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UNIT 01 Moving to a New Place UNIT 07 Election and Voting

Topic 1 A New Chapter in Life···················································· 6 Topic 1 Electioneering in School ··············································· 54
Topic 2 A Frog in a New Pond···················································· 8 Topic 2 The Big School Debate! ················································ 56
Topic 3 Lives after Immigration ·················································10 Topic 3 The Mock Election ························································· 58

UNIT 02 Sleeping UNIT 08 Advertisement

Topic 1 Stress and Sleep ·····························································14 Topic 1 Advertisements in New Media ···································· 62
Topic 2 How Often Do You Dream?··········································16 Topic 2 The Appearance of PPL ················································ 64
Topic 3 Do You Sleep Well? ·······················································18 Topic 3 Clever Pictures for Advertisements ····························· 66

UNIT 03 History UNIT 09 Phobias and Addictions

Topic 1 The Lost Job: A Knocker-Up········································· 22 Topic 1 What Happens with a Phobia?···································· 70
Topic 2 Myths and Facts in History ·········································· 24 Topic 2 Freedom from Smartphone Addiction ························ 72
Topic 3 The True Vikings ···························································· 26 Topic 3 Video Game Addiction·················································· 74

UNIT 04 The Ocean UNIT 10 Economy

Topic 1 Exciting New Favorite Thing ········································ 30 Topic 1 Working Different Jobs ················································ 78
Topic 2 Icicle in the Sea ····························································· 32 Topic 2 Fair Trade········································································ 80
Topic 3 Mystery Circle on the Seafloor ···································· 34 Topic 3 Economic Activities of Countries ································· 82

UNIT 05 Life with the Media UNIT 11 Accidents and Disasters

Topic 1 The Joy of Watching Videos ········································ 38
Topic 1 Accident on the Bridge················································· 86
Topic 2 To Stream or Not to Stream ········································ 40
Topic 2 Real-Life Heroes ····························································· 88
Topic 3 A Live Show with a Surprise Guest ···························· 42
Topic 3 Hurricanes and Safety ·················································· 90

UNIT 06 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

UNIT 12 Space
Topic 1 Guerrilla Gardeners ······················································· 46
Topic 1 Human Beings’ Try to Go to Space ····························· 94
Topic 2 A Schedule for Eco-Friendly Days ······························· 48
Topic 2 Gravity Assist ································································· 96
Topic 3 The Green Building ······················································· 50
Topic 3 A Home in Space··························································· 98

01 Moving to a New Place C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

peer opportunity insist impressive

VOCABULARY CHECK UP purpose take over generation passion

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 88

1. I will take over my mother’s work of helping children in need.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The view from the top of the mountain is impressive .
1. originally : 원래, 본래 11. traditional : 전통적인

3. Teenagers think hanging around with their peer s is most important.

2. purpose : 목적 12. immigrate : 이주해오다, 이민을 오다

3. adjust : 적응하다 13. diligence : 근면 4. The purpose of this party is for people to get to know each other better.

4. recognize : 인식하다, 알아보다 14. opportunity : 기회 5. The man insist s that he knows me, but I don’t know him.

5. generation : 세대 15. passion : 열정

6. Travelling to Spain was a great to relax and do nothing.
6. bother : 귀찮게 하다, 괴롭히다 16. semester : 학기
알게 되다, 따라가다, 7. His passion for painting can be seen in his amazing works of art.
7. peer : 또래, 같은 나이의 사람 17. keep up with : ~에 뒤지지 않다
8. My grandparents’ generation has some difficulties dealing with smartphones.
8. take over : 이어받다 18. impressive : 인상적인

9. insist : 주장하다, 요구하다 19. transfer : 옮기다, 전근 가다

D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.
10. concerned : 걱정하는 20. remind : 상기시키다
1. bother
a. Amy: I don’t want to bother my sister when she is sleeping.
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. b. Mike: My parents gave me a small gift to bother me.
c. Jason: Would you bother some medicine for me?
1. passed down such as beliefs,
customs, clothes, etc.
t r a d i t i o n a l
2. diligence
a. Amy: I think that diligence is a stepping stone to failure.
2. to make someone¬think¬of
r e m i n d b. Mike: Her diligence to go jogging every morning at 6 a.m. is amazing.
c. Jason: He wakes up late with diligence every day.

3. to get used to a new situation a d j u s t 3. concerned

a. Amy: She does her work well by herself, so I’m concerned about her life.
4. to move to live in another country m t b. Mike: We were concerned about his health when we heard of his disease.
i m i g r a e
c. Jason: He is concerned about the results of the exam because he finished the exam
5. one¬of¬the¬two¬main¬periods¬of a
school year
s e m e s t e r

4 01 Moving to a New Place 5

DICTATION kindlier , smiling more often, etc. But finally , I’m sure you

will adjust , and everybody will know how nice you are.
TOPIC 1 A New Chapter in Life 89

Zoe Thank you for saying that. I’m also concerned if I can follow

Aaron Zoe, what is the matter ? You look like the new classes .

you’ve been crying! Aaron You might have some troubles with different

Zoe I can’t believe it. I have to move to another school textbooks and keeping up with the

because my dad will be transferred . pace of the classes at first. But that’s also up

Aaron What? When? To where? to you.

Zoe Next month. To Utah. Zoe Phew. When I can’t solve my problems, can I get

Aaron Oh, that’s too far from here, and it is so counselling from teachers at the new school?

sudden ! I’m so sorry, and I will miss you so much. Aaron Absolutely . I talked about my problems with the teachers here.

Zoe Me too. And I’m worried about something. I think the teachers at your new school will be great. They will

Aaron I know what you’re worrying about. Making new friends, help you.

meeting new teachers, right? Do you remember when I came Zoe I really hope so. Can I call you when I feel stressed ?

here in 4th grade ? At first, I had problems . Aaron Come on, Zoe. You can call me any time! I’m your

Zoe That’s right! You did. I need your advice . It’s in the middle of the best friend , right?

semester , so most of the students probably Zoe I know, but I’m worried that you will think I’m bothering

already have their best friends. And, as you know, I’m not an active you.

or outgoing person. Aaron You know what? The biggest problem is that you worry

Aaron It takes time to make friends , but you’re a nice girl. in advance about what has not happend yet.

Of course, you should make an effort such as talking Calm down ! Let’s go and have some ice cream.

6 01 Moving to a New Place7

My treat ! Yumi Yeah. I’ve met friends from several different countries , and

Zoe Thank you, Aaron. not only are their languages and looks different, but their

cultures are as well . So, I have a culture

class to help me understand different cultures .

TOPIC 2 A Frog in a New Pond 90

Harry You are already very open-minded . Sometimes, there are people who aren’t
Harry Hi, I’m Harry. I’ve never seen you in this class before.
that way.
Nice to meet you.
Yumi In Korea, I hardly ever met foreign friends, so I was not
Yumi Hi, I am Yumi. I’m from Korea . Nice to meet you, too.
very interested in other cultures. However ,
Harry I’m from England . Are you here in the USA to study or are
I came here to realize that I was a big frog in a small
you originally from here?
fond .
Yumi My mom had to come here for her job , so we all
Harry Me too. I have been pleased to learn other cultures
came here too. I have been a student since last
naturally , to open my mind , and to make
month . How about you?
new friends. How about the culture class? What
Harry My sister entered a college here, and I told my parents that
topic was the most impressive ?
I wanted to come with her. How did you feel,
Yumi Last week, I had a class where we wore each culture’s
coming to this place ?
traditional clothes .
Yumi At first, I was surprised that there are various students from
Harry That sounds interesting!
Asia, Europe , Africa, etc.
Yumi It really was! My classmates said that the Hanbok, Korea’s
Harry Yes, it seems people come here for
traditional clothes , is beautiful. I said I was from
various purposes , like studying, working ,
Korea , and they talked a lot about K-pop. I became
travelling , and so on.
closer to some of my classmates because of that.

8 01 Moving to a New Place9

Harry I love K-pop as well! His boss helped my grandfather open a branch .

Yumi It is amazing that people whose race and He worked very hard, with diligence , and passion even on the

culture are different from mine like K-pop! weekends , which made my grandfather successful in America.

Harry Our skin color may be different, but we are My dad had a better life and finished college , but he

peers . When you talk with and become more familiar decided to take over his dad’s job. Then I

with the people around you, you can find something was born. Although I have lived in America all my life, my

in common . grandfather reminds me of where my

Yumi I hope so. It is very helpful that you started up this conversation . roots are. At home, he insist we speak in Korean so that

Harry I’m happy to help you! I do not forget the language and culture of our

homeland . My dream job is not to carry on the family

business .I respect the work of my grandfather and

TOPIC 3 Lives after Immigration 91

my father, but it is not for me. My dream is to become a doctor .

David Gang
This is my dream now, but it could change to a teacher, a
Hello, my name is David Gang, and I am Korean-American. My grandfather
lawyer , or another specialized job. Anyway, I love the United
immigrated to the United States in the early
States, the land of opportunity , and I love Korea as well.
1980s, and he is a first-generation immigrant . He believed in

the American dream, as did many other immigrants . At first when he came

here, he had difficulty getting a job in a company because he

did not speak English well. So, he started to work at the

car wash . He worked harder than any

other person, and his boss recognized that.

10 01 Moving to a New Place11


02 Sleeping C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

medication consistently disturb terrified

VOCABULARY CHECK UP lack negatively anxiety accurate

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 92

1. Students’ bad eating habits can negatively affect their grades.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. I was terrified of the dark when I was a child.
1. mysterious : 기이한, 불가사이한 11. disturb : 방해하다
3. This medication could be useful for your back pain.
2. insomnia : 불면증 12. immunity : 면역력

3. accurate : 정확한 13. unstable : 불안정한 4. I don’t want to disturb you, but I have something to tell you right away.

4. medication : 약 14. consistently : 지속적으로, 끊임없이 5. Smartphone watches are sometimes not accurate .
chase 뒤쫓다, 추적하다
5. : 15. hormone : 호르몬 consistently forget to.
6. Even though my mom tells me to turn off the light, I
negatively 부정적으로
6. : 16. steady : 꾸준한, 변함없는
7. I’m afraid of flying, so I feel some anxiety before I board an airplane.
nightmare 악몽
7. : 17. emotionally : 감정적으로
anxiety 불안, 걱정 8. The dog on the street lack s food and love.
8. : 18. prescribe : 처방하다
toss and turn 뒤척이다 lack 부족하다
9. : 19. :
horrible 무시무시한, 끔찍한 terrified 무서워하는 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.
10. : 20. :

1. unstable
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: Due to a good president, our economy is strong and unstable.
b. Mike: The old church is unstable, so the repair work should be started soon.
¨Across 1 3 c. Jason: I was able to take notes well in the class because my desk was unstable.
p r e s c r i b e
1. to order medicine for someone
n 2. horrible
4. a chemical, usually occurring
naturally in your body s s a. Amy: My mom is good at baking. Her cookies taste horrible.
2 b. Mike: Recycling is a horrible way of protecting our planet.
c o t
ª Down 4
c. Jason: There was a horrible accident on the highway due to heavy snowfall.
h o r m o n e
2. to follow in order to catch someone
or something a n a 3. nightmare

3. difficulty in falling and staying asleep

a. Amy: I had a nightmare, so I couldn’t get back to sleep last night.
s i d
b. Mike: I had a nightmare where I became a famous singer, and everybody liked me.
5. happening in a gradual and regular y
e a c. Jason: I didn’t want to wake up this morning because I had a nightmare.
way, not suddenly or unexpectedly

12 02 Sleeping 13
DICTATION Doctor Above all, just try to relax . I will give you some tips for

getting good sleep . First, do some light

TOPIC 1 Stress and Sleep 93

exercise during the daytime. That increases hormones that are

Ellie Doctor, I have a problem. I can’t sleep at night. I feel like I helpful for deep sleep.

toss and turn all night long. Ellie Okay, I will try to do that. What else?

Doctor How long has this been going on, Ellie? Doctor Don’t eat too much just before going to bed. Is that

Ellie Well, it is pretty recent . I used to fall something you do?

asleep Ellie Actually, yes. I have dinner at about 6:30, and I have a
like a baby, but for about two weeks , this has

snack before going to bed.

been an issue .

Doctor Please don’t do that. And, when you have trouble

Doctor Sudden insomnia might be related to
falling asleep , it’s not good to keep lying in bed.
stress. Is there something new going on in your life?
Ellie Then what should I do?
Ellie Ah, I have a very important science project in school. It has
Doctor Just leave the bed and do a quiet activity ,
been three weeks since it started.
such as reading a book. When you feel sleepy , get back in bed. Oh,
Doctor It sounds like this project is causing you
and watching a smartphone is not a good idea. The light
anxiety , and that might be affecting your sleep.
disturbs your sleep.
Ellie You mean I have been stressed because of the project ?
Ellie I always look at my smartphone to check for messages
Doctor Right. You may not realize it, but you have been too
from my friends before I sleep. That is probably part of the problem as
stressed .
Ellie I’m thinking about the project all the time. I need more
Doctor Right. I won’t prescribe any medication today. Please try to do
time to finish it. What should I do? I can’t focus
what I suggest .
on it because I can’t sleep at night .
Ellie Thank you, Doctor.

14 02 Sleeping15
Lincoln But you seem to know a lot about dreams.
TOPIC 2 How Often Do You Dream? 94

Beth I am interested in dreams, so I have done a lot of

Lincoln Beth, I had a horrible dream last night.
research on them. Many scientists are trying to solve
Beth What did you dream about, Lincoln?
the riddles about dreams.
Lincoln I fell down off a cliff in my dream. I was so
Lincoln Please tell me more.
surprised that I woke up. It was a nightmare .
Beth We might think that we dream all night , which
Beth Aha! I heard that this dream means that you will be
makes us so tired . But a dream only lasts
tall . It’s a dream where someone falls from a
several minutes, about 10 to 40 minutes.
high place .
Lincoln Really? I had a dream where I was chased by someone
Lincoln Really? I hope so. Anyway, in the dream, it was very realistic , so I was
all night, so I felt tired the next day. But are you
terrified .
telling me that it was not true?
Beth Yeah, sometimes it feels like that. Do you dream
Beth Some scientists would say that. They also say a person
usually has about 5 dreams a night .
Lincoln I don’t think I dream every night.
Lincoln Wow! I didn’t expect this. I usually just remember one
Beth Actually, it is believed that people dream
every night, but they don't remember it.
Beth Yeah, I usually remember one as well. And have you ever experienced a
Lincoln Is it an accurate theory ?
situation where you think ‘Oh, am I dreaming now?’?
Beth Some scientists say that. In fact, there are no exact
Lincoln I have! I don’t remember many details , but I thought I was in a
theories about dreams. There is still so much we don’t
dream. It was kind of a mysterious experience .
understand about dreams , or the human

brain for that matter.

16 02 Sleeping17
Beth It is called a lucid dream. I had one last night. sleep well, you could gain weight because the

When I was getting on a ship, I felt like something dangerous hormone that causes you to feel hungry increases !

was going to happen. I thought I had to wake up right away. So, how long should we sleep a day, and when? You

So, I woke up! should sleep at least 8 hours for the

Lincoln I’ve never controlled my dreams. If I could do that, I would health of your mind and body . And you

score a goal in the next soccer game. should sleep deeply between 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. If you

Beth Ha-ha. Good luck! lack sleep, take a short nap . That will

make you feel better and less tired , and

refresh your mind. Some schools encourage students to

TOPIC 3 Do You Sleep well? 95

nap in the afternoon , particularly after lunch. Last,

David Hello, I am the host of “Healthy Life,” David Gipson. Today, I’m
many of you stay up and wake up too
talking about the importance of deep sleep . It’s
late on weekends, and this can hurt your life and
not a new topic , but it’s important enough to talk about
sleep pattern . Therefore, you should try to keep your life
again. Have you ever had the experience that you were tired
in a steady rhythm . Okay, that’s it for today. I hope all of
and couldn’t focus on what you were doing because
you sleep deeply every night, and I’ll see you next time.
you didn’t sleep well the night before? Sleeping is an important

activity for resting your body and brain .

If you don’t sleep well consistently , you will often make

mistakes and be emotionally unstable . It might

affect your skin negatively and weaken your

immunity . And, while this is not commonly known, if you don’t

18 02 Sleeping19

03 History C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

knight raid distorted bang on

VOCABULARY CHECK UP razor pirate devote merchant

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 96

1. My brother said he didn’t bang on my door last night.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The knight fell on his knees in front of the princess.
1. knight : 기사 11. savage : 야만적인
3. These days, I devote my free time to watching movies or reading books.
2. reputation : 명성, 평판 12. criticize : 비판하다

prosper : 번영하다, 번창하다 razor : 면도칼 4. The merchant travelled to many countries in Europe to make money.
3. 13.

4. warrior : 전사 14. pirate : 해적 5. There were many injuries after the last raid .

5. bang on : 두드리다 15. profession : 직업

6. Caption Hook is a famous pirate in “Peter Pan.”
6. loyalty : 충성심
16. lord : (중세 유럽의) 영주, 귀족
7. My dad uses a razor to shave his face every morning.
distorted :
왜곡된 monk : 수도사
7. 17.
믿을 수 있는 stereotype 8. It occurs very often that historical facts are distorted .
reliable : : 고정 관념
8. 18.
merchant 상인 affordable
9. : 19. : (가격이) 알맞은, 감당할 수 있는
devote ~에 바치다, 쏟다 raid
10. : 20. : 습격 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. reliable
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: You’re reliable, so I don’t want to talk to you.
b. Mike: The doctor doesn’t use the medicine because it is effective and reliable.
1. a feeling of support for someone c. Jason: We want useful information from a reliable source.
or something
l o y a l t y

2. savage
2. the opinion that people have about
someone or something
r e p u t a t i o n a. Amy: Peaceful photos make me savage.
b. Mike: It is savage to make other people happy.
c. Jason: Some dogs can be savage, so do not try to get too close.
3. to show dislike or disapproval c r i t i c i z e
3. prosper
4. a general or simple image about a a. Amy: I expect that my dad’s new business will prosper.
s t e r e o t y p e
person or a thing b. Mike: When the winter comes, plants prosper.
c. Jason: His business prospered and left him a huge debt.
5. not expensive; able to be bought or
rented by people who do not earn a
a f f o r d a b l e
lot of money

20 03 History 21
DICTATION Julie They needed to wake up people on the second floor .

They tried to get a bunch of clients near each other in

TOPIC 1 The Lost Job: A Knocker-Up 97

order to make a living .

Greg Julie, what are you looking at? That picture must be 100 years old. Greg I see. How did they remember what time their clients had to wake up?

Julie You’re right, Greg. We were talking about new technology Julie Knocker-ups used chalk to write the times on house

replacing some future jobs in class and my teacher asked us walls or on the doors of their clients .

to research older jobs that were replaced by technology. Greg Why were these people suddenly necessary ? Didn’t people wake up with

Greg So, what is this person in the picture doing with that long the sun?

stick ? Is he cleaning the windows? Julie This profession became necessary at a time when there were

Julie Actually, he is knocking on the window. He is a “ knocker-up ”. suddenly many factories . These factories required

He does this to wake the people up . all the workers to start at the same time to be efficient .

Greg Why? Do they keep missing the alarm ? Greg I see. It sounds like a whole part of the culture was lost

Julie This was before affordable alarm clocks. When alarm clocks with the invention of a cheaper alarm clock.

became cheap and reliable , these people were Julie That was exactly our teacher’s point. As technology changes,

no longer needed . the jobs change too.

Greg I get it. So, these people would help wake people up and get Greg Well, there is still at least one knocker-up around.

paid for it. That’s funny. It’s my mom. She has to bang on my door every day.

Julie They were paid to keep knocking until the person came

outside .

Greg Why the long stick?

22 03 History23
the images you may have seen in the film .
TOPIC 2 Myths and Facts in History 98

Jason How were they different ?

Jason Diane, I watched a movie last night.
Diane Knights were the people who worked with a king or lords .
Diane What movie, Jason?
Knights protected the king or lords , followed
Jason King Arthur. It’s an old film . My mom was
their orders , and received some land in return for their
watching it on TV, so I watched it with her.
service .
Diane I know the story , which is about King
Jason Did they receive land? Hmm, it’s different from what I
Arthur and the knights of the Round Table?
thought. Is it true there was chivalry?
Jason Right. King Arthur and one of the knights of the Round Table,
Diane Yes, knights not only had to train for wars but also
named Lancelot, were both wonderful . Knights in the Middle
master the rules of etiquette, which included
Ages wore cool armor and they were brave
loyalty , honor, and protecting women.
men who devoted their lives to their king .
Jason Then, is it true that knights really wore armor and fought
Diane Hmm, you know that the story of King Arthur is not
in wars?
completely true, right?
Diane Actually, there are some facts that have been distorted .
Jason I know that. Although King Arthur is thought to be a real
Jason Like what?
historical figure , his life story is a mix of both
Diane Their armor was too strong to be attacked by
myths and facts.
their enemies .
Diane Right. And actually , King Arthur could be a fictional
Jason That’s cool!
character .
Diane Well. It is said their armor was so heavy that they needed
Jason A fictional character? Oh, I am shocked .
cranes to ride on horseback . That means knights were not
Diane In addition, knights in the Middle Ages were different from
able to move freely when they wore their armor .

24 03 History25
Jason Umm, I’m so disappointed . The stories that I know about knights was really great. Many believe that the Vikings went on explorations to find

were a kind of fantasy . places to raid . In reality, it is true that the Vikings

Diane Yeah. Do you know Don Quixote? This novel in the 17th century destroyed churches and even killed monks , building

criticized the fantasy , but we still have the wrong their reputation as wolves of war. However, only a small

image. percentage of the Vikings were actually warriors ; the

Jason I think I should read real history books. I need the truth! majority lived peaceful lives as farmers, merchants ,

etc. The Viking’s popular image may be that they wore

helmets with horns , but there is not much evidence .

TOPIC 3 The True Vikings 99

The image was born when a costume designer

History Teacher
created horned helmets for the Viking characters in an
Hello, everyone. Today we are going to talk about Vikings and the kind
opera cycle in the 1870s. People have a stereotype of the
of life they led . The Vikings were Normans who lived from the 8th
Viking that they were savage and dirty, but they were actually quite
to 11th century , and they were famous for
clean and took care of their cleanliness . They
travelling far from their home in Scandinavia. “Viking” means “ pirate
carried a set, including a comb and razor , and
raid ” in the old Norse language . They had
they even spent a day on washing . Are the Vikings different from what
unique ships, called long-ships, and sailing
you imagined ? That’s it for today.
skills , which helped them prosper in exploring ,

trading , and fighting. We can see their ships in museums .

The front of a Viking ship is long, pointed , and

rolled up. Interestingly , the ships still keep their

original shape, which means their ship-making technique

26 03 History27

04 The Ocean C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

current complicated formation attractive

VOCABULARY CHECK UP supply hatch enriched fragment

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 100

1. The water supply will be cut off all day tomorrow.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. Everyone thought the models were attractive at the fashion show.
1. hatch : 부화하다
11. attractive : 매력적인
current 3. The math problem was so complicated that I could not get the correct answer.
2. : 흐름, 해류, 기류 12. supply : 공급
discover : 발견하다 separate : 분리하다 4. The eggs will hatch after 2 weeks, at least.
3. 13.
leak : 새다 diameter : 지름 current
4. 14. 5. When swimming in the ocean, be careful of the strong s.
geometrical : 기하학적인 formation : 형성
5. 15. 6. When I dropped the cup, it broke into many fragment s.
pure : 순수한 enriched : 풍부한, 농축한
6. 16.
7. Enriched uranium can be used in making weapons.
woo : 구애하다 icicle : 고드름
7. 17.
density 밀도, 농도 8. I learned the process of a star’s formation in today’s science class.
8. : 18. fragment : 조각
inspect 검사하다 surrounding
9. : 19. : 인근의, 주위의
delicate 깨지기 쉬운, 연약한 complicated
10. : 20. : 복잡한 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. woo
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: We have to woo the environment from pollution.
b. Mike: My cousin will woo Jenny because he doesn’t like her.
¨Across 1
c. Jason: The man tried to woo the beautiful actress by giving her a ring.
d e n s i t y
1. the relationship between an object’s 2
p u r e
weight and how much space it takes up 2. leak
2. not mixed with anything else l a. Amy: Water has started to leak into the kitchen.
3 b. Mike: I wash my hair and leak it every morning.
3. to look at something or someone i n s p e c t
carefully in order to discover c. Jason: It’s safe that the toxic gas has started leaking.
information c
4. to divide into parts; to move apart a 3. icicle
a. Amy: The icicle we had for dessert tasted sweet and warm.
ª Down 4
b. Mike: When the sun came out, the hanging icicles started melting.
s e p a r a t e c. Jason: We should be careful because these icicles are very hot.
1. easily broken or damaged

28 04 The Ocean 29
DICTATION Vicky With the special helmet, I wore my and they didn’t

get foggy . And my hair did not even

TOPIC 1 Exciting New Favorite Thing 101

get wet . It was fantastic !

Adam Vicky, how was your vacation ? You said that you were going to the Adam Were you able to take a lot of pictures ? I can’t wait to see them.

beach , right? Vicky Yes, I am actually not embarrassed to show them

Vicky Yes, I tried something new called sea walking . Have you off . Unlike snorkeling , I didn’t need a mouthpiece

heard of it, Adam? for sea walking. So, I am smiling in all my pictures .

Adam No, I haven’t. Quite honestly , it sounds impossible to do. Adam It sounds like you really enjoyed sea walking . Do you think you will go

Vicky Well, it is a lot easier than it sounds. You do not even sea walking again?

have to know how to swim . It is just walking Vicky Of course, I will! I really recommend that you try it if you get an

underwater . opportunity .

Adam It sounds like scuba diving but much simpler _. Adam Umm, doesn’t water come into the helmet?

Vicky That’s right, Adam. There is no equipment though, except Vicky Even while you are wearing it, water can get into the helmet if you

for a helmet. As you walk on the ocean floor, you tilt your head . And the water can nearly

receive a supply of fresh air reach your chin .

to your helmet, so there is no oxygen tank or other gear. Adam Really? I would be scared if I was chin

Adam How do you receive fresh air without an oxygen tank? deep in the water.

Vicky The helmet is connected to a hose that Vicky It’s not scary ! Trust me!

pumps in oxygen from a boat.

Adam I see. What about your glasses ? I know you are blind as

a bat without them.

30 04 The Ocean31
it leaks out of the sea ice. The temperature of the salt slush is
TOPIC 2 Icicle in the Sea 102

much lower than that of the surrounding sea. It’s from 45 to 60

Grace Ben, can you guess what this is in the picture?
below zero .
Ben It looks like an icicle in the shape of a
Ben Wow, amazing! So, the salt slush makes things nearby freeze!
tornado . Am I right, Grace?
Grace Correct! If you want, let me show you the video .
Grace Well, it’s something like an icicle , but it’s a salt icicle.
Ben Right now!
It is something that you can see in the ocean , not underneath discovered in the 1960s, but it was only in
Grace Here it is. It was
a roof .
2011 that a brinicle was filmed forming on the
Ben I have never heard of that before. What is it called ?
bottom of the sea by the BBC.
Grace They are brine icicles, or brinicles.
Ben Amazing! It forms so fast!
Ben Brine means salt ?
Grace Actually, it’s not so fast. Look at the starfish . They don’t move so fast,
Grace Yes, especially highly enriched salt.
but in the video, they are moving fast. That means the video image
Ben How are they formed ?
has been sped up .
Grace You know salt water doesn’t freeze well, right?
Ben Oh, I see. Anyway, they look so dangerous !
Ben It’s because the freezing point is lower than pure water.
Grace Animals that come into contact with brinicles can freeze
Grace That’s right. But in polar areas, seawater does freeze .
to death , like these starfish _, because they cannot move
While the seawater is freezing , highly enriched
away quickly .
salt doesn’t freeze and it collects together,
Ben Poor starfish!
separated from the water. It is in the form of beverage slush.
Grace That’s why brinicles are also called “the finger of death .”
Ben Hmm, this is very complicated . So, and then what?

Grace The density of the salt slush gets higher and higher and

32 04 The Ocean33
circle . If she finds that the center is
TOPIC 3 Mystery Circle on the Seafloor 103

attractive , she lays her eggs there but leaves. The male
Reporter Hi, I’m a reporter, Olivia Lee, from “What a Mysterious World”. Today, I would
puffer fish remains and guards the eggs until they
like to introduce a mystery circle on the
hatch , for about six days. It’s usual for a male to
seafloor . Look at this! It’s so delicate and beautiful. Who
take care of eggs and babies in
made it? It was made by a species of puffer fish. The male puffer
the animal world . That’s all for today. See you next time!
fish diligently flaps his fins along the

ocean floor and uses his body to create a pattern of

peaks and valleys. He may also add final touches by

decorating the peaks with small shells or coral

fragments . This small fish of about 12 centimeters in

length forms a geometrical formation of about 2 meters in

diameter . It can take about 7-10 days to complete the work,

which is done in an effort to woo a female puffer

fish. If underwater currents wash away the formation , the

male puffer fish will probably start again in a fresh area of the

ocean floor. When the circle is completed , a female puffer fish will

come to inspect it. Scientists are still not sure how the

female judges the circle, whether it is by beauty or by

size . In any case, when a female chooses one, the

male will stir the sand in the middle of the

34 04 The Ocean35

05 Life with the Media C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

article instruction comment encounter

VOCABULARY CHECK UP channel illegal post subscribe

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 104

1. Driving without putting on a seatbelt is illegal in most of the states.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. When I encounter ed a girl on the road, I felt like I fell in love.
encounter : 맞닥뜨리다, 마주치다 go through :
1. 11. 살펴보다, 검토하다

3. I’m writing an article about recycling for the school newspaper.

option : 선택 alert :
2. 12. 경보, 알림

channel : 채널 instruction : 4. My friends made comment s on my vacation photos that I posted.

3. 13. 설명, 가르침

cancel : 취소하다 stream : channel

4. 14. 스트리밍하다 5. I like to watch history and sports s on YouTube.
post : 게시하다, 올리다 content :
5. 15. 내용
6. I don’t like to watch many videos, but I love to subscribe to cooking channels.
download 다운로드하다 trial
6. : 16. : 시험, 시도, 체험
7. The results of the competition will be post ed on the Internet.
subscribe 구독하다 review
7. : 17. : 비평, 검토

illegal 8. Could you give me some instruction s on how to make pizza?

chatting :
: 불법의
8. 18.
article 기사 comment
9. : 19. : 논평, 의견, 댓글

rewarding 보람 있는 sufficient
10. : 20. : 충분한 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. cancel
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: We had to cancel our flight because of the bad weather.
b. Mike: I’m free every Thursday, so I have to cancel our Thursday meeting.
1. something you can choose o p t i o n c. Jason: She’ll cancel her visit to her grandparents because she misses her
2. a notice to people to be prepared
to deal with something dangerous
a l e r t 2. sufficient
a. Amy: I don’t have sufficient time for doing my homework. I have to hurry.
b. Mike: I have sufficient money, so I can’t buy new sneakers.
3. talking over the Internet c h a t t i n g
c. Jason: My mom has many muscles because she hasn’t gotten sufficient exercise.

3. rewarding
4. trying out; testing a product or item t r i a l
a. Amy: My speech was rewarding because no one listened to me.
b. Mike: I think teaching something to others is tiring but rewarding.
5. the parts or items that are included
c o n t e n t c. Jason: Running to the bus stop was rewarding because I missed the bus.
within something like books,
programs, videos, etc.

36 05 Life with the Media 37

learn channel
DICTATION Jeremy I am also trying to French with a because

I’ll be travelling to France this summer. There are a lot of great teachers
TOPIC 1 The Joy of Watching Videos 105

and videos for instruction . I think it is an effective way of

Jeremy Hey, Sue. What are you watching? learning.

Sue Hi, Jeremy! I’m just watching the newest music video by one of my Sue I agree. These days, I am learning how to skateboard from

favorite artists. I subscribe to her channel , so I got an videos posted there. At first, I wanted to learn skateboarding to

alert that a new video was posted . lose some weight and be active , but now

Jeremy Cool. I don’t subscribe to many channels . I’d like to learn some high-level techniques .

Sue Why not? If you click the button “Subscribe,” you can get Jeremy Please take me to where you skateboard sometime. I’d really like to

alerts without having to search for new watch.

content by yourself. Sue Of course. What other channels do you like?

Jeremy That is just it. I have many favorite channels, so it would take Jeremy I watch some channels related to movies, like introducing new

forever for me to go through the alerts. I movies, interviewing _ actors and actresses , and movie

would never find anything new . reviews .

Sue It sounds like you watch a lot of videos on the site. What do you use Sue You must really love movies !

it for mostly ? Jeremy That’s not all. I also enjoy watching channels about

Jeremy I listen to a lot of music, like you. As you know, the site soccer , travel, famous restaurants , and even the

remembers my song lists and it recommends similar genres of mysteries of nature.

music. Sue Wow, Jeremy, when do you have time to sleep?

Sue Oh, yes. I love that function . What else? Jeremy That’s why I don’t subscribe to many channels. If I did, I would be

watching videos all day long.

38 05 Life with the Media39

Bethany I know. But people using the illegal files allow other
TOPIC 2 To Stream or Not to Stream 106

people to provide downloads for free and the problems

Jake Bethany, what are you reading?
continue .
Bethany It’s an article about a new drama series .
Jake Well, you’re right. Besides , those sites always have ads, pop-ups, and
My favorite webtoon is becoming a drama next month.
even viruses when you visit them. Oh, I’ve just thought of
Jake Sounds great, but you don’t seem very happy. Is there something
another way for you to watch the drama!
wrong with the drama? Is there an actor that you hate
Bethany What is it?
playing the main role ?
Jake You can try the free trial on the streaming
Bethany Yes, something is bothering me, but not that. It’s just that the
drama will only be shown on a streaming site called
Bethany Free trial? I didn’t know they had that. Does “Watchful” offer a
“Watchful,” and not on TV. I spent my savings on some new clothes.
free month _?
I can't afford a membership right now.
Jake Yes. But be sure to cancel after the month if you don’t want to
Jake Well, that is not the only option . You could try to download
continue with the subscription .
it or stream it on a different site even for free. It is a
Bethany That’s perfect. After the free trial , I’ll know if it is
bit illegal , but it works. You just have to find such a worth it. When I get my allowance next month, I will start
site . saving up money.
Bethany I know the sites, but as you said, Jake, it’s illegal .
Jake I’m sure you will like it. It has a lot of great content .
Jake It’s not likely that you will be punished .

The people who make money by providing

downloads usually get in trouble .

40 05 Life with the Media41

clip . Before she came to my live show, I gave her a new list of
TOPIC 3 A Live Show with a Surprise Guest 107

questions and asked her to prepare answers

Bebop Hi, guys. My live show is starting now! I’m
In advance , but you are welcome to send
sure that everyone watching this live show knows
your questions as well right now. I promise you that this live show
me, but I would like to introduce myself. I am a student
today will be very helpful to you and me. Oh! The subscribers
uploader called Bebop. I mainly try to deal
are telling me to stop talking and quickly let my cousin
with all the problems and issues that students of our
come out. Now, let’s introduce her. The god of
age encounter and are interested in. Can you see my face
studying ! Please come out!
clearly ? Let me adjust this camera. There! That is better.

Anyway, do you remember my best hit clip ?

Oh wow! The real-time chatting tells me that many of you

remember my best clip . Yes, that’s right. “The god of

studying!” My cousin shared her studying tips and she

gave us samples of her notebooks in my best clip. It was a really

impressive and rewarding interview. We all hate studying, but

we all have a great interest in how to study well. After the clip was

released , you left lots of comments about how to study

effectively and I tried to answer you by asking

my cousin . I thought, however, it was not sufficient , so I

finally have a returning guest on my live show today. It is

my cousin who we’ve seen once in my best

42 05 Life with the Media43


06 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

reusable disposable architect appliance

VOCABULARY CHECK UP geothermal military permission lose track of

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 108

1. The architect is busy creating a new plan for the apartment building.
Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. I like my reusable shopping bag because it is strong and easy to carry.
reclaim : 회복하다, 복구하다 permission : 허락
1. 11.
carbon footprint : 탄소 발자국 ~을 놓치다 3. I lose track of time when I read comic books.
2. 12. lose track of :
patch : 구역 appliance : 기기 4. The geothermal heat from deep underground is an excellent source of energy.
3. 13.
term : 용어 promote : 촉진하다, 홍보하다 appliance
4. 14. 5. The electric for charging the batteries is missing.
reusable 재사용할 수 있는 unplug 플러그를 뽑다
5. : 15. : military
6. The important secret has been leaked to the terrorist group.
violent 폭력적인 지열의
6. : 16. geothermal :
7. I have permission from the teacher to leave early from school.
짓다, 건축하다
construct : military : 군사의
7. 17.
치료하다, 낫다
비어 있는 8. The restaurant gives disposable spoons and forks when you order takeout.
8. : 18. vacant :
인습에 얽매이지 않는,
unconventional : 독특한 emission :
배출, 배기가스
9. 19.
architect : 건축가 disposable :
D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.
10. 20.

1. vacant
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: The parking lot is vacant, so we couldn’t find a place to park.
b. Mike: The school is vacant over winter vacation.
¨Across 2 c. Jason: I had to wait because the toilet was vacant.
4. using force to hurt or attack 1 3
e p
5. to remove the cord of an electrical e 2. heal
device from the socket m c a a. Amy: Too much stress can heal various diseases.
4 b. Mike: The doctor said that my elbow would heal faster if I rested.
v i o l e n t
ª Down c. Jason: He was so rude. His attitude healed the situation.
s a c
1. letting something out, usually
a gas s i h 3. construct
2. to recover; to take back a. Amy: Houses were constructed by a violent storm.
i m
b. Mike: The earthquake constructed many farms and homes.
3. a small area of land o c. Jason: People have cut down trees and constructed buildings.
u n p l u g

44 06 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle 45
understand environment of the cities better.
DICTATION Dorothy I how they make the

But vegetables ? Is it another goal ?

TOPIC 1 Guerrilla Gardeners 109

Daniel Yes. Guerrilla gardeners want people to eat more

Dorothy Daniel. Where have you been? You’re late. vegetables . They promote healthy living.

Daniel I’m sorry, Dorothy. I lost track of Dorothy That’s interesting! They are helping everyone in our community . Why

time when I stopped to watch some guerrilla gardeners have I never seen or heard of these people?

planting flowers in the vacant lot next to the candy Daniel They do it secretly and at night because a lot of what they do isn’t

store . legal . They don’t get permission to plant something from

Dorothy What are you talking about? What’s gorilla gardening ? landlords . So, that’s why they use the term guerrilla,

Daniel Not gorilla. Guerrilla . It is spelled g-u-e-r-r-i-l-l-a. I think.

Dorothy I thought guerrillas were members of an unofficial Dorothy That makes sense . Anyway, what’s that in your hand?

military group . Daniel Oh, this? This is a seed bomb . They gave them out

Daniel Yes, but guerrilla gardeners aren’t violent . Guerrilla gardeners do for free .

something in an unconventional way . Dorothy A bomb? Is it violent ?

Dorothy What do they do? Daniel No, no. This is made of clay and in the middle are a

Daniel Their goal is to make the cities around us bunch of seeds. If you find an abandoned

cleaner and more beautiful by growing plants . place where the plants can grow, you throw the seed

When they see a small patch of land, especially an bomb there, and perhaps, something will grow .

abandoned and messy space, they clean up Dorothy That’s fun! I’d like to have a seed bomb .

the place and plant flowers and vegetables. Daniel Nobody knows when they will come again, but I hope you will meet

these modern-day heroes as well!

46 06 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle47
Corey Actually, however, I heard that people are using animal
TOPIC 2 A Schedule for Eco-Friendly Days 110

waste to reclaim mountains polluted from

Corey Hey, Samantha, what are you writing down in your daily
mining . The nutrients from animal droppings
help the land to heal .
Samantha Good morning, Corey. We just studied eco-friendly life lessons, so I’m
Samantha That’s good to hear. Anyway, for the last day, I will try not to use paper.
making a 3-day plan of action .
Corey That will be difficult . We studnets use paper in our
Corey That’s a great idea. What will you do?
books, notebooks , and homework.
Samantha Well, on the first day, I will try to go the
Samantha We can use reusable paper. And I have also gotten the teacher’s
whole day without using any disposable products. So, I
permission to submit my homework by

will use a reusable tumbler for drinking and a handkerchief email last
on the day.
instead of paper towels .
Corey Good! My family tries to be eco-friendly too. My mom is always asking
Corey I know many people are using tumblers , but I haven’t thought about
us to unplug all the appliances that we aren’t using at the
using a handkerchief before. It’s a good idea. What about the
moment .
second day?
Samantha That’s a small but powerful thing we can do every day.
Samantha The second day is twenty-four hours without meat .
Corey I have a tip from my brother that you might not
Corey Remind me how eating meat affects the
know yet. Have you heard about Blackle?
environment negatively .
Samantha What is that?
Samantha Eating meat itself is not bad. The bigger issue is
Corey It’s basically Google with a black screen . A white screen
the land being used for the animals that we eat.
takes a lot more energy to produce. When you use
People are cutting down forests for more
Blackle, the screen is black and the letters are white or gray,
land for cows.
which saves energy .

48 06 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle49
Samantha Thanks. I’m so hopeful when I learn new practices for an reduce waste . And they dug 12 geothermal

eco-friendly life! wells for heating. In case you don’t know, geothermal wells

are holes dug deep into areas where

there is a lot of heat from the middle of the earth. That natural heat
TOPIC 3 The Green Building 111

creates energy . The energy is used to heat

Sandy Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Sandy, and I chose to do my environmental
the building and warm water . So, this old building now
presentation on green buildings. Green buildings are
uses less carbon and makes 73% of its energy
made to use less coal and gas. They are good examples of
by itself . It has inspired us by
how we can reduce our carbon footprint .
showing the world how we should be building our future homes.
Architects are currently creating and constructing

many green buildings all over the world. But I want to

talk about one topic in particular , called the Green

Building. I know the name sounds confusing , but this building is in

Louisville, Kentucky. What makes this building special is that they

restored a building that was built almost 120

years ago. It was difficult but rewarding to get this old building up to the

low carbon emission standards that green buildings must

have. They installed solar energy panels on the roof. And

they also installed many large glass windows for

natural lighting . They reused the

materials from the original building in floors and walls to

50 06 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle51

07 Election and Voting C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

definite bullying council policy

VOCABULARY CHECK UP president run for fundraiser election

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 112

1. Our principal made a new policy about students being late.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The president of the book club will choose the next book we will read.
1. potential : 잠재력 11. run for : 출마하다
3. It is definite that the person over there is a famous actor.
citizen : 시민 candidate : 후보자
2. 12.

mock : 모의의 13. standardized : 표준화한 4. The results of the school election will come out tomorrow.

draft : 초안 fundraiser : 모금 행사 Bullying

4. 14. 5. is a big problem, even in elementary schools.
president : 회장, 대통령 burdensome : 부담스러운
5. 15. 6. Our school council is surveying us about the school lunch menu.
bullying : 따돌림, 약자를 괴롭히기 policy : 정책
6. 16.
7. She is going to run for leader of the school dramaclub
eager : 간절히 바라는, 열심인 definite : 확실한, 분명한
7. 17.
fetch 데리고(가지고) 오다 welfare 8. The school will hold a special party as a fundraiser .
8. : 18. : 복지
vote 투표하다 election
9. : 19. : 선거
council 의회 pledge
10. : 20. : 공약 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. fetch
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: My father went to fetch my brother from school.
b. Mike: His bag was so heavy that he fetched more luggage.
1. a person’s or group’s health, comfort,
w e l f a r e c. Jason: She fetched more foods for me because I was already full.
and happiness

2. eager
2. a person of a city or country who
c i t i z e n a. Amy: She is eager to save her money, so she bought an expensive toy.
can legally live there
b. Mike: He is eager to learn Chinese because he wants to talk with Chinese people.
c. Jason: The boy was so eager to win the championship that he made no effort at all.
3. someone running in an election c a n d i d a t e
3. potential
a. Amy: The girl has lots of potential to become a great artist.
4. a formal promise to do something p l e d g e
b. Mike: He has potential as a singer because he doesn’t like to sing.
c. Jason: The boy lost in the game, so I could see his true potential in this game.
5. worrying; hard to deal with something b u r d e n s o m e

52 07 Election and Voting 53

DICTATION promises .

Lucy Have you had any ideas yet?

TOPIC 1 Electioneering in School 113

Mark Well, they’re not definite , but the ideas I have are about

Mark Lucy, do you want to run in the presidential election of changing the lunch menu and adding club activities

the school council with me? and programs after school .

Lucy Do you mean as your running mate , Mark? Lucy Those are the important issues. I’ve thought about installing a

Mark Yes. I was thinking that I would run for suggestion box to encourage a stronger relationship

president , and you would run as vice between seniors and juniors .

president. I think we could be a good team . Mark Oh, that’s a good idea. Let’s think about the details together.

Lucy Great! Being president would probably be a bit Lucy After deciding on our final promises , the next step is to get

burdensome , but I think being vice will be fun. ready for the broadcast debate .

Mark Okay, then we need to talk about electioneering . Mark You’re right. I know you are good at writing, so why don’t you write

Lucy Yeah, we have to work together . How many the script for the debate ?

supporters can we have? Lucy I’d love to. I will be in charge of that.

Mark Two supporters are allowed . And about the posters and pickets , as I told you, I will ask

Lucy I see. I have a friend who is good at drawing _. We can my friend to produce some drafts of them. After that, we

trust her to make campaign posters and pickets . can talk together. What else should we do?

Mark Great! I will fetch my friend as well. He is humorous and Mark We can campaign when we are on the

popular, so he will catch everyone’s eye. way to school. At that time, why don’t we sing and dance?

Lucy Good for us! Why don’t we get together next week? Lucy Singing and dancing ? No way. I don’t think I can do that.

Mark Why not? Anyway, we should think about our election Mark Come on, Lucy. I know you’re a good singer. My friend can make

54 07 Election and Voting55

simple dance moves, and you can just follow possible . For example , I want you to help

him . me choose our fundraisers and where the money goes. I want to be your

Lucy Well, okay. If this is the best way to catch everyone’s voice in the teacher-student meetings.

attention , I will trust your friend. Sam I see. What are your thoughts , Heather?

Mark Perfect! Heather I think both of the candidates are talking about school

events , money, etc. But I think there are other things

more important . I want to help every

TOPIC 2 The Big School Debate! 114

student reach their potential .

Sam Hi, my name is Sam, and I’m the host of the school radio
Stacy I heard how you want to do that, Heather. You want volunteer tutors
debate broadcast for school president . As all of
and standardized test practices. I think the practices only
you know, the candidates are Jason, Heather, and Stacy. Let’s start with
serve you and other smart students.
Heather But, Stacy, this is a place of education and all of us can be
Stacy A vote for me means that the school will be
successful students, so I hope to make our education better.
better, with better food and less bullying . It is my
More language and math classes for struggling students are
hope that I can make our school spirit stronger by
very necessary .
making our school something to be proud of .
Jason I think you are both showing yourselves to be too eager to
Sam Sounds good! What do you think, Jason?
be president. I am the one candidate with realistic goals. For
Jason While I agree with Stacy that we need more
example, I intend to raise money for better
school spirit , we should ask how she intends to
uniforms and new books in our library .
deal with bullying . As for myself,
Sam Okay, that’s it for today. If you want to know more about their
I intend to change the things that are
promises , please visit our school website or listen to the

56 07 Election and Voting57

next broadcast at the same time next Tuesday. Bye! their promises better and check your classmates’ opinions .

Next, you will vote and count the vote on

your own with some student volunteers . It

TOPIC 3 The Mock Election 115

will be very interesting for you to compare this to the results

Social Studies Teacher
of the real presidential election. I’m sure you’ll understand the true
Guys, do you know that our country is in a presidential
meaning of elections and voting better. You will
election ? So, in the hopes of making you better citizens , next
gain your own opinion about politics . Okay,
week, we will have our mock presidential election. There are
from now on, please find out and get to know the
real candidates for the presidency , and you can
candidates' promises !
check their pledges in various media . They are

running for president using posters, debates

on TV, their websites , SNS, and any other social platforms that

might get your attention . They are talking about issues

surrounding politics, economics , welfare , and the environment.

I recommend that every student research the educational

policy that you are the most interested in. It will be exciting for you

to compare their different promises . If you don’t

understand them well, you can ask me or your parents . Because it’s an

election period now, your parents probably know the

promises well. After that, you will have the time to talk about and

debate their promises . That will help you understand

58 07 Election and Voting59


08 Advertisement C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

unconsciously account public commercial

VOCABULARY CHECK UP practically caption frequency pimple

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 116

1. Movies usually begin after several minutes of commercial s.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. I don’t remember the ID and password of my SNS account .
1. explode : 폭발하다 11. frustration : 좌절감
3. The frequency of my mom’s phone calls is increasing.
2. pimple : 여드름 12. privacy : 사생활
account : 계정 commercial : 광고 4. The sign on the door had a caption below that said, “No Entry.”
3. 13.
previously interrupt : 방해하다, 중단시키다
4. : 이전에 14. 5. He unconsciously bites his fingernails when he is nervous.
captain : 캡션, (삽화 ・ 사진의) 설명 15. objectively : 객관적으로
5. 6. The public parks are for anyone who wants to exercise or enjoy nature.
expose public
6. : 노출시키다, 폭로하다 16. : 공공의, 공익의
7. He washes his face often, but he still has some pimple s.
intense frequency
7. : 강렬한 17. : 빈도
target unconsciously 8. Our science team project is practically finished now.
8. : 목표(대상)로 삼다, 겨냥하다18. : 무의식적으로
desire practically
9. : 바라다, 원하다 19. : 사실상, 거의
impact manipulate
10. : 영향 20. : 조종하다, 다루다 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. frustration
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: She looked at her own successful work with frustration.
1 b. Mike: Betty cheered with frustration because she passed the test finally.
¨Across t
c. Jason: I cried with frustration when I didn’t pass the audition again.
2 4
2. to want something strongly a d e s i r e
3 2. previously
5. to increase very quickly r i n
a. Amy: It is previously going to be sunny in the afternoon today.
g m t
ª Down b. Mike: He was previously employed as a pilot, but now he is not.
e x p l o d e c. Jason: She wants to become a singer previously, so she practices singing hard.
1. to aim at; to direct toward
3. a powerful effect that something has t a r
3. privacy
on a situation or person
c r a. Amy: Please respect my privacy and don’t look at my diary.
4. to stop someone from speaking or
acting t u b. Mike: He wants peace and privacy, so he often goes out to meet other people.
c. Jason: Can I see your driving privacy, please?

60 08 Advertisement 61
DICTATION Generally, most of my advertisements are directed towards

what I like and what I have searched for.

TOPIC 1 Advertisements in New Media 117

Aiden It’s very convenient , but it makes me scared a bit because my

Aiden Mia. What are you looking at on the Internet ? personal information has been exposed here and there.

Mia Aiden, I’m trying to look at a new music video but I have to Mia You’re right. I am also worried about the privacy issues.

wait for the advertisement to finish before I watch it. Previously , advertisements in mass media like

Aiden I completely understand your frustration . I am usually TV, paper-print newspaper , or magazines were for the public .

interrupted by commercials when listening to music on the web. Aiden But now targeted commercials on the Internet and SNS have been

Mia I’ve seen this advertisement many times already, so I’ve practically exploding in number and frequency .

memorized it. You know the worst thing? I wait for the Mia We should know that it causes not only privacy

smallest possible time to click “Skip Ad” but issues but another issue.

this is a commercial that I can't skip . Oh, my gosh! Aiden What is it?

Aiden Calm down . But some commercials in Mia We should be more aware of how the commercials

social media are a bit amazing. are manipulating us and getting our money out of our pockets .

Mia What is amazing ? Aiden Absolutely right. The targeted commercials can be very

Aiden A few days ago, I researched some new headphones on the Internet charming . Frankly speaking , I have bought some

because my headphones were not working . Today, in my several times .

social media account , I saw commercials related Mia Well, me too. Let’s be careful so that we don’t

to headphones . The advertisements here are targeted . spend our money foolishly .

Mia Oh, that. Cosmetic commercials are in my social media account

since I searched for cosmetics because of my pimples .

62 08 Advertisement63
Marcy Products look better because handsome and beautiful
TOPIC 2 The Appearance of PPL 118

people are wearing them, so it’s not easy for people to

Kenny Did you see the sneakers in that close-up just now? They look cool!
judge objectively if the products will suit
Marcy Kenny, you are not concentrating on the drama. That was an
them or not.
advertisement because the actor showed the sneakers that he
Kenny And then?
wears in a close-up shot .
Marcy Well, if the products are exposed many times, we will
Kenny I know. It’s PPL stuff, right?
have them in mind unconsciously . That will also cause us to
Marcy Yes, the Product Placement. PPL isn’t a normal type of
lose our objectivity .
commercial . Products are exposed right in the
Kenny I have never thought that.
middle of television programs or films, in a natural
Marcy Finally, we could buy the things without thinking about it
way .
after seeing them on TV.
Kenny Yes. It works especially well when the actors or actresses
Kenny Hmm, I see. I won't buy the sneakers right
put on name-brand clothes or shoes
now , but I will go to the store and see them in
and look good in them. In this way, the
person . Then I will decide if I will buy
advertising impact is really effective .
them or not.
Marcy Yeah. You look like you want to buy
Marcy Yeah, you have to. Anyway, didn’t you buy new sneakers
the sneakers that the actor was wearing .
last month ? I remember that you saved

Kenny Yes, I do. People, including me , want to look

up your allowance .
gorgeous like actors and actresses .
Kenny Oh, right. The sneakers on TV are so cool that I completely
Marcy That’s why I think PPL makes people desire to buy things.
forgot buying new sneakers .
Kenny I’m listening, Marcy.

64 08 Advertisement65
Marcy So, I say that PPL could lead to unnecessary Though the car is not broken and nobody is

spending . bleeding in the picture, this advertisement is really intense .

Kenny You’re right. Thanks to you, I won’t waste my money. Don’t you agree? Please look at the next image . As soon as you see

this, you’ll realize the advertisement’s message . Mom is

sitting on a sofa and looking at her smartphone ,

TOPIC 3 Clever Pictures for Advertisements 119

and the child is looking down at something. The

Ethan Hello, guys. I am Ethan Jackson. I’m a professor who teaches advertisement
giant smartphone is both a smartphone and at the same
science . Today, I’m going to show you two
time, it is a wall . Think about how the child will feel when the mom
public advertisement pictures that include brilliant
is just looking at her smartphone. I think both advertisements
ideas . In the first advertisement, the driver is talking
deliver their messages creatively and effectively , not
on his cellphone and the person in the next
by using a video but with only a picture .
seat is talking to the driver while carrying a map. The

couple is focusing on what they’re doing, so they don’t

look outside or at the backseat . Both the child in the

backseat and the child in front of the car are

in danger . What makes this clever is that

the child in front of the car and the child in the backseat

have their faces line up vertically to make

them look like one person . The caption

“Think of both sides ” means when you drive, you have to take care

to look at both sides , in front and behind.

66 08 Advertisement67

09 Phobias and Addictions C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

entire sweaty distracted limit

VOCABULARY CHECK UP exhale visualize attack assembly

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 120

1. I felt hot and sweaty under the hot sun.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. My brother has difficulty focusing on something and he is easily distracted .
sweaty : 땀에 젖은 entire : 전체의
1. 11.
eventually heights 3. I was sick, so I spent the entire weekend in bed.
2. : 결국 12. : 높은 곳
attack : 공격 therapist : 치료사 4. A new member will join our assembly next week.
3. 13.
mental : 정신의 judge : 판단하다 exhale
4. 14. 5. Most animals carbon dioxide when they breathe.
exhale :
(숨 등을) 내쉬다, 내뿜다 assembly :
모임, 집회
5. 15. 6. You should never drive 30 miles per hour over the speed limit .
dizzy 어지러운 phobia 공포증
6. : 16. :
7. Visualize yourself floating on a cloud and looking down.
urgent 긴급한, 시급한 limit 제한
7. : 17. :
8. The soldiers were moving around because of a sudden attack .
distracted 산만한 expert 전문가
8. : 18. :
panic 극심한 공포, 공황 addicted 중독된
9. : 19. :
visualize 상상하다 examine 점검하다, 조사하다
D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.
10. : 20. :

1. dizzy
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: I began to feel dizzy. I had to sit on the floor.
b. Mike: He began to feel dizzy because he was well rested.
1. a sudden feeling of fear p a n i c c. Jason: The girl became so dizzy that she could finish the marathon.

2. judge
2. to look at or consider a person or
thing carefully and in detail
e x a m i n e a. Amy: He tells only the truth. I judged him to be a reliable person.
b. Mike: The math question was difficult that I couldn’t judge it.
c. Jason: The old farmer judged seeds on his farm.
3. an extreme fear of something p h o b i a
3. addicted
4. a person who helps people with a. Amy: I think Tim is addicted to music because he doesn’t want to listen to songs
t h e r a p i s t
illnesses anymore.
b. Mike: I don’t like books, so I’m addicted to reading these days.
5. in the end, especially after a lot of c. Jason: Children are addicted to video games nowadays.
e v e n t u a l l y
delays or problems

68 09 Phobias and Addictions 69

DICTATION with acrophobia?

Austin I get dizzy , I have a hard time breathing , and I start to

TOPIC 1 What Happens with a Phobia? 121
sweat a lot. Sometimes I can have a

Lisa Wow! Isn’t the view from this hill amazing? We can attack , and if that happens, I have to go to the hospital .

see the entire city from up here! Check it out! So, it’s important that I take care of this quickly .

Austin Lisa, I… well, I don’t want to look. Lisa What can I do to help you?

Lisa What’s the matter , Austin? Why do you look so scared ? Austin First, I need to sit . Then I need to do some breathing

Austin I’m afraid of heights , and not just a little. It’s called acrophobia. I get exercises my therapist taught me.

sweaty and start to panic when I think I’m too Lisa What are they?

high above the ground . Austin First, I have to take very deep breaths . I breathe in for

Lisa Why didn't you tell me? We could have gone somewhere five seconds , and then exhale for seven seconds. This

else today! What should we do now? helps slow down my heart rate .

Austin First, I should have a seat . Lisa I will remember and count for you next time. What

Lisa Okay, let’s go there; there’s a bench . Are you okay? else can we do?

Austin I’m starting to relax . What did you say? Austin He said I should visualize a successful experience with

Lisa Ah, I asked why you didn’t tell me . heights heart rate
once my has gone

Austin I was scared you would judge me. Plus, my down. I have to imagine myself without fear of being so

therapist told me I should try and do some more things with high up. And if you could hold my hand, I’ll feel supported .

heights to help me get better. I thought I would be okay Lisa Okay, I see. You look better now, but I will hold your hand.

as long as I didn’t look down. Austin Thank you for being with me.

Lisa Well, I don’t want you to feel bad ! What

70 09 Phobias and Addictions71

connected to the people and things around her. She was able to
TOPIC 2 Freedom from Smartphone Addiction 122

focus on her friends, classes, exercise ,

Ashley Hi, Todd!
and so on. So, I tried it too!
Todd Hi, Ashley! You aren't looking at your smartphone while
Todd How have you liked it so far ?
Ashley Well, at first, I didn’t know what to do! I was bored , and I had to
Ashley Actually, I’m trying to live without my smartphone . I don’t even
find something else to do not to use the phone. But,
have it with me today!
eventually , I started to exercise more, and I’ve read more books
Todd Really? You don’t? I can't believe it! lately !
Ashley Well, as you know, I was looking at my smartphone all
Todd Sounds like you’re really enjoying it!
the time .
Ashley I am!
Todd Yes. You were very distracted .
Todd Will you ever go back to your phone?
Ashley Yeah. I didn’t focus on conversations . I took a few selfies , made rule
Ashley Yes, but I a . I will go to school with my
checked my messenger , and played games. Sorry for that.
smartphone because there could be something urgent ,
Todd Then why did you think you had to live without a smartphone?
but I will try not to use it. After school , I will
Ashley I suddenly realized that I was addicted to
spend two hours a day checking
my smartphone. I said this to my sister, and she told me about
texts , playing games, and using social

something she was trying . She was not taking her media apps.
smartphone with her to some places so she could enjoy
Todd That sounds like a smart way to do it. Good luck!
those places more .

Todd Did she like it?

Ashley She loved it! She said she felt much more

72 09 Phobias and Addictions73

Of course, it was not easy to do these at first. I tried
TOPIC 3 Video Game Addiction 123

several times _, and I failed. Therefore, I joined

Jeff Good morning, guys. I’m Jeff. Thank you for coming to our assembly about
this assembly . There were many people like me, and I did
game addiction . You know, I love games , and I never thought my best with them. I got better and

that I could get addicted to them. I also thought I

better. Now, I play games with my friends at the PC room and when the
could stop playing games at any time and could deal
timer is done , we go out and have
with the issue. But I discovered a few years ago that sometimes fun somewhere else. So, if you or your friends are addicted
addiction can be something that happens without
to games, please get help. Thank you.
realizing it. On weekdays I played games

till late at night, and on weekends I

stayed at a PC room all day long! I started to be sick from

lack of sleep and my grades were getting very bad. And

the worst part was I wasn’t seeing my friends anymore .

Something was hurting me, and that thing was video games.

Not everyone gets addicted to games; some people can play games

for fun , and it’s not bad for them. But

I was doing it too much , and I had to examine

myself and get help. I found a professional mental

health expert , and she gave me some tips to get better.

The best tips she gave me were these: put a time limit

on games and play games with friends rather than alone.

74 09 Phobias and Addictions75


10 Economy C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

amount material export mention

VOCABULARY CHECK UP treat agreement provide laborer

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 124

1. We made an
agreement about selling a new item last month.

Words Meanings Words

Words Meanings
2. The owner of the company treat s his employees with respect.
import charge
1. : 수입하다 11. : 청구하다
agreement unfair 3. Grape is a raw material for making wine.
2. : 협정, 합의 12. : 불공평한, 부당한
: 노동자 developing : 개발도상의 4. The hospital staff try to provide the best possible medical care.
3. 13.
provide trade
4. : 제공하다 14. : 거래, 무역 5. I’ve always wanted to mention how proud I was of you.
amount export
5. : 총액; 양 15. : 수출하다 export
6. Many countries in Southeast Asia various kinds of fruit.
product 생산품, 상품, 제품 mention 언급하다
6. : 16. :
7. There are still a lot of child laborer s all over the world.
suppose 생각하다, 가정하다 access 접근, 출입, 이용할 권리
7. : 17. :
academic 8. There is a large amount of information, so people can’t make a proper choice.
학구적인, 학문적인 pack 싸다, 꾸리다
8. : 18. :
material 원료, 재료 ecomonic 경제의
9. : 19. :
treat 대하다, 다루다 resource 자원
10. : 20. : D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. access
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: The hotel has access to the beach, so we could go to the beach easily.
1 4
b. Mike: I can’t borrow books at the library because I have free access to the library.
¨Across c a c. Jason: He has access to the Internet, so it’s hard to get information.
3. related to the use of money h c
5. to bring goods from other countries 2. pack
a a
for sale a. Amy: Pack the dishes if you want to use them right away.
r p d b. Mike: He will pack his bag tonight and fly to Sweden tomorrow.
ª Down g r e c. Jason: She will pack a message to Jerry to say that she can’t come.
1. to ask as a price or fee 3
e c o n o m i c
3. unfair
2. something that is made or created for
d i a. Amy: She wins every time, so she thinks it is unfair.
u c b. Mike: It is unfair that my teacher gives all the students the same chance.
4. clever and enjoying studying;
connected with studying and c. Jason: A few students think the results of the final exam were unfair.
thinking, not with practical skills
i m p o r t

76 10 Economy 77
DICTATION work we put into it. It takes a lot of work to make some of these

vegetables grow.
TOPIC 1 Working Different Jobs 125

Sarah Well, that is very different from the way my sister makes

Sarah Hi, Mark. How are you today? money at her job .

Mark Hi, Sarah. I’m doing great . How about you? Mark Does she get paid a set amount for every

Sarah When school is over , I’ll be great. I’m going to hour she works?

visit my sister at the coffee shop near her Sarah Right. No matter how much coffee she sells, she still

college . She works part-time there. Will you join me? gets paid the same .

Mark I’d like to, but I’m going home . Mark My mom and I only make money on how many

Sarah What for? vegetables we sell, so it’s a very different system .

Mark My mom and I have to pack some vegetables we grew in our Sarah Yeah. You and your mom sell goods , and my sister

garden for a farmer's market tomorrow. sells services .

Sarah Oh, you have mentioned that before. What did you say you Mark I suppose people are using the economic system to

are growing ? make money, but in different ways .

Mark We’re growing cherry tomatoes, cucumbers , and spicy peppers . Sarah This conversation sounds very academic , doesn’t it?

Sarah Is it a good way to make money ? Mark Ha-ha. Tell your sister I’ll visit her next time.

Mark It depends . Since we’re selling goods , we have Sarah Okay. And good luck at the market

to think about how much to charge . tomorrow!

Sarah What does that mean exactly ?

Mark If we charge too much, people won’t want to buy them.

If we charge too little , it’s not worth the

78 10 Economy 79
pay the laborers much for their
TOPIC 2 Fair Trade 126

work .
Store Manager Welcome to Coffee and Chocolate Express.
Tina How is that possible ? When we buy
Tina Hello. I’d like to order some chocolate and coffee.
something , we should pay enough for
What does fair trade mean on the
the company to pay the laborers . It’s the way it
sticker of these goods?
should be done .
Store Manager Fair trade means the people that produce the
Store Manager Absolutely right. But, still, the cacao laborers don’t earn
product are being paid a fair amount for their
much money .
Tina How sad! I guess that the companies buy cacao
Tina Would you please explain that in more
cheaply to make more money for themselves .
detail ?
Store Manager Yeah. It’s a very unfair trade .
Store Manager Let me give you an example using this chocolate here.
Tina I get it! That’s why you prefer to sell
Tina I’m listening.
fair-trade products .
Store Manager Cacao, chocolate material , is from cacao
Store Manager Yes! If it has this sticker or label on it, you know that the
farms in many developing countries, and this is
company has been treating the cacao laborers
from one of those developing countries _: Ghana, in
fairly .
Tina That’s great! Why don’t people just buy fair-trade
Tina I’ve heard of the name. It’s a poorer country, right? They are
products only? It seems like a great decision to me.
still developing their economy .
Store Manager To be honest , fair-trade items can
Store Manager Right. Many global companies buy cacao from the
cost a little more, but it’s worth it because
farms located in such places, but they don’t
the money makes the laborers keep working and

80 10 Economy 81
living without others’ help. countries do not have all the natural resources to

Tina I definitely think it’s worth it to buy fair-trade products provide all the things they need on

whenever I can. Thanks for your help! their own . They need to bring in materials

Store Manager Don't mention it . We also have or goods from other countries . If a country does not

coffee and tea which are fair-trade. import enough items , it could make life

Tina I will have some chocolate for me and two cups of coffee for worse for the people living there because they don’t have

my mom and dad. My parents will like the fair-trade access to things. Korea imports oil and many kinds of

coffee ! fruit that are not produced in Korea. What,

however _, does our country usually sell? Our country sells

smartphones, cars, ships, and lots of new technology . This

TOPIC 3 Economic Activities of Countries 127

type of economic activity is called an “ export ,” which is to

Teacher Everyone, last class we talked about selling goods or
sell our products or materials to other countries. Countries make
services to make money. That is one kind of economic
agreements with other countries to trade goods with each
system . It is a smaller type of economic activity .
other. The agreements and rules are very complicated
Today, we are talking about larger styles of economic
and different in each country; you can learn more later if you’re
activity . Here’s an example. What is the book you’re looking at
interested . Now we know the difference between imports and
made of ? That’s right, paper . As you
exports .
know, paper is made out of wood pulp from trees.

We don’t have enough trees to make paper in our

country, so we buy pulp from other

countries like Canada. This is called an “ import .” Most

82 10 Economy 83

11 Accidents and Disasters C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

task investigation official rescue

VOCABULARY CHECK UP construction rubble crack courage

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 128

1. The police found out the truth after the investigation .

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The building collapse left rubble all over the street.
1. knock out : 없애다, 제거하다 11. official : 공식적인
3. The ice started to crack when we stepped onto it.
2. construction : 건설, 공사 12. confirm : 확인하다

gigantic : 거대한 13.
investigation : 조사, 수사 4. The tall building at 34th Street is under construction .

collapse : 붕괴되다, 무너지다 task : 일, 과업 task

4. 14. 5. I thought I could do the without others’ help.
memorial : 기념비 rubble : 잔해
5. 15. 6. I didn’t have the courage to ask girls out when I was a teenager.
container :
그릇, 용기 trap : 가두다
6. 16.
7. The official report on what happened will come from the police chief.
escape 탈출하다, 달아나다 courage
7. : 17. : 용기
rescue 구조 sacrifice 8. The rescue team moved through the cave towards the trapped boys.
8. : 18. : 희생하다
crack 갈라지다, 금이 가다 equipment 장비
9. : 19. :
structure 구조물, 건축물 crush 눌러 부수다
10. : 20. : D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. escape
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: She escaped from her mistake and officially apologized.
b. Mike: Amy and her brother tried to escape from the burning building.
1. to put a heavy pressure on something
c r u s h c. Jason: Mia wants to catch others’ attention, so she tries to escape from the social
until its shape is destroyed
2. special items needed for a specific
e q u i p m e n t 2. gigantic
a. Amy: The building is gigantic, so people can’t see the building well.
b. Mike: The boy likes gigantic and small animals like hamsters and squirrels.
3. to fall down suddenly c o l l a p s e
c. Jason: Many people can swim in this gigantic swimming pool at the same time.

3. sacrifice
4. to show that something is true c o n f i r m
a. Amy: She had to sacrifice a lot for her family.
b. Mike: My friend Tim is a bit selfish and always sacrifices himself for others.
5. something designed to honor
someone or an event of importance
m e m o r i a l c. Jason: Many people tend to make their own profit and sacrifice themselves.

84 11 Accidents and Disasters 85

DICTATION Reporter We’re being told that there are many people trapped

beneath the rubble . It’s unclear if those

TOPIC 1 Accident on the Bridge 129

people have died. The official count of dead and injured ,

Troy Sophia! Turn on the TV news! 6 dead and 8 injured, has now been confirmed .

Sophia What happened, Troy? Sophia A lot of people were killed . Construction companies should

Troy A footbridge over a road in Miami collapsed and some people be more careful when choosing

are trapped underneath it! materials to build with.

Sophia Oh, my gosh! How could that happen ? Troy I agree. And if they don’t spend enough time to complete

Troy The reporter will tell us more. tasks , their structures can fail and hurt people.

Reporter I am here at the site of the bridge collapse in Miami. At Sophia Yeah. Companies should spend enough time and money to

three p.m. this afternoon, a large column started to build things safely .

crack and quickly collapsed . The bridge above this Troy We should always do all we can to avoid accidents like

column fell to the ground and crushed this.

several cars and people. Reporter There are rescue teams using lots of heavy machinery to

Troy Oh no! This is awful. safely lift large pieces away .

Reporter The company that built the bridge is called RYD Construction. Sophia Wow, they are using large construction equipment to save

The company is under investigation now for possibly causing people. I think that’s a helicopter , too.

the collapse by using poor quality metals and Troy Whoa, they are lifting some people out with the

materials . helicopter to save them. And there are other rescue

Sophia If they used bad materials , I think they should be held workers trying to find people hidden underneath the

responsible ! rubble .

86 11 Accidents and Disasters87

Sophia The government should strongly let construction companies Ted Wait, you said he went back into the burning building ? Why

perform safety checks. did he do that?

Alice His neighbors were still asleep in their apartments ! He went to get

them out! He rushed inside and woke them all up. He

TOPIC 2 Real-Life Heroes 130

saved fifteen people that way!

Alice Hey, Ted. Did you hear about the Houston Hero?
Ted It sounds like he is a real-life superhero. It takes a lot of
Ted Is that one of your comic book characters , Alice?
courage to do something like that.
Alice No, he’s a real-life hero ! He lived in Houston, Texas and
Alice Absolutely! But sadly, when he was running down the
he saved a bunch of people from a fire !
stairs , he fell because of all the smoke . That’s where
Ted A real-life hero? Does he have super powers , like
firefighters found him after they put out the
flight or super strength ?
fire .
Alice No, Ted. He’s a real hero, meaning he’s a regular person
Ted You mean he died after saving all those people?
who did something amazing!
Alice Yes. He sacrificed himself for other people, and that was very
Ted Well, tell me the details .
heroic of him. The mayor of the city is going to make a
Alice An apartment building was on fire at night. The
memorial for him so that others will remember his
hero lived in this builging and he got out very
bravery .
Ted I’m glad to hear there will be a memorial for him. He deserves
Ted So, he escaped ?
to be remembered !
Alice Yes, but when he got out, he saw that many of the people that lived

near him had not gotten out. So, he went

back in .

88 11 Accidents and Disasters89

go bad will be very helpful if your home
TOPIC 3 Hurricanes and Safety 131

suffers storm damage . In 2017, some homes in Florida did

Mark Smith
not have water or electricity for several weeks
Welcome to the National Weather Service’s annual Hurricane Preparation
after a storm hit them. You need to have lots of batteries
Conference. My name is Mark Smith, and I’m a chief
and flashlights because storms can knock out
researcher . I am here to help you prepare for
the electricity to your home. Make sure you stay informed
some very dangerous storms . If you live on the east
by listening to the news on the radio . They will have new
side of the United States, you will experience a hurricane at
information about where the storm is headed or what is
some point. Hurricanes form in the warm water of the
happening . If you want to know more, go to
Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean, and they are gigantic
storms with very heavy winds and rain . Some winds can

reach over 200 kilometers per hour .

These storms are very dangerous and form during the

summer months . Some ways to be prepared are to

have plenty of water on hand. You can buy

bottled water or you can save your tap

water by putting it in large containers for drinking. The water

from your tap might be shut off by the storm, so

you need to make sure you have enough clean water

to drink. You also need plenty of food . Canned soup,

canned vegetables , and other foods that won't

90 11 Accidents and Disasters91


12 Space C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

fuel atmosphere parachute crumb

VOCABULARY CHECK UP orbit boost achievement spectacular

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 132

1. This soda always gives me a boost of energy!

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. I think that one of humankind’s greatest achievement s was to land on the moon.
1. mission : 임무 11. crumb : 부스러기
3. The view of the stars at night in the desert is spectacular .
2. artificial : 인공의 12. vehicle : 탈 것, 운송 수단
parachute : 낙하산 space : 우주 4. The fuel for the car is almost gone, so I have to put gas in it.
3. 13.

4. gravity : 중력 14. explore : 탐험하다 5. Earth’s atmosphere is mostly oxygen and nitrogen.

5. boost : (신장시크는) 힘, 증가 15. float : 떠다니다

6. The soldier is landing on the ground safely with his parachute .
6. spacecraft : 우주선 16. advancement : 발전, 진보
7. My mom brushed the bread crumb s from the table.
7. achievement : 성취, 업적
17. orbit : 궤도
8. There is a space station in orbit around the moon.
8. fuel : 연료 18. launch : 발사하다

9. satellite : 위성 19. spectacular : 장관을 이루는, 극적인

우주 비행사
10. astronaut : 20. atmosphere : 대기 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. float
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: The kites and clouds are floating in the sky.
b. Mike: A lot of people are floating a marathon on the road.
¨Across 1
a 2
l c. Jason: My younger brother twisted his leg, so he was floating.
3. the empty area outside Earth’s 3
s p a c e
atmosphere, where the planets and 2. explore
the stars are u
t a. Amy: He explored a gift to himself in reward for his effort.
4. an important task that people are r b. Mike: Human beings have been trying to explore the solar system.
given to do
c. Jason: My boss wanted to explore me to another department.
5. a force that pulls objects toward o c
the ground 4
m i s s i o n h 3. artificial
a. Amy: A lot of artificial lighting will be used in the dark night.
ª Down
b. Mike: Children should not step on the artificial grass because the grass is alive.
1. a person who is qualified to travel u
c. Jason: There were only artificial flowers, so the room was filled with the sweet smell
into space 5
g r a v i t y of flowers.
2. to shoot out with great force

92 12 Space 93
DICTATION float safely back to the ground.

Suzy That’s amazing.

TOPIC 1 Human Beings’ Try to Go to Space 133

Jason Tell me about Sputnik. I know it was launched by the

Jason Suzy, what are you doing your space report on? Soviet Union, but I don’t know much else .

Suzy Um, I was going to write about Sputnik 1. What about you, Jason? Suzy Yes. It was four years before Vostok 1, so it was 1957. That was the first time

Jason I am writing about Vostok 1. humans put any kind of vehicle into orbit

Suzy Why did you pick Vostok 1? around Earth.

Jason I want to talk about the first human to go into Jason I see. Sputnik was the first artificial satellite out in space,

outer space , Yuri Gagarin. and Vostok 1 was the first spacecraft with a human .

Suzy Can you tell me more? Suzy That’s right. Both are firsts for different achievements .

Jason Well, the Soviet Union, now Russia, wanted to get their technology into Jason What did Sputnik do up in space?

space , so they could study Earth's atmosphere and Suzy Sputnik helped scientists find out about how our

learn more about our world . atmosphere works and about the way space affects

Suzy Right, Sputnik was an earlier satellite they sent into space . machines . It helped make modern space exploration

Jason That’s right. So, after lots of practice , possible!

they finally launched a ship with a person in it. That was in Jason It’s amazing that humans were able to do this, and that we

April , 1961! are still exploring space today!

Suzy That’s so interesting . How did he get back to Suzy Yes! Sputnik and Vostok were huge advancements in human

Earth? technology and that’s why I’m excited to write

Jason After going around Earth once, Gagarin about them.

came out of his ship and used a parachute to

94 12 Space95
Cathy Here’s a simple example . If you throw a ball
TOPIC 2 Gravity Assist 134

against a moving train, the ball hits the train. Then

Bradley Hey, Cathy! Have you seen the movie , Space Adventures: Humans’
the train's speed affects the ball’s speed. Finally, the
Journey to the Stars ? It was spectacular !
ball’s speed grows up .
Cathy You bet! You know, Bradley, I love learning about space .
Bradley I think I’m beginning to understand. Why is this technique
Bradley I was thinking about you while I was watching the movie.
necessary in space?
There was something I didn’t understand .
Cathy The amount of fuel the spaceship can carry is
Cathy Oh, I’d love to help.
limited . By using a gravity assist , spaceships
Bradley In the movie, the spacecraft went to Saturn using Mars’s
can travel farther and faster in space.
gravity . It was called a swingby . Is this a
Bradley How much faster can a ship really go with a gravity
real thing ?
assist ?
Cathy Yes! It is called a gravity assist as well, and in fact, most
Cathy The American spacecraft Voyager used a gravity assist with Jupiter; its speed
long-distance spacecrafts have used this technique .
increased to 74,000 km/hour. The gravity assist added
Bradley Tell me more!
36,000 km/hour to the spacecraft .
Cathy The spacecraft goes around a planet near its orbit .
Bradley Wow, that’s tremendous ! This technique must be pretty new.
Orbit is the part where gravity starts to affect objects
Cathy Actually, it’s not. The first swingby was done by Luna 3, a Soviet
and pull them toward the planet's surface . As
spacecraft in 1959.
a result, the spacecraft receives a boost of speed from the planet’s
Bradley Oh, it has a longer history than I thought. Cathy, you’re
like a space scientist .
Bradley Well, that is a little hard for me to understand . How does
Cathy Oh, no, not really. I just like to read about space whenever I can!
gravity add space to the ship?

96 12 Space97
heavy , so my muscles didn’t work as hard in
TOPIC 3 A Home in Space 135

space . I sometimes miss space, though. My favorite

thing to do in space was to see the various
Good morning, everyone. I am Captain Kelly. I’m here to talk to you
lands and oceans of Earth. It made me feel so happy to
about my time as an astronaut . I flew several missions into
look and see Earth and how beautiful it is. I hope all of
space, and I even lived in the International Space
you have a chance to see our world in the way I have seen it. Thank
Station for six months. When I was stationed there, I studied
you for listening.
the effects of space on plants. We were studying this to

see if it would be possible to establish new homes on other

planets one day. While I was there, I lived without

gravity ; we floated everywhere and could not

stand . It made things like sleeping very difficult. In fact, when we

slept, we had to tie ourselves to beds so we wouldn’t

float around . Eating or drinking was also very difficult.

We had to have special packages for our food and water so

that we wouldn’t spill any crumbs or small

drops of water. Those crumbs or water could

accidentally ruin our equipment . Because I became

so used to not having gravity , when I came back to Earth, I would

drop many things. My body was also not as

strong in space as it is on Earth because nothing was

98 12 Space99

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