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GEEth – Activity 2

Give your moral judgments on the following dilemmas:

1. Abortion
- Abortion comes from different cases. We don’t know the story behind their dilemmas.
Some are from rape cases, some are between life and death of the mother and the child,
some are just in hurry that results to teenage pregnancy in which they cannot be
responsible with, and many more reasons behind it. However, for me, abortion is a sin. In
the sixth commandment, it says “Thou shalt not kill”. Having an abortion means killing
an innocent victim in which he/she has no fault at. Maybe, after having an abortion, a
woman may initially believe she is no longer dealing with her issue, and her partner may
believe he is already free. But they’ll soon realize that they took an innocent life and I
know for sure that it will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Having sex has a high
possibility of being pregnant and so before doing the act, know that it is a big

2. Same sex marriage

- Same sex attraction is a struggle to those who are experiencing it. It is not as if they
choose to be part of the LGBT community, but at the same time it is not hard to ask
guidance from the Lord. I’ve heard testimonies in which they was once part of the LGBT
community, but by the grace of God, they are now free. Found in 1 Timothy 1:8-11 the
list of sins, one of the sins mentioned is men who practice homosexuality. Therefore, as
the bible say, same sex marriage is a sin. And it says in the bible found in Genesis 2:24
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they
shall become one flesh”. This verse means that the biblical pattern for marriage as
instituted by God in the beginning, one man is united to one woman in matrimony, and
the two form one new family. And so therefore, man is for woman.

1. What are your present-day dilemmas and how are you doing so far?
- Being in college is challenging. And being in a course in which you are not mentally
prepared of, is a different kind of challenge as well. Everyday, I am contemplating with
myself if I can handle this course or should I just shift from a no pressure course? But this
course is my dream and so I choose to fight for it. You cannot reach a dream when you
do not take risks.

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