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Earth Hadea

Hadean Eon
Archean Eon ~3800 mya
Archean Eon ~3500 mya
Archean Eon ~3200 mya
Archean Eon ~2900 mya
Proterozoic Era ~2500 mya
Proterozoic Era ~2350 mya
Proterozoic Era ~2000 mya
Proterozoic Era ~1100 mya
Proterozoic Era ~700 mya
Proterozoic Era ~600 mya
Proterozoic Era ~541 mya
Phanerozoic Era ~520 mya
Phanerozoic Era ~485 mya
Phanerozoic Era ~470 mya
Phanerozoic era ~444 mya
Phanerozoic era ~430 mya
Phanerozoic era ~400 mya
Phanerozoic era ~360 mya
Phanerozoic era ~300 mya
Phanerozoic era ~260 mya
Phanerozoic era ~252 mya
Mesozoic era ~220 mya
Mesozoic era ~201 mya
Mesozoic era ~145 mya
Mesozoic era ~67 mya
Mesozoic era ~66 mya
Cenozoic era ~40 mya
Cenozoic era ~12 mya
Cenozoic era ~1 mya
Present Earth

The Earth Hadea was the earliest period of Earth’s

history, when the planet was a molten ball of magma,
bombarded by asteroids and comets, and had no
atmosphere or oceans.

The Hadean Eon was the time when the Earth’s

crust began to solidify, forming the first
continents, and the Moon was formed by a giant
impact with a Mars-sized object.

The Archean Eon was the time when the Earth’s

atmosphere became rich in nitrogen and carbon
dioxide, and the first life forms, such as bacteria
and archaea, emerged in the oceans.
The Archean Eon was the time when the first The Proterozoic Era ended and the Phanerozoic
photosynthetic organisms appeared, producing Era began with the Cambrian Explosion, a rapid
oxygen as a by-product, and the first fossils of diversification of animal life that resulted in most
stromatolites, layered structures formed by of the major phyla that exist today.
microbial mats, were formed.

The Archean Eon was the time when the Earth’s The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the
magnetic field was established, protecting the Cambrian Period continued, producing many
planet from harmful solar radiation, and the first bizarre and unique animals with hard shells and
plate tectonics began to move the continents. skeletons, such as trilobites and anomalocarids.

The Archean Eon was the time when the first The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the
supercontinent, called Vaalbara, was formed by Ordovician Period began, marking the colonization
the collision of several smaller landmasses, and of land by plants, fungi, and arthropods, and the
the first evidence of glaciation occurred. diversification of marine life, such as corals,
brachiopods, and cephalopods.
The Archean Eon was the time when the first
supercontinent, called Vaalbara, was formed by The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the
the collision of several smaller landmasses, and Ordovician Period saw the first evidence of
the first evidence of glaciation occurred. vertebrates, such as jawless fish, and the first
mass extinction event, caused by a global cooling
The Proterozoic Era was the time when the Great
and glaciation.
Oxygenation Event occurred, changing the
composition of the atmosphere and allowing more The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the
complex life forms to evolve. Ordovician Period saw the first evidence of
vertebrates, such as jawless fish, and the first
The Proterozoic Era was the time when the mass extinction event, caused by a global cooling
Huronian Glaciation began, covering most of the and glaciation.
Earth in ice for about 300 million years, and The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the
causing a mass extinction of anaerobic organisms. Silurian Period began, bringing a recovery of
biodiversity after the Ordovician extinction, and
The Proterozoic Era was the time when the second the evolution of new groups of animals, such as
supercontinent, called Kenorland, was formed by jawed fish, sea scorpions, and land scorpions.
the assembly of several cratons, and the first
eukaryotic cells, which have a nucleus and The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the
organelles, appeared. Silurian Period witnessed the first vascular plants,
such as Cooksonia, and the first terrestrial
The Proterozoic Era was the time when the third
vertebrates, such as Acanthostega.
supercontinent, called Rodinia, was formed by the
breakup and reassembly of Kenorland, and the
The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the
first multicellular organisms, such as algae and
Devonian Period started, heralding the age of
fungi, emerged.
fishes, with the dominance of sharks, ray-finned
The Proterozoic Era was the time when the fish, and lobe-finned fish, and the emergence of
Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that the the first tetrapods, such as Tiktaalik.
Earth was completely frozen for about 100 million
The Phanerozoic Era was the time when
years, creating harsh conditions for life.
the Devonian Period ended with the
The Proterozoic Era was the time when the Ediacaran second mass extinction event, triggered
Period began, marking the appearance of complex by a series of environmental changes,
macroscopic organisms with soft bodies and diverse such as volcanic eruptions, ocean anoxia,
shapes, such as Dickinsonia and Spriggina. and climate fluctuations.
The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the The Mesozoic Era ended and the Cenozoic
Carboniferous Period was in full swing, characterized by Era began with the sixth and most recent
the abundance of coal-forming forests, with giant ferns, mass extinction event, caused by a massive
horsetails, and clubmosses, and the diversification of asteroid impact near Mexico, and the
amphibians, reptiles, and insects. resulting global cooling and darkness, that
wiped out most of the dinosaurs and many
The Phanerozoic Era was the time when the Permian Period other species, but allowed mammals and
concluded with the third and largest mass extinction event in birds to survive and thrive.
Earth’s history, killing off about 95% of all species, due to a
combination of factors, such as continental collision, The Cenozoic Era was the time when the
volcanism, methane release, and global warming. Eocene Epoch was in progress, characterized
by a warm and humid climate, with lush
forests covering most of the land, and the
The Phanerozoic Era began with the Triassic Period, marking emergence of many modern groups of
the recovery of life after the Permian extinction, and the mammals, such as primates, whales, and
evolution of new groups of animals, such as dinosaurs, horses.
mammals, and marine reptiles.

The Mesozoic Era was the time when the Triassic Period saw The Cenozoic Era was the time when the
the dominance of dinosaurs on land, such as Plateosaurus and Miocene Epoch was underway, marked by a
Coelophysis, and the first appearance of flying reptiles, such cooling and drying trend, with the expansion
as Pterosaurs. of grasslands and savannas, and the
evolution of many large herbivores and
carnivores, such as elephants, giraffes, and
The Mesozoic Era was the time when the Triassic Period saw
saber-toothed cats.
the dominance of dinosaurs on land, such as Plateosaurus and
Coelophysis, and the first appearance of flying reptiles, such
as Pterosaurs. The Cenozoic Era was the time when the
Pleistocene Epoch began, signaling the onset of
The Mesozoic Era was the time when the Triassic Period ended the Ice Age, with glaciers covering much of the
with the fifth mass extinction event, triggered by volcanic northern hemisphere, and the migration and
eruptions and climate change, and the Jurassic Period began, adaptation of many animals to different
bringing a flourishing of biodiversity and gigantism among environments, such as mammoths, bison, and
dinosaurs, such as Brachiosaurus and Stegosaurus. humans.

The Cenozoic Era was the time when we are living

The Mesozoic Era was the time when the Jurassic Period
in now, defined by the Holocene Epoch or
ended and the Cretaceous Period started, featuring the
Anthropocene Epoch (depending on who you
breakup of Pangaea into two smaller supercontinents, called
ask), with a rapidly changing climate due to
Laurasia and Gondwana, and the diversification of flowering
human activities, and a high diversity and
plants, insects, birds, and mammals.
complexity of life forms on land, sea, and air.

The Mesozoic Era was the time when the Jurassic Period Earth, the third planet from the Sun and the only
ended and the Cretaceous Period started, featuring the known to harbor life, has a rich biosphere, a
breakup of Pangaea into two smaller supercontinents, called diverse atmosphere, and interacts with the Sun's
Laurasia and Gondwana, and the diversification of flowering radiation. However, it is undergoing rapid
plants, insects, birds, and mammals. changes due to human activities.

The Mesozoic Era was the time when the Cretaceous Period
witnessed the peak of dinosaur diversity and evolution, with
many famous species, such as Tyrannosaurus rex, Triceratops,
and Velociraptor, and the first evidence of feathered
dinosaurs, such as Microraptor.

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