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Unit 6 wordlist

words your language words

your language
amazing /@"meIzIN/ well-behaved /wel bI"heIvd/
awful /O;fl/ wonderful /W"wVnd@fl/
behaviour /bI"heIvj@(r)/
brilliant /"brIli@nt/ phrases your language
bully /"bUli/ after paying

decide /dI"saId/
don’t mind /d@Unt "maInd/ expect to see

dreadful /"dredfl/
enjoy /In"dZOI/ It sounds good.

enormous /I"nO;(r)m@s/
exhausted /Ig"zO;stId/ It’s great to …

expect /Ik"spekt/
fancy /"f&nsi/ kind enough to …

fantastic /f&n"t&stIk/
fight /faIt/ Oh no!

finish /"fInIS/
forget /"f@get/ Poor you!

friendly /"frendli/
furious /"fj@UrI@s/ Really?

helpful /"helpfl/
hope /h@Up/ thanks for coming

kind /kaInd/
mind /maInd/ Wow!

naughty /"nO;ti/
noisy /"nOIzi/ Write soon.

nosy /"n@Uzi/
polite /p@"laIt/ Yeah, I know.

responsible for /rIs"pQnsIbl f@/

rough /rVf/ You’re so kind.

rude /ru;d/
say /saI/
so /s@U/
such /sVtS/
surprising /s@"praIzIN/
swear /swe@/
take out /teIk "aUt/
tell /tel/
terrible /"terIbl/
terrified /"terIfaId/

Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2009

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