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North Highland Conference (NHC) invites you to be in the Ministry of the Lord
Don’t you think you have the calling to be involved in the Ministry that Jesus
Christ started?

You will have the following opportunities:

General Secretary to the whole UCCP churches
Bishop to a Jurisdiction
Conference Minister of a conference
Chaplain: School, Hospital, and even in the military
Head of an Institution: Schools,Hospitals and centers
Administrative Pastor: in big, medium and small churches
Associate Pastor
Outreach Pastor
Music Pastor
Youth Pastor

Benefits in entering the ministry:

1.Full Free Tuition Fees and other fees in school
2. Chance to visit other places thru the exposure program of the school and by
means of your church assignment (destino)
3. Further studies
4. Mandatory benefits such as: SSS,HDMF and Philhealth
5. Love gifts from members
6. Other allowances to be provided by the church such as: Rice allowance,
clothing allowance,load allowance and others
7. Free board and lodging
8. Gratuity Pay after the term in a church assignment
9. Retirement benefits aside from the SSS pension and HDMF lump sum pay
10. Death Benefits-St. Peter Plan

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