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Junior High School

What is this project about?

Data are vital in decision making. It makes an evaluation of a certain
program or decision more valid and reliable. Data are used as basis to identify
appropriate intervention to a certain problem particularly in schools, community
and other institutions. It also helps us in the process of interpreting and analysis of
certain condition.

This group project aims to collect, consolidate and tabulate data using
graphs for easy interpretation and analysis of facts.

This project will give me an idea on the importance of using data in a making
more objective and scientific interpretation, analysis, evaluation and decision.

What competencies should I develop in doing this project?

By doing this project, I will:

Learning Strand 3 (Mathematical and Problem Solving Skills)

 Collect and record data; LS3MP-SP-PSF-BL/LE/AE/JHS-1

 Organize information collected in a frequency distribution table;
 Identify the parts of a pictograph, bar graph and line graph; LS3MP-
 Translate data in a graph; LS3MP-SP-PSF-JHS-13

Learning Strand 6 (Digital Citizenship)

 Make use of the spreadsheet application to generate different

documents; LS6DC-DA/S-PSC- AE/JHS -28
 Employ good practices in using graphical objects in presentation;
 make use of presentation software to create a multimedia
presentation; LS6DC-DA/PS-PSCAE/JHS-91
 demonstrate how to save presentation software in various multimedia
presentation formats, e.g. ppt; LS6DC-DA/PS-PSC-AE/JHS-92
Learning Strand 1 (Communication Skills- English)

 Observe correct subject–verb agreement; LS1CS/EN-S-PSB-JHS-54

 Organize ideas in a written outline; LS1CS/EN-W-PSE-JHS-31

What is the expected output of this project?

Given a specific period of time, I am expected to make a powerpoint
presentation of the result of a group community mapping activity conducted using
graphs and tables.

What will I need in this project?

I will need to use the following in making this project;

 community mapping template

 frequency distribution table template
 list of questions to be asked during the community mapping
 orientation from the teacher on the conduct of community mapping
 permit to conduct mapping
 communication letter

How much will I need in doing this project?

Materials/Particulars Quantity Amount Total

Computer 50.00 50.00
rental/internet access
transportation ++ ++
Photocopy of different 20.00 20.00
TOTAL 70.00++

How long will I do this project?

The project will require me at least (4) weeks to complete.

What will I have to do in this project?

 Form a group of 5-8 members, (preferably members are residing

within the same barangay or purok/sitio).
 Attend an orientation on how the community mapping activity shall
be conducted. (your teacher will be the one to give the orientation)
 With the assistance of your teacher, secure a permit from your
respective barangay on the conduct of the community mapping
 Prepare your questionnaire, community mapping template and other
documents which will be required by your teacher prior to the
conduct of the activity.
 Coordinate with the barangay for assistance before the conduct of
house to house community mapping.
 Conduct community mapping activity. Collect data needed using the
prepared questionnaire and community mapping template.
 After the conduct of community mapping activity, consolidate all the
data gathered by all the members of the group.
 Use a frequency table in consolidation of data.
 Using a Microsoft excel, translate all the data gathered into a graph
(choose the most appropriate graph which you think will best
represent the data)
 Make a summary report of all the data gathered and graphs using
powerpoint presentation.
 Present my output in the class.
Work Plan (for EL and SL only)
Activities Timeframe Persons Involved Expected Output
Groupings 1 day Learner, teacher Formed group,
Orientation oriented on the
Preparation of 1 day Learner, teacher Questionnaire,
pertinent/needed mapping
documents template
Securing of permit 1 day Permit letter
from the barangay
Conduct of 3 weeks Filled out
community mapping
mapping template
Consolidation of 2 days Filled out
report frequency table
Translating data 1 day Hard copy of
into graph summary report
Making a Hard and
powerpoint softcopy of ppt
presentation presentation
Presentation of 1 day Documentation
group output report

How will this project be assessed?

This project will be assessed using the following criteria

 The quality of the information gathered and completeness of data

 Clarity of presentation
 Creativeness
 The quality and completeness of documentation

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Quality/ clarity Thorough Considerable Moderate Emerging Little

of understanding understanding Understanding understanding understanding
monstration of
the mastery of

Quality of ppt Makes excellent Makes good use Makes use of Use of effects Inappropriate
presentation/ and appropriate of effects, effects, graphics, graphics, effects use of effects
Attractiveness use of effects, graphics, and effects and and organization and graphics
graphics, and organization to organization to but these often
organization to enhance the enhance the distract from the
enhance the presentation. presentation. presentation
presentation. content.

Quality of the The presentation The The presentation The presentation The presentation
information was logically presentation was inadequately was poorly was poorly
gathered/ Clear arranged and was logically arranged and arranged and arranged and
organization provided arranged and provided some provided provided details
sufficient details. provided some details insufficient not connected
details. details with the topic
Note: This is just a suggested rubric. Teacher and learner can customize their own rubric.
What other evidences of learning do I need to provide?
___ Approved project proposal
___ Documentation (photos, attendance sheets)
___ Letter of Communication
___ Project Assessment Rubric
___ Reflection
Note: If the learner gets below satisfactory rating, he/she/they may revise the same project
following the inputs/suggestions of his/her/their teachers or make a new project depending
upon their agreement.

Prepared by:

Education Program Specialist II
NCR, SDO- Quezon City

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