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Zeng 1

Amy Zeng
Weekly Words #1
New Media 11: 1-1
September 11, 2023

Words that dogs will never use

Edify (verb) –instruct or improve someone morally or intellectually.
Synonym: teach/educate
Antonym: obfuscate/mislead
Sentence: Ann had edified her mind by reading many philosophy books.

Felicity (noun) –joyfulness; happiness.

Synonym: pleasure/euphoria
Antonym: unhappiness/sad
Sentence: John smiled with felicity when his crush agreed to marry him.

Veracity (noun) –the state of being truthful and straight forward.

Synonym: truthfulness/accurateness
Antonym: untruthfulness/mendacity
Sentence: The police officer is trying to establish the veracity of the suspect’s testimony.

Paragon (noun) –a perfect example of something.

Synonym: model/exemplar
Antonym: imperfect/comparable
Sentence: According to his girlfriend, he is a paragon of a good man who doesn’t drink and
Zeng 2

Kitsch (noun) –low quality, but with a style that many people find amusing in an ironic way.
Synonym: tacky/vulgar
Antonym: refined/tasteful
Sentence: My grandma’s kitchen is stuffed with kitsch glasses, utensils, and plates which she
bought from the second-hand store.

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