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Literature refers to written or spoken works
that express ideas, emotions, and stories
through language. It encompasses a wide
range of creative and intellectual works,
including novels, short stories, poems, plays,
essays, and more.
- Boris Pasternak
Literature often explores themes,
characters, and human experiences,
serving as a reflection of society and
• Cultural Understanding
• Enhanced Critical Thinking
• Empathy and Perspective-Taking
• Improved Communication Skills
• Literary Analysis Skills
Prose is a form of literature that uses Poetry is a genre of literature that uses
ordinary language and has a natural flow imaginative and often rhythmic language
of speech. It is distinguished from poetry, to express an idea, evoke emotion, or tell a
which uses a formal meter and rhyme. story. It is often used to convey complex
emotions and ideas in an accessible and
Prose typically consists of sentences and creative way.
paragraphs and is used for a variety of
genres, including novels, essays, short Poetry can take many different forms, from
stories, and newspaper articles. traditional rhyme schemes to free verse.
Fiction in literature is any Non-fiction in literature is a
story or novel that is created genre which encompasses
from the author's essays, biographies, memoirs,
imagination, as opposed to and other written works that
being based on facts or real are based on facts and real
events. events.
A novel is a work of long prose fiction, which is usually centered
around characters, events and settings. Novels usually have multiple
chapters, with a larger plot and focus on character development.

A short story is a work of fiction that is usually shorter in length

than a novel. Short stories often have less developed characters and
settings than longer works, but can still explore complex themes.
A fable is a short story, typically with animals as characters, that
teaches a moral lesson. Fables often have an element of humor and
are an enduring form of folk literature.

A parable is a short story or brief tale that is used to illustrate a

moral lesson or religious principle. It typically features characters
and events that are symbolic of larger truths or ideas.

A legend is a traditional story that has been passed down through

generations and is typically based on historical events. Legends
often include elements of mythology and folklore.
History is the study of past events, particularly human activity and
its impact on people and societies. It is a term that relates to past
events as well as interpretation of information about these events.

A news is a piece of information about a current event or situation.

It may be reported in a variety of media, including newspapers,
television, radio, and the Internet.

A biography is a detailed description or account of a person's life. It

includes facts and information about the person's childhood,
education, family, work, and death.
A diary is a personal record of experiences, thoughts, and/or
reflections kept regularly and often privately. It can be a physical
book or an electronic document.

An anecdote is a brief, often amusing story about a real incident or

person. Anecdotes are usually related as a way to support an
argument or point in a speech or essay.

An essay is a short piece of writing that focuses on a particular

topic or argument. Essays are used to express ideas, explain a point,
or discuss a topic in a structured and organized way.
Narrative poetry is a form of Lyric poetry is a type of Dramatic poetry is a type of
poetry that tells a story. It poetry that expresses poetry that is meant to be
usually follows a plot with personal emotions or performed in a play or
characters, a setting, and a thoughts. It often includes theatrical setting. It often
climax. rhyme and meter and can be includes elements of
sung as a song. dialogue, monologue, and
An epic is a long narrative poem that celebrates the deeds of a
legendary hero. It features a hero who represents the values of a
particular society, and who goes on an epic journey or quest.

A ballad is a type of song that tells a story and often has a repeated
chorus or refrain. Ballads typically have a slow, rhythmic structure
and use simple and emotional language.

A metric tale is a story told in verse, usually composed of stanzas or

lines of poetry. Metric tales are an ancient form of storytelling, often
used in traditional folklore, fables, and myths.
refers to a person of mixed Black and Asian (specifically East or
Southeast Asian) ancestry.

The term also can refer to modern descendants of aboriginal, mostly

uncontacted, Asian ethnic groups with direct genetic ties to ancient
first-wave migrants coming out of continental Africa.

Historically, Afro-Asian populations have been marginalized as a result

of human migration and social conflict. Much has not changed for many
within the global, present-day, Afro-Asian population.
Background Information: General concepts and
Theories, techniques and conventions on
• Afro-Asian literature often
explores the complex intersection
of African and Asian cultures. It
delves into the experiences of
individuals who belong to both
cultural backgrounds, highlighting
the blending of traditions,
languages, and customs.
Identity and
Many Afro-Asian literary works
focus on themes of identity,
displacement, and a sense of
belonging. Authors often grapple
with questions of self-identity in
multicultural societies and the
challenges of fitting into multiple
cultural contexts.
Oral Traditions and
Many Afro-Asian cultures have
strong oral storytelling traditions.
These traditions often influence
the narrative style and structure of
Afro-Asian literature, emphasizing
the power of storytelling to convey
cultural values and history.
Mythology and Folklore
Authors may draw on the
rich mythology and folklore
of both African and Asian
cultures to create unique and
captivating narratives that
connect to their cultural
Social and Political
Afro-Asian literary works often
serve as a platform for social and
political commentary. Authors
may critique issues such as
racism, discrimination, social
inequality, and political
oppression, drawing from their
unique perspectives.
Literary Theories
Formalism (New Criticism)
Reader-Response Criticism
Feminist Criticism
Marxist Criticism
Psychoanalytic Criticism
Historical Criticism
Postcolonial Criticism
Queer Theory

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