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Esercitazione 27/10/2020

Esercizi svolti

1. (Ex. 11 week 1) Suppose that G = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } is a finite abelian

group of order n. Let c = a1 a2 . . . an be the product of all the elements
in G. Show that c2 = 1.

2. (Ex. 1 week 3) Let G be a finite group G of prime power order and let
N be a normal subgroup of G. If N 6= 1, then N ∩ Z(G) 6= 1.

3. (Ex. 14 week 3) If |G/Z(G)| = n, then every element of G has at most

n conjugates.

4. (Ex. 7 week 2) Let Dn = hσ, ρi be the dihedral group of degree n.

a. Prove that all the subgroups of hρi are normal in Dn .

b. Prove that if n is odd, then every proper normal subgroup of Dn
is contained in hρi and, consequently, is cyclic.
c. Prove that if n is even, the normal subgroup of Dn are all the sub-
groups of hρi and the subgroups hσ, ρ2 i, hρσ, ρ2 i . Consequently
Dn contains some non-cyclic proper normal subgroup.

5. Let G be a group and a ∈ G. If o(a) = n = rs with (r, s) = 1, then

a can be written uniquely as a product of two permutable elements of
order r and s.

Esercizi proposti

2. Let g ∈ Sym(n). Prove that the conjugaces classes of g in Sym(n)

and Alt(n) coincide if and only if CSym(n) (g) 6⊆ Alt(n).

3. Let G be a group and H, K ≤ G such that G = H × K. Then

Aut(H) × Aut(K) is isomorphic to a subgroup of Aut(G). Further if
H and K are characteristic in G, then Aut(H) × Aut(K) ' Aut(G)

4. Let G be a group. If Z(G) = 1, then CAut(G) (Inn(G)) = 1.

5. Show with an example that there exists a finite group G = AB having

a normal subgroup H different from (H ∩ A)(H ∩ B).

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