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1 1 Drive a car o In Spain 18is the minimum age to delve and if you want
drive a motorbike you can from the age of 16

get married is You can get married with 16 ifyouhave your parents permission When you
got18 you'll can decide by yourself if you want get married

go to prison isYoucan not go to prison if you are minor from the age of 18 you
perfectly go to prisión if you have enough reasons

join the army isThe minimum age is 18 when you have the enough mentality to decid
by yourself
voteDIt's18 but young people don't use to vote

2 1agree with almost all the legal age but ithinkthatget married at 16 is not a
good because people with this age are still teenagers

2 The text talk about the legal age to vote

3 1 d
2 a

4 in some quarters a subir algun porcectaje más

informed D desición reflexionada y con fundamentos
engagement D compromiso
acquire D adquirir
awarded D concedidos

5 Votingrights derecho a votar

political engagement compromiso político
informed decision desición reflexionada
lifelong habit
serious crime crimen serio

6 1 legal age u informed decision

a voting rights 5
3 g lifelong habit

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