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MODULE 2 – Introduction to Family-Focused Care

Name: Date:

Group No: Google Classroom Cluster No:



A 40-year-old female, Celia Santos, an online seller consulted due to weight loss, polyuria, and
She noted the symptoms 2 months before the consult after gaining weight 1 year ago.
She said that she did not consult when she experienced weight gain because everyone
seem to have it due to the pandemic. But she decided to consult because she is losing
weight unintentionally. She claims that she did not experience any other symptoms
except what she previously cited. She brought laboratory results from previous consult
that showed FBS 150mg/dl; HBAIC of 7%.
Physical examination: BP 130/80; HR: 78/min; weight: 50 kg; Height: 5’ 5”
The systemic examination is essentially normal
The patient is a single parent with 2 children. They are currently living with her parents.
She has no idea how to take care of her health because she considers it her last priority.
She needs to earn to support the needs of her kids.

(Continuation from Module 1)

Upon further history taking, you found out that both of the patient’s parents, Anton (70years
old) and Susan (65years old) have been married for 43 years and are both diabetic. With her 2
daughters Tina (9 years old) and Trixie (7 years old), Celia decided to move in to her parents’
house in Kamuning, Quezon City. They started living together ever since Celia got legally
separated from her husband of 12 years, Lino, who is 43 years old.

Celia has two siblings, Gina, 35 years old and Ralph, 33 years old. Both are working in the Hong
Kong as caregivers. Gina is hypertensive, ralph is obese.

Celia said that she is relatively close to her parents and daughters. She misses Gina who has
been working overseas in the last 8 years but it was Ralph who started to work there a year ago
who bothers her the most. She is worried about his situation there since they are very close. She
believes that it is still her responsibility as the eldest sibling to take care and protect her
youngest brother and that it still feels uncomfortable to think that Ralph is currently abroad.

According to Celia, she is sometimes satisfied that she can ask help from her family when
something is troubling her and on how her family talks to her. In terms of decision-making and
directions in life, she said that her family is very supportive, always. Especially now that diabetes
is quite evident in the family, Celia is also always satisfied with the way her family responds to
her emotions and share time together.

PAFP National Practice-Based Training in Family and Community Medicine

She claims to have more “peaceful” environment now unlike when she was still with Lino whom
she had frequent misunderstandings. She loves her daughters very much that’s why she
immediately consulted your clinic for proper treatment.

TASK 1: Create the Family Genogram

PAFP National Practice-Based Training in Family and Community Medicine

TASK 2: Identify

Family Structure of family of origin:

Family Life Cycle:

First Order Change (at least 1)

Second Order Changes (at least 1)

TASK 3: Interpret the Family Map

PAFP National Practice-Based Training in Family and Community Medicine

TASK 4: Interpret the SCREEM-RES

PAFP National Practice-Based Training in Family and Community Medicine

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