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1 Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B. E. Sem.

- V - Examination June- 2011 Subject code: 151903 Subject Name: Fluid Power Engineering Date:24/06/2011 Time: 10:30 am 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) With usual notations derive Darcy-Weisbach expression for calculating head loss due to friction in a pipe. 07 (b) The diameter of a horizontal pipe which is 300mm is suddenly enlarged to 600mm. The rate of flow of water through this pipe is 0.4 m3/sec. If the intensity of pressure in smaller pipe is 125 KN/m2, determine loss of head due to sudden enlargement, intensity of pressure in large pipe, power loss due to enlargement. 07 Q.2 (a) With neat sketch explain construction and working of hydraulic crane. 07 (b) Prove that for a curved radial vane the efficiency is given by = 2(Vw1u1+- Vw2u2) V2 1 07 OR (b) A jet of water moving wit a velocity of 27m/s impinges tangentially to a single curved blade w ic is moving in t e direction of jet wit a speed of 12m/s. Jet is deflected t roug 45. If t e friction reduces t e relative velocity by 20% calculate t e angle t roug w ic t e jet will leave t e blade, work done /kg of water and efficiency. 07 Q.3 (a) Explain ow ydraulic turbines are classified. 07 (b) A Pelton turbine is to be designed for following specifications: s aft power=11770KW, Head=380m, speed=750rpm, overall efficiency=86%, jet diameter not to exceed one sixt of w eel diameter, Determine t e w eel diameter, number of jets required, diameter of jet. assume Cv=0.985, v=0.45(2gH)0.5 07 OR Q.3 (a) State function of draft tube and explain wit neat sketc different types of draft tubes. 07 (b) A turbine is to operate under a ead of 25 m at 200rpm. T e disc arge is 9m3/sec. If t e efficiency is 90% determine, specific speed of mac ine, power generated, type of turbine and performance under ead of 20 m. 07 Q.4 (a) Explain following terms: Net positive suction ead, Priming, Cavitation in pump 07 (b) A centrifugal pump raises t e ead of water t roug 4m and delivers 1.5m3/sec. T e speed of t e impeller is 180rpm. T e impeller diameter at t e outlet is 1.3m and area at t e perip ery is 0.3m2. T e 07

2 ratio of t e outlet at t e inlet diameter is 2m and vane angle at t e outlet is 30 .Determine t e ydraulic efficiency, power required and minimum starting speed. OR Q. 4 (a) Wit neat sketc explain construction and working of submersible pump. 07 (b) A triple cylinder reciprocating pump raises t e water level by 100m and disc arge is 100l/s. T e diameter of piston is 250mm and stroke is 600mm.T e velocity of water in t e delivery pipe is 1.4m/s. T e friction losses amount to 2m in t e suction pipe and 18m in delivery pipe. Taking efficiency of pump as 90% and slip 2%, calculate speed and power input of t e pump. 07 Q.5 (a) Derive an expression for indicated work of reciprocating air compressor considering its clearance. 07 (b) In a t ree stage compressor, air is compressed from 98KPa to 20 KPa .Calculate for 1m3 of air per second, (1) Work under ideal condition for n=1.3 (2) Isot ermal work. (3) Saving in work due to multi-staging. (4) Isot ermal efficiency. 07 OR Q.5 (a) Describe principle construction and working of centrifugal compressor. 07 (b) A centrifugal compressor running at 1440rpm, andles air at 101KPa and 20 C and compress it to a pressure of 6 bar isentropically. T e inner and outer diameters of t e impeller are 14cm and 25cm, resply, T e widt of t e blade at t e inlet is 2.5cm. T e blade angles are 16 and 40 at entry and exit. Calculate massflow rate of t e air degree of reaction , power input and widt of t e blades at outlet 07 ************1 Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B.E. Sem-Vt Examination December 2010 Subject code: 151903 Subject Name: Fluid Power Engineering Date: 16 /12 /2010 Time: 03.00 pm - 05.30 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions w erever necessary. 3. Figures to t e rig t indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Explain t e p enomenon of water ammer. Obtain an expression for t e ris e of pressure w en t e flowing water in a pipe is broug t to rest by closing t e valve gradually. 07 (b) A pipe line 300 mm dia. and 3200 m long is used to pump up 50 kg/s of an oil w ose density is 950 kg/m3 and w ose kinematic viscosity is 2.1 stokes. T e centre of t e pipe line at t e upper end is 40 m above t an t at at t e lower end. T e disc arge at t e upper and is atmosp eric. Find t e pressure at t e lower end and draw t e ydraulic gradient and total energy line. 07

Q.2 (a) S ow t at t e efficiency of a free jet striking normally on a series of flat plates mounted on t e perip ery of a w eel can never exceed 50 %. 07 (b) Find an expression for t e propelling force and t e work done per sec. on a tank w ic is provided wit an orifice t roug w ic jet of water is coming out and t e tank is free to move. 07 OR (b) A jet of water impinges on a symmetrically curved vane at its center. T e velocity of t e jet is 60 m/s and t e diameter 120 mm. t e jet is deflected t roug an angle of 120 Calculate t e force on t e vane if t e vane is fixed. Also determine t e force if t e vane moves wit a velocity of 25 m/s in t e direction of t e jet. W at will be t e power and efficiency? 07 Q.3 (a) W at is a draft tube? W y is it used in a reaction turbine? W at are t e various types of it? 07 (b) T e following data is related to a pelton w eel turbine. (I) Head at t e base of t e nozzle = 80 m (II) Diameter of t e jet = 100 mm (III) Disc arge of t e nozzle = 0.30 m3/s (IV) Power at t e s aft = 206 KW (V) Power absorbed in mec anical resistance = 4.5 KW Determine power lost in nozzle and power lost due to ydraulic resistance in t e runner. 07 OR Q.3 (a) Define specific speed of a turbine and derive an expression for t e same . 07 (b) Define t e term Governing of a turbine. Explain wit neat sketc governing mec anism of Francis Turbine. 07 Q.4 (a) How will you obtain an expression for t e minimum speed for starting of a centrifugal pump? 07 2 (b) Find t e power required to drive a centrifugal pump w ic delivers 0.04m3/s of water to a eig t of 20 m t roug a 15 cm diameter pipe and 100 m long. T e overall efficiency of t e pump is 70 % and co-efficient of friction f = 0.015 in t e formulae f = 4flv2 / 2gd 07 OR Q.4 (a) Prove t at t e work done / kg of air in single stage reciprocating air compressor wit out clearance is given by n R T1 W = ---------- { ( P2 / P1) (n-1)/n - 1 } (n 1) W ere notations ave t eir usual meaning. 07 (b) W at is pre-w irl? Sketc t e velocity diagrams wit and wit out pre w irl for a centrifugal compressor. 07 Q.5 (a) Explain t e p enomenon of surging and stalling in an axial flow air compressor. 07 (b) An axial flow air compressor stage as a mean diameter of 60 cm. and runs at 15000 rpm if t e actual temp. rise and pressure ratio developed are 30 C and

1.35 respectively. Determine : (I) Power required to drive t e compressor w ile delivering 57 kg/s of air, if t e mec anical efficiency is 86 percent and inlet temp. rise is 35 C. (II) T e stage loading coefficient. (III) T e degree of reaction if t e temp. at t e rotor exit is 55 C 07 OR Q.5 (a) Write s ort note on t e following (Any two) (I) Hydraulic ram (II) Screw compressor (III) Roots blower 07 (b) Answer t e following (Any two) (I) Hydraulic accumulator (II) Hydroelectric power station (III) Define t e lift and drag co-efficient and derive t eir expressions. 07 *************

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