Bricks Listening 300 L2 WB Answer Key

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Listening 300


UNIT 01 Our Bodies UNIT 07 Language and Life

Topic 1 X-ray Marks the Spot ····················································· 6 Topic 1 A Speech Contest ·························································· 54
Topic 2 Human Body’s Largest Organ ········································ 8 Topic 2 What Is a Boycott? ······················································· 56
Topic 3 Brain Power ····································································10 Topic 3 A Dying Language ························································ 58

UNIT 02 Performance UNIT 08 Money

Topic 1 Three Puppeteers ···························································14 Topic 1 Earning an Allowance ·················································· 62
Topic 2 Real Tips on the Stage ··················································16 Topic 2 Currency of Each Country ············································ 64
Topic 3 Notice of Drama Club ····················································18 Topic 3 Can Money Buy Happiness? ········································ 66

UNIT 03 Amazing Nature UNIT 09 Living Spaces

Topic 1 Exploring a Cave ····························································22 Topic 1 Is This Where You Live? ··············································· 70
Topic 2 Changeable Flower ······················································· 24 Topic 2 Surviving in a Share House ········································· 72
Topic 3 The Land’s Biggest Mirror ············································ 26 Topic 3 U.K. Houseboats ···························································· 74

UNIT 04 Great Women UNIT 10 Broadcasting

Topic 1 A Great Korean Woman ··············································· 30 Topic 1 A Drama Set to Another World ·································· 78
Topic 2 A Love of Rabbits and Writing ··································· 32 Topic 2 Live or Pre-Recorded ····················································· 80
Topic 3 A Renaissance Astronaut ············································· 34 Topic 3 Why Should We Watch the News? ····························· 82

UNIT 05 Music UNIT 11 Failure and Success

Topic 1 Singing on Pitch ···························································· 38
Topic 1 How Did You Win the Contest? ·································· 86
Topic 2 Let’s Go to a Music Festival! ······································· 40
Topic 2 Overcoming a Bad Situation ········································ 88
Topic 3 Traditional Instruments ················································· 42
Topic 3 The Road to Success ····················································· 90

UNIT 06 Photography
UNIT 12 Environment
Topic 1 A Priceless Treasure ······················································· 46
Topic 1 Fine Dust Warning ························································ 94
Topic 2 Getting a Wild Picture ·················································· 48
Topic 2 Changes in the World’s Weather ································ 96
Topic 3 Photography Skills ························································ 50
Topic 3 Paradise Has Too Much Garbage ································ 98

01 Our Bodies C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

judgment infection lung swollen

VOCABULARY CHECK UP shin suffer limp sensation

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 88

1. Many people suffer from various allergies.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. I tripped while going up the stairs and hit my shin .
1. fracture : 골절 11. pressure : 압력
3. My brother’s skin was red and swollen after the bee stung him.
2. judgment : 판단 12. organ : 기관, 장기

3. swollen : 부은 13. hemisphere : 반구 4. When Sam was a baby, he suffered from an infection .

4. limp : 절뚝거리다 14. inference : 추론 5. The teacher made a judgment about which students were cheating.

5. opposite : 반대의 15. suffer : 고통을 받다 limp

6. After falling off the swing, the boy ed for a while.
6. sensation : 느낌, 감각 16. intestine : 장, 창자
7. His grandad had smoked for 30 years, and he died of lung cancer.
7. suspect : 의심하다 17. neuron : 뉴런, 신경 세포
8. There was a weird sensation when the airplane took off from the ground.
8. stable : 안정적인 18. independently : 독립적으로

9. lung : 폐 19. shin : 정강이

D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.
10. constantly : 끊임없이 20. infection : 감염, 전염병
1. independently
a. Amy: Teamwork will be better if you act independently within a team.
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. b. Mike: You should not act independently on your group project.
c. Jason: I always have so much fun time with my friends because I like to act
1. to think that something does not
have clear proof or evidence
s u s p e c t independently.

2. stable
2. being in a position on the other side o p p o s i t e a. Amy: My desk is stable, so it doesn’t move easily.
b. Mike: Your chair seems very stable, which means it keeps shaking.
3. a half of the part of the brain or the c. Jason: The ladder is stable, so the person on the ladder is likely to fall.
h e m i s p h e r e
3. pressure
4. a mental process that makes a result a. Amy: My feet felt the pressure of the shoes because they are big for me.
i n f e r e n c e
from information given
b. Mike: My new dress put too much pressure on my body, so I feel comfortable.
c. Jason: My skin felt the pressure of the water, so I came out of the water.
5. without ending; always happening c o n s t a n t l y

4 01 Our Bodies 5
DICTATION Doctor Next is the hip bone which doesn’t have any problem.

Kyle Okay.
TOPIC 1 X-ray Marks the Spot 89

Doctor Let me see your ankles. Does your right ankle hurt a

Doctor Hi, Kyle. What brings you here ? bit?

Kyle I was playing soccer, and I got tackled hard. My left leg is in Kyle A little bit.

pain . Doctor The ankle bone is okay, but the muscle

Doctor Because you’re limping , I don’t think you broke your leg. around the bone is a bit swollen compared to the

But I will take an X-ray to be sure . Let’s see. As I left one.

suspected , your left leg is not completely broken . Kyle Can you see muscle damaged on an X-ray too?

You have a slight fracture on your shin Doctor No, we can only see the state of the

bone. bones on an X-ray. However , just with the

Kyle Phew, what a relief ! These are images of my leg. That’s naked eye , I can see your right ankle is

amazing! swollen , so you don't need an MRI or

Doctor Yes, this must be your first X-ray . Okay. That is the anything like that .

shin bone . Do you see this here, between Kyle I see.

the knee and ankle ? Doctor You have to apply an ice pack to your right ankle and

Kyle I can see it. Looking at it makes my leg hurt wear a cast on your left leg. The cast

more . will cover your ankle to your thigh .

Doctor Don’t worry. The shin bone is very strong , Kyle My whole left leg?

which is probably why it’s not a full break . Doctor Yes. And you must wear the cast for

Kyle I see. 6-10 weeks . It will be that long until

6 01 Our Bodies7
you can play soccer again. Aria What functions does the skin have ?

Kyle That’s so long! Biology teacher First, the skin protects our muscles ,

Doctor You need to take it easy and get lots bones , internal organs, etc.

of rest . Luke Is that because our skin is the outermost part of

our body?

Biology teacher That’s right, Luke. And the skin keeps things like
TOPIC 2 Human Body’s Largest Organ 90

bacteria outside the body from

Biology teacher Hey, everyone! Today, we’re talking about the human body's
going into the body. It’s protective in this way as
largest organ . What do you think the largest
well. What other functions does the skin have?
organ is?
Aria We can feel hot and cold
Chloe What about the intestines ? I read that the small and large
with our skin.
intestines are around 7.5 meters long .
Biology teacher Yes, Aria. Our skin reacts to sensations like heat,
Biology teacher That’s a good guess , Chloe, but no. The human
cold, touch, pressure , etc. What
body’s largest organ is the skin !
else ? Do you need a hint ?
Luke I didn’t know our skin is an
Chloe, Luke, and Aria Yes!
organ .
Biology teacher Okay. The skin on an average human body has around 2
Biology teacher Many people think organs are only on the
billion tiny holes .
inside of our body; such as internal organs like
Chloe Wow, so many! Why do we need those?
the lungs . But our skin is also an organ with
Biology teacher When we sweat , we remove body waste
many functions that are just as important as our
through our sweat holes called pores .
internal organs .
Through this, we can keep our body temperature

8 01 Our Bodies9
stable . they exchange information constantly . The biggest

Chloe The skin has a lot more functions than I thought ! part of the brain receives information through our five

Biology teacher So, you should clean your skin to keep it senses : sight , smell, touch ,

healthy . If you don’t, you can get taste , and hearing. This is the part that feels hot and

functions or pores can be blocked . Your skin can cold, and smells delicious food. It also controls complicated

become itchy or painful . Keeping mental activities like memory, inference ,

healthy rest judgment , etc. The biggest part has two hemispheres , the right
your skin keeps the of your body

side and the left side. Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the
healthy as well.

body. And in general, the left hemisphere controls

speech , writing, comprehension, etc. The right hemisphere controls

TOPIC 3 Brain Power 91

creativity , artistic , and musical skills , etc.

James Hi, guys. I’m James and today I’m speaking about the human brain . Another part of the brain controls body heat, muscle control,

A long time ago, people didn’t know that the brain controlled every movement , physical ability , etc. Another

function and action of the human part controls your breathing and heartbeat . Maybe you’ve seen

body worked some people who are able to breathe , but can’t do anything
. They thought that the organs

independently and each muscle worked

else. That’s because their brain’s function is limited . There is

individually . However, someone found out that the ability no end when talking about the human brain, but

hopefully my small speech was helpful for you. Thanks for

speak was related to the brain. This discovery came from

when people who suffered brain damage had

difficulty speaking. Our brains actually control

everything we do. The human brain is made of 100 billion neurons , and

10 01 Our Bodies11

02 Performance C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

direct props motion tangled

VOCABULARY CHECK UP servant applicant otherwise emote

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 92

1. The servant s cleaned the table after the emperor finished eating.
Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. There are many applicant s for the director position.
1. servant : 하인 11. emote : 감정을 과장되게 드러내다
3. Study hard. Otherwise , you may have to take the test again.
2. direct : 감독하다 12. script : 대본

3. emperor : 황제 13. props : 소품 4. The action scene will be filmed in slow motion .

4. spirit : 정신, 활기 14. motion : 동작 5. The girl’s hair got tangled on a tree branch.

5. audience : 관객 15. recall : 기억하다, 상기하다

6. The play “Romeo and Juliet” was direct ed by my cousin.
6. visualize : 속에그려 보다 , 상상하다 16.
마음 tangled : 뒤얽힌, 엉킨 , 꼬인
7. It is not easy for me to emote in front of many people.
7. tailor : 재단사 17. rehearsal : 리허설, 예행연습
8. We need to make swords and shields for our props in the play.
8. line : (연극,영화의) 대사 18. interviewee : 면접 대상자

9. original : 원래의 19. puppet : (인형극에서 사용되는 ) 인형

10. applicant : 지원자 20. otherwise : 그렇지 않으면 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. recall
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: I can’t recall his name because he is my best friend.
2 b. Mike: It is impossible to recall the story because I have read the book many times.
¨Across s
c. Jason: It is hard to recall all the birthdays of our classmates.
1. people who are watching a show or a u d i e n c e
r 2. interviewee
3. a doll used for a performance a. Amy: The interviewee was so nervous that his hands were shaking.
i b. Mike: If I were an interviewee, I would pick a confident person.
5. a leader of a land and people
3 4
p u p p e t c. Jason: The interviewee treated one of his employees badly.
ª Down t a
3. rehearsal
2. the written words for a play or i
performance a. Amy: The audience will have the last rehearsal tomorrow.

4. a person who measures people and

l b. Mike: We continued our rehearsal for a perfect play.
then makes the people’s clothes 5 c. Jason: A rehearsal is a kind of small party after a performance.
e m p e r o r

12 02 Performance 13
DICTATION Jeff Great! Then I will come up with the

funny motions . Gina, you can do this with me. We can work
TOPIC 1 Three Puppeteers 93

off the script .

Ken Guys, do you remember that we are going to the hospital to Gina Okay. If we work together, it will take 3–4 days to complete

put on a puppet show for the children the script .

there? Ken I will make some clothes for our puppets and

Jeff We have only one month ! We need to prepare . props . The puppets are the emperor , some

Gina Which story is the best , Jeff? servants , the tailor , and the child who tells the

Jeff I’ve read The Emperor’s New Clothes before to my young nephew who is truth . We can make background sounds for the

5 years old, and he loved it! What about that story ? crowd .

Ken I think it’s good because the children in the hospital are 4–5 Jeff Great. After finishing the script , Gina and I will

years old. And the original story is funny . They will love our work with you.

show even more if we add funny Ken Okay. When we practice dealing with the

actions . puppets, first can you help me practice keeping the strings

Jeff Yes, Ken. Our goal is to make the children untangled , Gina? During the last show, I had

forget they’re in the hospital and really lift their trouble with the strings on my puppets getting

spirits , so the funnier the better . tangled .

Gina That’s really good. And it’s also good to keep the show time Gina Of course, Ken. I’ll show you my technique and then

within 30 minutes . Otherwise , our watch you. I’m sure we can figure it out

audience will get bored . I will make a script quickly.

based on the original story.

14 02 Performance15
Teacher Right now, that’s not a big deal . We have a few
TOPIC 2 Real Tips on the Stage 94

more weeks and we will practice on the stage over and

Teacher Today, we finished rehearsing our lines . Next week, we
over again. That will help you.
will have rehearsals with stage movement and
Lucas I know practicing is important and I will do my
directing . Lucas, are you okay? You look worried .
best . Please let me know some more real
Lucas Teacher, I don’t think my pronunciation is perfect.
tips .
Teacher Why don’t you practice more? Real actors and actresses
Teacher Draw a little story based on the
practice their lines with a ballpoint pen
words in your script in your head. You can visualize the
between their lips to have better
pictures during the rehearsals .
pronunciation .
Lucas So for example, if the word ‘ forest ’ is in my line ,
Lucas I will do that.
do I imagine trees?
Teacher The important thing isn’t about perfection , but it’s about
Teacher Right. Think of it as a mental cue . Say the words
emotions . You can say the words perfectly, but without
while recalling the picture. That way, when you are onstage ,
emotion , no one will
you can visualize the pictures to cue your
care .
dialogue .
Lucas Really?
Lucas I will try that! I’ll practice your tips before the
Teacher Yes! If you become the character , feel the emotions of the
next rehearsals ! Thank you, teacher.
scene , and emote onto the stage, then the

words will come.

Lucas I see. But the bigger problem I’m having is I can’t remember my

lines well.

16 02 Performance17
makeup artist is important. The applicants for makeup will have
TOPIC 3 Notice of Drama Club 95

to prepare sketches and concept art, like those for

Ryan Hello, I am Ryan, president of the Drama Club. As all of you know, we
stage design . The last interview is for people in
have decided to perform the play Frankenstein
charge of music . You need to pick some
this year. We will have club interviews : People who want to
music for the play before the interview and explain why you chose
be the director and scriptwriter , those who want to be in stage
those pieces . Okay, I think that is all. I will notify you
management , makeup, and music will prepare for interviews. The
about auditions for actors after all those positions
literature , music, and gym teachers will do the interviews.
are filled . Thank you for listening.
We are going to do the interviews in the following

order . The first interview is for the director . The

applicants will talk about themes for the play. You must read

and know the original story before the interview. The

interviewees for scriptwriting will prepare scripts for the

first 5 minutes of the play. You can write the lines based

on the original story. Next, we need a stage manager

who is in charge of stage design , which includes

lighting, furniture , etc. The interviewees for stage

design will have to prepare sketches and concept

art of what they intend to use. The next interview is for a

makeup manager . The monster is our main character ,

and his makeup will be more complicated than others, so the

18 02 Performance19

03 Amazing Nature C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

petal wondrous contain 7Y`g]ig

VOCABULARY CHECK UP trail column measure vein

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 96

 Many people in our country measure distances in meters and kilometers.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
 There is a small trail behind my house that leads down to the lake.
1. trail : 오솔길, 산길 11. evaporate : 증발하다
 There are many wondrous examples of beauty in nature.
2. absorb : 흡수하다 12. crustal : 지각의

3. drip : 뚝뚝 떨어지다 13. skeleton : 뼈대, 골격, 해골  Coffee and tea contain caffeine, so you should not have any before sleeping.

4. lime : 석회 14. column : 기둥  KUhYfVc]`gUh%$$X[fYYg Celsius

5. Celsius : 섭씨 15. measure : 측정하다

6. Nurses sometimes have difficulty finding my vein in my arm.
6. transparent : 투명한 16. thermometer : 온도계
7. The colummn s in front of the museum were very big and impressive.
7. contain : 들어 있다 17. harden : 굳다, 굳히다
8. The boy pulled the petal s off the flower and counted them.
8. petal : 꽃잎 18. vein : 정맥, 잎맥
(너무 아름답거나 놀라워서)
9. breathtaking : 숨이 막히는 19. stunning : 굉장히 아름다운

10. wondrous : 경이로운 20. reflect : 비추다, 반사하다 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. transparent
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: The box is not transparent, so I can figure out what is in the box easily.
b. Mike: It is not easy to see the outside scenery because the window is transparent.
1. relating to the surface of the earth c r u s t a l c. Jason: The glass of this fishbowl is transparent, so I can see the fish inside.

2. absorb
2. to be seen in the mirror or in the
b. Mike: When a fire breaks out, a lot of carbon dioxide absorbs.
3. to turn from liquid into gas e v a p o r a t e
3. harden
a. Amy: I need to take the ice out of the freezer to harden.
4. the frame of bones s k e l e t o n
b. Mike: He will put some meat in the oven to harden.
c. Jason: Let’s put the ice cream in the freezer to harden it.
5. a thing that tells the temperature t h e r m o m e t e r

20 03 Amazing Nature 21
DICTATION heat of the sun. Even the color of the

rocks is white.
TOPIC 1 Exploring a Cave 97

Teacher Water containing the mineral lime drops from

Teacher We’re almost there, everyone! the ceiling slowly, but sometimes, before it drops to

Aiden Teacher, it’s so hot. How far are we from the cave ? the floor, the water hardens . So, it is actually growing

Teacher Ta-da! Here we are. Come and stand at the entrance . down.

Mia Oh, I can feel cool air! Is it coming from the cave? Mia Amazing! Look at those! They’re the opposite . They are rocks that

Teacher Yes, it sure is. Let’s measure the cave temperature with my rise up from the floor .

thermometer . It’s only 15 degrees Celsius in here. Teacher Some water also containing lime manages to

Luna Cool! Let’s go deeper inside the cave. drip down to the floor and piles up .

Teacher Watch your step , everyone! It is quite Luna Look at those columns ! Do the rocks that are growing

dark in the cave. down from the ceiling and the rocks that are

Aiden Teacher, why is it such a cool temperature in rising from the floor meet ?

the cave? Teacher Yes! They’re amazing, aren’t they?

Teacher The cave keeps a colder temperature during the Aiden Yes, and marvelous . I like this cave. When was this cave

summer because no sunlight makes it into the inner formed ?

places . In fact, in the deeper parts of the Teacher Scientists say it was formed four hundred

caves , the temperature remains the same all million years ago.

year round. Mia Four hundred million? I can’t imagine that much time!

Aiden I see! Look at the rocks ! They look like ice cream How do scientists know when it was formed?

melting and dripping down from the Teacher They measure time quite accurately by studying

22 03 Amazing Nature23
the rocks’ shapes and size . maybe that’s why they have that name!

Aiden Sounds like a difficult but fun job! John I think so too. Are the petals transparent all the time?

Teacher The cave is a huge sculpture made by time. Let’s keep going, everyone! Sarah No. According to the book, usually they’re


John Wow, amazing! Why does the petals’ color change ?

TOPIC 2 Changeable Flower 98

Sarah Let me see. On sunny days, the petals are white , but
Sarah John, I’m so glad we came to the Appalachian Mountains. This place is so
when it rains , the petals absorb water. That
beautiful this time of year!
makes the petals look transparent .
John Me too, Sarah! This hiking trail is very
John Umm, to absorb water? You mean the
famous for its scenic views and beautiful
petals look transparent because the petals have more water ,
flowers . Everything looks softer today than
usual because the rain just stopped .
Sarah Yes! That is similar to the way light
Sarah We’re lucky! Oh, look at these!
moves through a glass of water.
John They’re stunning ! The petals are transparent like
John Oh! I understand it a bit , but I’d like to learn
glass! I’ve never seen them before. Do you know what
they’re called ?
Sarah The book says this is related to how light
Sarah Let me get out the trail guide book. The book says
passes . Why don’t we ask our teacher when we go to school?
these flowers are Diphylleia grayi, better known as
John That’s a great idea. Okay, now let’s keep going.
skeleton flowers.

John Skeleton flowers? That’s a cool name!

Sarah We can see five veins in the petals , and

24 03 Amazing Nature25
natural water-covered mirror which reflects the beautiful sky
TOPIC 3 The Land’s Biggest Mirror 99

and clouds during the day. At night, it’s more

Paul Welcome to “ Wondrous Nature” and I’ll be your host , Paul
fabulous . The stars and the moon are reflected onto the lake.
Baker. Today we will be exploring one of the world's most
I’ve never been to space , but I felt like I
beautiful and fantastic places. It is the largest salt
was in space when I was here. That’s why people call it the
desert in the entire world. It is called the
biggest mirror in the world. I hope you will
Uyuni Desert. The Uyuni Desert is located in the southwestern
visit the place someday. See you next time.
part of the country Bolivia in South America. Interestingly enough,

it didn’t use to be a desert at all. It was originally part of the

sea, but the land was raised by crustal movements .

This area was separated from the sea and turned into a

huge lake of salt water. The

climate got hotter and because of the hot

weather , over time, all the water in the lake evaporated and only

the salt crystals remained . Eventually, the Uyuni Desert was

formed. In the dry season , the desert is

flat with a tremendous amount of salt. But in the

wet season , the salt on the surface of the

desert melts into the rainwater and becomes a lake 20 to 30

centimeters deep. Okay, now, it’s time to see the wondrous nature!

What a breathtaking landscape ! The lake looks like a

26 03 Amazing Nature27

04 Great Women C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

prominent launch accomplish scholar

VOCABULARY CHECK UP bias talented inspire gender

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 100

1. Many people in the world have been inspire d by the song.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The boy is a talented swimmer and wants to go to the Olympics.
1. well-rounded : 다재다능한 11. inspire : 영감을 주다

3. The Eiffel Tower is a prominent structure in Paris.

2. dynasty : 왕조 12. accomplish : 성취하다, 완수하다

3. scholar : 학자 13. compose : 작곡하다, 시를 쓰다 4. The students accomplish ed their recycling project by cleaning the park.

4. overcome : 극복하다 14. noble : 고결한, 귀족의  This private school is for the female gender only.

5. shed new light (on): 재조명하다 15. preserve : 보존하다

 Many people have a bias against other races.
6. author : 작가 16. trivial : 사소한
7. The scholar s were asked to help solve the energy problem.
7. launch : 발사하다 17. fellow : 동료
8. NASA plans to launch another space shuttle next year.
8. talented : 재능이 있는 18. bias : 편견

9. gender : 성별 19. educated : 많이 배운, 교육을 받은

10. prominent : 유명한, 눈에 띄는 20. inheritance : 유산 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. overcome
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: She overcame the fear of heights, so she can climb a high mountain.
b. Mike: She overcame the fear of small spaces, so she can’t go into the small room.
¨ Across 3
p c. Jason: She doesn’t swim at all because she overcame the fear of water.
1. a person who writes a book 1
a u t h o r
4. to write or create poems or music 2. well-rounded
e a. Amy: Because you are a well-rounded student, you can’t be the winner.
5. not important; having little value
n s b. Mike: The baseball team had well-rounded players and was able to win.
ª Down 4 c. Jason: The girl failed every subject because she was well-rounded.
c o m p o s e
2. of a powerful family; having high
status b r 3. educated
5 a. Amy: The boy knows a lot because he has been well educated.
3. to protect; to keep in the same l t r i v i a l
position; to maintain b. Mike: The man looks well educated because he talks badly a lot.
e e
c. Jason: The girl was well educated at school, so she could not solve even easy

28 04 Great Women 29
DICTATION educated or highly-gifted .

Amy Please continue .

TOPIC 1 A Great Korean Woman 101

Jinsu Women were not allowed to draw landscapes at that time.

Jinsu Amy, is this a book about Shin Saimdang? Landscapes were only for noble men.

Amy Yes. Do you know her? Amy Hmm, but was it okay for women to draw grass and

Jinsu Every Korean person knows her. She is one of the great insects ?

women in Korean history . How do you know Jinsu Yes. Noble men thought grass and insects were small

her? and trivial , so women were allowed to draw

Amy She is the woman on the 50,000 won bill , so I was them.

interested in her. Amy That doesn’t make any sense .

Jinsu I see. What did you learn about her? Jinsu That’s what I say too. She was so professional that many noble

Amy She was the wise mother of Yulgok Yi I, one of the most men hung her paintings in their house. Many

prominent Korean scholars of the Joseon Dynasty . poets were also inspired by her works and

Jinsu That’s right. Today, however, people have shed new composed poems .

light on her story. For one thing, she was a Amy Wow, she was a great artist ! It’s a good thing they are

professional artist . finding new information about her.

Amy Ah! I know about that. Didn’t she usually draw grass Jinsu I think so too.

and insects ? There are drawings of hers Amy I want to be a woman like her because she was talented and an

next to her face on the bill . excellent mother. She was a poet as well. I’ll

Jinsu Yes, but we need to understand the historical background . In her start by reading more about her.

time, it was not believed that women could be

30 04 Great Women31
Jinsu I think she is a great role model for girls Aileen Bats? Amazing!

and women all over the world. Mom She loved drawing pictures of animals as well. So she

wanted to be an illustrator and tell stories about

animals to the other children .

TOPIC 2 A Love of Rabbits and Writing 102

Aileen And she became a famous and great artist ,

Aileen Mom, what’s this book? Is this Harry Potter’s grandmother ?
Mom Ha-ha, no it’s not, Aileen. Her name is Beatrix Potter. She wrote and
Mom Yes. Her most famous book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit , has been loved
illustrated books that I read and your grandmother
and read by many people all over the world. She was
read before me.
not only a nature-friendly writer
Aileen Beatrix? I’ve never heard that name before .
but a conservationist.
Is she famous ?
Aileen Conservationist? What is that?
Mom She was. Nowadays her rabbit is still famous as well. Don’t
Mom A conservationist is a person who tries to protect animals,
you know the rabbit illustration ? There were some
plants , and nature . Even before people knew about how
plates with this rabbit on it.
dangerous dirty air and chemicals could be, she
Aileen Oh, I remember! You said the rabbit was cute.
wanted to protect and preserve nature.
Mom Right. It was my favorite book when I was a kid .
Aileen If she lived now, she would be both sad and mad at
Aileen Tell me about the author .
our earth's situation .
Mom When Beatrix was a little girl, she spent a lot of time
Mom Absolutely . She bought land, farms , and houses in the Lake
alone in the countryside and she loved animals so
District in North West England with the profits from her books and
much. She raised rabbits, frogs , and even
inheritance . This was because this area had

32 04 Great Women33
been expected to develop at that time. became a doctor . During medical school, she

Aileen What is the area like now? would travel to Thailand and Kenya to help people

Mom She donated the area to an environmental group to in need . That inspired her to

protect the place. Therefore, I think the area is join the Peace Corps later on. Yet Mae Jemison

well-preserved . wanted more. She wanted to go to space . She said in an

Aileen What an amazing person! I wish there would interview that it wasn’t important to be the first African-American

be more people like her now. woman in space . Jemison wasn’t thinking about

being the first . She just wanted to go.

Out of 2,000 applicants , Jemison was

TOPIC 3 A Renaissance Astronaut 103

one of the fifteen chosen . When Jemison

Mila Hi, I’m today’s lecturer , Mila Brown. Today, in honor of
launched into space, she said ‘The first
International Women’s Day, I want to talk about our fellow Chicago
thing I saw from space was Chicago, my hometown .’ After
city native and first African-American female
finishing her work in space, she continued
astronaut . This woman travelled in space on the Space
working for NASA and then became a university professor .
Shuttle Endeavour on September 12, 1992. Her name is Mae Jemison.
Amazingly , she was in the famous drama, Star Trek, as an
Jemison is what we call a renaissance woman: Someone who is
actress . She was a well-rounded woman! Mae Jemison is a true
talented in many fields and has many skills .
example of someone who overcame gender
She was an accomplished dancer in her teenage years. She
bias . Thank you.
graduated high school and went on to Stanford University at 16 years

old, which is earlier than others. Later, Jemison would go on to

earn her Medical Degree and

34 04 Great Women35

05 Music C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

string genre beverage method

VOCABULARY CHECK UP challenging court merit instrument

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 104

1. My grandmother drinks hot beverage s even in the summer.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The new smartphone model has the merit of being light.
1. court : 궁정 11. echo : 울림
3. The only instrument that I can play is the piano.
2. beverage : 음료 12. string : 줄

4. My favorite genre to read is science fiction.

3. convenience store : 편의점 13. piercing : 날카로운

4. feast : 잔치, 축제 14. dynamic : 활발한, 역동적인 5. The string on my violin broke, so I have to get it fixed.

5. atmosphere : 분위기 15. pitch : 음의 높이

6. For the science experiment, we followed the method carefully.
6. traditional : 전통적인 16. chorus : 합창단, 합창곡
7. In the Middle Ages, there were court music and dance performers.
7. accompaniment : 반주 17. genre : 장르
8. My new work is difficult but really challenging .
8. merit : 장점 18. method : 방법
도전 의식을
9. checkered : 체크무늬의 19. challenging : 불러일으키는
10. mouthpiece : 입을 대는 부분 20. instrument : 악기 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. piercing
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: The piercing sound let me know about the dangerous situation.
b. Mike: We felt warm and cozy in the piercing cold.
1. a part of an instrument that goes in c. Jason: Her piercing screaming made all of them sleep deeply.
the mouth
m o u t h p i e c e

2. dynamic
2. the mood of a place or situation a t m o s p h e r e a. Amy: I can’t stop yawning because the novel is dynamic.
b. Mike: The movie is so dynamic that I almost fall asleep.
3. a large meal usually to celebrate c. Jason: The game is so dynamic that I expect the next stage to be thrilling.
f e a s t
3. traditional
4. a piece of music written to be sung a. Amy: We eat traditional Korean food on New Year’s Day.
c h o r u s
by a large group of people b. Mike: Our house was built in a traditional style, so it looks modern.
c. Jason: My dad likes using the newest and traditional smartphone.
5. being a pattern that squares are
c h e c k e r e d

36 05 Music 37
DICTATION play the role of instruments.

Hally I see! So which part are you in charge

TOPIC 1 Singing on Pitch 105

of this time?

Hally Hey, Joe. I heard you will sing tonight at the school Joe I’m in charge of the accompaniment. Last time I sang.

festival . Hally Is singing the accompaniment more fun?

Joe Yes. I’m in the a cappella club. Hally, you’re a choir Joe I love singing both the melody and accompaniment, but in this case,

member, right? we are recreating the sounds of instruments like drums

Hally Yes! I’m going to perform at 6. What about you? beating . It is challenging so it makes it more interesting .

Joe I sing after you . It starts at 7:30. I’ll be Hally What kind of songs do you sing in your club ?

sure to watch your performance . Joe We usually sing pop music . That’s why I

Hally Thanks! I will watch yours too. I’ve never seen an a cappella chose the a cappella club.

performance . Hally I love pop music. I look forward

Joe Really? to your performance.

Hally No, but I know a cappella is singing without any instruments . Joe Thanks. I can't wait for yours too. You don’t have a

Joe It’s officially called a chorus unaccompanied. high speaking voice, but you’re a soprano .

Hally It’s a kind of chorus ! I’m a soprano, and what about you? I can’t imagine what you sound like.

Joe I don’t have a fixed part . Depending on the Hally You know people who sing in a chorus have a special

songs, we change parts . voicing method .

Hally Tell me more. Joe It is an amazing talent . Anyway, I’d better let you go. See

Joe We accompany using our voices instead of you soon.

instruments, which means I sometimes sing, and sometimes Hally See you.

38 05 Music39
singers to new talents as well. That’s one of the
TOPIC 2 Let’s Go to a Music Festival! 106

biggest merits .
Kevin Lacey, a bunch of us are going to the Women’s Music Festival this
Lacey Tell me more.
weekend . Do you want to join us?
Kevin We can make new friends from other countries . There are
Lacey I’ve never been to any music festivals . What’s the
many kinds of food to eat too.
mood like, Kevin?
Lacey That sounds like so much fun. Is this event held indoors ?
Kevin It’s dynamic and energetic ! Which genre of music
Kevin No. It is held outdoors on different
do you usually listen to ?
stages . It is just a fun and relaxing atmosphere .
Lacey I just listen to the popular music in the charts . How
Lacey Are you going there for two days?
about you?
Kevin Yes. I heard it will be beautiful this weekend and it’s not
Kevin I’m interested in various types of music, so I listen to a
far from my house.
wide range .
Lacey Then I will go too. I can’t believe I will be attending my first
Lacey Like what?
music festival . I’m so excited !
Kevin Rock , hip-hop, electronic , jazz, etc.
Kevin I know you are going to love it! Ah, we need something to sit
Lacey Wow, you do listen to different kinds of music!
on , some snacks , and beverages .
Kevin In this festival , we can meet many different
Lacey I have a new picnic blanket that I can bring.
musicians and listen to their music.
Kevin I will bring some snacks . Why don’t we buy the beverages at
Lacey It sounds like a great opportunity to
a convenience store near the festival ?
experience various kinds of music. Will many
Lacey Okay!
musicians from other countries come?

Kevin Of course! It’s not just that. There will be performances from famous

40 05 Music41
The other pipes influence the pitch of the sound. These
TOPIC 3 Traditional Instruments 107

folk instruments have also been used for court

Music teacher
music and played at weddings and feast . They were also
Today, I would like to introduce two traditional instruments. The
used as a musical instrument in the time
first one is one of the oldest Indian musical
of war . The piercing sound of the
instruments , Saraswati veena. Look at the picture. It is named
bagpipe was so high that it could be heard up to 10 miles
after the Hindu goddess of knowledge, Saraswati. As you
away. Let’s listen to the sound!
see, it’s a kind of string instrument , it has a long

body and strings on it, and it has two bowls

made of wood under each end . They can

enrich the echoes . Why don’t we listen to the sound?

Another traditional instrument is the bagpipe . Look at this

picture. This is also a very old instrument from all over Europe that

dates back to about 100 AD or even

earlier . The most widely known bagpipe is the

Scottish bagpipe. You may have seen pictures of men playing this

instrument in a checkered skirt . The bag of the bagpipe is

made of animal skin. Some long and short pipes

stick out of the bag. A pipe has a mouthpiece a player

blows air in, and another pipe has finger

holes that are played to create the melody .

42 05 Music43

06 Photography C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.


telephoto lens

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 108

1. My dad is a member of an amateur golf club.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The wall stands vertically to the floor.
1. vertically : 수직으로 11. disguise : 변장하다, 위장하다
값을 매길 수 없는,
: : 3. The girl is looking down at the beautiful landscape from the hill.
2. bulky 거대한 12. priceless 대단히 귀중한

3. liveliness : 생동감 13. amateur : 아마추어의 4. I am in a state of shock because of the accident.

4. filter : 필터 14. blend : 섞다, 섞이다 5. To make a light blue color, I blend the blue and white paint together.
5. adjust : 조정하다 15. tilt : 기울다
6. Humans sleep horizontally , but some animals sleep standing up.
6. wildlife : 야생 동물 16. state : 상태
7. Harper is conscious of the boy who was watching her.
7. capture : ~을 포착하다 17. vivid : 생생한

8. The picture taken with a telephoto lens is clearer with more details.
8. horizontally : 수평으로 18. blazing : 활활 타오르는

9. attach : 붙이다, 연결하다 19. landscape : 풍경

10. telephoto lens : 망원 렌즈 20. conscious : 의식하는 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. bulky
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: This bulky device fits into my little hand bag.
1 b. Mike: The product was so bulky that I could easily move it by myself.
¨Across w
2 c. Jason: This luggage is bulky and hard to put into my little car.
2. to change or hide the way one d i s g u i s e
l 2. vivid
3. to move something to look or fit 3 a. Amy: I had a vivid dream about my dead father, so I missed him.
better a d j u s t
b. Mike: We all need vivid water, or we will die.
5. very valuable l c. Jason: My grandma has passed away before I was born. I have vivid memories of her.
ª Down 4 3. blazing
t f
1. wild animals a. Amy: We quickly became tired in the blazing sunshine.
4. to move something so that it is
p r i c e l e s s b. Mike: It is such a blazing day that my mouth is frozen.
not even l c. Jason: What a blazing day! I’m dying of the cold.

44 06 Photography 45
DICTATION Nicole This is interesting! And what is that smaller camera called?

Dad It’s a digital camera. You can attach a lens

TOPIC 1 A Priceless Treasure 109

the same as a film camera.

Nicole Dad, what are you doing? Nicole Then, what’s the difference between a film and digital

Dad I am dusting my cameras . Do you see this one, Nicole? camera?

Nicole It is so bulky and heavy . Why do you need a Dad A film camera saves the images on the film, but a digital camera

lens that big? saves the images in the digital memory .

Dad It is called a telephoto lens . It allows you to Nicole I think a digital camera’s way of saving is the same as the smartphone

zoom in very close and get a detailed camera.

picture . Dad Yes, but as I know, the function of the smartphone is more

Nicole Oh, I see. What is this? various .

Dad It is film . Have you never seen it before? Nicole Yes! I can download different apps on the smartphone.

Nicole No, I haven’t. What is the film for? I can add a mustache or a cat’s ears on my photos , using the

Dad Look at this. If I put the film in the apps!

camera and take a picture , the Dad The smartphone can even make you have the most

images are saved on this film. After putting it perfect look. However, even if the old pictures were not perfect

through a chemical process , it becomes photos with filters , the value of those pictures is

like these! priceless .

Nicole Oh, they are the pictures of me when I was a baby! Nicole You like the old pictures of me, but I’m a bit embarrassed to see them,

Dad Yes! They were taken by a camera that uses Dad.

film . We call those cameras “film cameras.” Dad Ha-ha. I’m sure you will understand someday. And when you do, I am

46 06 Photography47
hoping to give you this film camera. I know it’s old but it still takes Janice Something like that. I disguise my clothes so that I can

great pictures . blend in with the nature . Then I just wait.

Nicole Thanks, Dad. I will take care of it and maybe Alex How long do you have to wait? A couple of hours?

hand it down to my kids when I get Janice That would be on a lucky day. It could be days or

older . weeks that I have to hide out in order

to capture the animals in their natural state .

Alex Unbelievable ! I see that there are many night

TOPIC 2 Getting a Wild Picture 110

photos .
Alex Hi, Janice. My name is Alex and I am a student. I belong to a
Janice When the temperature is hot during the middle of the day,
photography club at school. Let’s begin the interview .
some animals like owls are not that active .
Janice Okay.
Alex Aren’t you scared of sitting in the wild at
Alex Could you give us a brief introduction of yourself ?
Janice My name is Janice Williams and I am a professional photographer ,
Janice Well, I would be lying if I said that I don’t get
mostly of wildlife .
scared at all, but it’s my job! I love it!
Alex Why do you mostly take pictures of wild animals ?
Alex I respect that. This picture of the lion is beautiful .
Janice At first, I took pictures of people, cities etc. but I watched a
How did you get a picture so close-up ?
documentary about wildlife . I was so moved by their
Janice I have a camera with a very powerful lens ,
liveliness .
which does not have a flash , but a fast shutter
Alex Your pictures are vivid ! Do you sit in the wild and
speed .
wait for the tigers and lions to come out?
Alex I see! Here’s the last question . How can someone become a great

photographer like you?

48 06 Photography49
Janice I think you need to observe things carefully all the time. And space . In this situation , take a picture of not the

you have to love taking photos and practice a front of the face, but the side of the face .

lot! This way, you can get a good photo . When the sun is blazing

Alex Thank you! and you want to zoom in close to the

face, go to a shady place . If not, a shadow is

formed under the nose, and your target could look

TOPIC 3 Photography Skills 111

unnatural . The most important thing when you take

Alice Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Alice and I’m an amateur
pictures of people is to create a natural mood.
photographer . Thank you for inviting me. Many of you
When people are not conscious of the camera, they are relaxed .
take pictures , right? Maybe you take pictures of
Then, you take good pictures of them. Though I talked about
people or landscapes and post them on your
tips , photos are not meant to be the perfect
social media. So today, I’ll give you some tips for taking good
images of anything. They exist for pleasure .
pictures . The first is about landscape photos. Take
Please take pictures of what you want to and enjoy the
pictures by adjusting vertically or horizontally . It makes
experience .
your photos feel much more stable and comfortable than

pictures taken tilted . And it’s better to take pictures around

dawn or sunset because at that time, the

light is very soft . Now, when you take pictures of

people from the angle directly in front of them,

focus on the eyes . Remember to place a person to one

side of the photo, which means you leave some

50 06 Photography51

07 Language and Life C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

charge mother tongue link officially

VOCABULARY CHECK UP force fluently linguist achieve

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 112

1. With my smartphone, I can link to the Internet anytime, anywhere.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. If you work hard, you can ahieve your dream.
1. officially : 공식적으로 11. notice : 공지
3. My uncle is a linguist and studies dying languages.
2. charge : 청구하다 12. confident : 자신 있는

3. linguist : 언어학자 13. apologize : 사과하다 4. The gas station charge s $50 for a car wash.

4. behavior : 행동 14. bilingual : 이중 언어를 사용하는 5. I was born and raised in Korea, so my mother tongue is Korean.

5. mother tongue : 모국어 15. mistreat : 학대하다

6. With this invitation, I am officially invited to the wedding.
6. achieve : 성취하다 16. landlord : 주인, 지주
7. After studying for three years in France, Jina speaks French fluently .
7. harvest : 수확 17. unrealistic : 비현실적인
8. We should talk, not use force to solve problems.
8. fluently : 유창하게 18. disapprove : 탐탁찮아 하다

9. generation : 세대 19. force : 힘

10. announce : 발표하다 20. link : 연결하다 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. unrealistic
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: My friends say I am a dreamer because I design an unrealistic future.
b. Mike: His plan is so unrealistic that he can do that easily.
1. informing in advance n o t i c e c. Jason: She is good at cooking, so making pasta right now is unrealistic.

2. mistreat
2. being able to speak two languages
b i l i n g u a l a. Amy: He likes children, so he always mistreats his kids.
b. Mike: The boss mistreats his employees, so he is respected.
3. to say sorry for doing something c. Jason: Anyone who mistreats animals must be punished.
a p o l o g i z e
4. a person who owns land or a a. Amy: You need to be confident about the contest because you have prepared for it hard.
building and rents it to others
l a n d l o r d
b. Mike: I have never learned Chinese, so I am confident in speaking it.
c. Jason: She is confident in her looks, so she doesn’t like to look into a mirror.
5. to tell people about something
a n n o u n c e

52 07 Language and Life 53

DICTATION Oliver Hmm... Is it enough that I practice for about 1–2 weeks?

Emma Actually, it took a month for me.

TOPIC 1 A Speech Contest 113

Oliver That’s why the notice for the contest is early .

Oliver Emma, I heard that you won the speech Emma Yeah.

contest last year. How did you do it? Oliver So, is the topic announced in advance ?

Emma It took a lot of practice . Are you planning on Emma Yes. For the first round , you are given a

entering this year? couple of topics . However, you will not know which

Oliver Yes, but I am not confident in speaking in front topic will be chosen until it’s your turn .

of others , unlike you. Oliver I have to practice two of them. What about the final

Emma Actually, I am quite shy , which is why I round ?

entered the speech contest . I wanted to Emma The final round is more difficult . The people who got

overcome my fear of talking in front of a through the first round are given three new

big audience . topics .

Oliver Me too! Can you give me some tips ? Oliver How much time will I have to prepare for the final

Emma Like I said, you have to practice , Oliver. You need to round ?

practice in front of a mirror and practice in front of your Emma You will have about a month .

family and friends . Oliver That’s not enough time !

Oliver How much do I have to practice? Emma It’s not easy, but you will feel a sense of accomplishmenteven if

Emma You should practice until you speak fluently you don’t win the prize .

without looking at your script . That way, you will not Oliver Okay, well, I’ll try. Thanks for all the advice .

forget your script .

54 07 Language and Life55

Jack That sounds like a good way to teach someone a lesson .
TOPIC 2 What Is a Boycott? 114

Where did this word come from?

Chloe Jack, did you hear that people are boycotting potato chips ?
Chloe I did some research and learned that it dates
Jack What does the word “ boycott ” mean?
back to Captain Boycott.
Chloe I didn’t know either , so I asked my mom. She said that
Jack Who is this famous captain ?
boycotting is when people refuse to buy certain
Chloe During a bad year in the 19th century , in Ireland, Captain Charles
products from a company because they disapprove of
Cunningham Boycott was known to be one of the worst
landlords . He charged large amounts of money to
Jack I don’t think I fully understand .
rent his land to farmers , even when there was a bad
Chloe For example, in this case, one person found a bug in the snack bag,
harvest .
but the company has not apologized officially and tried to
Jack What did those poor farmers do?
cover up the issue . Many people have
Chloe Rather than using force , they refused to do
gotten to know the truth , so some
business with him.
consumers who know about this are no
Jack I see. Now the word boycott is used in
longer buying chips from that company .
business with people or companies that do not
Jack Oh, I got it.
respect human or animal rights .
Chloe There is another example that is not directly
Chloe That’s right.
linked to the company’s goods . A CEO of a certain
Jack It looks like I will not be eating my favorite potato chips
company was found to be mistreating animals. People were so
for a while .
angry about his behavior that they are no longer buying
Chloe Me too.
goods from that company .

56 07 Language and Life57

knowing two languages can help me see the
TOPIC 3 A Dying Language 115

world with a more open mind . English is

Yona Osiyo! Dogwado Yona. That is Cherokee for “Hello! My name is Yona.” “Yona”
important , but Cherokee is important, too. Saquu gawonisdi vtla yeliquu.
means “Bear” in English . I am bilingual , which
That means , “One language is never enough .”
means I can speak two languages . I speak

Cherokee at home , and I speak English at school . I am

proud to know two languages, but the Cherokee language is more

special to me. It is my mother tongue so it was

the first language I learned, and it’s the language of

Native Americans . There are only a few Cherokee

speakers like those in my grandmother’s generation , and the

younger generation is more comfortable with using

English. Did you know there are fewer than 500 people

in the world who can speak Cherokee? That means my language is

dying , and when a language dies , the

culture dies, too. It is a very serious problem. Therefore, my

future dream is to be a linguist who studies

and protects languages and cultures . Eventually , I

would like to start a Cherokee school. Is my dream unrealistic ? Well, I will

really do my best to

achieve my dream. Of course, I will study English hard because

58 07 Language and Life59


08 Money C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

fortune tutor exchange rate according to

VOCABULARY CHECK UP conduct remaining by nature calculate

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 116

1. We will decide what to do according to the weather.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. She has a sense of humor by nature , so I like her.
1. tutor : 개인 지도 교사 11. in conclusion : 결론적으로
3. In science class, we conduct ed experiments on frogs.
2. fortune : 재산, 부 12. allowance : 용돈

3. manage : 관리하다 13. indeed : 정말 4. Daniel’s grandfather left a large fortune to Daniel’s dad.

4. by nature : 천성적으로 14. exchange rate : 환율 5. I need to know the exchange rate for a dollar to a euro.

5. deserve : ~을 받을 만하다 15. currency : 통화, 화폐

6. After school, my math tutor helps me with my homework.
6. relationship : 관계 16. remaining : 남아 있는
7. I made a list of things to buy and calculate d how much money I would need.
7. (cash) register : 금전 등록기 17. conduct : (특정한 활동을) 하다
8. Please put the remaining chocolate into the fridge so that it doesn’t melt.
8. accept : 받아들이다 18. polish : 윤을 내다

9. calculate : 계산하다 19. additional : 추가의

10. match : 어울리다 20. according to : ~에 따라 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. manage
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: I just managed this work, so I didn’t complete it after all.
b. Mike: I can manage this computer. This means it is very hard to control it.
¨ Across 2 c. Jason: I manage the extra work, so I’m proud of myself.
3. the way two things are 1p
connected e 2. allowance
3 4
5. to be connected in some way r e l a t i o n s h i p a. Amy: There is an allowance for returning the books too late.
b. Mike: I sometimes use my allowance to buy game CDs.
l e n
ª Down c. Jason: The teacher scolded him for not doing his allowance.
i r d
1. to rub something with a cloth
to make it shine s v e 3. DGGLWLRQDO
2. to have something or receive it 5 a. Amy: The boy needs additional money to buy a new computer.
m a t c h e e
because of someone’s actions b. Mike: I need additional days to finish the work because I’ve already done it.
4. certainly; surely; truly d c. Jason: The explanation was enough, so additional information is needed.

60 08 Money 61
DICTATION John Thanks, Dad. Hooray! I can buy a new monitor with my

allowance .
TOPIC 1 Earning an Allowance 117

Dad A new monitor? How much is that?

Dad John, I think it is time to give you your monthly John It is $150 exactly .

allowance . Dad But after buying a new monitor, won’t you need

John That’s right. extra money for this month?

Dad Your mom said that you have washed the dishes and John Yes. Actually , I have saved my allowance for the

taken out the garbage every day. last two months for a new monitor . So, I will still have

John I sure did, Dad. I have also been tutoring Mike with his homework $ 80 remaining .

for the last two weeks, so I was wondering if I could get a Dad Good boy! But I think that won’t be enough . Here’s an

higher allowance . extra $50 for you.

Dad Your brother is only in the third grade . How John I love you, Dad.

hard could it be to help him? Dad Ha-ha. You love me only when I give you money.

John Dad, I take my job as Mike’s tutor very seriously . It’s not John, it’s not free , you know. The extra money is for

easy helping him with his homework every day. He is more polishing my shoes every morning for a month.

interested in playing computer games. John I will work hard!

Dad I guess you are right. How much do you Dad Your mom praised you a lot because you have managed your

think is enough ? allowance well and done what we have asked

John I think that an additional $50 a month sounds good. of you. You deserve it.

Dad Hmm, Okay. I accept . Then from now on it’s $ 150 , right? John Thank you, Dad!

Here you are!

62 08 Money63
Matt At first, I tried to calculate everything. But later I got
TOPIC 2 Currency of Each Country 118

tired of calculating, so I just paid the

Lacey Hi, Matt. Did you have a good vacation in Europe ?
asking price , which was not easy, though.
Matt Yes, I sure did. I visited nine different countries over
Lacey I know what you’re saying. Coins are especially not easy.
three weeks.
Matt Right! I couldn’t get used to coins, and I could not
Lacey That must have cost a fortune . Not only that, didn’t you
figure out which one was which . I just
get confused with the different currencies ?
showed coins and the cashier at the cash
Matt I thought that the euro is used all
register picked the right coins .
around Europe, but that’s not true, Lacey.
Lacey I did that when I was in Korea . In the nearby
Lacey Where is it possible or where is it impossible to use the euro?
countries like Japan and China, the three countries have different
Matt The euro is used in Italy , France, Germany, Spain , etc.,
currencies , so I was lost .
but in Sweden , Switzerland, Croatia, etc., the euro is not
Matt It sounds like a similar experience to mine.
accepted . Oh, and in England , I didn’t use the
Lacey What did you do with the money left ? Did you
euro .
exchange it back to the U.S. dollar ?
Lacey I heard the currency in England is the pound .
Matt I spent most of my money so I just kept the
Matt Yeah. Krona is for Sweden , swiss franc is for Switzerland , and
remaining money as a souvenir . And who knows, I may
kuna is for Croatia.
visit those countries again in the future .
Lacey You must have been confused . When I visited Korea , I could

not get used to their won and

calculating the exchange rate every time I bought


64 08 Money65
alone . In conclusion , it is not about how
TOPIC 3 Can Money Buy Happiness? 119

much money one has. If you spend money doing what

Michael Lee
matches your personality and makes you satisfied ,
Hi, guys. I’m today’s special guest , Michael Lee. I
money can indeed buy happiness. Which
conduct studies about economics and psychology .
type of person are you?
Today, I’m talking about the relationship between money and

happiness . Many still think that they would be happy if they

had a lot of money. It’s sometimes true or not true. Some studies show

that money can really buy happiness if it is spent according

to your personality . When you spend money

on what you want to do, you could be happy. For people who are

outgoing and enjoy spending time with friends

and family, they are more satisfied spending money on

social activities that match their

personality . For example, they would enjoy going out to eat or going to a

basketball game with friends. These kinds of people who are

sociable by nature will be unhappy

spending money doing something alone . On the other hand,

some people that are not outgoing would be

happier when they spend money downloading movies at home or

going to a comic book café and reading comics

66 08 Money67

09 Living Spaces C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

heating range assume technician

VOCABULARY CHECK UP area duty basement stick

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 120

1. You need to stick your name label onto your lunchbox.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The detective assume s that the man is telling the truth.
1. benefit : 혜택, 이점 11. charming : 매력적인
다양하다, 3. The dining area in the house is for eating food.
2. range : (범위가 ~에서 ~에) 이르다 12. assume : 추정하다

3. sick and tired (of) : 진절머리 나는 13. affordable : 가격이 알맞은 4. We had to call the technician when our air conditioner was broken.

4. duty : 의무, 임무 14. residence : 거주지 5. If you go down those stairs, you will get to our basement .

5. temporary : 임시의, 일시적인 15. technician : 기술자

6. The heating in my house is not working, so it is very cold right now.
6. area : 공간 16. fuel : 연료
7. It was his duty to check if all the lights were turned off at night.
7. pricey : 값비싼 17. stick : 붙이다
8. The test scores range d from A to C, and no one failed.
8. location : 위치 18. basement : 지하실

9. security guard : 경비원 19. maintenance : 유지 보수

10. heating : 난방 20. balcony : 발코니

D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. 1. fuel

a. Amy: Don’t you need to get some fuel for your pet?
1. the place where someone lives r e s i d e n c e b. Mike: I need some fuel because my mom’s favorite bag should be repaired.
c. Jason: The man is putting some fuel in his car.
2. expensive; needing much money to
p r i c e y 2. charming
a. Amy: Everybody agrees that this book is so boring and charming.
3. a special place; the place of b. Mike: Many bad things happened today. It was a charming day.
l o c a t i o n
c. Jason: Most of the boys think Sally is charming. They like her.

4. the help or advantage you get from 3. temporary

b e n e f i t
something a. Amy: I’m looking for a temporary job because I will stay here for a long time.
b. Mike: You should download the files today because they are not temporary files.
5. cheap; not expensive a f f o r d a b l e c. Jason: Every sales event is temporary, so people buy more things at that time.

68 09 Living Spaces 69
DICTATION Thomas Like what ?

Wendy Well, we have security guards and cameras.

TOPIC 1 Is This Where You live? 121

Thomas That is one of the biggest advantages . What is another

Thomas Come on in, Wendy. reason?

Wendy Wow! I just assumed you lived in an apartment like me, Wendy When I have water or electricity problems, the maintenance

Thomas. technician comes right away to

Thomas We did a few years ago but my mom wanted to live fix them and it is usually free .

in a house that included a Thomas Oh, yeah. Getting them to come to my house can be

yard . So my family moved here. pricey .

Wendy The yard is charming and pretty . These trees and flowers Wendy And I heard the heating bill for an apartment is

are beautiful ! cheaper than the bill of a house .

Thomas Are they? They get in the Thomas I didn’t know that.

way when I play soccer. Wendy My mom loves the night view as well. My apartment is on the

Wendy Ha-ha! My apartment doesn’t have a yard . There is a 20th floor and the city lights look so beautiful from

balcony , but it is so small and narrow that trees like that high .

these here can’t grow there. We can only grow some small trees Thomas Wow! When I lived in an apartment , I lived on the 2nd floor. The

in pots . view wasn’t that great. I’d like to visit your

Thomas Do you want to be around more plants and place soon.

nature ? Wendy Anytime . You are always welcome .

Wendy Well, I don’t care. My dad likes to be around nature though, but my

mom likes apartments for a few reasons .

70 09 Living Spaces71
Thomas Great! Anyway, as you can see, the house’s inside is shared between the roommates.

similar to an apartment, except we Beth I think it’s not easy sharing a bathroom. There is always the

have a basement . issues of who uses it first and for

Wendy Can I look around ? how long .

Thomas Of course. Let’s go! Dylan My two roommates are both boys, so using the

bathroom is not a problem. Boys generally do not need the

bathroom for a long time.

TOPIC 2 Surviving in a Share House 122

Beth Then, what is wrong with the share house?

Beth Hey, cuz! Long time no see!
Dylan I usually forget to go food shopping , wash
Dylan Beth! How are things ?
the dishes , throw out waste ,
Beth The same as always . Tell me about living
and other household duties .
and studying abroad , Dylan.
Beth That doesn’t surprise me. You’re a forgetful person and your
Dylan The studying was tough , but interesting. I’m doing well. It is the
mom always did everything for you.
“ living ” part that I am not goot at.
Dylan Do you have any advice ? My roommates seem to be
Beth What does that mean?
sick and tired of me.
Dylan Well, I had the choice of living in a student residence or in a
Beth What about putting notes around the house?
share house . I took the share house.
Dylan Where?
Beth What is that?
Beth Do I have to tell you everything? Stack Post-it notes on
Dylan It is where you and several roommates share a
the fridge and the sink ! Just to be safe ,
house. You each get a bedroom , but the other
stick them on your desk as well!
areas like a kitchen and a bathroom are all
Dylan Okay. I hope that will help .

72 09 Living Spaces73
waste as well. But generally, it is more affordable . However,
TOPIC 3 U.K. Houseboats 123

in winter, when the rivers freeze , the people who live in houseboats
Camila Hi, I’m Camila and I’m from England . It is interesting to live on
find themselves being unable to travel and
land again. My family lived in a houseboat when I was in
spending more money on heating . But for these houseboat
school in the U.K. This is because houseboats are becoming very
people, they look at the wonderful months when the rivers
popular as housing in England gets less
are not frozen and consider life on the water
affordable . As the waterways in the U.K. go almost everywhere,
better than anything else. When you
it is possible to live near where you work
visit England, try living in a houseboat!
or study without having to live on dry

land . But location isn’t the only benefit . My

family was able to move our house whenever we needed

to. People who live in houseboats can move to find a nice temporary

place to live whenever they want. This is important if the

neighbors are unfriendly or noisy . Houseboats

have everything needed for daily living .

While the houseboats range in design and

shape , they almost always have nice kitchens , bedrooms,

and living areas just like other houses. There are still

some costs though . The people who live in houseboats

need to buy fuel , which can be pricey . There are

fees for getting rid of the bathroom

74 09 Living Spaces75

10 Broadcasting C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

collaborate insight sensationalized broadcast

VOCABULARY CHECK UP partially consult laboratory history-making

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 124

1. He consult ed with his father about his future dream.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The cake was already partially eaten when I arrived at the party.
1. history-making : 역사적인 11. consult : 상담하다
3. We will watch a live broadcast of the concert tonight.
2. anchor : 앵커 12. in a row : 연속으로

3. pre-record : 사전 녹화(녹음)하다 13. sensationalized : 과장된, 선정적인 4. My grandfather has deep insight about human beings.

4. complicated : 복잡한 14. entertainment : 오락, 연예 5. The end of the war between the two countries was a history-making event.

5. shoot : 촬영하다 15. citizen : 시민

6. The blue team collaborate d with the red team to make the best project.
6. consistently : 지속적으로 16. insight : 통찰력
7. The movie preview was sensationalized to get people to watch it.
7. scene : 장면 17. partially : 부분적으로
8. The scientists in the laboratory have discovered a new kind of bacteria.
8. broadcast : 방송하다 18. collaborate : 협력하다

9. honored : 명예로운 19. government : 정부

10. overflow : 넘치다 20. laboratory : 실험실 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: I was honored that my bag was stolen.
g b. Mike: I’m really honored to meet you.
¨Across 2 c. Jason: I will be honored to fail the history class.
s h o o t
2. to make a film; to take a video
4. a part of a book, TV show, or film that is one
1 4
piece a s c e n e a. Amy: The math problem was so complicated that I did not solve it.
5. a person that belongs to a city or country n r b. Mike: The kids put the puzzle together easily as it is complicated.
5 c. Jason: The instructions are too complicated, so I understand it at once.
c i t i z e n
ª Down
h m 3. consistently
1. a head person reporting the news, who stays at
the desk and talks to other reporters a. Amy: I have played the piano consistently not to become a pianist.
o e
b. Mike: He tried to do his best consistently and finally won the contest.
3. the people and groups that lead the country r n c. Jason: These days, we eat out consistently to save money.

76 10 Broadcasting 77
DICTATION laboratories to make this set.

Jason Why are there so many different cameras?

TOPIC 1 A Drama Set to Another World 125

Matthew Each camera has a special purpose such

Hazel I can’t believe we are on the set ! as shooting characters or landscapes , close-up or

Jason It’s more than you imagined , isn’t it? There’s my uncle from a distance .

now! Uncle Matthew! Hazel How do you decide which cameras to use?

Matthew Jason, welcome! Matthew I consult with my camera team . And we

Jason This is my friend, Hazel. Hazel, this is my uncle, Matthew. shoot a scene many times in different

Hazel Hello Sir. I’m honored to meet you. I’m a huge fan. ways. Then we pick the best.

Matthew You must be the friend who dreams Hazel How many times do you usually shoot ?

of being a drama director like me. Matthew We sometimes shoot as many as

Hazel Yes! It’s been my dream for a long time and being ten times , sometimes more.

here only makes it more exciting. Jason Ten times ? Wow, the actors have a

Matthew Well, let me show you around . Over here is the tough job!

interior set. It is made to look like a Matthew Actors, actresses , and staff all work very hard, and we

laboratory . collaborate to get the best shot . If we do

Jason The detail is very believable . It looks so our job right , we can take you to

real . another world.

Hazel Yeah. It’s really well done . Is it the art Jason I have never thought about your job this way . Now I think I want

team that designs this? to be a director as well.

Matthew Yes. The art staff visited various real

78 10 Broadcasting79
but a live broadcast is not possible all the
TOPIC 2 Live or Pre-Recorded 126

time. So, he pre-records for two days so that he can take

Georgina Did you see my favorite boy band’s comeback show, Billy?
a rest on weekends.
Billy I almost forgot that you are such a big
Georgina Exactly, and it doesn’t stop there. Radio is both live and
fan , Georgina. Yes, the show was great!
pre-recorded as well. My mom enjoys listening to the radio ,
Georgina It was a worrying year, but their comeback was successful . I’m
but she says radio broadcasting on weekends is pre-recorded because
still excited!
the hosts don’t want to work then.
Billy Ha-ha. Anyway, they made it look easy . They sang
Billy So, is there any real live broadcasting?
4 songs in a row while
Georgina Not really. News programs are only partially live.
dancing . Also, they seemed to change
Anchors host the program at the desk on air, but
their clothes very quickly.
reporters sometimes pre-record.
Georgina Actually, the performances of the second and
Billy Well, if you catch them quickly changing topics and
fourth songs were pre-recorded .
saying “ This just in,” that is a
Billy Really? I thought all of them were live . So, I’m
sure sign that it is live.
confused because I heard audience yelling
Georgina Some famous sports or political events that are
when the second and fourth songs were on .
history-making are often live as well.
Georgina That’s why there is an audience when they do
Billy Still, with all the dramas and sitcoms that are definitely
pre-recorded, live TV is getting less and less
Billy They fooled me!
common .
Georgina No way! They just wanted to offer the perfect show.

Billy I see. It is like my favorite podcast . The comedian is funny

80 10 Broadcasting81
However, today’s world is overflowing with the news from
TOPIC 3 Why Should We Watch the News? 127

sources like social media , TV, Internet, radio, and much

Social Teacher
more. To make it worse , some news is too
Students, today’s special topic will be “watching the news.” Do you
sensationalized. This means it is very dramatic or exciting so it
watch the news every day? Or do you only watch entertainment
makes us interested . So, you need to have the
news? The fact remains that being informed by
ability to be selective about the news you choose
the news is very important . The news reports
to watch .
events from all over the world. It provides us with the

necessary information , so we can understand the

world around us. The information helps us at our jobs ,

lets us know about future products , and what

our government is doing for us. It doesn’t just report stories, but

changes our emotions and thoughts .A

story about a car accident might make us all

more careful . A story about polar

bears might make us think about the environment .

Political news is often quite complicated , but it is important to

try to follow it. Why don’t you try to watch the news every day? If you

watch the news consistently , you can gain insight

into the hidden workings of the world. It will help us become

a more thoughtful and informed citizen .

82 10 Broadcasting83

11 Failure and Success C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

resign compete distracted process

VOCABULARY CHECK UP frustrated thrilling specialize demonstrate

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 128

1. I’d like to know the process of making a film.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. The teacher will demonstrate how to do the experiment.
1. resign : 사직하다 11. unfulfilling : 성취감을 주지 못하는
3. It was thrilling to see the end of the race.
2. hardship : 어려움 12. currently : 현재의
경쟁하다, 겨루다;
3. compete : 참가하다 13. depressing : 우울한 4. My granddad resign ed from his job because he is too old to work.

4. specialize : 전문적으로 다루다 14. frustrated : 좌절한 5. My uncle’s company specialize s in furniture.

5. award : 상 15. distracted : 산만한

6. She is controlling her weight to compete in the Judo Championship.
6. demonstrate : (행동으로) 보여주다 16. loss : 상실
7. The students were distracted and couldn’t listen to the teacher.
7. destroy : 파괴하다 17. attack : 공격하다
8. I was frustrated when I couldn’t memorize the important date.
8. thrilling : 아주 신나는, 짜릿한 18. doubt : 의심

9. process : 과정 19. championship : 선수권 대회

10. roadblock : 장애물 20. concentrate on : ~에 집중하다 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. loss
B. Look at the definitions and complete each word box. a. Amy: She felt a sense of loss when she heard the good news.
b. Mike: My mother is still crying over the loss of her father.
1. now; at the present time c u r r e n t l y c. Jason: He was happy to achieve the loss after years of hard work.

2. concentrate on
2. a thing that stops you from going
r o a d b l o c k a. Amy: If you concentrate on your work, you won’t be able to finish it on time.
b. Mike: I couldn’t concentrate on my work because it was too noisy.
3. to intend to do harm to someone c. Jason: I concentrated on being on a diet, so I gained some weight.
or something
a t t a c k
4. causing sadness; causing a person a. Amy: He reads books every day to destroy his reading skills.
d e p r e s s i n g
to feel emotionally down b. Mike: The hurricane destroyed many buildings and bridges.
c. Jason: He is a man of peace, so his dream is to destroy the world.
5. a difficult or unpleasant situation h a r d s h i p

84 11 Failure and Success 85

DICTATION Jessie Of course, I was. But playing in front of others is

something that I practiced as well. If I am not calm , I can’t

TOPIC 1 How Did You Win the Contest? 129

feel the rhythm .

Ethan Congratulations, Jessie! You did such a fantastic job . Ethan That’s fascinating ! What do you do if you can’t calm

Jessie Thank you, Ethan. That was thrilling . I can’t believe that I down ?

won the piano competition this year. Jessie I practice breathing exercises to make myself

Ethan I wish I was as talented as you. You probably have relax before I perform .

shelves full of awards and trophies . Ethan That sounds like a tip I should learn when playing

Jessie Actually, this is the first time I’ve won the first the violin .I haven't joined any

prize at a piano contest. competitions because I am too uncomfortable in front of

Ethan Really? I can’t believe it! others .

Jessie Really. Last year, I entered three piano competitions , and Jessie This might help. First, close your eyes and imagine something

the best I did was third place . peaceful . Then, take a few deep

Ethan Wow. So what was your secret to winning today? breaths in and out . That should

Jessie As they say, practice makes perfect . I practiced every day calm you down .

for two months to get ready for this Ethan That’s good advice . I’ll practice that and consider

competition . Some days, I would practice for more than eight joining the violin competition next month.

hours. Jessie Good luck ! I hope you have a lot of success .

Ethan Unbelievable ! If I were you, I am not sure that I would be able

to practice that much . Weren’t you nervous ?

86 11 Failure and Success87

Mindy No, she returned to surfing only one month after losing
TOPIC 2 Overcoming a Bad Situation 130

the arm . She worked hard and became a champion surfer,

Simon Mindy, you seem distracted . What’s up?
winning contests in USA and Australia.
Mindy Simon, I can’t stop thinking about a recent
Simon Don’t you need both hands for balance when surfing?
movie I watched. It was an inspiring story.
Mindy Yes, so she had to learn all over again .
Simon What was it about?
In the beginning , she was frustrated and had doubts .
Mindy It was a documentary about the life and achievements of Bethany
Her team made a longer and thicker board for her to
Hamilton, a championship surfer .
solve balance problems.
Simon Sorry. I haven’t ever heard of her.
Simon I understand. A heavier board would make things
Mindy Seriously ? She is a role model for many
easier .
people who have faced hardships . She demonstrated
Mindy She only used it for a while . She learned
how to get back up and try again, even after her
to kick harder with her legs and found
major loss .
her balance with her new body . She competes with
Simon What was the loss?
regular boards.
Mindy When she was only 13 years old, she was surfing and
Simon Wow, she is amazing! I will watch that movie too.
a tiger shark attacked her. It bit off her

left arm from just below the shoulder .

Simon What? That happens to people in real life ?

Mindy It isn’t common , but she was unlucky .

Simon Hold on. You said she was a champion . Did she

win before losing her arm?

88 11 Failure and Success89

recipes . I visited other shops all over the country, researched
TOPIC 3 The Road to Success 131

their recipes , and learned how to manage my shop. After

Michael Kane
about 2 years, I reopened my bakery, which is currently doing
Hi, everyone. Thank you for inviting me to your class . My
well. The point is that the failure you may be
name is Michael Kane, and I’m a patissier. That means I am a special
afraid of is not a roadblock . Failure is not a
kind of baker that specializes
result , but just a process .
in small cakes and tarts. I have my own bakery and

host a TV baking show , so many people ask me about

my success . But I’m not here to talk only about success , but

about failure as well. I was employed by a design

company for many years but I found my job unfulfilling and

depressing . I thought I had failed . One day, a friend

dragged me to a baking class to reduce my

stress . It was so much more fun than I

had expected ! After that class, I started another

higher-level class for baking professionals . Soon, I resigned

from my job to concentrate on baking. I studied hard.

Eventually ,I set up my own shop. I

thought my products would be a hit ! When they weren’t,

I thought I failed again. But I didn’t let it destroy my

passion . I started to make my own special

90 11 Failure and Success91


12 Environment C. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

sink glacier tremendous cooperation

VOCABULARY CHECK UP management threat discomfort trauma

A. Listen and write the words and meanings. 132

1. The glacier in Greenland is slowly melting.

Words Meanings Words
Words Meanings
2. He never recovers from the trauma of the traffic accident.
1. sink : 가라앉다 11. policy : 방침, 정책
3. I had some discomfort , but no pain in my left leg.
2. risk : 위험 12. climate : 기후

3. drought : 가뭄 13. stuffy : 답답한 4. The tornado is a big threat to everyone living in the town.

4. temperature : 기온 14. underground : 지하의 5. The boat began to sink when it hit a rock.

5. fine dust : 미세먼지 15. tremendous : 엄청난

6. The between the two doctors helped to save lives.
6. resort : 리조트 16. properly : 적절히
7. A tremendous wind storm blew down some trees.
7. glacier : 빙하 17. trauma : 트라우마, 정신적 외상
8. Time management is most important when you prepare for tests.
8. heat wave : 폭염 18. cooperation : 협력

9. management : 관리 19. threat : 위협

10. discomfort : 불편함 20. pollute : 오염시키다 D. Choose the person who correctly uses each word.

1. stuffy
B. Look at the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle. a. Amy: There are not many kids in the library, so it is stuffy and hot.
b. Mike: There are too many people in this small room, so it is stuffy.
¨Across 1 c. Jason: It is stuffy in this room because the room has fresh air.
3. something bad that might happen 2
r d 2. policy
4. a measure of how hot or cold
something is o r i s k a. Amy: The school has a policy about not running in the hallway.
5. the weather patterns of a place p o b. Mike: He wants to know the policy to go to the post office.
4 c. Jason: She is taking a cooking policy these days to be a good chef.
t e m p e r a t u r e
ª Down
r g 3. pollute
1. correctly; in the right way
a. Amy: Many cars on the road pollute the air and the land.
2. very little or no rain l h
b. Mike: The street cleaners work together to pollute the roads.
5c l i m a e
y t c. Jason: Most people pollute the water because they want a healthier life.

92 12 Environment 93
DICTATION poor air quality and fine dust.

Seho Is this an issue only for our country, Boram?

TOPIC 1 Fine Dust Warning 133

Boram Unfortunately , no. There are many factories which make

Boram Hey, Seho! Where is your mask? The news says the fine smoke from the burning of coal or

dust level is the worst today. oil in other countries near ours. That smoke is moving

Seho Actually, I have one in my pocket . I feel stuffy when I to us due to air movement . That’s the big issue these days.

wear it. Seho It sounds very serious . I think cooperation between countries

Boram I have that problem , too. But if you don’t wear the mask , is needed .

you will be at risk for some serious Boram Yes, that’s right. And fine dust gets

illnesses in your lungs and throat . worse in winter .

Seho How can it be so serious? The dust is small enough to Seho Really? I thought fine dust would be worse in summer because it’s

be held in the air . very hot and sticky .

Something that small can’t hurt us, can it? Boram More f ine dust is produced when we heat our

Boram That’s why it’s so bad. The dust is so small that it isn’t filtered by the buildings and houses in both our country and other

mouth and nose. It goes straight to our lungs and can countries. And fine dust doesn’t move well once it

cause problems for our lungs , comes to our country because of our stable air.

throat , or other organs . Seho Oh, my gosh! Despite my discomfort , I have to

Seho That’s scary to hear. Why do we have fine wear a mask .

dust , anyway?

Boram Coal fuel used to power our houses and

pollution from both cars and factories add to

94 12 Environment95
warming . As a result, the air is getting drier and
TOPIC 2 Changes in the World’s Weather 134

drier . This makes the perfect conditions for fires to

Justine Hey, Craig. Did you watch the environment documentary on TV last
break out .
Craig That’s too bad. What other problems do we have?
Craig Only a bit because I had to do my homework .
Justine Sea levels are rising because the
Justine The program dealt with the threat of
temperature of the sea is going up, and the glaciers are
global climate change. In fact, it’s much
melting , which makes the amount of seawater
hotter these days and our summer is longer than earlier
increase . Places built on lower ground are
gradually sinking .
Craig Yes, so my grandma had a hard time last year,
Craig Ah, I’ve heard about that! I heard the famous resort , Maldives, is
sinking little by little.
Justine My cousin too. She lives in California where there was a
Justine Right. There are heavy rains, droughts , heat
tremendous forest fire .
waves , and other strange weather events
Craig I saw it on the news . Were they injured or did they
due to global warming.
lose their home?
Craig You are scaring me!
Justine They’re okay because they live away from the forested
Justine But it’s true. So we have to make an effort to save our
area , but they have not gotten over the
planet .
trauma yet.
Craig Right. Let’s start today! I will use the air
Craig Of course not. But how is the fire related to
conditioner less from now on!
climate change?

Justine Scientists say that the temperature is increasing because of global

96 12 Environment97
out of the sea to protect sea creatures . Also,
TOPIC 3 Paradise Has Too Much Garbage 135

they should not do waste any food that you order .

Steven Good evening everyone. Welcome to ABC news and I’m Steven Smith.
Hotels and the government need to create systems to deal
Tonight's special topic is about environmental pollution .
with waste. It’s important that the government makes new
Boracay, the beautiful resort of the Philippines, had to
policies that include fines for hotels that
close its doors to all tourism for six months
don’t handle wastes well. We should remember the
because the small island was filling up
planet won’t last forever unless we try to
with garbage . The major reason for this is
save it.
tourism. Tourism brings a lot of money to people on that island, but

tourism is also a source of a lot of garbage .

Many people visit this island, causing the hotels and restaurants to

make huge amounts of waste . They often

use many plastics and don’t recycle these plastics

properly . More people mean more water

usage and toilet needs. The water and

beaches were becoming more and more

polluted . Boracay didn’t have big enough waste

management factories or underground pipes

for wastes. The solution is to reduce and deal with waste

properly . Tourists should throw away waste

at the proper places, and especially keep plastic garbage

98 12 Environment99

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