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IP232 Unit 2: Customs and Traditions Listening 2 Scripts

Gabriela: So, our assignment is to discuss customs that have been changing recently –
you know, how modern lifestyles have changed people’s behavior. Any ideas?
Yildiz: Hmm … Let me think. Well, holidays are one kind of custom. Can you think of any holidays
that have changed?
David: Oh, don’t talk about holidays! It reminds me that Mother’s Day is in two days, and I haven’t
gotten a gift for my mom yet.
Gabriela: Yeah, I haven’t either. Who has time for shopping when we have so much work to do?
David: I agree. I get tired of shopping for gifts. I actually don’t know why we have to get gifts for
every little holiday. Wouldn’t our mothers be just as happy if we just spent time with them –
you know, made it a special event, like taking them out to lunch at a nice restaurant? How did
this whole gift giving for every holiday tradition get started, anyway? It seems silly to me.
Gabriela: That’s it! There’s our topic! How holidays have become too commercial.
Yildiz: Hold on, too commercial? I disagree. I like giving gifts. I think that it shows that you were
thinking of someone.
David: Because you went out and got someone some chocolate or jewelry or a scarf or something at
the last minute? Everyone knows that people usually buy gifts because it’s an obligation, not
because they really want to.
Yildiz: Well, you have to spend time thinking about the gift, and get something thoughtful, you
know, personal. Like maybe the new book by their favorite author.
Gabriela: I see your point. But I’m not convinced because then you have to spend money … money that
could be spent on more important things. Also, all that time you spent shopping you could
have instead spent with the person you’re shopping for.
David: I couldn’t agree more. And it’s not just holidays that are a problem – personally, I think we
give too many gifts for other special occasions, too. Like when my sister graduated from high
school last year, she got lots of gifts. And money, too. The focus was all on opening gifts.
I’ve heard that when people receive more than a few gifts, they usually can’t even remember
who gave them which gift. Instead, why not write letters of advice for the future? That would
be more special.
Gabriela: That’s a great idea!
Yildiz: Sorry, I don’t agree. I doubt that graduates would be happy if we changed that custom! I
think that graduation gifts are practical. Don’t young people need some gifts and money for
starting their new life? And they can always look at the gift and think of the person who gave
it to them. I think it’s a nice custom.
Gabriela: I’m still really not convinced. I mean …

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