
good. I think I'll be back in a few days."

"Licce, you're watching this. It's a shame. I believe that."

"I'll make you feel better no matter what. But I got hurt to save my dad... I'm your
face. I don't see much of you."

"Then of course, shouldn't you take the burden on your mind?"

Mrs. Isabel slowly turned her head toward me.

Her eyes seemed to tie me up like Eran.

"I'll take care of this guy all my life..."


"You can call me your mother from now on."

She spoke forcefully and I nodded without realizing it.

There seemed to be a reason why Dad continued to be the doctor of Cerseus Castle.

As my father said, it must be hard to get out of the house once in the eye.

"I don't think marriage is going to be easy right now. I need my dad's permission,
and I want to spend more time with my family."

"I won't wait forever. Can't you just call me your mother from now on?"

"Oh... yes, ma'am."

I answered immediately without hesitation.

With Eran lying down like that, I wanted to listen to everything Ma'am Isabel wanted.

But that didn't mean to mortgage my whole life, so I hesitated and said.

"But I... if I get married, I don't want to be a duchess like you. So I think it's too

"Of course, Eran is uselessly good at it, so she can do it alone. Do everything you
want to do. And isn't it supposed to be Eran who's been supporting you? Also, you
said 'marriage' in your own words. Don't ever forget."

Mrs. Isabel spoke like a wedge, grabbed her son's arm and smiled brightly.

I hesitated and added because I thought I'd make sure everything was clear.

"And if you get up without any problems, I don't think you need a doctor like me or
my dad. It's different from when you were always sick for no reason, and you're going
to be stronger, so I wouldn't have much to do if I stayed with you."

"Yes, of course. Do as you please. But you're going to stick with our hats because
they're more sticky than the doctor, right? Like a family. Right? "

Looking at Mrs. Isabel's black eyes, I felt as if I were talking to Eran.

"Uh... yeah, well."

Even if I wanted to live in Ferrellman's own house for the rest of my life, I had no
choice but to nod my head with Eran because Mrs. Isabelle was ready to move her
luggage with her.

"I talked to him earlier, and he said that he must have written such a contract
because he thought Lice would look like him. If you were a son who looked like my
husband and wife, I would have written a contract even if it was a joke because I
thought the shell would definitely be great. "


"Of course, the appearance of our couple is a huge combination, but the kernel is also
a terrible mix of the two, so you can never get married."

But I don't think I'm going to oppose it for the rest of my life."

Looking at the expression of Mrs. Isabelle, who seemed to be relaxed, I thought that
Serious was one step ahead of Perelman.

Even after Mrs. Isabelle, who left her son to me completely, went back to the
Duchess, Eran could not get up.

I always thought so, but now I was eagerly waiting for him.

Waiting for someone was more lonely than I thought, so I would sweep him in the

As a victim of this incident, Eran is a picture of the day he goes to the palace after
being asked to appear as a witness by the royal court.

While I was taking care of Eran, an extensive investigation was being conducted in
the palace to dig up every single rebel.

"Liche, don't worry too much."

My aunt patted me on the head looking at Eran's condition every day.

"This consistent duke will surely wake up fine in case you feel sad. Besides, you're a

"You're right about everything, but I'm still worried that I can make it happen in a few

I was always nervous even though I knew I could do well, and when he lost
consciousness with his eyes closed, the world seemed to collapse.

Worrying about precious people was a matter of emotion rather than the realm of

I closed my eyes peacefully and sighed looking at Eran's face lying down.

"There are so many things on my mind. I didn't know there were so many things I
couldn't tell you."

I'll fix it, but of course it will happen, but there's no 100% in medicine. just in case
What if I can't.

He insisted on staying with me for 20 hours out of 24 hours, so I knew we would have
a lot of time to do something together.

I thought Eran would always stand there so that I could be with him whenever I
finished my work.
I realized late this time that I should not take the uncertainty of life lightly, so I had
to be faithful to every moment and do my best to love.

"Of course, my family is precious and of course I don't want to get married in a hurry.
But like my dad said, I don't want to break up with Eran right away. Of course, I'm a
waste, but he's still a precious person to me."

"Ar doesn't have a clue, but he has a sense of shame. Even if you don't like it a lot,
you can't help it. Of course, it's not Serious."

"My aunt told me to live alone."

"If you let me name the babies, I'll let you get married when you're 40. How do you
like it?"

I think my children's story worked very well for my aunt.

"By the way, didn't you talk to him earlier? What did you talk about? I've never seen
you talk to your dad with such a long expression of determination."

"Yes, it was the second time in my life. The first was when I decided to separate you
from the Duke of Cerseus."

My aunt spoke casually in front of the unconscious Eran and me holding his hand

"Oh... well... I see."

"This time it was about Prince Haeldon."

I blinked at my aunt.

"I don't want you to die comfortably in prison. When I was on trial, the Duke of
Cerseus told me what to do. I'm the only one who's heard of it, so shouldn't I pass it
on to Arga?"

Sitting in the audience, her aunt and Eran seemed to have talked about it.
It was a little pitiful to think of D.I.L. who must have been fidgeting between them.

My aunt shook her head looking at Eran's face.

"But I think I have a natural talent for revenge. They gave it back as much as they
really got, it's amazing."

"I'm sure."

I answered bitterly.

"I'm nice, so I told you to walk only pretty and nice paths. He does everything dirty
and evil."

I wanted to say thank you if only Eran stood up again.

Out the window came the autumn wind, which is now complete.

Soon the day I returned was approaching.

Now there is no real future, no more secrets to know.

Before returning home, he found his desperate family, and stopped the rebellion
before he shed more blood.

While my aunt told me what Eran had said, I pondered on how I wanted to live my
life, which was only once.

First, I wanted to spend a long time with my family.

Especially, I never wanted to break up with my father who was searching for me.

As a result of running a booth in Gun International, I didn't think it was very suitable
to work as a doctor and use my abilities to only one person, no matter how well
treated I was.

It was helpful to many people and it was good to follow their reputation.

Soon when Eran opens his eyes, I wanted to tell you that I really need you.


The palace was still cluttered.

Arga calmly went into the room and thought the capital city was rumored to be fast.

This is because it has been heard from day to day that the imperial investigation team
is finding out the rebel forces one after another and catching them relentlessly.

Just as the Duke of Cerseus was baiting Baron Cedar, Prince Hael Dunn seemed to
have ghosted only families that would benefit if the existing system was broken.

Of course, before a full-fledged revolt, there will be many small families who will pass
by without being caught.

The land that started the army without a bottom or a bottomless pit was destroyed
within hours of Jade's personal appearance. Everyone was absolutely self-conscious
because they knew that.

Jade was right when she always opened her eyes and said uniformly, "Why the
rebellion when I'm going to win all of them anyway?"

' But in the meantime, there will be victims who die and get hurt. '

Anyway, the rebellion that Prince Haeldon had prepared for a long time was ending
like this.

Arga described all the facts that had been in front of the investigator and felt anger
rising again.
When he said everything without holding back his anger, the investigator sighed and
told him.

"You've been through a lot. But I'm so glad you found your daughter. The trial was
very impressive."

"It was very hard. Terrible. I'm the most direct victim of this. The Crown Prince, what,
has he lost much?"

"I don't know..."

The inspector spoke with a serious look.

"There was an opinion that we should leave the disposition of Prince Haelden to
Perelman's own author. The Crown Prince will probably accept it if you ask him. Oh, it
can be hard to forgive mercifully."

"What do you mean mercy? Have you heard what happened? Do I look like
a physiognomy to forgive that kind of rice paddy?"


Just saying that, the investigator immediately answered Arga, who was fed up with
the word "forgiveness."

"You look far from merciful."

"You've seen a good person."

"Anyway, would you like to ask for disposal?"

"Yes, of course."

Arga gnashed her teeth and nodded.

The inspector called the servant in and whispered something. The servant
disappeared for a while and returned shortly afterwards.
The investigator, who opened the official letter brought by King Xizong, held the flag
pen again as if it was not difficult.

"The Crown Prince is asking you to take over all the disposal rights. What are you
going to do?"

"What? This soon?"

"It's supposed to be a good job."

Arga wanted to ask if he was not cool, but he was just exaggerating his official seal,
but he endured it for his mental health. Instead, I asked something else I was curious

"......who told you to leave the disposal to me?"

"This is Sir Keynes."

"There's loyalty to the subject of coveting my daughter as a family."

After smirking, Arga began to transfer the disposition he wanted to the investigator.

Arga quickly added, frowning at his brow, because the inspector could not hide the
appearance of a scratch every time he recorded it.

"It's not me, it's the Duke of Cerseus' idea.

"Oh, that's a good idea for the Duke. Are you feeling better now?"

"Well, my daughter is watching, so she'll be fine."

Arga sighed as if she was upset just thinking about it, but her expression already had

"So... are you going to visit me now?"

Arga nodded and followed the Inquisitor into the palace prison.

I once went to the dungeon of the Duke of Cerseus. That's a terrible place.
I thought so, but the prison in the palace was even worse.

Naturally, there was no sunlight, dark, unsanitary, and all kinds of psychologically
painful magic.

Long on the shady road, Arga could see the mess of Haeldon.

On a young day, Haeldon, who always pressed the leader with arrogance, was
crouching in the corner of the prison, smiling like a madman.

"I won't ask you why."

Arga spoke coldly while speaking informally to the emperor.

"It's obvious he's been eaten up by inferiority complex. I don't want to see others do
well, I want to break them down somehow, I'm excited to think of someone who's
going to suffer from your actions, and I'm just trying to bully them."

Unlike when he vented his anger while talking to the investigator, Arga remained
expressionless and continued.

"That's a disease. a very nasty illness It's not normal."

"If you're here to laugh, get out of here. Are you satisfied that I gave you a long
enough painful time? I'm going to die anyway, and I don't have any regrets

"Well, let me start by telling you that I have the right to dispose of you."

"So you want me to send you a congratulatory message?"

It was true that Haeldon had no regrets about the rest of his life, but Arga looked at
him still with her arms folded.

"Well, I'm a benevolent man full of humanity, and I'm weak."

"If you're going to talk nonsense, go."

"The Princess Hwang is pregnant."

Haeldon's expression, which he had always laughed at, hardened.

"My daughter, you know Lice is a genius, right? It's a matter of course because I've
been prescribed by Liche."

"'s a problem that hasn't been solved even though I've studied it so far."

"Is Lice the same as you. It's Lice's skill. You'll know better."

Seeing Haeldon's shaky eyes, Arga worked properly. I knew that.

"I lost my wife and found my daughter for 19 years. My daughter grew up skinny in a

"......Self, the child is innocent. You'd rather kill me. Torture me."

"Yes, the child is innocent. So I'm not going to kill him."

What Haeldon wanted so much, I was so envious of Arga that I tried to use him to
hurt him deeper.

It was a child.

"After giving birth to a child, we're going to execute Princess Hwang, and we're going
to leave him at a nursery in the distance. It's her life. It's on its own."

" can do anything about me, to a well-received nursery..."

Haeldon clasped the cage with his knee and spoke eagerly.

It was a very shameless request, but Arga did not point out.

"If you wait 19 years and don't kill yourself and hold out well, I'll show you the child.
face I know how desperate a child I've never seen before is. Just feel my pain in the

Arga did not say directly what the 'pain' was. But Haeldon will have to endure any
pain now that he hears it.

I can't help but believe Arga's words just in case.

For the past 19 years, it was because Arga had lived like that.

This was the way Eran sat in the audience seat of the court and told Seirin.

"It's Liche's ability, and they'll know better, so if you say you have it, you'll have to
believe it. Put him in prison, struggling with torture for the rest of his life, deceiving
him that if he doesn't kill himself, he'll let you see your child if you hold on to this. It's
a period of 19 years that Perelmann's son had been searching for Lice."

Of course, Isela is not pregnant. Lice also prescribed it and added that it wouldn't
have much effect.

"And 19 years later, you killed the torture because you couldn't hold it well. Isn't it
just a false charge that Haeldon was trying to put on Liche? Lice killed her own wife."

To tell the futility of the time at the end after suffering for a long time. It was a way
to pay back what Arga had been beaten.

I was going to ask Jade for torture to be done in the imperial prison.

Arga trembled once because she knew how terrible the 19 years had been, even
though she gave it back as much as she had received.

And how frustrating it would be to find out later that he didn't even exist.

Or I could never have told you.

"I'll go there once a year. She was a daughter, she grew up a lot, she said she was
good at studying. This way, if you let the information out about a virtual child, it'll
make you more obsessed with being lifeless and painful."

Arga slowly moved on, recalling what Eran said to Seirin.

"Of course not marriage."

He murmured with irritation.

"Stop suffering Liche and get up."

He sighed as he recalled Lice, who was nursing like a child next to Eran.

"If you want to go once a year, you should get up first, you punk."

I hate it when Eran is glibly next to Liche, but I hated it even more when Lice had a
worried look.

At any rate, it was impossible to escape once you were entangled with Serious.

It was when I regretted what happened 30 years ago, saying that I didn't get close to
Kaylan in the first place.

As soon as I left the dungeon, I saw Jade, who seemed to be carrying all kinds of
worries in the world.

"Your Highness?"

"Oh, Perelman himself."

Arga gave Jade an example, and Jade tapped him on the shoulder and said,

"Is Duke Serious all right?"

"Well... it'll be all right."

"I'll leave it up to you to dispose of Prince Haeldon. I've assigned the consultant as I
wanted. I thought I was going to kill him right now, but it was amazing that I kept
him alive."

"Thank you."

As a courtesy, I expressed my gratitude, but I felt like I was upset.

This is because Jade remembered the chronology, not the one she sent to Lice.

' My brain is extremely transparent, my frozen, my brain is so full of...'

Jade, who saw Arga's poor expression, sighed and mumbled.

"I'm so sorry... I can't be forgiven even if I'm young."


"The Stone of Mana."


Arga actually thought that a five-year-old child could be possessed by a toy and take
out a magic item.

It was unique that he had the physical ability to outrun all his servants, and even a
child other than Jade could commit it without malice.

Of course, it would have been better if this had not happened, but adults using
intimate maid-of-law were considered worse.

Just as young Eran did not say anything to his doctor about lying and having secrets,
Arga had no intention of asking the child for sin.

And unfortunately, if not for the Stone of Mana, Zioni would have died.

"Yes, Lice had a hard time."

Of course, it was regrettable that Liche was not happy to visit his family after being
prosecuted for some time over it.

"Oh... oh, my gosh."

Prince Jade wrapped her head in pain.

Arga basically didn't blame Jade very much.

Perhaps it was because he had no expectations in the first place, or because he felt a
sense of responsibility for taking poison based on the drugs he had produced.

"You're wrong, son. I'm really reflecting on myself. From now on, I will never be
fooled by toys and release items."

His innocent blue eyes looked so sad that Arga answered with no energy.

"Yes, you should never fall for a toy from now on. Although my highness is twenty-

"The fact that he is Miss Lice's biological father is quite amazing. Miss Lice is cute and

"Why is that surprising?"

"Well... look in the mirror, Jajak. You always have angry eyes. Even now."

I couldn't say it was because I was thinking of Jade's letter, and Arga sighed slightly.

I could see why Eran had a painful look when he was with Jade.

In Arga's eyes, Jade's expression became more and more firm because she also
looked shameless in her eyes.

'Of course, there are some effects of poison. But anyway, stupid...... wouldn't it be
better for Eran to have a bad idea than for a thoughtless human being? Wait, my
daughter is going to live with me forever, and what am I thinking now?'

Arga was even more annoyed when she thought without realizing it, so she frowned.
Jade sighed and swept up her head.

"As expected......that's not the fault you're going to make a word like this. He built his
own house in the capital. Face down? I'll have to apologize to you face to face."

"What? Aren't you busy?"

"Well, there's nothing I can do. There's no more fighting. Perelman and Miss Lice, I
have a personal favor to ask you both, so I'd like to drop by."

"Well, my daughter, um...."

When Arga hesitated and hesitated, Jade looked sad and dropped her head.

"The Duke of Serious risked his life to protect Perelman's estate and saved his own
son. I'm shameless, too. How can I ask Miss Lice to choose me, not the Duke, when
all I did is wrong."

'I think it's a mess of mixed sequences and causality.'

Arga felt very strange, but she remained silent because she hated correcting the
mistakes by reciting Lice and Eran's love affairs in her own words.

"We'll be on our way anyhow. Go ahead and get it ready."

No matter how powerless it seems, Jade was the Crown Prince.

Arga expressed her intention to know by example, and then took a sigh and rode a
carriage to return to the newly purchased mansion in the capital.


The capital's Perelman self-composed me suddenly received a guest. Prince Jade

came running on a horse.

My father definitely said he would leave first and get ready for the guest, but the two
of them eventually arrived at the same time. This is because horses were bound to be
faster than wagons.

Until my dad changed his clothes, Prince Jade had to deal with me alone.

"Oh, sorry, I've been running a horse and I can't control my speed. But I'm not picky.
You can be prepared whatever you want."

"Yes, it's a hurry-up mansion anyway, so we don't have a lot of households, so we

have to prepare anything."

As soon as Prince Jade saw me, she sighed as if the world was going away.

"When I was five years old, a woman-in-law seduced me to give me a toy sword, so I
let the escort go and took out an item of magic. Totally. I forgot about it...."


"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Miss Liche. I kept telling Perelman to his own son. From now
on, I'll never take out magic items because I'm obsessed with toys."

"Yes, of course you should. I hope you keep that in mind."

I nodded to offer a seat.

Of course, it was true that I had a hard time because of Prince Jade, but it didn't
happen because he intended it and I didn't want to ask a five-year-old boy for his

But I said it quickly because I was afraid that I would say nonsense like I did in a

"I'm sorry, by the way. I can't accept the prince'sincerely. I like the Duke of Cerseus,
and we're on the same wavelength....."

"I suppose so, Miss Lice. Of course I understand."

Prince Jade groaned with a painful look on her face.

"I was foolish enough to play a part in the death of Perelman's wife, and the Duke of
Cerseus sacrificed his life to protect Perelman's son...It's Miss Lice's choice, of
'Something's weird. '

"I'm a person who can infer that kind of situation, Miss Liche."

"Well, I've never actually liked you as a man."

"Yeah, when the Duke of Cerseus is lying like that, wouldn't my heart feel
insignificant? I also understand that everything became meaningless when Miss Lice
saved me."


It would be better to just end our relationship here and not get tangled anymore.

It was better than crying and raving about why I couldn't send it.

Anyway, the conclusion is the same, so I gave up telling the truth anymore.

It was hard to tell whether it was really a side effect of the poison that Prince Haelden
had fed, or if he was born a little short of being born.

You will never know until you return and save Prince Jade.

The most competent teachers would have been assigned, but I could see why the
crown prince's intellectual ability was this much.

I don't think teachers can teach everyone teach.


"Sorry for the delay, Your Grace."

Then my father hurriedly changed his clothes and entered the drawing room.

Seeing that there were no outer glasses that I usually wore, and that Kravat was
slightly twisted, I and Prince Jade seemed to hate being alone.

"No, I came quickly. I apologized sincerely to Miss Lice."

Prince Jade looked at me and bowed her head again.

"If it's not enough..."

"No, it's not enough. I've accepted that heart that was heartbreaking enough."

I replied in a hurry because I didn't want to repeat the conversation anymore.

Dad also stepped in with a serious face to see if he wanted to stop me and Prince
Jade from talking.

"Your Highness, by the way, you have something to tell me..."

"Oh, yeah."

Prince Jade said, sweeping his chin.

"I really realized a lot about this."

Diel, who carefully came into the drawing room and delivered his father's al glasses
quietly, was surprised.

"In the meantime, I thought I'd win everything. That's true, but I knew there were
people who got hurt in the meantime."

"Oh, that's right."

I answered with admiration.

"Even if there was a full-fledged revolt, of course the Crown Prince would have swept
away, but a lot of people would have been hurt in the meantime. There must have
been some victims who lived a good life and were swept away and sentenced to

That was me.

"That's right, so I regretted it a lot. Don't ignore the advice when the Duke of Cerseus
sincerely informs me of the rebellion."

"Yes, good job."

"So I've decided now."

Diel was walking around the doorway, unable to even go out because he was afraid
and curious about the decision.

Me and my dad waited half anxious for his next words.

"I'll admit that I've become a little lacking in the desire to take poison in the past, and
I'll leave many areas to outstanding experts to actively listen to clever people. Of
course those who are loyal. And I'm going to take a teacher and study again."

I sighed with relief. If you admit your lack, you'll get away with the worst.

"Yes, the future of the Empire is not very dark, fortunately."

"That's why."

Prince Jade looked straight at his father.

"We're going to dismantle the imperial medical team. Lord Keynes said it was actually
like Prince Haeldon's nobleman."

"Yes, I did. I've been kicking them out for a little bit since the old days."

Dad shook his head in disgust.

"But medicine is so important to the welfare of the nation, so I want you to take
charge of it."

"Total responsibility?"

"The researchers from 19 years ago said that Perelman's own creation was better
than Prince Haeldon."

"That's right."

"The inspiration of Perelman's own author has given us a clue to the rebellion, and we
are fully assured, not to mention our ability."

Prince Jade's words showed Dad's cheeks twitching.

As a young man, my father was a countess, but he had the mission and ability to help
many people.
He must have joined the research team because of his desire to open it.

Because I have that kind of heart, I imagined how excited my dad would be right

So I stepped in quickly.

"Well... if we're going to dismantle it and rebuild it, we need conditions."

"Huh? What is it, Miss Liche?"

"I wish I were a national medical researcher, not an imperial medical researcher. It's
not for the imperial family, it's for the country."

"Isn't that what it is?"

"It's different. You'll find out later if you study. It's a better idea anyway."

"If that's what Ms. Liche saved me, that's what it would be. All right."

"And I want it to be composed of skills rather than status. Even a commoner can be
smarter than a nobleman."
I spoke confidently, recalling the memory of being once ignored in a contest as a

"You'll have to pick your own. My dad has picked a lot of people from the Duke of
Cerseus. You can see the genius at a glance."


Dad sighed and murmured.

"Who's daughter is so smart and nice. Oh, it's sad that everyone already knows that
and can't tell you more."

Prince Jade said after nodding her head to my story, saying, 'I will follow the will of
the experts.'

"Licce is definitely a target, right?"

"Of course."

My father's voice was in full bloom.

"I'll go to work and be with you all day. It's so exciting to have a medical research
debate with my daughter."

I was also a really good suggestion in that my ability helps everyone.

I wanted to join the Imperial Medical Research Team even before I knew anything.

Besides, I really liked that you were working with your dad.

But I smiled and shook my head.

"Not now. I want to keep an eye on you until you wake up safely."

"Well, that's what you're going to do. Oh, and Miss Lice's request... she really wants
to listen."
"On the count?"

"Yeah, maybe when I'm appointed as the general manager of the research team, I'm
planning to put the count on it all at once. I know that."

"Oh... Liche, I didn't have to pack you anything like this."

My father said with a sigh as if he had been touched.

"Because I prefer Earl Young-ae to his own Young-ae. And...."

I answered nicely.

"I'm proud to be able to give my father the count who gave up looking for me."

Prince Jade and his father began talking about the formation and planning of a new
national medical team.

Considering my father's attendance at work, it was a good thing that I set up my own
house in the capital.

I was only listening until the middle, and I got up first on the pretext of
seeing Eran's condition.

Diel followed secretly and whispered.

"In a way, it's a very happy ending..."

He still blurted his words, glancing sideways, but still wobbly.

"The Duke knew that your father was your son, and he decided to live a good and
gentle life in the future. ... I heard that you were also a good son to her. ... Oh, my
God. Sir Zickel asked me to thank you for giving him a personality education he
couldn't do, but I forgot..."

To be exact, the situation surrounding me, not me, gave me a true realization, but
that was it.
"The Crown Prince knows that it's not all he has to do with his body at last, but he's
lucky to think he's going to use someone else's head because he's not good
enough............. getting hit in the back by his brother, getting dumped by a woman
he loves... "

"Yes, it's all thanks to me."

I nodded indifferently.

"Two men who lacked intelligence and personality have decided to fill in the gaps
because of me anyway."


Dad has been busy since that day. This is because work has been poured out to form
a new national medical research team.

And my grandfather came up from his own house saying he wanted to see me.

Unlike its craftsmanship, it is small in size, so it is allowed to leave the house for a
few months.

Thanks to Joaquin, Perelman's self-sacrifice was fortunately safe even when the
rebels swept the country.

"Oh, Liche."

His grandfather, who stepped on the dirt road more frequently in his new home in the
capital, became healthier than in Perelman's Birch.

"Can't you just back off a little bit?"


I used to play chess with my grandfather in the afternoon when my aunt, who hates
using her hair, went out for a walk.

"Sioni stepped back once in a while. Chess skills are just like Zioni, so why not?"

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