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A pro active, i>4!

l0noble condldol" mono_gir,g p,lorttttM wllh o

pc,11),vo olhllldo. W"1,ngnoi, lo toke 011 oppo!tul1ffies 10 learn. grow
dnd woit . creohng chMga for lhe belliH.

l'erwlc,nf !oooer oogo, lo leod ond groworgon;wtiof'5. Sl<fneo In

pl0nnlng p10Clom•s0Mr1g. ,;md communic,;J!ioo wilh good
unde<'llondlng 0I w1,nen pnnG:ip les. ptojec1 mono~emonl end
Aanchal loom loodcnhip.

Sl u<1<:1 t ,T
Work History

Contact 2023-05 - President

Cvrr,,nl ENACTUS , N!!w DeJN
• ~res.ident or o sodol Non Prol,I Ofgomsollon
W011clng towards social covie lo, t~e
Phone undefpnvU09ed sec.hon ol tbs wcietv • r:,rovi<Jlng
96.:3.t 1,NB-3 lhBm employment or,d m~cei
E-man Hirad.mancig ed orid.le<ld 6 l11oms of ◄~
mBmbe.rl lhereby 8'<Nbll\ng slror>g lecdenhlp
si.111, commvnlco~on. uncsentond~ or,d 100m

Skills Research and Innovation

ENAcrus. New Del/11
• c,ov~ c:on11,woo1 1mp,o..ement cvlt1110 In
engtnoorlng lo prov,cle c:laot product das\gn
stondords", Improve manufpeju,0bil1fy through
onhoricod documanlatiO<I ono ollond,ng
wol1c$hops olonQ with c:ommuntty metnbort
• ldor,llijod now ldeo1, p,odlloh end/or fool~rea
lhOt Improved c1.11tomor 1QtlJJectlon.11tducc!d
co,b end ~opl ptoducl lino 111 l0<alronl of
• CQlloboroled wll'1 C19$S•lunclioool leorru lo
conc:eptuolt1e and refine produd concepll.

:2022-09 . Marl<elln9 Associate lntem

2023~ AROSA /now Soleslono Ind/OJ, Na.w OeJnl
W01kod os ci Merkotl~ Auoclole looking d~lgenlly
otle, the sooiOI media mor1<el,ng ldoal100 ond
&Mtcullon p,oeou for lho leom.
• CollabOfCfled with team mernbe<l lo help
e~pand m011(elln9 ChOMelS.
• Anistod In c,eotinQ wtltfen. video and Image
content ro, morKe11no d>Qnlw,!S.
• Reseorched lnlfl18$lif10 ond rere,onl content lo
copIu1e inleresi and Improve sire rr-Off,c_
• ~or l"ilh mor1'ellng te<Jm memben 10 leom new
tasks and <1e+erm1r,e bes1 tocllcs !Of solYlng
2022-07 - Content Writer
EnlreQlenc«11Jh P Cell . N~ Oc,ili/
• Ul,Used fl•Cl'Pllonal Wf t,ng and proolrood,ng ~
to proelvce ongog ng ond e!TCll'•lre¢ conlelll
• Compk!led 11'0fOUgh Te-ieotCI\ (nto Oltig'l-e<I
• w,O10 ot'ld cdite4 conlenl for reJ)O!fs, $0Clal
modlo event, with 11tc:illr'lg c:optwot,ng, of)(!
outl)ontk: opproocl'I.

2023.01 Outreach Member

Cumin! GIii Up • Ht!W Octlll
,oochod out to n()llp(Or.11' and Olhl!t organolOtlON
IQ flli('J fonding IO• Ol~I< gt0\/1)-1.

Rmacrehod and wrolo doc:umant~ 101 c:an,polgl'\s

oirniog to ,oc,al chOfl(jlO 'or 0~Ol'ffPIQ OIOQ c:Ylture,
,01t wc,wc,. equoQty educollotl ror tho
uridotprlvilage<I O:IC:

10?3-01 Research ond Innovation Intern

CLJ1ront G<rl l,Jp. Naw Delhi
• lnlotoeled w lh cu,fOffl()R by l>tiO'lC'! o,no~ to
l)(cvk'Je nec:essarv •nft:\m'IOliofl
• ~oolvled p,ot><ems olld WOllted wllh loams 10
deve'OP JOIIJIIOM tor f\ilure compalg'lS ood

2022-08 Content Writer

~-1 A!hmon Fovndotif)(I • New DolN


7006-02. Hl9her School : Commerce

2021.()7 5t f/'om(tt Scfl004 • New Ce/hi
AcOdernlcally a,,,.cn student scortng 9.:'. ond 95
percenttie In 101h O'ld 12th t>oarcu rei ~tivety

2021 11 • Grod1Jotlon • En;ll1h And Butlne-ss

C ffl!fll Jon)t.l Devi Momolfol College f'lew Ot-"11

Ooncs,g. &eccisc ~ u,lc. Jovmorll'lg, Nol'l.lre,
Comu10 Fncmdtv

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