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Advice to Supervisor
Read the Company’s Health and Safety Policy & Plan, which informs you of the organisation and
arrangements for the Health and Safety of persons working for you. As a Supervisor, you are the
major link between Senior Management and site operatives and you have a direct responsibility for
ensuring that safe working methods are in use at all times.
When giving instructions to operatives, ensure that:
• Ensure that they have attended induction training
• Provide safe means of access to his workplace.
• The workplace is safe.
• There is a safe system of work. (permit to work system, method statement, risk
• Any plant and equipment required to do the work is safe and suitable.
• The operative has received briefing on the work required and training to carry out the
work (if required).
When protective clothing or equipment is needed, ensure that it is available, issued and used
correctly. Disregard of PPE is not acceptable.
In nearly all accidents, unsafe conditions, unsafe acts or poor safety standards play a prominent
part; this is your responsibility to resolve.

When checking the site, ensure that

• Equipment is properly guarded.

• Defective equipment is taken out of use.
• Eye and hearing protection is in use and not in the top of the helmet, in the pocket or
some where else
• Good ventilation and good lighting levels are provided.
• Hot work Permits, Confined space permit, Excavation permit etc as necessary are in
• Highly combustible and flammable materials are stored and used properly.
• Electrical tools and cables are in good condition. Tools have inspection tag.
• Trenches are protected above and below ground.
• Access are kept clear
• Scaffolding has been checked.
• Set an example, If the men see you working in an unsafe manner they will as well

Senior management will prefer you to stop and get something checked that you are unsure of, than
to carry on regardless.

Issue No.: 1 Issue By: HR/HS

Issue Date : 25/05/10 Ref. No.: DG/ TBT 02 rev. 0

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