2022-06 30 ENSEC AnnaSzekely School Readiness Abstract

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Contribution Details
Submission Type / Conference Track: Conference paper
Facilitating school readiness through individualized skill training using a novel
wearable sensor technology
Anna Szekely1 , Eszter Kotyuk1 , Nikoletta Magyar1 , Bianka Gonye2,1 , Lilla Szabo3,1 , Attila Rausch3,1
, Tamas Borsos4 , Peter Haga4 , Sandor Albrecht4 , Anikó Zsolnai3,1
Organization(s): 1: MTA-ELTE Lendület Adaptation Research Group, Institute of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd
University; 2: Doctoral School of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University; 3: Institute of Education, ELTE Eötvös
Loránd University; 4: Obimon Systems Ltd.
Submitted by: Prof. Anna Szekely (Loránd Eötvös Research Network, HU), ID: 1026
Presenting Author: Szekely, Anna szekely.anna@ppk.elte.hu
Topics: Virtual presentation, Assessment of SEL and Mental Health, SEL and Media & Technologies, Evidence- Based
Practices in SEL and Mental Health
Keywords: school readiness, play activities, skill training, wireless sensor technology

Five basic skill domains serve as a basis to determine school readiness. Researchers and practitioners agree that development of
adaptive, cognitive, communication, physical, and social-emotional skills go hand-in-hand, thus programs nurturing these skills should
provide an integrated developmental approach.
We envision a novel, scalable skill training program employing unobtrusive wearable wireless sensor technology. In study 1 we assessed
fine-grade spatio-temporal characteristics of children’s movements in 2-hour sessions of free play activities to portray social dynamics. 91
children in four kindergarten groups were measured for 3x5 consecutive days (3 and 9 weeks apart). Age-related standards were
established for measures with test-retest reliability >0.7 Chronbach alpha values, including number or duration of joint actions with peers
and personal space. In study 2 we have employed a rich set of multidimensional measures, appropriate for the simultaneous, real-time
assessment and training of motor, cognitive and socio-emotional skills during directed group play activities. Results from both studies
confirm feasibility and reliability of the Obimon MONA and PLAY smart environment for assessment and development of skills necessary
for school readiness.
Thus, we propose a visionary idea: personalized skill development through a multi-layered psycho-technological system to initiate
personalized play activities in real-time, motivated by experiential learning.

Remarks / Messages
Remark/Message from the Authors:
This work was sponsored by the Loránd Eötvös Research Network (project number: LP-2018-21/2018). We highly appreciate the opportunity to use MONA
and PLAY prototype devices in our study and are most grateful for all technical assistance of Obimon Systems Ltd. We are grateful for the support of the
Faculty of Education and Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.

1 of 1 18/06/2022, 06:55

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