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Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393


A systematic review and meta‑analysis on using preheated resin

composites as luting agents for indirect restorations
Fabíola Jardim Barbon1 · Cristina Pereira Isolan1 · Leonardo Dias Soares2 · Alvaro Della Bona3 ·
Wellington Luiz de Oliveira da Rosa1 · Noéli Boscato1

Received: 24 November 2021 / Accepted: 6 February 2022 / Published online: 12 February 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

Objectives This systematic review investigated the hypothesis that preheated resin composites (RCs) used as luting agents
improve the mechanical properties, physicochemical performance, and color of indirect ceramic restorations.
Materials and methods Literature search was performed in three databases (Medline/PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science)
and in the grey literature (OpenGrey, ProQuest, and Catalog of Theses & Dissertations from CAPES). Eligibility criteria
included only studies comparing at least one preheated RC used as a luting agent with resin cements.
Results Data regarding the mechanical properties, physicochemical characteristics, and color were analyzed qualitatively,
and the microtensile bond strength and film thickness were also evaluated by meta-analysis. The search strategy identified
3894 papers, and 28 were full-text screened. Seven studies were included in the review, and 5 were included in the meta-
analysis. No significant difference was found for microtensile bond strength (P = 0.14). Preheated RCs showed significantly
higher film thickness than resin cements (P = 0.001).
Conclusion Overall, the use of preheated RCs as luting agents offers similar to poorer performance than using resin cements
for bonding indirect restorations.
Clinical relevance.
Despite the claim that preheated RC could be used as a luting agent, further studies should investigate the effect of clinically
unacceptable film thickness.

Keywords Dental cements · Mechanical strength · Indirect restorations · Luting · Heating

* Noéli Boscato Introduction
Fabíola Jardim Barbon Luting agents represent the weakest link of a restorative bonded assembly such as restoration luting agent–substrate,
Cristina Pereira Isolan affecting its overall strength [1]. Studies have reported that the inorganic filler content of resin-based luting agents
Leonardo Dias Soares could improve the strength of thinner ceramic restorations [2, 3]. However, the resin cements used as luting agents [4,
Alvaro Della Bona 5] commonly have a lower concentration of inorganic fillers than other resin-based materials such as conventional resin
Wellington Luiz de Oliveira da Rosa composites (RCs) [6]. Therefore, using RCs as luting agents has been suggested [4, 7] based on its potential advantages,
including the availability of a greater range of shades, and
Graduate Program in Dentistry, Federal University improved mechanical performance by its higher filler con-
of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil
tent [4, 8].
Technical Course in Mechanical Engineering, Luting agents strengthen indirect restorations by penetrat-
Sul-Rio-Grandense Federal Institute, Pelotas, Brazil
ing the ceramic intaglio surface porosities created by acid
Postgraduate Program in Dentistry, University of Passo etching [9] and sealing superficial cracks [10]. The high
Fundo, Passo Fundo, Brazil

3384 Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393

viscosity of RC [11] could not only increase film thickness literature (OpenGrey, ProQuest, and Catalog of Theses &
but also impair adaptation of the restoration [12]. Indeed, Dissertations from CAPES), with the last search being car-
the polymerization shrinkage of preheated RCs used as ried out in February 2021. There were no language or date
luting agents could generate more significant stress on the restrictions.
cement layer, which could favor the appearance of cracks Studies that compared at least one preheated RC as a lut-
in thinner ceramic restorations [13]. However, studies have ing agent with resin cements were included. Studies that
suggested that preheating the material reduces its viscos- examined preheated RCs but did not evaluate the mechanical
ity and improves its ability to penetrate the etched ceramic properties of the luted restoration were excluded. Moreover,
surface [3, 14]. Despite the lack of consensus on the clini- literature reviews, case series, and case studies that used
cally acceptable film thickness [15], most authors suggest it experimental materials or did not follow the manufacturer’s
should be lower than 120 µm [16, 17]. The influence of resin guidelines were also excluded.
composite inorganic filler content on the color change of The eligible studies were initially identified through title
resin composite restorations has also been investigated [18]. scanning by two independent reviewers. Then, the abstract
As the color change can be influenced by several factors [19] evaluation was carried out, and the full text was examined
and achieving a natural tooth-like restoration is still one of whenever information relevant to the eligibility criteria was
the most significant challenges for restorative dentistry, color not included in the abstract. Articles that met the eligibility
stability remains a relevant topic for esthetic dentistry. criteria were included in the study for data extraction. In
A previous systematic review proposed to evaluate the addition, the references of all eligible papers were manually
physical properties of preheating materials, including RCs searched, and any disagreements regarding the eligibility of
[20]. Yet, the effect of using preheated RC as a luting agent identified studies for inclusion were resolved through discus-
on the overall performance of indirect restorations is relevant sion with a third reviewer.
to clinical dentistry, and it is not comprehensively addressed
in the literature. Therefore, this systematic review investi-
gated the hypothesis that preheated RC used as a luting agent Data collection
improves the mechanical properties, physicochemical per-
formance, and color of indirect restorations. Duplicates were identified and removed using EndNote X7
software (Thomson Reuters®, NY, USA), and data were
extracted using a standardized form where studies were
Materials and methods grouped according to material properties evaluated, as fol-
lows: microtensile bond strength, film thickness, flexural
This systematic review was conducted according to the strength, volumetric shrinkage, shear test, color change,
Cochrane Handbook guidelines and followed the 4-phase marginal sealing, and microleakage. In case of missing or
flow diagram included in the Preferred Reporting Items unpublished data, the authors of the relevant studies were
statement for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses contacted via email up to three times, and the study was only
(PRISMA) [21]. The study protocol was registered on the included if the missing information was provided.
Open Science Framework (OSF) Registries (https://​doi.​
org/​10.​17605/​OSF.​IO/​6T8UG), and the research question
was adapted to the PICO framework, as follows: popula- Risk of bias assessment
tion, teeth restored with indirect restorations; intervention
and comparison, use of preheated RCs vs. resin cements The risk of bias for each study was independently assessed
as luting agents; and outcomes, mechanical properties (i.e., by two reviewers using parameters adapted from a previous
microtensile bond strength, shear test, flexural strength), systematic review of in vitro studies [22] as follows: sam-
physicochemical performance (i.e., viscosity, film thickness, ple randomization, sample size calculations, blinding of the
volumetric shrinkage, microleakage, marginal sealing), and operator of the testing machine, sufficient detail to enable
color change. The research question was, “Would preheated replication, and other biases. Each parameter was judged
resin composites used as luting agents improve the mechani- as having high (when the parameter was not fulfilled and
cal properties, physicochemical performance, and color of it was clearly reported), low (the parameter was fulfilled
indirect restorations?”. and clearly reported), or unclear (where no information on
whether the parameter was fulfilled was provided) risk of
Search strategy and selection process bias. This assessment was carried out using the RevMan
(Review Manager Software®, version 5.2, The Nordic
The search strategy (Table 1) was applied to the Medline/ Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, Copenha-
PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science databases, and grey gen, Denmark).

Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393 3385

Table 1  Search strategy used in each database

Search terms

PubMed (MedLine)
#4 Search #1 AND #2 AND #3
#3 Composite resins [Mesh] OR Composite resins OR Resin composite OR Adhesive resin composites OR Dental composites OR Resins,
composites OR Dental resin OR Dental resins OR Resin OR Resins OR Composite OR Composites
#2 Heating [Mesh] OR Heating OR Preheating OR Hot temperature [Mesh] OR Hot temperature OR Hot temperatures OR Heat OR Transi-
tion temperature [Mesh] OR Transition temperature OR Transition temperatures OR Preheating OR Preheated OR Preheated OR Pre-
heating OR Preheating composites OR Pre-warming OR Composite pre-heating OR Temperature
#1 Porcelain veneering materials OR Dental veneers [Mesh] OR Dental veneers OR Dental laminates OR Dental laminate OR Dental onlay
OR Dental onlays OR Inlays [Mesh] OR Inlays OR Inlay OR Dental inlays OR Onlays OR Onlay OR Ceramic OR Ceramics OR Dental
porcelain OR Porcelain OR Porcelain, dentals OR Dental, porcelain OR Dental veneer OR Veneer, dental OR Veneers, dental OR
Veneers OR Veneer
Scopus and Web of Science
#4 Search #1 AND #2 AND #3
#3 (Composite resins) OR (Composite resins) OR (Resin composite) OR (Adhesive resin composites) OR (Dental composites) OR (Resins,
composites) OR (Dental resin) OR (Dental resins) OR (Resin) OR (Resins) OR (Composite) OR (Composites)
#2 (Heating) OR (Heating) OR (Preheating) OR (Hot temperature) OR (Hot temperature) OR (Hot temperatures) OR (Heat) OR (Transition
temperature) OR (Transition temperature) OR (Transition temperatures) OR (Preheating) OR (Preheated) OR (Preheated) OR (Preheat-
ing) OR (Preheating composites) OR (Pre-warming) OR (Composite pre-heating) OR (Temperature)
#1 (Porcelain veneering materials) OR (Dental veneers) OR (Dental veneers) OR (Dental laminates) OR (Dental laminate) OR (Dental onlay)
OR (Dental onlays) OR (Inlays) OR (Inlays) OR (Inlay) OR (Dental inlays) OR (Onlays OR Onlay) OR (Ceramic) OR (Ceramics) OR
(Dental porcelain) OR (Porcelain) OR (Porcelain, dentals) OR (Dental, porcelain) OR (Dental veneer) OR (Veneer, dental) OR (Veneers,
dental) OR (Veneers) OR (Veneer)
((Composite resins) OR (Composite resins) OR (Resin composite) OR (Adhesive resin composites) OR (Dental composites) OR (Resins,
composites) OR (Dental resin) OR (Dental resins) OR (Resin) OR (Resins) OR (Composite) OR (Composites)) AND ((Heating) OR
(Heating) OR (Preheating) OR (Hot temperature) OR (Hot temperature) OR (Hot temperatures) OR (Heat) OR (Transition tempera-
ture) OR (Transition temperature) OR (Transition temperatures) OR (Preheating) OR (Preheated) OR (Preheated) OR (Preheating) OR
(Preheating composites) OR (Pre-warming) OR (Composite pre-heating) OR (Temperature)) AND ((Porcelain veneering materials) OR
(Dental veneers) OR (Dental veneers) OR (Dental laminates) OR (Dental laminate) OR (Dental onlay) OR (Dental onlays) OR (Inlays)
OR (Inlays) OR (Inlay) OR (Dental inlays) OR (Onlays OR Onlay) OR (Ceramic) OR (Ceramics) OR (Dental porcelain) OR (Porce-
lain) OR (Porcelain, dentals) OR (Dental, porcelain) OR (Dental veneer) OR (Veneer, dental) OR (Veneers, dental) OR (Veneers) OR
ProQuest (Filter: Dissertations and Thesis)
((Composite resins) OR (Composite resins) OR (Resin composite) OR (Adhesive resin composites) OR (Dental composites) OR (Resins,
composites) OR (Dental resin) OR (Dental resins) OR (Resin) OR (Resins) OR (Composite) OR (Composites)) AND ((Heating) OR
(Heating) OR (Preheating) OR (Hot temperature) OR (Hot temperature) OR (Hot temperatures) OR (Heat) OR (Transition tempera-
ture) OR (Transition temperature) OR (Transition temperatures) OR (Preheating) OR (Preheated) OR (Preheated) OR (Preheating) OR
(Preheating composites) OR (Pre-warming) OR (Composite pre-heating) OR (Temperature)) AND ((Porcelain veneering materials) OR
(Dental veneers) OR (Dental veneers) OR (Dental laminates) OR (Dental laminate) OR (Dental onlay) OR (Dental onlays) OR (Inlays)
OR (Inlays) OR (Inlay) OR (Dental inlays) OR (Onlays OR Onlay) OR (Ceramic) OR (Ceramics) OR (Dental porcelain) OR (Porce-
lain) OR (Porcelain, dentals) OR (Dental, porcelain) OR (Dental veneer) OR (Veneer, dental) OR (Veneers, dental) OR (Veneers) OR
(Veneer)) AND ((Dental) OR (Dentistry) OR (Odontology))
Catalog of Theses & Dissertations of CAPES
((Composite resins) OR (Composite resins) OR (Resin composite) OR (Adhesive resin composites) OR (Dental composites) OR (Resins,
composites) OR (Dental resin) OR (Dental resins) OR (Resin) OR (Resins) OR (Composite) OR (Composites)) AND ((Heating) OR
(Heating) OR (Preheating) OR (Hot temperature) OR (Hot temperature) OR (Hot temperatures) OR (Heat) OR (Transition temperature)
OR (Transition temperature) OR (Transition temperatures) OR (Preheating) OR (Preheated) OR (Preheated) OR (Preheating) OR (Pre-
heating composites) OR (Pre-warming) OR (Composite pre-heating) OR (Temperature))

Data analysis change, marginal sealing, and microleakage were quali-

tatively analyzed. The global analysis was carried out
Quantitative analyses of microtensile bond strength and using a random-effect model. Pooled-effect estimates
film thickness data were carried out using Review Man- for preheated RC and resin cement (conventional treat-
ager software. Additionally, data on flexural strength, ment) mean differences and standard error from each
volumetric shrinkage, shear bond strength test, color study were calculated. A P value < 0.05 was considered

3386 Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393

statistically significant. The following subgroup analyses dual resin cement (RelyX ARC®, 3 M ESPE, MN, USA).
were performed to decrease heterogeneity: (a) compar- The third study [25] compared the resin cement RelyX
ing microtensile bond strength between preheated RC and U200® (3 M ESPE, MN, USA) with the nanohybrid ENA
self-etch or conventional resin cements and (b) comparing HRi® (Synca, Le Gardeur, CA, USA). In two studies [26,
film thickness between the following, preheated RCs and 27] the preheated RC revealed increased microtensile bond
dual resin cement, preheated RCs and photopolymeriz- strength. In contrast, in another study [25], the use of resin
able resin cement, preheated nanohybrid RCs and resin cement yielded higher microtensile bond strength.
cement, preheated microhybrid RCs and resin cement, Regarding shear bond strength [23], the Panavia V5®
preheated RCs and self-etch resin cement, and preheated (Kuraray, Tokyo, Japan) luting agent, with and without
RCs and conventional resin cements. The statistical het- immediate dentin sealing, showed higher shear bond strength
erogeneity of the treatment effects between studies was values than the preheated RC (Protect Liner F®, Kuraray,
assessed using Cochrane’s Q test and the inconsistency Tokyo, Japan). A study compared different resin cements
I2 statistic. with two RCs (Empress Direct®, Ivoclar Vivadent Schaan,
Liechtenstein; and Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal®, 3 M
ESPE, MN, USA) used with and without preheating. Pre-
Results heating had no significant effect on volumetric shrinkage.
However, the RCs, whether preheated or not, produced
Description of studies significantly higher volumetric shrinkage than the tested
resin cements [24]. Besides, all included studies examining
The search strategy yielded 3,894 papers (Fig. 1), and 3,366 film thickness [3, 24, 26] observed increased film thickness
publications were screened after excluding the duplicates. when using preheated RCs as luting agents compared with
No documents were identified through manual searching, the resin cements.
and 3,292 studies were excluded because they did not meet Only one study evaluated color change [18]. The study
the eligibility criteria. Therefore, 28 papers were full-text used three RCs (Filtek Z100®, 3 M ESPE, MN, USA; Her-
screened. Nineteen studies were excluded for the reasons culite Classic®, CA, USA; and Durafill®, Heraeus Kulzer,
presented in Fig. 1, resulting in 7 studies included in this Weihrheim, Germany), with and without preheating, com-
review. No clinical studies were identified. Five studies were paring them to a conventional light-cured resin cement
included in the meta-analysis, and 2 studies were only ana- (Allcem Veneer®, FGM, São Paulo, Brazil). Overall, color
lyzed qualitatively as they evaluated material properties not changes were within the acceptability threshold ΔE (both
investigated in other included study. The materials and the ΔEab = 2.66 and ΔE00 = 1.77) for all tested groups after
main outcomes from each included study are described in 1 year of storage in distilled water.
Tables 2 and 3. Microleakage and marginal sealing were evaluated in
another study [25]. A preheated RC (ENA HRi®, Synca,
Qualitative and descriptive analyses Le Gardeur, CA, USA) was compared to a self-etching resin
cement (U200®, 3 M ESPE, MN, USA), and no signifi-
Properties such as flexural strength [3], shear bond strength cant difference was found for the degree of microleakage
[23], volumetric shrinkage [24], color change [18], marginal using either preheating RC or resin cement. Under scanning
sealing [25], and microleakage [25] were evaluated using electron microscopy, a descriptive analysis of a longitudinal
qualitative analysis (Tables 2 and 3), while microtensile cut of the indirect composite restorations luted with cement
bond strength [25–27] and film thickness [3, 24, 26] were resin revealed gaps in the tooth–restoration interface. In
assessed using both qualitative and quantitative analyses. addition, a narrower interface thickness was observed along
The included studies evaluated the materials’ properties of the walls and cavity floor for the restorations luted with pre-
the luting agent in association with the overall performance heating RC.
of the restorations.
Three studies evaluated the microtensile bond strength. Meta‑analysis
A study [26] compared a RC (Filtek Z250®, 3 M ESPE,
MN, USA) with three resin cements (a dual self-adhesive, The meta-analysis examined the microtensile bond strength
RelyX Unicem®, 3 M ESPE, MN, USA; a conventional and film thickness (Table 3). In the global analysis, pre-
dual, RelyC ARC®, 3 M ESPE, MN, USA; and a dual self- heated RCs did not yield significantly higher microtensile
etching, Clearfill Esthetic®, Kuraray, Tokyo, Japan), while bond strength than resin cements (P = 0.14; I2 = 92%). Fur-
another study [27] compared two RCs (Filtek Z250®, 3 M thermore, there was no statistically significant difference in
ESPE, MN, USA; and Venus®, Hareaus Kulzer, Weihrheim, the subgroup analysis comparing preheated RCs with self-
Germany), with and without preheating, with conventional etching cements (P = 0.65). In contrast, conventional resin

Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393 3387

Fig. 1  Flowchart of the system-

atic review Identification of studies via databases and registers

Records removed before


Duplicate records removed (n
Records identified from*:
= 528)
Databases (n = 3,894)
Records marked as ineligible
Registers (n = 0)
by automation tools (n = 0)
Records removed for other
reasons (n = 0)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 3,366) (n = 3,292)

Reports sought for retrieval Reports not retrieved


(n = 28) (n = 0)

Reports assessed for eligibility Full-text articles excluded, with

(n = 28) reasons (n = 21)
• No control group (n=11)
• No heated resin composite
• No used resin composite
with luting agent (n=7)
• Not in accordance with the
manufacturer's standards

Studies included in review

(n = 7) and in meta-analysis

Table 2  Relevant information from each included study

Study Substrate Restoration Evaluated Properties

Alvarado et al., 2020 Third molars human Prefabricated resin composite restorations Marginal sealing
Microtensile bond strength
Coelho et al., 2019 Resin composite Overlapping blocks of resin composite and Film thickness
lithium disilicate ceramic Biaxial flexural strength
Goulart et al., 2018 Third molars human Indirect resin composite restorations, made on Microtensile bond strength
cylindrical molds
Gugelmin et al., 2020 Forty pigmentation-free bovine incisors Ceramic veneers of lithium disilicate Color change
Reboul et al., 2018 Third molars human Overlay made of lithium disilicate block Shear bond
Sampaio et al., 2016 Artificial plastic maxillary central incisors Laminate veneers with the manufacturer’s Film thickness
plastic veneers Volumetric shrinkage
Sartori et al., 2016 Third molars human Leucite-reinforced glass–ceramic slabs Microtensile bond strength
Film thickness

Table 3  Description of luting agents evaluated and main qualitative and quantitative results from each included study

Outcomes Luting agents Type of resin Preheated type Number of Main results Mean (SD)

Microtensile bond strength
Sartori et al., 2016 Filtek Z250 Microhybrid 68°C Calset 3 Filtek Z250 showed a statistically 35.58 (10.3) MPa*
RelyX Unicem - - 3 higher microtensile bond strength 19.52 (8.1) MPa
than resin cements
Clearfil Esthetic - - 3 19.23 (7.9) MPa
RelyX ARC​ - - 3 18.13 (7.0) MPa
Goulart et al., 2018 Filtek Z250 Microhybrid 22°C Digital wax pot 5 When luting 2 mm restorations, only 36.90 (6.38) MPa*
Venus Submicron 22°C Digital wax pot 5 Filtek Z250XT preheated or at room 29.11(10.3) MPa*
temperature, achieved significantly
Filtek Z250 Microhybrid 64°C Digital wax pot 5 higher microtensile bond strength 32.43 (5.54) MPa*
Venus Submicron 64°C Digital wax pot 5 than RelyX Arc 27.78 (10.3) MPa*
RelyX ARC​ - - 5 25.48 (7.92) MPa
ENA HRi Nanohybrid 55ºC 15 A higher microtensile bond strength 14.42 (4.86) MPa*
Alvrado et al., 2020 RelyX U200 - 15 was obtained with resin cement when 27.82 (5.81) MPa
compared with preheated RCs
Film thickness
Sartori et al., 2016 Filtek Z250 Microhybrid 68°C Calset 3 Preheated RCs showed the higher film 443.41 (3.0) µm*
RelyX Unicem - - 3 thickness 16.38 (1.0) µm
Clearfil Esthetic - - 3 48.13 (1.0) µm
RelyX ARC​ - - 3 97.13 (1.0) µm
Sampaio et al., 2016 Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Nanocomposite - 6 The film thickness of direct RCs, 320 (30) µm*
Filtek Supreme Ultra Nanocomposite 68°C Water bath 6 preheated or not, was significantly 300 (60) µm*
higher than the film thickness of
IPS Empress Direct Nanohybrid - 6 veneer luting agents and flowable 310 (30) µm*
IPS Empress Direct Nanohybrid 68°C Water bath 6 resin composites 310 (40) µm*
RelyX Veneer - - 6 170 (30) µm
Variolink Esthetic LC - - 6 210 (40) µm
Coelho et al., 2019 Estelite Omega Suprananometric 69°C Hotset 30 All preheated RCs showed a higher 196 (68.0) µm*
Empress Direct Nanohybrid 69°C Hotset 30 film thickness than the resin cement 165 (58.0) µm*
Filtek Z100 Microhybrid 69°C Hotset 30 106 (35.0) µm*
RelyX Veneer - - 30 59 (27.0) µm
Shear bond strength
Reboul et al., 2018 Protect Liner F Microfiller 60 °C Ena Heat 10 Preheated RC provided higher shear 8.33 (2.85) MPa*
Panavia V5 with immediate dentin - - 10 strength than resin cement 15.74 (2.13) MPa
Panavia V5 without immediate dentin - - 10 12.08 (1.41) MPa
Biaxial flexural strength Z=0 Z =  − t2
Coelho et al., 2019 Estelite Omega Suprananometric 69°C Hotset 30 Pheheated RCs yielded higher biaxial 155 (17.4) MPa 54.9 (12.2) MPa*
Empress Direct Nanohybrid 69°C Hotset 30 flexural strength than RelyX Veneer 152 (17.4) MPa 48.8 (8.47) MPa*
in the groups where the resin-based
Filtek Z100 Microhybrid 69°C Hotset 30 agent surface above the ring was 145 (13.6) MPa 49.2 (6.81) MPa*
RelyX Veneer - - 30 located (position z =  − t2) 144 (17.3) MPa 24.6 (3.29) MPa
Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393
Table 3  (continued)
Outcomes Luting agents Type of resin Preheated type Number of Main results Mean (SD)

Volumetric shrinkage
Sampaio et al., 2016 Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Nanocomposite - 6 Preheated RCs showed a statistically 2.44 (0.26) %
Filtek Supreme Ultra Nanocomposite 68°C Water bath 6 similar volumetric polymerization 2.09 (0.40) %
shrinkage to RelyX Veneer, but
IPS Empress Direct Nanohybrid - 6 higher than flowable RCs and the 2.13 (0.25) %
IPS Empress Direct Nanohybrid 68°C Water bath 6 resin cement Variolink Esthetic LC 1.95 (0.33) %
RelyX Veneer - - 6 1.74 (0.57) %
Variolink Esthetic LC - - 6 1.03 (0.46) %
Color change
Gugelmin et al., 2020 Allcem Veneer - - 10 Preheated RCs and resin cements ΔE00 = 2.0 (0.5)
Allcem showed a similar color change at the
Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393

- - 10 ΔE00 = 2.3 (0.8)

Filtek Z100 end of 1 year of storage in distilled
Filtek Z100 Microhybrid - 10 water, and all groups maintained ΔE00 = 2.4 (0.2)
Herculite Classic Microhybrid 60ºC 10 their ΔE00 lower than the acceptabil- ΔE00 = 2.1 (0.6)
Herculite Classic Microhybrid - 10 ity threshold ΔE00 = 2.7 (1.4)
Microhybrid 60ºC 10 ΔE00 = 2.0 (0.7)
Microfilled - 10 ΔE00 = 3.6 (1.0)
Microfilled 60ºC 10 ΔE00 = 3.6 (1.6)
Alvarado et al., 2020 ENA HRi Nanohybrid 55ºC 15 Preheated RCs was statistically similar 47.7 (NF) µm
RelyX U200 - 15 to resin cement in the degree of 84.4 (NF) µm
Marginal sealing
Alvarado et al., 2020 ENA HRi Nanohybrid 55ºC 15 In the preheated RC group, a narrower -
RelyX U200 - 15 interface was observed along the -
walls and the floor of the cavity
compared to the resin cement group,
that revealed the presence of gaps
in the tooth restoration junction
interface in the descriptive analysis
of the Scanning electron microscope

NF, not found

Preheated RCs were significantly different than resin cements

3390 Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393

cements showed higher microtensile bond strength values observed between preheated RCs and self-etch resin cements
than preheated RCs (P = 0.002), as shown in Fig. 2. Moreo- may be explained by the acidic monomers (i.e., 10 MDP)
ver, preheated RCs exhibited significantly higher film thick- present in the formulation of the self-etch, which could
ness than resin cements in the global and subgroup analyses act as diluents, reducing the viscosity of the material and
(P < 0.001), as shown in Fig. 3. increasing its wettability and the ability to interact with the
dental tissues [28]. It is known that the main differences
Study quality assessment in the composition of resin cements and RCs are linked to
the concentration of inorganic filler particles and organic
Considerable heterogeneities in research design, methods, matrix, which improve the mechanical properties of RCs.
outcome variables, and data variability were observed in the Compared to RCs, the resin cements typically comprise a
selected studies (Fig. 4). Only one study reported operator more organic matrix and a lower concentration of inorganic
blinding for testing, and few studies randomly allocated their filler particles [29].
specimens to minimize the risk of bias. None of the studies Considering film thickness, the global and subgroup
reported on sample size calculation. In contrast, all studies meta-analysis showed that preheated RC exhibited clinically
reported sufficient information to enable replication. The unacceptable film thickness (> 120 µm). Higher organic
reviewers identified no other potential sources of bias. matrix content of resin cements provides a more efficient
flow, resulting in lower film thickness than preheated RCs
[3]. A previous study showed that films created by preheated
Discussion RCs were 4.5 times thicker than those produced by dual-
cure resin cements when using the same adhesive system
This systematic review was the first to summarize in vitro and applied load [26], agreeing with the findings of the pre-
evidence on mechanical properties, physicochemical perfor- sent meta-analysis. It has been suggested that luting agents
mance, and color change of indirect restorations luted with should ideally create a film thickness with values equal to or
preheated conventional RCs showing that the type of luting lower than 120 µm [16, 17]. However, only one recent s­ tudy3
agents affected the evaluated outcomes. showed that Filtek Z100® resin preheated using Hotset® at
The global analysis of the bond strength performance 69 ºC produced clinically acceptable film thickness, with
found no significant difference. Indeed, the subgroup analy- an approximate value of 100 µm. A film thickness above
sis comparing preheated RCs with different resin cements the recommended values may result in higher exposure of
revealed that preheated RCs presented mechanical properties the luting agent to the oral environment [30], yielding poor
similar to self-etch resin cement and worse than conven- marginal adaptation [31] and higher microleakage in long-
tional luting agents. The similar bond strength performance term follow-up of indirect restorations [24]. A recent study

Fig. 2  Microtensile bond strength analysis: a subgroup analysis com- heated resin composite, with a higher and statistically significant
paring self-etch resin cement versus preheated resin composite with microtensile bond strength in the preheated resin composite group
no statistically significant differences between groups (P = 0.65); b (P = 0.002). Global analysis shows no statistically significant differ-
subgroup analysis comparing conventional resin cement versus pre- ences between groups (P = 0.14)

Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393 3391

Fig. 3  Film thickness analysis shows a higher and statistically sig- between different types of resin cement also shows a higher and sta-
nificant film thickness in the preheated resin composite group com- tistically significant film thickness in the preheated resin composite
pared to a dual resin cement (P < 0.001) or b photopolymerizable group compared to e self-etch resin cement (P < .001) or f conven-
resin cement (P < 0.001). Comparison between different types of tional resin cement (P = 0.03). Global results indicate a higher and
resin composite shows a higher and statistically significant film thick- statistically significant film thickness for preheated resin composite
ness in the c preheated nanohybrid (P < 0.001) and d microhybrid than resin cements (P < 0.001)
resin composite (P < 0.001) compared to resin cements. Comparison

reported that variability in film thickness could be explained microleakage tests with dye penetration do not correlate with
by distinct preheating behavior from different RC compo- any of the clinical parameters (post-operative hypersensitiv-
sitions [15]. Nevertheless, there is moderate evidence that ity, retention, marginal staining) [32].

3392 Clinical Oral Investigations (2022) 26:3383–3393

physicochemical performance and color change, with a

minor improvement in the mechanical properties of indi-
rect restorations when compared to resin cements. Indeed,
a clinically unacceptable film thickness and volumetric
shrinkage were observed in indirect restorations luted
with preheated RCs. Therefore, the study hypothesis was
rejected, because preheated RC did not show significant
advantages compared to resin cements to justify its unre-
stricted use. From seven included studies assessing indi-
rect restoration properties using preheated RCs as luting
agents, only one study reported findings on shear bond
strength [23], flexural strength [3], volumetric shrinkage
[24], color stability [18], microleakage [25], and marginal
sealing [25] (Table 3), which precluded the assessment of
heterogeneity by using meta-funnel and subgroup analyses.
Therefore, the results found in the meta-analysis should
be cautiously interpreted, and further studies assessing
different preheated RCs as luting agents and preheating
techniques are needed to evaluate their influence on the
mechanical properties, physicochemical performance, and
color change on indirect ceramic restorations.


Within the abovementioned limitations of this study, this

systematic review showed that using preheated RCs as
luting agents offers minor improvements in the mechani-
cal properties of indirect restorations and similar to poorer
Fig. 4  Risk of bias summary: review authors’ judgments about each physicochemical properties than resin cements, including a
risk of bias item for each included study. ( +) low risk of bias; (?)
unclear risk of bias; *studies not included in the meta-analysis clinically unacceptable film thickness.

It is important to consider some limitations for the Funding This study was partly funded by the Coordenação de Aper-
feiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior — Brasil (CAPES) —
present review. Blinding of the testing machine operator
Finance Code 001.
was performed by only one study included in this review.
In vitro studies rarely assess dental materials, as sug-
gested by other reviews [22, 33]. Yet, this is an impor-
tant limitation since an experienced operator could easily Ethics approval Not applicable.
identify the different types of samples assessed, which
may lead to bias in the observation of the results. In addi- Consent to participate Not applicable.
tion, none of the included studies calculated the sample
size. The researchers have used a sample size similar to Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.
previous studies or suggested by standards [23]. Studies
that did not use materials in accordance with the manu-
facturer’s instructions were not included in this system-
atic review to minimize any bias; therefore, a low risk References
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