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AieSmile - List Of Activities

Day 1
- They have a garden in the orphanage so we can make some
activities outside, so we organize a serie of games where
kids are divided into teams and compete with each other:

- Three legs race (2 kids mlas9in rjlihom o yjro), spoon eggs

race ( they lift a spoon that carries an egg, and there’s a
winner ),
- They be circling around chairs while a song is playing and
everytime a song ends, we decrement one chair
- Draw something, and let them guess, the winner gets
- We bring arabic alphabets printed in papers, and give each
kid one paper, and ask them to form words
- The last game is scavenger hunt (we hide objects and we
give some clues in order to find it). (It would be great if the
hidden objects are the gifts we prepared and the clues are
easy to solve, so at the end we tell them that those are your
gifts and everyone will be happy, and of course for the
winners we prepare something special.
- Bringing candies and chocolates in nice little bags, make a
big snack + A clown to make it more fun.

Day 2
- We prepare gifts for elders ( Djebba for women, Quran,
Prayer Mat, Books )
- Bringing medical product cotton, alcohol, hydroalcoholic
gel, daily essentials like shower gel, shampoo
- What they really need, is someone to talk to, so splitting the
team (ours) into small teams and talking with the elders on
whatever subject they want and play with them domino /
chess.. ect
- We bring chairs designed in a circle, and make a Life Story
Exercice, where each of them get up and tell us a little about
his life, Walking clubs & a word of advice ( If it is possible )
- We finish it by giving them food, fruits…

Day 3

- Prepare Ramadan Dinner for homeless people, due to the

pandemic, we should stay in one area ( Babezouar for ex )
and we’re gonna divide the team so each of us will go and
give the homeless food
- After the dinner we can prepare a play ( comedy one ), or
just bring a musical band with some tea.

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